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主 语 非单三 谓 语 动词原形 动词词尾+s/es 否定句谓语形式 don’t+动词原形 一般疑问句形式 Do+主语+ 动词原形 Does+主语+动词原形 特殊疑问句形式 特殊疑问词+do+主语+动词原形 特殊疑问词+does+主语+动词原形 单三 一、选择 ( ) 1. I _________a nice pen. A. have B. has

doesn’t+动词原形 C. doesn’t has

( ) 2. She ________ some picture books. A. have B. has C. are ( ) 3. Li Ming’s mother _________ any eggs.

A. have B. don’t have C. doesn’t have

( ) 4. ________his father _______ milk for breakfast? A. Does…have B. Do…has C. Does…has ( ) 5. _________they_______ train tickets? A. Does…have B. Do…have A. have

C. Does…has

( ) 6. Mary _______a big bedroom.

B. don’t have C. doesn’t have

( ) 7. ________Jenny and Danny have two suitcases? Yes, they ________. A. Does…do B. Do…do C. Do…does ( ) 8. ________ her father________ two sisters? No. A. Do…has B. Does…has C. Does…have ( ) 9. The dog _______ some meat. A. has B. don’t have C. doesn’t has

( ) 10. The students of Class One ________a football. A. have B. don’t has C. doesn’t have ( ) 11. I ________to read English books. A. likes B. don’t likes C. like ( ) 12. They _______ to school on foot. A. go B. goes ( ) 13. He _______to play with his balls. A. likes B. doesn’t likes C. like ( ) 14. His father _________to work by bus.

A. don’t go B. doesn’t goes C. doesn’t go ( ) 15. Mrs. Li and Kitty _______in a big shop. A. don’t works B. don’t work C. doesn’t work ( ) 16. —_____ you ride a bike to school? —Yes, I ________.

A. Do…does B. Does…does ( ) 17. --______ your sister like PE? --No, she ______ not. A. Do…do

B. Does…does

C. Do…do

C. gos

C. Do…does

( ) 18. ________he _______to school every day? No. A. Does…go B. Do…go C. Does…goes ( ) 19. We _________our homework after school. A. does B. do C. dos ( ) 20. He ______ not speak English. He speaks Chinese. A. do B. does C. dos ( ) 21. ______ they watch TV on Sundays? Yes, they ______. A. Do…do

B. Does…does

C. Do…does

二、把下列肯定句变为否定句。 1. I have two pencils. 2. Bob has short, brown hair. 3. We play basketball in the park. 4. My uncle works in a store. 5. She wears a pair of glasses. 6. I like to play football. 7. My mother goes to work by bus. 8. They go for a walk in the evening. 9. Jenny and Danny live in Canada.

___________________________________________________. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

10. Mary and I like to have fun together. ___________________________________________________

二、把下列肯定句变为一般疑问句并作出肯定回答。 1. My father has a black car.

___________________________________________?______________________. 2. Beijing has shops and hotels.

___________________________________________?______________________. 3. Pandas live in China.

___________________________________________?______________________. 4. We do our homework together.

___________________________________________?______________________. 5. Australia has beautiful beaches.



1. He wants a new sweater.

___________________________________________?______________________. 2. I watch TV every day.

___________________________________________?______________________. 3. The boy has blue eyes.

___________________________________________?______________________. 4. We go on a trip to Beijing.

___________________________________________?______________________. 5. He has a pair of red shoes.


