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口 译 材 料

Lecture 1: 基本语言技巧 对译


1. 美国是最发达的资本主义国家,中国是最大的发展中国家。

The United States is the most developed country and China is the largest developing country. 2. 中华民族是由五十六个民族组成的大家庭。

The Chinese nation is a big family composed of 56 ethnic groups. 3. 新中国的成立,标志着中华民族实现了空前的大团结。

The founding of the People’s Republic of China marked an unprecedented great unity of the Chinese nation.

对译:除了添加一些语法词(a, the, and)外,英语的句子结构与汉语相比没有做任何变化,只是将汉语词汇变为英语词汇,必要时将词或者短语的顺序做了调整,这种不改变原文结构,仅在必要时调整语序的翻译方法,我们称之为“对译”。

对译要求译者具有四个方面的基本功:1. 词汇;2. 短语;3. 句子;4. 语法。 意思表达的基础:意群;句子结构的基础:短语



1. 中国是一个正在崛起的大国。

2. 他现在在美国,不能参加今天的会议。

3. 我们的目标是到下个世纪中叶赶上中等发达国家的发展水平。




中国学生 Chinese students 共同利益 the common interest 20周年纪念 the 20th anniversary 相互信任 mutual trust 发展战略 the development strategy 国与国之间的关系state-to-state relation 动力 a driving force

这座美国古老而又现代化的学府 this ancient yet modernized institution of the United States

练习2: 留学生 共同战略利益 共同繁荣 相互尊重 中美关系




两国经济的繁荣 the prosperity of our two countries

本世纪末中美关系中的大事 a big event in the Sino-US relations at the end of the century 在人权、贸易等领域的分歧 the disputes in human rights and trade areas

接受中国留学生的美国大学 the American universities to accept Chinese students. 发展国与国之间关系的基础 the basis for developing state-to-state relations 从现实出发得出的结论 a conclusion drawn from the reality


the population that the United States supports.

The population that is supported by the United States. The population supported by the United States.


双边关系的发展 计算方法的差异

推动中美关系发展的动力 中国内战遗留下来的问题

一些很少说中国好话的美国议员 . 旅游业提供的就业机会



明显增加 to increase visibly 增进了解 enhance mutual understanding 稳步增长 to grow steadily 发展合作 develop cooperation 扩大出口 expand the export 共创未来 jointly build the future 把两国连结到了一起 to link together the two countries



极大的增进了两国和两国人民的相互了解 扩大美国对华出口 积极发展双边合作



英语中的形容词短语、副词短语一般都比较简单。 对我们的工作相当有利 quite favorable to our work 很难让人理解 difficult for people to understand

对两国和世界都很重要 important to the two countries and the world 非常迅速地very quickly

必然地 inevitably/ necessarily/naturally



英语中介词的使用远要比汉语灵活,英翻汉时,要特别注意介词的活用。 在这金秋时节 in this golden fall 哈佛大学的 of Harvard University

在双方的共同努力下 with concerted efforts of the two sides 在…… 的背景下 under the background of 在…… 的基础上 on the basis of

到这座美国古老而又现代化的学府 to this ancient yet modernized institution of the United States.

第一批接受中国留学生的美国大学之一 among the first American universities to accept Chinese students.

不盲目照搬别国的模式 without blindly copying other countries’ models.


在经济全球化的背景下 在多方的共同努力下 以积极的态度 一年来




Lecture 2: 基本翻译技巧 对译(2)



1. 主语+系动词+b表语 (A is B)

2. 主语+及物动词+宾语 (A does B) 3. 主语+不及物动词 (A leaves)

4. 主语+及物动词+ 双宾语( A gives B something) 5. 主语+及物动词+复合宾语 (A tells B to do sth)



1. 哈佛是最早接受中国留学生的美国大学之一。

Harvard is among the first American universities to accept Chinese students. 2. 相互了解是发展国与国之间关系的基础。

Mutual understanding is the basis for the development of state-to-state relations. 3. 当前人与自然的关系是人们热烈讨论的一个话题。

At present the relationship between man and nature is a heatedly-discussed topic of general interest.

4. 现代旅游业是一个国家国民经济的重要组成部分。

Modern tourist industry is an important component of the national economy of a country.

练习 1

1. 旅游业是一个新兴的产业,正在中国及全世界蓬勃发展。 2. 农村的贫困和饥饿是我们改革的起因和动力。


1. 哈佛建校三百六十年来,培养出许多杰出的政治家、科学家、文学家和企业家。

Since its foundation some 360 years ago, Harvard has nurtured a great number of outstanding political leaders, scientists, writers and businessmen. 2. 中国进入了百年来发展最快最好的历史时期。

China has entered a period with the fastest and healthiest development in the past one hundred years.

3. 中国和美国在许多重大问题上有着广泛的共同利益,肩负着共同的责任。

China and the United States have broad common interests and shoulder common responsibility on many important issues.

4. 教育在我们国家的现代化事业中起着极为重要的作用。

Education plays a very important role in the cause of the modernization of our country.


1. 学校必须为学生营造良好的生活和学习环境。 2. 科技大大的改善了人民的生活。



1. 近年来,中国的教育飞速发展。

In recent years, education in China has been developing by leaps and bounds. 2. 1847年,中国最早的一批留美学生容闳等人赴美求学。

In 1847, Chinese student Rong Hong and others came to the United States as the first group of Chinese students to study here.

3. 经过全民族的百年抗争,中国又以巨人的姿态重新站起来了。

After a hundred years’ struggle, China has stood up again as a giant. 4. “神州”五号航天飞船在内蒙古草原顺利着陆。

The Shenzhou V spaceship landed smoothly on the grassland of Inner Mongolia.


1. 中国要独立发展,不能盲目照搬别国的模式。

2. 随着投资的增长,大公司之间的内部贸易必然增加。

主语+及物动词+ 双宾语 主语+及物动词+复合宾语

1. 这次访问使我有极好的机会来访问老朋友、结识新朋友。

This visit gives me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and make new friends. 2. 正是这项长期计划使得我们公司成为亚洲第三大公司。

It is this long-term plan that has made our company the third largest in Asia. 3. 我很高兴,我们成功的达成了交易。

I’m glad we’ve brought this transaction to successful conclusion. 4. 我们鼓励外商来华兴办工厂、企业。

We encourage foreign businessmen to come to China to set up factories and enterprises.


1. 我们欢迎外国专家来华工作,帮助我们搞建设。 2. 这样做能使学生更加适应他们今后的事业。


英汉两种语言的句子成分总体上都包括主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、宾补等,但在各成分的安排上有所不同。此外,英语的各成分由什么词或者短语来充当,在英语中有严格的规律,不能违背,这点和汉语有很大的不同。担当句子各成分的词和短语如下: 主语:由名词性质的词或者短语充当

谓语动词:带有人称、数、时态、语态等变化的动词 宾语:由名词性质的词或者短语充当 表语:分两类。一类由形容词性质的词或者短语充当,另一类由名词性质的词或者短语充当。 宾补:由名词、动词的某种形式或者形容词性质的词来充当 状语:副词性质的词或者短语




形容词性的词或者短语包括:形容词、过去分词、现在分词、介词短语、形容词性从句等 副词性质的词或者短语包括:副词、介词短语、动词的-ing 形式、副词性从句 名词性从句包括:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句 形容词性从句包括:定语从句

副词性从句包括:时间、地点、原因、结果、方式、条件等状语从句 下面举例说明:

1. 日前,中国驻美大使李肇星在使馆接受了记者的专访。

Recently, Mr. Li Zhaoxing, China’s ambassador to the United States, accepted the exclusive interview of our correspondent at the embassy.

2. 明年1月1日是中美正式建立外交关系20周年纪念日。

January 1st next year is the 20th anniversary of the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.

3. 在双方的共同努力下,两国经贸合作取得了长足进展。

With the joint efforts of the two sides, the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries have achieved substantial progress. 4. 它稳定了两国一度受挫的关系。

It helped stabilize the relationship once frustrated.


1. 把它们连结在一起的是共同利益。

2. 为两国关系的长期稳定发展确立了框架。


Lecture 3 基本翻译技巧(3)变通


1. 直到15世纪以前,中国的科学技术在世界上保持了其千年的领先地位。

a) China’s science and technology had been in a leading position in the world for one

thousand years until the 15th century.

b) China had been a world leader in science and technology for one thousand years until

the 15th century.

c) China had been leading the world in science and technology for one thousand years until

the 15th century.


a) 直到15世纪的一千年里,中国的科学技术一直在世界上处于领先地位。 b) 直到15世纪的一千年里,中国一直是世界上科学技术的领导者。 c) 直到15世纪的一千年里,中国在科学技术方面一直领导世界。

2. 中美两国人民的友好交往,已有200多年的历史。

a) The friendly exchanges between the Chinese and American peoples enjoy a history of

more than two hundred years.

b) The friendly exchanges between the Chinese and American peoples started more than

two hundred years ago.

c) The Chinese and American peoples started friendly exchanges more than two hundred

years ago.

d) The Chinese and American peoples have enjoyed a history of friendly exchanges for

more than two hundred years.


1972年尼克松总统访华 President Nixon visited China in 1972→

a) for President Nixon to visit China in 1972 b) President Nixon’s visiting China in 1972 c) President Nixon’s visit to China in 1972 d) The 1972 visit by President Nixon to China

1. 东南亚经济恢复稳定 South East Asia’s economy recovers

2. 放松对华技术出口的控制 relax its control over the export of technology to China

3. 把中美两个情况不同的大国连结到一起 link together the two countries with different situations 4. 在一些不同的领域奉行不同的政策 pursue different policies in some areas




一.改造原文结构 (一)以主语定谓语 翻译时不用原来的主语,而是从原文的主语或谓语部分摘取某个词语作新的主语,并以此为根据重新确定谓语动词,组织句子。

1. 民族地区的经济社会获得不断的发展。

a) The economy and society of the ethnic minority areas have been developed


b) The minority concentrated regions have witnessed/undergone/experienced continued

economic and social development.

c) Continued economic and social development has been achieved/attained in the minority

concentrated areas.

2. 中国的潜在市场同国外的先进技术和资金优势结合起来,就能形成众多的发展机遇和强


a) China’s potential market, once combined with foreign advanced technology and capital,

will produce many opportunities and great vigor for development.

b) Once China’s potential market is combined with foreign advanced technology and

capital, it will produce many opportunities and great vigor for development.

c) The combination of China’s potential market with foreign advanced technology and

capital, will create/produce/generate many opportunities and great vigor for development.

3. 我看美国外交看到了很多混乱的情况和前后矛盾的情况。

a) The American foreign policies as I see are chaotic and not constant. b) I see a lot of confusions and conflicts in American foreign policies. c) The American foreign policies have a lot of confusions and conflicts.

4. 我们可以看到美国的外交和对待中国的态度比过去的意识形态考虑要少一些。

a) We can see the US diplomacy and its attitude to China is no longer solely based on


b) We can see the US considers less ideological factors when deciding its policies and

attitudes to China.

c) We can see ideology is less of a concern in America’s policies and attitudes towards


5. 外交政策和国内政策的界限越来越不明显了。

a) The distinction between foreign policies and domestic policies has become less and less


b) Foreign policies and domestic policies are getting closer to each other.

c) It’s getting more and more difficult to tell the difference between foreign policies and

domestic policies. 练习2

1. 我今天准备的题目是美国的外交政策对中美关系的影响。

2. 扫除了这些障碍,中美关系就可以更好的发展,可以给双方带来更大的经济利益。 3. 问题是香港和台湾对美国的依赖程度减少了。





1. 在各民族之间建立了平等、团结、互助的新型关系。

a) We have established a new type of relationship characterized by equality, solidarity and

mutual assistance between different ethnic groups.

b) A new type of relationship of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance between

different ethic groups has been established.

2. 中国历史上产生了许多杰出的哲学家、思想家、政治家、军事家、科学家和文学艺术家。

a) China produced in its history many outstanding philosophers, thinkers, statesmen,

strategists, scientists, writers and artists.

b) Many outstanding philosophers, thinkers, statesmen, strategists, writers were produced

in Chinese history.

3. 总起来说,就是要把中国建成富强民主文明的现代化国家。

a) In a word, we are to build China into a prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally

advanced modern country.

b) In a word, it is to build China into a prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally

advanced modern country.

4. 那么就出现了大陆和美国之间产生了贸易的不平衡。

a) Here comes the trade imbalance between mainland areas of China and the United States. b) That’s why trade imbalance appears between the mainland areas of China and the

United States.


1. 而要做到这一点就是需要相互了解。 2. 在我的研究中碰到一个很能说明问题的例子。

3. 如果按照美方的统计,增加得更快。



1. 我们进行改革开放的方向是正确的,信念是坚定的,步骤是稳妥的,方式是渐进的,取



The direction of our reform and opening up is right, our conviction is firm, our steps are steady, our approach is gradual and our achievements are huge. 因此翻译时我们统一主语为we,译文工整,更符合英语习惯:

We are right in direction, firm in conviction, steady in our steps, and gradual in our approach when carrying out the reform and opening up and have achieved tremendous success.

2. 总的来说,我们的产品在国际上销路很好,质量也是符合国家标准的,可以卖到其他国


On the whole, our products sell well on the world market. They meet international quality standards and can fetch prices on a par with comparable goods from other countries. 3. 中美的发展水平、资源结构存在很大差异,在劳动、资本、技术等方面具有各自的优势。

China and the United States are vastly different in the level of development and structure of resources, and they have their respective advantages in labor, capital and technology. 4. 中国幅员辽阔,自然资源丰富,廉价劳动力充裕,消费者市场不断增长。

China has massive land, abundant natural resources, huge cheap labor, and a growing


consumer market. 练习4

1. 我们的生活水平跟美国有很大的差距,我们希望能够过好一点的生活。 2. 我研究了世界经济史,我们过去的工业化是牺牲农民利益的。



1. 我们的先人历来把独立自主视为立国之本。

Our ancestors always regarded the spirit of maintaining independence as the foundation of a nation.

2. 中国人民一向钦佩美国人民的求实精神和创新精神。

The Chinese people have always admired the American people for their pragmatic attitude and creative spirit.

3. 中国教育界、科学界、文化界一直同哈佛大学保持着学术交流。

The Chinese educational, scientific and cultural communities have all along maintained academic exchange with Harvard University.

4. 所有这些,为巩固国家统一奠定了坚实的政治基础。

All these have laid a solid political foundation for consolidated national unity. 练习5

1. 哈佛大学一向重视对中国的研究。(attach importance to / place importance on)

2. 哈佛为增进中美两国人民的相互了解做出了有益的贡献。(make contribution to)


将有内在联系的句子、短语等用连词、从句、不定式、分词、介词等连接,显化内部关系。 1. 我们应该相互尊重,相互学习,取长补短,共同进步。

We should respect and learn from each other and draw upon other’s strong points to offset one’s one deficiencies for achieving common progress.

2. 这里,我想就以下一些方面谈些看法,希望有助于诸位对中国的了解。

Here, I would like to make the following observations which I hope will help you to know China better.

3. 中国是一个有着五千年文明历史的国家, 从历史文化来了解和认识中国, 是一个重要


China is a country with 5,000 years of civilization. Therefore, it is important to approach China from a historical and cultural perspective. 4. 中国拥有广大的市场和发展需求,美国拥有先进的科学技术和巨大的物质力量,两国之


China holds a huge market and great demand for development and the United States holds advanced science and technology as well as enormous material force. The economies of the two countries are therefore highly complementary to each other.


1. 坚持改革,理想就会变成现实。

2. 我们的社会出了问题,它怂恿了暴力和犯罪。


Lecture 4 基本翻译技巧(4)变通

(六) 句子与短语之间的互换


1. 从秦代到清末的2100多年间,哈雷彗星出现27次,中国都有记录。

a) In the 2,100 years from the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty (221BC—1911),

Halley comet appeared 27times and they were all recorded in China.

b) In the 2,100 years from the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty (221BC—1911), the

27 appearances of Halley Comet were all recorded in China.

2. 这反映了自古以来中国人民希望天下太平、同各国人民友好相处。

a) This reflects that the Chinese people aspire for a peaceful world where people of all

countries live in harmony.

b) This reflects the aspiration of the Chinese people for a peaceful world where people of

all countries live in harmony.

c) This is a reflection of the aspiration of the Chinese people for a peaceful world where

people of all countries live in harmony.

3. 如果民工潮不加以疏导的话,也会造成一些社会问题,造成混乱。

a) If we fail to manage the rural-urban migration, some social problems and chaos will


b) Failure to manage the rural-urban migration will create some social problems and chaos. 4. 农业问题如果国家不去领导,国家不去计划,国家不去干预,是永远也解决不了的。


Agricultural issues will never be solved without the leadership, the planning, or the intervention of the government. 练习1

1. 这标志着中美关系进入了一个新的发展阶段。

(七) 省略重复与近义词合并


1. 为了推动中美关系的发展,中国需要进一步了解美国,美国也需要进一步了解中国。

To promote the development of Sino-US relations, China needs to know the United States better and vice versa.

2. 中国人民珍惜同各国人民的友谊和合作,也珍惜自己经过长期奋斗而得来的独立自主的


The Chinese people cherish its friendship and cooperation with other peoples, as well as their right to independence they have won through protracted struggles.

汉语中经常出现并列的近义词,难以找到类似的英语近义词,这时可以将近义词合并译出: 3. 既符合中国人民的根本利益,又有利于世界的和平、稳定、繁荣与进步。

They serve not only the fundamental interests of the Chinese people, but also world peace, stability, prosperity and progress.

4. 这表明中国古人就已认识到事物的发展变化是无限的,也说明我们先人对自然界的认识



It shows that the ancient Chinese realized the endless process of changes of matters and had a fairly good understanding of the nature.


1. 每个国家、每个民族都有自己的历史文化传统,都有自己的长处和优势。 2. 掌握这一点,是了解和认识中国现状与未来的关键。

(八) 分而译之


1. 十二亿人口的中国保持稳定和加快发展, 对促进亚太地区和世界的稳定和发展,具有极


China is a country with 1.2 billion people. Its stability and rapid development are of vital importance to the stability and development in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large. 2. 哈佛已故的费正清教授,就是毕生从事中国历史文化研究的知名学者。

The late Professor Fairbank was a well-known scholar from Harvard. He devoted all his life to the study of Chinese history and culture. 3. 所以我在发言中提出这个问题,并不是想急于要求去解决,而是要经过长时间的调整来


So I don’t raise this question to demand a quick solution. Rather, we should adapt ourselves to the changing situation through long term adjustment.

(九) 文言、成语译为白话

1. 中国的医药学在世界上独树一帜。

The Chinese medicine is a unique school of its own. 2. 中国人早就懂得兼取众长,以为己善的道理。

Since old times, the Chinese people have come to know the importance of drawing widely upon others’ strong points to improve oneself.

3. 中国古代文明的发展,是中华民族艰苦奋斗、自强不息的结果。(p84)

The fruits of China’s ancient civilization were brought about by the tireless efforts and hard work of the Chinese nation.

4. 早在公元前2500年,中国人就开始了仰观天文、俯察地理的活动,逐渐形成了“天人


As early as 2,500 BC, Chinese began astronomical observation and geographical survey, and gradually formed a world outlook of an integration of the universe and humanity.


1. 久仰! 久仰!

2. 古为今用,洋为中用



1. 现在美国的一个农民,我到你们农场去看,一个农民,就是你们的所谓的农场主啦,farmer



I have visited your farm. Now one farmer in the United States can produce grain for 129 people.

2. 有一部分人就业了,他就有钱了,他就要花钱了。花钱,更多的人就有工作了, 更多


When someone becomes employed, he will make money and purchase. This will require more production and more people will be employed, and the process goes on and on. This is called employment creates employment.

3. 所以有些地方官员确实不重视农业,确实是口号农业,口头讲得很响亮,实际并不那么


Therefore some local officials really do not pay much attention to agriculture. They chant slogans and never do anything about it. In fact, they are undermining agriculture. 练习4

1. 怀特先生,怀特太太,别客气,随便吃。

2. 民工出来,他的观念就发生变化。今天出来的民工被称为第二代民工,跟八十年代初是



Unit 1 Protocol Routine

? 词汇

国际机场 International airport 机场大楼 terminal building 候机大厅 waiting hall

登机卡boarding ticket / pass 安全检查security check

海关工作人员customs officer 海关规定/条例/手续

customs requirements / regulations/procedure 通过海关检查to go through the customs 办理海关例行手续

to go through custom formalities 报关to make a customs declaration 应纳税物品dutiable goods / articles 往返票round-trip ticket / return ticket 出租车候车处taxi stand / rank 随身携带行李carry-on baggage 行李提取处baggage /luggage claim

行李寄存处baggage / luggage depository 接待to receive / host

接待单位the host organization

接待人员reception personnel 在旅馆下榻to stay at a hotel

受到友好接待to be cordially received 旅馆登记表hotel registration form 招待客人to entertain guests

设宴洗尘to give a banquet in sb’s honor 感谢热情款待

to thank you for your kind hospitality 招待所guest house

外事办公室foreign affairs office 活动日程itinerary of the visit

初步拟定的活动日程tentative itinerary 活动安排schedule

紧凑的活动安排busy / tight schedule 精心的安排thoughtful schedule 详细介绍活动安排

to give a detailed account of the schedule 期待已久的long-expected 亲自接待to meet in person 专程赶来to come all the way

? 单句

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A. 汉译英



您专程从美国赶来参加这次会议,我代表我们公司对您表示热烈的欢迎。 对您短暂的访问,我们为您安排的日程很紧,希望您不介意。 这次访问很愉快,也很有收获。我们期待着和你们有更多的合作。 真遗憾你们这么快就要走了。祝你们一路顺风,后会有期!

B. 英译汉

It is my honor to head this group to visit China.

It was a wonderful flight with excellent service from the airline.

The forum will invite the Director of the International Economy and Trade Section to make the keynote speech.

Talks between the two delegations are scheduled this afternoon and perspective collaboration areas will be explored.

We are very appreciative that you have brought us your valuable experience in human resource management.

We are very grateful for the considerate services you’ve provided us during our stay here.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

We have had a very pleasant stay.

? 篇章

A. 汉译英

女士们,先生们,早上好! 时间过得真快,为期一周得技术交流今天就要全部结束了。这七天里我们不但进行了技术上的交流,而且加深了彼此得友谊。相信我们双方都认为这是难忘得一周。


明天一早你们就要走了。如果你们还有什么需要我们帮忙的话,请不要客气,尽管跟我们说,我们会尽一切努力帮你们解决的。我们了解到你们还需要买些中国的纪念品带回去赠给亲朋好友,所以我们已经安排了司机和车,晚上带你们去王府井大街购物。那里有许多中华老字号商店,还有“老北京一条街”,以及现代化的商场。相信大家能买到满意的礼物。车子定于晚上7点钟在饭店门口出发,请大家准时上车。到王府井购物之后,回到去时下车的地方等车就可以了。我们的车晚上10点会到那里把你们接回酒店。祝大家购物愉快。 在这里我还要预祝各位明天一路顺风!朋友们,希望你们有机会再来北京!我们永远欢迎你们!

B. 英译汉

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,

Fist of all, thank you for faxing the itinerary to our marketing assistant. You have thought of almost everything. However, there are several things on the itinerary I’d like to talk to you about. We have several requests to make. I hope they won’t cause you any trouble.

On the second afternoon, we hope to meet your technical people, and have a discussion with them. We’d like to show them a DVD about the different types of machines and their features. It will be easier to understand than just looking at the literature. Our sales manager Tom Robinson will personally give you a presentation. We’d appreciate your having a DVD player ready. After the show, we will leave the disk wit you in case other technical people want to watch it. It will be handy for your future lessons.

You’ve arranged a half-day training in the third day. I am not sure how many of your technical people will attend. We need to know the number in advance so that we can decide on how many trainers we will need that morning. We also wonder if you can extend the training time to a whole day because, according to our experience, it usually takes that long, if the trainees are expected to understand and master how to operate the machine, Since the afternoon of the third day is free, we’d also like to devote it to training. We, like you, hope to get the best results.

Oh, I almost forgot. There’s another two-hour gap between the mayor’s reception and our meeting with the Director of the Economic Commission on the last day. We’d like to fill the two hours with some constructive, perhaps a visit to a machine parts market. We hope to have a better


understanding of the prices and quality of the available machine parts on the Chinese market. We plan to import some machine parts from China in the future. We won’t insist on that as we realize this is kind of short notice. But if it is not too difficult to arrange, we’d appreciate the opportunity very much.



A. 汉译英

1. May I introduce you to our manager, Mr. Zhang? He has come to meet you.

2. Our manager, Mr. He sends his greeting to you, but regrets that he is not able to come to meet

you personally.

3. On behalf of my company, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to you who have come all the

way from the United States to this conference.

4. We have a tight schedule for your short visit. I hope you don’t mind.

5. This visit has proven to be both enjoyable and fruitful. We are looking forward to further

cooperation with you.

6. I’m sorry you are leaving now. Bon Voyage! We hope to see you again sometime in the

future. B. 英译汉

1. 带领这个代表团来中国是我地荣幸。

2. 一路上都很顺利,航空公司提供了特别周到地服务。 3. 这次论坛将邀请对外经济贸易司司长作基调演讲。

4. 这两个代表团定于今天下午举行会谈,探讨未来的合作领域。

5. 您给我们带来了您在人力资源管理上的宝贵经验,我们对您表示衷心的感谢。 6. 感谢你们在这段时间为我们提供了周到的服务,我们在这过得很愉快。


A. 汉译英

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

Time passes quickly. The week-long technology exchange is ending today. During the past seven days, we shared information about technology and enhanced our cooperation. I believe we all feel this week has been an unforgettable one.

The exchange between us began with the visit of the business delegation from your country three years ago. Over this period of time, we have cooperated with a dozen companies from your country on a lot of projects, all of which have been successful. This week’s technology exchange has turned out to be very fruitful. We have signed contracts on 15 different technology partnerships, discussed the problems we have encountered in our cooperation, set the direction for new areas of cooperation, and signed three memorandums. We are very pleased with this exchange.


You are leaving tomorrow. If there is anything that we can assist with, please tell us and we will try our best to help. We have learned that you still need to shop for souvenirs to take to your friends and relatives. There you will find several of China’s time-honored stores, ―Old Beijing Street‖, and a number of modern shopping centers. I believe you can find the gifts you want there. The coach will depart from the entrance of this hotel at 7 o’clock this evening. Please be on time. After you finish shopping at Wangfujing Street, return to the same location where you are dropped off. The coach will arrive at 10 p.m. to pick you up. I hope you will enjoy your shopping. I would also like to wish you ―bon voyage‖ tomorrow! Do come to China again if you have an opportunity, friends! You are most welcome.

B. 英译汉


首先,感谢你们把日程安排传真给我们的市场助理。你们考虑得很周全。不过,有几件关于日程的事我要和你们谈一下。我们有一些要求要提,希望不会给你们带来麻烦。 我们希望在的二天下午和你们的技术人员会面,并和他们开个讨论会。我们想给他们播放一个关于各种机器及其特性的DVD。因为这样比文字说明更易懂。我们的销售经理,汤姆洛宾逊先生,还要亲自给你们做演示。如果你们能准备好一台DVD机,我们将不胜感激。看完之后,我们会把DVD 留下,这样其他的技术人员想看的话就可以看了。而且也能为你们以后做培训提供方便。




Unit 2 Toasts and Speeches

? 词汇

贵宾distinguished guests

尊敬的领导honorable/respected leaders 阁下 Your /His/ Her Excellency 陛下Your /His /Her Majesty

殿下 Your Highness/ Your Royal Highness 商界的朋友们friends from the business community

开幕式/闭幕式opening/ closing ceremony 宣布开幕to declare…open / to declare the commencement of ..

致开幕词to deliver an opening speech / to make an opening address

致闭幕词to declare the closing of…/ to declare the conclusion of..

深感荣幸to feel greatly honored

承蒙盛情邀请at the gracious invitation of 值此… on the occasion of

借此机会 to take advantage of this opportunity

代表…on behalf of

发表热情洋溢的欢迎词 to make gracious

speech of welcome

以…. 的名义 in the name of

向…表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢to extend a warm welcome and heart-felt thanks to

请接受我们诚挚的谢意please accept our sincere thanks for …

转达最诚挚的问候 to convey the most gracious greetings

提议祝酒 propose a toast to…

共同举杯 to join us in a toast/in raising our glass to …

为友谊干杯 to propose a toast to our friendship

为大家的健康干杯 to propose a toast to the health of everybody 干杯 Cheers!

答谢祝酒 to reply to a toast

? 单句

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. 汉译英

尊敬的各位领导、贵宾,女士们、先生们,非常感谢大家出席今晚的宴会。 总裁先生、各位贵宾、女士们、先生们,今晚为合资公司的成立祝酒,我感到非常荣幸。 我代表我的夫人和全体成员,对你们给予我们的盛情款待,表示深切的感谢。 预祝本次研讨会圆满成功。祝各位教授、学者身体健康,万事如意!干杯! 现在请大家站起来和我一起举杯,为怀特先生,为我们的合作和友谊,干杯! B. 英译汉

1. Dr. Smith, ladies and gentlemen, it’s a great pleasure for me to welcome you to this dinner. 2. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining me here today to honor excellence and talk

about the years ahead.

3. I’m certain that this conference will prove to constructive and significant in promoting the

prosperous development of China’s economy.

4. Mr. President, I warmly congratulate Huaxin Company on another year of achievement. I

wish you continued outstanding success in the future.

5. May I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to the success of our



? 篇章

A. 汉译英


首届中国汽车国际博览会暨技术交流会(the first China International Automobile Exhibition & Technical Exchange),已经在今天上午隆重开幕。今晚,我们在这里欢聚一堂,热烈庆祝博览会有一个良好的开端。

这次博览会受到了科技部(Ministry of Science and Technology)领导的大力支持, 没有他们的支持就没有今天博览会的开幕。请允许我代表组委会借此机会向科技部的领导表示感谢。同时也感谢来自15个国家和地区的45家著名企业和60家国内厂商的踊跃参展,以及中国国际贸易中心(China World Trade Center)的友好合作。

B. 英译汉

Chairman Li, ladies and gentlemen,

On behalf of all my team members, I’d like to express our sincere thanks to our hosts for the magnificent arrangements you have made for us. Our stay here has been very pleasant.

China is developing very fast and becoming more and more attractive for business. More and more international business meetings and exhibitions have been or are to be held here and more and more people are planning a tour to China. This convinces us that the hospitality industry in China has a prosperous future. That’s why we’re considering investing in the hospitality industry here.

We have long heard that your hotel group is among the best in China. Now we see with our own eyes how good you are at hotel management. We are deeply impressed by the clean and comfortable rooms, delicious food, and your friendly and efficient staff. We are sure we have come to this right place to seek cooperation in the hospitality industry.

I would once again like to point out the importance of our cooperation. You are one of the most competitive hotel groups in China and we are a leading worldwide hotel investment group. We worked together 3 years ago, and the results were positive and consistently produced excellent returns. So far, our new round of negotiations has been inspiring. I am confident we will have welcome results soon. So, I would like to propose a toast to the success of our cooperation.



A. 汉译英

1. Honorable leaders, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, I’m very grateful to you all

for your presence at this banquet tonight.

2. Mr. President, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, it’s a great privilege this evening

for me to propose a toast to the establishment of our joint venture.


3. On behalf of my wife and our delegation, I’d like to extend our deep appreciation to you for

your hospitality.

4. I wish this seminar a complete success! I wish all the professors and scholars good health and

all the best! Cheers!

5. Now, please rise and join me in a toast to Mr. White and to our cooperation and friendship! B. 英译汉

1. 史密斯博士、女士们、先生们,我感到非常荣幸欢迎大家出席今晚的宴会。 2. 女士们、先生们,谢谢大家参加我们今天的先进表彰大会并畅谈未来。

3. 我相信这次大会对于促进中国经济的蓬勃发展具有积极的作用和深远的意义。

4. 总裁先生,对华新公司又一年取得好的成绩,我表示热烈祝贺,并祝贵公司将来取得更


5. 请大家和我一起举杯为我们的谈判成功干杯!


A. 汉译英

Leaders, guests, ladies and gentlemen,

The first China International Automobile Exhibition & Technical Exchange has opened this morning. This evening we are gathering here to celebrate a good beginning.

This exhibition received great support from the leaders of the Ministry of Science and Technology without which it would have been impossible. Please allow me now, on behalf of the organizing committee, to extend our gratitude to the leaders of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Also, we wish to thank the 45 overseas exhibitors and guests from 15 countries and regions, the 60 domestic exhibitors and guests for your active participation in this exhibition, and the China World Trade Center for its friendly cooperation. B. 英译汉







Unit 3 Enterprise Introduction

? 词汇

宣传publicize / propagate

宣传手册booklet /pamphlet / brochure 简介a brief introduction to

公司概况an overview of a company 合资公司a joint venture

外资公司foreign-funded company 独资公司solely-funded company 跨国公司multinational corporation

跨行业集团公司a cross-trade group corporation

国有企业 state-owned enterprise 私有企业private enterprise

国有控股企业 state-holding enterprise

出口创汇型企业exported-oriented enterprise 股份公司share-holding company 控股公司holding company 有限责任公司Co. Ltd 上市公司listed company 母公司parent company

子公司subsidiary /subsidiary company 总部headquarter/ head office 分公司 branch

信誉好的公司well-established company 经过认证的 certified 经过注册的registered 经过授权的 authorized 分销商distributor

注册资本 registered assets

固定资产fixed assets

资金流动率 liquidity ratio 资产负债率 liability rate 公司形象company image 公司目标company objective 规模经营scale operation

经营范围business scope/range, line of business

经营多样化business diversification 经营决策business decision

经营管理management and administration 公司市场需求量company’s market potential 市场营销策略marketing strategies 稳定的消费群a stable consumer group

最好的性价比the best price versus performance ratio

融工贸于一体to integrate manufacturing and trading

国际最新专利技术the world’s latest patented technology

灵活多样的经营方式flexible and varied business operations


传统文化与世界潮流的完美结合a fine combination of the traditional culture with the world’s fads

古朴典雅elegant with classic simplicity

? 单句

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. 汉译英

本公司是上海市政府指定的唯一的一家国外教材分销商。 红星公司在2004年8月通过ISO9002国际质量体系认证。


本公司至今已在天津、上海、厦门等地建立了十余家独资公司和合资公司,总投资额 8,000万美元。


B. 英译汉

1. The long-established partnership between us has developed into a win-win situation.

2. Through arduous efforts, Beijing Strength Corporation has dramatically expanded its



3. All the products are manufactured and quality-assured with advanced equipment imported

from the US.

4. BY honoring contracts and maintaining commercial integrity, Huanyu Corporation has

achieved credibility and a good reputation.

5. The novel designs and easy operation have made Sky Company famous in a short time.

? 篇章

A. 汉译英




B. 英译汉

Beijing Lufthansa Center is a fully integrated business complex with serviced apartments, grade A offices and showrooms. The Kempinski Hotel is nestled in the heart of the Beijing Lufthansa Center.

Within the complex, guests can enjoy a fully array of services: kiosks, a delicatessen, shops, a beauty saloon, bank and hotel ATMs, international airline ticket offices, a 24-hour medical clinic, a dental clinic, an adjacent shopping center and supermarket, and an underground garage.

The Kempinski Hotel in Beijing, a mere 20-minute drive from the Beijing International airport, is located in the city’s diplomatic and business quarter with easy access to Tian’anmen Square and the China International and World Trade Exhibition Centers.

We have 526 well-appointed bedrooms and suites offering superior comfort and special amenities including data ports for easy Internet access with broadband technology.

We have two health & fitness centers and many other facilities and services such as: rooftop indoor heated pool, gymnasium, sauna, solarium, massage, Jacuzzi, etc. our golf course in the vicinity is available upon request.



A. 汉译英

1. We are the only distributor authorized by Shanghai Municipal government to import course books. 2. Hongxing Corporation was certified by ISO 9002 in August 2004.

3. Our company has 2,000 employees; our head office is in Beijing with branches in Shanghai

and Guangzhou.


4. Our company has established more than 10 solely-funded enterprises and joint ventures in

Tianjin, Shanghai, Xiamen, etc. with a total input of $ 80 million.

5. Friends in China and overseas are cordially invited to establish business relations with us.

B. 英译汉

1. 我们长期的伙伴关系已经发展成为双赢的局面。 2. 经过不懈的努力,北京强力公司的业务迅速发展。 3. 所有产品均由美国进口的设备生产并进行质量检测。 4. 环宇公司严守合同、讲究信用,享有良好的声誉。

5. 全新的设计思想、软件的易操作性使斯凯公司在短时间内成为了一家有名的公司。


A. 汉译英

Founded in 1959, Zhongyuan Corporation covers a diverse range of business. It’s a large, cross-regional, cross-trade and cross ownership corporation, integrating scientific research, manufacturing, trade, and tourism and entertainment services. The 40 subsidiaries of the Zhongyuan family consist of a research institute, a department store, a real estate development company, a tourism company, etc. By the end of 2001, the total assets of the company reached 500 million yuan, and is now 3.1 billion yuan. It has more than 6,000 employees and an annual turnover of 1.8 billion yuan.

Our company has scored considerable achievements since the launch of its business. Indicators such as liquidity ratio and liability rate reveal that our company ha made a great success.

The name of our company is with trust and strength. Our reputation is built on excellent service and genuine concern for the customers. This is not a one-time effort but a long-term corporate commitment. B. 英译汉







Unit 4 Business and Negotiation

? 词汇

独家经营exclusive selling 独家代理the sole agent 总代理the general agent 加盟店franchise store 询价make an inquiry

报价 make an offer/ quotation 讨价还价to bargain over the price 具有竞争力的价格competitive price

减价销售sell at reduced rates/ to sell at a discount

大幅度降价a substantial drop in price 季节性折扣seasonal discount 净利润net profit 销售额sales volume

销售总额total sales /gross sales 投资回报returns on investment 销售潜力sales potential 销售网络marketing network 销售渠道trade channels

销售确认书sales confirmation 现货spot goods 无现货out of stock 库存有限limited stock 定购to place an order

分期付款pay by installments 定金down payment

现金结算cash settlement 违约breach of the agreement

签合同sign a contract/ conclude a contract 履行合同carry out the contract

严守合同to observe a contract to the letter 撕毁合同to scrap a contract/to tear up a contract

取消合同to cancel a contract/to annul a contract

中止合同to terminate a contract

延长合同to extend a contract/to renew a contract

修改合同to amend a contract

合同条款terms of a contract

合同正本和副本the original and copies of the contract

索赔to lodge a claim /claim damages

要求赔偿损失to claim for compensation of the loss

满足索赔要求to meet a claim 全额退款to get a full refund

商务代表commercial representative 商务纠纷commercial disputes 商务诉讼commercial cases/actions 商务仲裁commercial arbitration 市场份额market share 市场准入market access

打入市场to make one’s way into the market 开拓市场to create a new market 操纵市场to manipulate the market

建立业务关系to establish business relations 在平等互利的基础上on the basis of mutual benefit and equality

有意购买贵方产品to be interested in purchasing your products

含有详细价格的商品目录catalogs with detailed prices

最新报价the latest quotations

有限的调价a limited price adjustment

含5%佣金with a inclusion of a 5% agent’s commission

付款方式term of payment

随行就市to be subject to market fluctuation 达成协议to reach an agreement 双赢的协议a win-win agreement

谈判圆满结束to bring the business talk to a successful conclusion 零售价retail price 批发价wholesale price

离岸价F.O.B (free on board)

成本加运费CFR (cost and freight)

到岸价格C.I.F. (cost, insurance, and freight


? 单句

A. 汉译英 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


我们的价格和你们从别处得到的价格相比较是较为优惠的。 这些产品也是我们最畅销的产品,你们大概要订多少? 如果贵方未能按时付款,我方讲中止合同,并提出索赔。


B. 英译汉

Thank you for your quick response to our inquiry.

I would like to discuss with you the possibilities of establishing a joint venture with your company to manufacture cordless phones and mobile phones.

Today I’d like to sign a protocol with you based on our meetings during the last few days, and set a date for an official signing ceremony.

Before we wrap up everything, I’d like to add a clause to the contract. I’m not comfortable with the verbal agreement.

You would get a full refund if there should be a delay in the shipment.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

? 汉英互译

—— Good afternoon! May I help you?

—— 我对贵方经营的新品种颇感兴趣。我可以看一下贵方汽车零部件的CIF价目表吗? ——Certainly. Lately we expanded our scope of business to better serve our Far East Asian

customers, Chinese customers in particular. China is such an enormous market that no one can afford to neglect. My company is willing to establish business relations with all interested Chinese parties. ——您这样说我很高兴。我们打算长期从贵公司进口一些汽车零部件,当然这得看贵方的价


—— We have just updated our prices. But of course I don’t mean our offer is final. As usual,

we’d like to quote our new customers the most reasonable price to start our business relationship for the future, even at the cost of a substantial loss on our part.

—— 但是从我对汽车零部件市场所掌握的信息来看,贵方的报盘没有吸引力。此外,我还


——We guarantee the quality of our supplies. And we have free samples for your inspection. As

for discount, we can reduce the listed prices by 5%. This is our floor offer and you’ll have to excuse me, we’re not prepared for any counter-offer. —— 我很欣赏您的直率。虽然贵方的底价与我方希望的价格仍有距离,我还是愿意签合同。


—— That’s wonderful. Let’s leave the technical details of the contract to our assistants. I’d like to

invite you to a drink and celebrate the success of our first business transaction. ——谢谢!我相信我们这次合作仅仅是个开端,今后合作的机会将更多。




A. 汉译英

1. These are all traditional methods used in international trade.

2. Our prices compare favorably with the prices you might get elsewhere.

3. The products are also our best selling lines. Will you please give us an approximate quantity

you require?

4. Should you fail to honor your payment in due time, we would terminate the contract and

lodge a claim.

5. Our offer is valid for seven days from today, and will then be subject to change according to

the market price of the day. B. 英译汉

1. 感谢您对我们的询盘迅速作出答复。

2. 我打算同您商谈一下,能否与贵公司合资兴办企业,共同生产无绳电话和移动电话。 3. 根据我们这些天来的会谈,我希望今天能与你们草签一份协议,然后定下正式签约的日期。 4. 在我们结束谈判之前我想在合同里加一个条款,我对口头约定不放心。 5. 如果货运耽搁,你会得到全额退款。


---- 下午好!我能为您做点什么吗?

---- Well, I’m interested in your new line of business. May I look at your CIF price sheet of auto


---- 当然可以。我们最近扩大了业务范围以便更好的为我们的远东亚洲客户服务,尤其是为


---- That’s very nice to hear. We would like to import auto parts from your company on a regular

basis, provided your prices compare favorably with those of others. To be frank with you, your listed prices are indeed among the least competitive. I’d like to hear your most recent quotations.

---- 我方最近作了调价。当然我不是说我们所报是终结价。按我们的惯例,为了推动我们将


----- But my knowledge of the auto parts market tells me that your offer is very unattractive.

Besides, I need time to build up my confidence in the quality of your stuff. In any case , I’d rather wait and hunt around, if you were unable to include any reasonable discount.

---- 我们保证货物的质量。我们有免费样品供您检查。至于折扣问题,我们可以将价目单上


---- I appreciate your frankness. Though there is still a gap between your rock-bottom prices and

my expectations, I’m willing to sign contracts with you. I like what you said, I’m doing this for the development of our future relations.

---- 太好了。让我们把合同文本的技术处理交给我们的助手去办吧,我想请您去喝一杯,庆


---- Thank you very much. I believe this initial cooperation will lead to many more in the future.


Unit 5 Trade and Investment

? 词汇

世界贸易组织World Trade Organization (WTO) 欧盟the European Union 优先项目to be top priority

经济全球化economic globalization

区域性经济合作regional economic cooperation 亚太经合组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

亚太地区Asia-Pacific region 区域化rationalization

吸收外国投资 to absorb foreign investment 投资环境investment environment/ climate 创造良好的投资环境 to create a favorable investment environment

优惠政策 preferential policy

无限的商机 boundless business opportunities 多元化的市场 diversified markets

促进贸易和投资 to promote/ push/ increase /stimulate trade and investment 收购,兼并 acquisition/ merge

多层次、多渠道的合作multi-facet, multi-channel cooperation

实际利用外资 actually-utilized foreign investment

与国际做法接轨 to conform with the international practice

扩大出口to expand exports

外贸企业foreign trade enterprises 进出口贸易差额balance of trade 贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade 贸易逆差unfavorable balance of trade 对…有利to be conducive to 贸易冲突 trade conflicts

贸易保护主义 trade protectionism 反倾销 anti-dumping 交易会 trade fair

外汇管制 foreign exchange control

? 单句

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. 汉译英


中美经贸联系已经十分密切,两国已经互为重要经贸伙伴。 区域化已成为当今世界经济发展的一种趋势。



B. 英译汉

Since 1979 the structure of the Chinese economy has changed, especially in terms of the increased relative importance of the tertiary sector.

American financial experts say the trade deficit that the United States has experienced in recent years is part of the reason for the dollar’s continuing decline in value.

The economic and political moves that the Chinese government has adopted show China can and will play by international rules.

Some Chinese insurance companies planned to raise funds by listing on the stock market, but the China Securities Regulatory Commission put a temporary suspension on initial public offerings on Chinese exchanges.

1. 2. 3. 4.


? 篇章

A. 汉译英

上海作为一个国际化的大都市,交通十分发达。有通往世界59个城市的航线(airline routes)和14条海上国际航线(sea routes),两个国际机场。 有中国最大的港口,与世界200多个国家和地区的1100多个港口建立了航运联系;有各种铁路线近百条。便利的交通,促进了上海和世界各国的交往。



B. 英译汉

Ladies and gentlemen,

I’d like to mention here to you some preferential policies granted by our local government to encourage foreign investment in the New Economic Development Zone.

First, those overseas investors who could introduce capital-intensive or technology-intensive projects would receive preferential treatment, such as reduction of income tax, or even tax exemption for a certain period of time.

Second, foreign investors are now allowed to invest in specialized hospital and school projects.

And thirdly, foreign business can now invest in real estate for domestic sale. Foreign investors are especially encouraged to put their capital in the tertiary industry and infrastructure construction projects.

We are expanding the scope of utilizing foreign funds to speed up our development and construction and to attain international standards. I’ve got a handbook here, which gives all the details. You may take a look at it if you are interested in it. May success be with you.



A. 汉译英

1. China cannot develop without the world, and the world development needs China.

2. The current economic and trade ties between China and the United States are already quite

close, and the two countries have become important trade partners.

3. Regionalization has become a trend of current world economic development.

4. Besides areas of service and trades, foreign companies have been given permission to set up

solely-owned enterprises in the construction, tourism and transportation sectors.

5. Looking ahead into the 21st century, many people think that the Asia-Pacific region will play


a still more important role in the future development of the world economy.

B. 英译汉

1. 中国的经济结构从1979年开始发生了变化,特别是第三产业相对的重要性比过去提高了。 2. 美国的金融专家认为,美元的持续贬值的部分原因是缘于最近几年美国出现的贸易赤字。 3. 中国政府采取的经济和政治措施表明了中国能够、也一定会按照国际规则办事。 4. 中国的一些保险企业计划在股票市场上融资,但中国的证监会决定暂时停止新股的发行。


A. 汉译英

Shanghai is an international city with excellent transport links. It has airlines routes to 59 cities in the world, 14 international sea routes. There are 2 international airports and it has the biggest port in China, linking up with over 1,100 ports in over 200 countries and regions. There are nearly one hundred railway lines. Shanghai’s excellent transport links have benefited its relationship with the rest of the world.

Shanghai is a highly developed financial city. The People’s Bank of China, the Bank of China, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the Construction Bank of China, the Agricultural Bank of China, and the Communications Bank of China all have branches in Shanghai. Together, with the share dealing networks, they are everywhere. It is particularly worth mentioning here that many foreign banks set up branches and offices in Shanghai.

Shanghai has an excellent investment environment and excellent policies, covering dozens of sectors in more than ten industries. There are also concessions for products that are solely destined for exports. In order to encourage foreign investment, if you invest in large projects that take a long time to recover investment, for example in the construction and operation of energy and transport infrastructures, you will be entitled to special concessions in addition to the benefits enjoyed by foreign investors.

B. 英译汉


我想借此机会向各位介绍一下本地政府鼓励外商在新经济开发区投资的一些优惠政策。 首先,海外投资者如能引进资金密集型或技术密集型项目,就可以享有诸如减少所得税,甚至在一定时期内免交所得税的优惠待遇。

其次,外国投资者现在已被允许投资于专业医院项目和学校项目。 第三,外国商人也可以投资于内销房地产项目。我们尤其鼓励外国投资者投资于第三产业和基础设施建设项目。

我们正在扩大利用外资的范围,目的是要加快建设和发展的速度,尽快与国际接轨。我这里有一本手册,其中有详细的说明。各位如果有兴趣,不妨来看一看,预祝各位马到成功。 谢谢!


Unit 6 Economy and Development

? 词汇

改革开放reform and open to the outside world 可持续增长sustainable growth 第一产业primary industry (agriculture) 经济效益economic returns/ business performance 第二产业secondary industry (manufacturing) 财政收入tax revenue 第三产业tertiary industry (service) 泡沫经济bubble growth 公有制public ownership 经济过热overheating of economy 私有制private ownership 结构失调structural imbalance 全民所有制ownership by the whole people 优化资源配置optimize allocation of

resources 民营企业privately-run business

中小企业small and medium enterprises 优化经济结构optimize economic structure 宏观经济macro economy 社会效益beneficial social effect 计划经济 planned economy 小康社会relatively affluent society 社会主义市场经济socialist market economy 生活水平living standard 健康发展sound/ healthy development 生活质量quality of life 知识经济knowledge economy 住房条件housing conditions 外向型经济export-oriented economy 衣食住行food, clothing, sheltering and means

of traveling 经济特区special economic zones

大规模生产mass production 安居乐业live a good life 搞活企业invigorate enterprises 共同富裕common prosperity 扩大内需expand domestic demand 两极分化polarization

计划经济和市场调节相结合combine economic planning with market regulation

实现持续、稳定、协调发展bring about sustained, stable and coordinated development 扭亏为赢turn a loss-making business into a profitable one

实现经济增长方式的转变effect change in the main source of economic growth

“十五”计划the 10th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development 发展是硬道理 Development is the absolute principle. 保持良好的发展势头to maintain good growth momentum

地区经济协调发展coordinated development of regional economies

发展有特色的优势产业to develop strong industries with local characteristics 推进西部大开发to facilitate the large-scale development strategy in West China

? 单句

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. 汉译英

中国自从上个世纪70年代后期改革开放以来,经济取得了惊人的发展。 国有企业改革是深化经济体制改革的中心环节。 我们基本实现了从计划经济向市场经济的转变。



B. 英译汉

1. In the past 20 odd years, the incomes of the people both in the cities and in the countryside have

been steadily on the increase. And the quality of the life of inhabitants is generally improved.


2. China is reforming the state-owned enterprises to keep pace with the development of market


3. Compared with other countries, the economic growth of China in the last two decades has

been remarkable.

4. China has a market with great potential and provide great opportunities for the advanced

technologies of the world. ? 篇章

A. 汉译英




B. 英译汉

The macro-control and restructuring policy that our country adopted last year has resulted in great achievements. In the coming years, we will reinforce and improve the macro-control. This policy decision is based on the new scenarios and problems that have appeared in our economy.

Further macro-control and the restructuring policy that we are to carry our is aimed at enhancing the model for our economic development. The essence of our policy is to adopt a scientific perspective in overall economic and social development. Here, several things are involved: improving enterprise innovation, optimizing industrial structures, saving energy and resources, stepping up a healthy urbanization process, increasing capital input for the development of China’s middle and western regions, etc.

Restructuring includes industrial and regional economic restructuring. Our government will provide more capital for agriculture, social development, health, education and science and technology, because they did not previously receive as much funding.

At the same time, we will transform our extensive management style to reduce consumption and pollution, improve economic returns and vigorously develop advanced technology.



A. 汉译英

1. Since China started its reform and opening in the late 1970’s, its economy has made

tremendous achievements.

2. The reform of State-owned enterprises is a key link in the efforts to deepen economic


3. We have basically completed the transformation from a planned economy to a market economy.


4. The development of western region is an important strategic decision for China’s economic

development in the 21st century.

5. Because China has joined both regional and international bodies, it is becoming an influential

global power. B. 英译汉

1. 20多年来,我国城乡居民收入稳步增长,居民生活的质量普遍提高。 2. 中国正在对国有企业进行改革,以适应市场经济的发展。 3. 与世界其他国家相比,中国过去20年的经济增长是非常突出的。 4. 中国的市场有着巨大的潜力,为世界高新科技提供了广阔的空间。


A. 汉译英

After China joins the World Trade Organization, average Chinese consumers will start to find more choices in their shops, including many new items form overseas. But, will they buy them? It isn’t something that can be taken for granted. However, the survey suggests that richer Chinese are more inclined to take homemade products, 59% of respondents said that they would prefer to buy Chinese brands rather than foreign brands when they are choosing from the same category. Of course, this doesn’t mean that imported items will all be left on the shelf. On the contrary, Chinese consumers have cultivated a liking for trying out new products. While two thirds of them claim to prefer sticking with brands they are already familiar with, three quarters of respondents admit to being drawn to try new and distinctive items.

On the whole, a common feeling among Chinese elites is that their country’s accession to the WTO will boost Chinese economic prosperity in the main frame of world economy. Business opportunities will steadily increase, capital investments will rise constantly, and the overall economy will be improving. B. 英译汉






Unit 7 Schools and education

? 词汇

义务教育 compulsory education 学前教育preschool education

小学 primary school/elementary school 中学 middle school/ high school 高等教育higher education

普通高校regular institute of higher learning 重点大学key university 职业学院vocational college

专科学院technical / junior college 职业教育vocational education 技术教育technical education 成人教育adult education

自学考试教育self-taught testing program 中外合作办学the Sino-foreign cooperation education programs a 学分制 credit system

必修课 required course/ compulsory course 选修课 elective course/ optional course 课程 course

基础课 basic course

专业课 course within one’s major 基础理论课 course on basic theory

大专生 junior college student 本科生 undergraduate

研究生graduates/ postgraduate students

大学一年级学生 freshman/ first-year student 大学二年级学生 sophomore/second-year student 大学三年级学生 junior / third-year student 大学四年级学生senior/ fourth-year student 尖子生 top student/ all-A student

优秀毕业生graduate with distinction /honor 三好学生students of merit /triple-A student 课外活动 extracurricular activities 教授 professor

副教授 associate professor 客座教授visiting professor 讲师 lecturer

博导 doctoral supervisor 硕导graduate supervisor 辅导员 counselor

素质教育education for all –around development 应试教育exam-oriented education 在职培训 on-job training

教育事业educational undertaking

? 单句

A. 汉译英 1. 2. 3. 4.

在半个多世纪中,我国各类学校为祖国培养了大量的人才。 我们应该向国外学校学习,培养学生的想象力和创造力。 中国政府对教育不断投入,大大改善了教学环境。 中国已经机将教育确定为最优先发展的领域之一。

5. 我国的义务教育法规定所有儿童要接受9年义务教育。

B. 英译汉

1. There are many discussions about whether we should adopt bilingual education in


2. In China, Hope Project has helped many children realize their dreams of schooling.

3. In many universities, the Sino-foreign cooperation education programs are becoming more

and more popular among students.

4. For the juniors and seniors in college, apart from required courses, they have to choose

optional courses according to their interests.


5. In the credit system, students don’t have to take the make-up examination but restudy the

course they failed.

? 篇章

A. 汉译英



B. 英译汉

There are many famous universities in the US, like Harvard, Yale, Princeton. Different universities have their own features, but at the same time, they have a lot in common, for example, the transfer system. A university’s bachelor’s degree is usually completed in four years at the same university, or by first taking one or two years at a community college and then transferring to a university to finish the studies. This is called transferring. It is cheaper and easier to earn a bachelor’s degree by starting at a community college and finishing at a university.

One unique feature of American universities is the transferability of credits from one college or university to another. Generally, courses taken at one university are honored at another. Students can take all of their lower division course at a community college, for example, and transfer to most US universities as a junior student. Credits taken outside the US can also be transferred in some cases. About half of all American university students earning a bachelor’s degree transfer from a community college.



A. 汉译英

1. In more than half a century, all categories of schools have brought up large numbers of

talented people for the nation.

2. We should learn from schools of foreign countries to cultivate students’ imagination and creativity. 3. Increased investment in education by the Chinese government has greatly improved the

teaching environment.

4. China has made education a top priority of development

5. According to the Compulsory Education Law, all children must receive a 9-year education. B. 英译汉

1. 目前对在幼儿园实施双语教学有很多的讨论。

2. 在中国,希望工程已经帮助很多孩子实现了上学的愿望。 3. 在很多大学,中外合作办学项目越来越受学生的欢迎。

4. 大学三、四年级的学生出了必修的课程以外,还要根据兴趣选修课程。


5. 学分制实行后,学生不必参加补考,但是要重修没有通过的课程。


A. 汉译英

Private education in China is developing at a surprising speed. A recent conference hosted by the Beijing Normal University entitled ―International Conference on Private Schools‖ Towards the 21st country‖, which brought together more than 300 educators from all over China and from ten foreign countries clearly showed the potential of this market. In an address to the conference, the vice chairman of the National People’s Congress said: ― Because of insufficient government funds, public schools alone cannot meet the people’s demand for education.‖ This emphasized the importance of private education for China’s future.

The dynamic development of China’s education in recent years has contributed to economic development. With the government’s increasing investment in education and emphasis on the importance of private education, educational facilities, the learning environment and the quality of education will be greatly improved.

B. 英译汉




Unit 8 Traveling and Sightseeing

? 词汇

团体旅游group tour 包价旅游package tour 散客成团 join-in tour 自助游 self-guided tour 旅行社travel agency 春游spring outing 秋游fall excursion 假日游vacation trip

蜜月旅行honeymoon tour 境外旅游overseas tour 一日游one-day tour

持证导游licensed tourist guide 导游手册tourist brochure 自然景观natural scenery

人文景观places of cultural and historical interest 旅游景点tourists attractions/ scenic spots 山水风光landscape

名山大川famous mountains and great rivers 名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites 避暑胜地summer resort 度假胜地holiday resort

避暑山庄mountain resort 楼tower/ mansion 台terrace 亭阁pavilion 廊corridor

曲径winding path

工艺精湛exquisite workmanship

独具匠心original design/ unique pattern 姿态逼真lifelike

光彩夺目emitting radiant sparkles 多姿多彩of all hues and postures

一步一色every step brings a new scene 绵延山峦rolling ranges

湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills 景色如画picturesque 景色宜人soothing vista

风光绚丽most gorgeous scene

青山绿水green hills and clear waters 赏心悦目pleasing to the eye 天下无双second to none

? 单句

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. 汉译英


晚餐后大家可以缺南京路步行街走走,到“新天地”酒吧街喝喝啤酒。 旅游可以让你学到更多其他国家人民的文化。

我们现正行驶在纽约市有名的百老汇大街,这里是美国的娱乐中心。 每年有千百万外国游客涌入中国观光。

B. 英译汉

The spectacular sunrises of Huangshan are very famous, too.

A package tour is less expensive, but it does not provide enough freedom. Suzhou has the most beautiful gardens in all of China.

We are especially impressed by those places we have visited.

1. 2. 3. 4.

? 篇章

A. 汉译英


明天上午7点在宾馆二楼用餐,7:30我们先去豫园参观。豫园建于中国明代,原是一座十分美丽的私家花园。花园距今已有400多年的历史,园地面积两万多平方米。院内各景点有回廊曲径可通。自1961年开放之日起,豫园已成为中外游客参观游览的场所。 下午是自由购物时间。上海素有“购物天堂”、“东方巴黎”的美称,旅游者到了上海除了领略大都市的风光之外,大都会疯狂购物一番。中华商业第一街――南京路,是每个旅游者的必到之地。高雅商业文化街――淮海路,吸引了一大批充满时尚气息的都市人。四川北路是一条工薪阶层的购物街,人气非凡。 B. 英译汉

I hope you enjoyed your visit to Olvera Street, the oldest section of our city where Los Angeles got its name, which is Spanish for ―City of the Angeles‖. The excellent Mexican snacks there are the best and most authentic in the city.

Now, folks, we will be heading down Wilshire Boulevard, one of the most interesting streets in the city. It stretches from the heart of the city all the way to the Pacific Ocean. To the right you will see a higher elevation of the city called Los Angeles Heights----- the largest concentration of old Victorian houses from the end of the 19th Century in Los Angeles. It is where the most wealthy citizens of the city lived in those days and is now a favorite place for the newly rich who want to restore the area to its old glory.

Here we are entering what is called the ―Miracle Mile‖ section of Wilshire Blvd. It is called ―miracle‖ because of the amazing economic growth that took place in this area after World War II, represented by the many business buildings on both sides of the street. To the right in the distance, you can see the Old Hollywood sign. Most people don’t realize that the sign used to say ―Hollywood Land‖ and was an advertising sign promoting sales for a new housing tract nearby. The ―land‖ part of the sign collapsed for lack of care and was never replaced. Now that it has become so famous, it is kept in good repair with an annual checkup and painting.

Now we are passing the intersection with Rodeo Road. From here we’ll go to Santa Monica. That’s where our tour will end just in time for you to enjoy the sunset and the great seafood and pick up some Southern California souvenirs to take home.

I hope you have enjoyed the tour and will tell your friends about our service. Thanks for touring with us. Tomorrow morning we’ll leave the hotel at nine and go to see a theme park.



A. 汉译英

1. Our itinerary for tomorrow is sightseeing at the Bund and a ride on the MLT (magnetic

levitation train) in the morning.

2. After dinner, you can take a walk on the pedestrian mall of Nanjing Road and have a beer at

the New Heaven and Earth bar street.

3. Traveling enables you to learn more about the culture of people of other countries.

4. We are traveling down the famous Broadway of New York City, the entertainment capital in America.


5. Every year millions upon millions of foreign tourists crowd into China for sightseeing.

B. 英译汉

1. 黄山的日出景观也是很有名的。

2. 团队旅游不太贵,但没有太多的自由。 3. 苏州的园林是全国园林中最美的。

4. 参观过的那些景点给我们留下了特别深刻的印象。


A. 汉译英

You will have your breakfast at 7:00 tomorrow morning on the second floor of your hotel. After that, we’ll leave for Yu Garden at 7:30. Yu Garden was built in the Ming Dynasty. It was originally a beautiful private garden. It has a long history of more than 400 years and covers an area of 20,000 square meters. The scenic spots in the garden can all be reached by curving corridors and twisting passages. Since it was opened to the public in 1961, the garden has remained a popular place for tourists all over the world to visit.

You can make your shopping in the afternoon. Shanghai has been famed as ―the Shopping Paradise‖ and ―the Oriental Paris‖ in history. Visitors come to Shanghai with a purpose of appreciating the beautiful urban scenery, as well as shopping in its various kinds of shops and stores. Nanjing Road, China’s No.1 commerical street, is a must for all visitors; Huaihai Road, an elegant and cultural commercial street, attracts thousands of young people who search for the latest fashion trends, and North Sichuan Road, a popular commercial street, is specially favored by the working class. B. 英译汉

希望各位在奥尔弗拉街玩的开心,这是我们这个城市最古老的部分,洛杉矶的名字就是从这来的,西班牙语的意思就是“天使之城”。那儿的墨西哥菜是我们这里最好最正宗的。 好。我们现在要去威尔希尔大道,这里最有趣的一条街,从市中心一直延伸道太平洋。你们在右面可以看到这个城市的一块高地,称为洛杉矶高地,洛杉矶19世纪后期的维多利亚式建筑大部分都在这里。当时大多数有钱人都住在这里。现在的新贵们也都愿意在这儿买房子,想要恢复这里昔日的光彩。





Unit 9 Food and Festivals

? 词汇


工作午宴working luncheon 宴会banquet

国宴state banquet 家宴family dinner

冷餐会buffet /buffet dinner 肉片meat slices 肉丸meat balls 肉丁meat cubes 肉末minced meat 肉丝shredded meat 爆quick-frying 炸deep-frying 煎pan-frying 煮boiling

清炒plain-frying 清蒸steaming 烧braising

红烧braising with soy sauce

煲,焖,炖,煨braising, stewing, simmering 熏smoking

腌pickling, salting 卤制marinating

生/黑啤draught/ dark beer 香槟酒champagne

红葡萄酒port wine/ red wine 黄酒/花雕yellow rice wine 烈酒spirits/ strong liquor 白干white liquor 补酒tonic liquor/wine 食谱recipe

餐前开胃点心appetizer 主菜main course 餐后甜食dessert 春节Spring Festival

守岁Stay up late on the New Year’s Eve 拜年Pay a New Year visit 元宵节Lantern Festival 庙会temple fair

元宵sweet dumplings 狮子舞lion dance

清明节Pure Brightness Festival 祭祖offer sacrifice to the ancestors 端午节Dragon Boat Festival 中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival

? 单句

A. 汉译英 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

中国烹饪艺术源远流长,中餐以其色、香、味、形而闻名。 据说端午节是纪念爱国诗人屈原的传统节日。

饺子看起来像过去作为货币的金银元宝。所以人们春节吃饺子,希望来年财运亨通。 我听说中国人过春节时不是给家人送礼物,而是给红包。

中秋节也是一个重要的节日。这一天家人团聚,一起赏月、吃月饼。 B. 英译汉

1. Dragon dance and lion dance can be traced back to ancient China. 2. There is a Chinese saying that food is the basic need of people.

3. Days before the new year, every family is busy giving their house a thorough cleaning,

hoping to sweep away the ill fortune.

4. This is Beijing Roast Duck, a specialty of the International Hotel. It smells good and the skin

tastes crisp.

5. Soy milk, fried bread sticks are the most common breakfast items, yet they are not healthy choices.


? 篇章

A. 汉译英



B. 英译汉

Gifts giving is an important part of the culture of the Untied States. Gifts are given not only on holidays but also on special occasions such as weddings, graduation days and so on. Customs have formed as to what gifts are appropriate on certain days.

Christmas by far is the most important gift-giving holiday in the United States. Gifts are typically exchanged between friends and close family members. It is also common to send a Christmas greeting card to all of one’s friends and relatives. Children often make a wish list or ―Christmas list‖ of gifts they hope to receive. Although a gift of money is not uncommon, it is considered an unimaginative gift in American culture. This is particularly true when the recipient is an adult. The underlying idea is that a non-monetary gift requires more thoughtfulness than simply giving money. If the givers have taken the time to pick out something unique, they must really care about the recipient. Another idea is if everyone gave gifts of money at Christmas, the gifts would mostly cancel each other out, and the joys of giving and receiving would largely be lost.



A. 汉译英

1. Chinese culinary art has a long history, and Chinese food is well known for its color, aroma,

taste and shape.

2. It is said that the Dragon-Boat Festival was a traditional festival in memory of Qu Yuan, an

ancient patriotic poet.

3. Jiaozi are shaped like gold or silver ingots used as money in ancient China, so people choose

to eat jiaozi at Spring Festival to represent their wish for good fortune in the new year.

4. I heard that Chinese people don’t give gifts to family members for the Spring Festival.

Instead, they give red envelops of money.

5. Mid-Autumn Festival is a big holiday for family reunions, when people appreciate the moon

and feast on ―moon cakes‖.


B. 英译汉 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

舞龙和舞狮在中国有着悠久的历史。 中国有句古话,叫“民以食为天”。

春节前几天,每家每户都忙着彻底打扫房子,希望能够扫除霉运。 这是北京烤鸭,是国际饭店的特色菜,又香又酥。



A. 汉译英

Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China. It is its lunar New Year. Even though the name has the word ―spring‖, Spring Festival actually falls in winter. Its timing is determined by the lunar calendar and varies from late January to early February in the Gregorian calendar.

Spring Festival dates back to ancient times in China. With this long history, various customs have come into being. For example, there is the custom for adults to give their children and relative’s children a red envelop with money inside. In addition, it is only proper to say auspicious words during the Spring Festival, because these words are supposed to bring good luck in the New Year. For this, people are very careful about what they say, being afraid of unexpectedly uttering phrases with ―death‖ or ―poor‖. Spring Festival is also a time to visit relatives and friends. Parks offer a wide variety of entertainment and in the North there are temple fairs. Dragon dances, lion dances, folk dances, operas and acrobatic performances ar among the traditional festivities at temple fairs. Besides temple fairs, theaters are favorite place for opera fans. In Beijing, Beijing Opera theaters usually stage their traditional repertoires. Apart from traditional festivities, more and more people choose to travel with their family during Spring Festival---- a modern way of spending this traditional holiday, either visiting the famous mountains or rivers in China or enjoying exotic scenery and food in a foreign country. B. 英译汉




Unit 10 Mass Media and Entertainment

? 词汇

新闻界the media 大众媒体mass media 新闻机构news agency

新华社Xin-hua News Agency 路透社(英)Reuters 美联社Associated Press

法新社AFP(Agence France Presse) 发布(新闻)release

新闻发布会press conference 新闻发言人spokesman 新闻来源source of news 舆论 public opinion 披露disclosure 炒作 play-up 日报Daily papers 晚报Evening papers

全国性的报纸National papers 地方报纸Local papers 报纸专栏column 专栏作家columnist 电视网络TV network 有线电视Cable TV

卫星传播 satellite transmission 时事current affairs

标题新闻Headline news 追踪新闻 follow up 特派记者correspondent 记者journalist/ reporter 新闻记者newsman

新闻主播,电视新闻主持人anchorman 专题报道Feature report

连续报道(不间断报道)Nonstop report

? 篇章

A. 汉译英



现场直播Live broadcast 简讯News in brief

新闻综述 news round-up 新闻摘要 news summary 国际新闻 world news 国内新闻 home news 本地新闻 local news

头版新闻 front-page news 花边新闻 box news 号外新闻 extra news 热门新闻 hot news 古典音乐 classic music 流行音乐 pop music 民歌 folk songs 爵士乐 jazz 蓝调 blues

乡村音乐 country music 京剧 Beijing Opera 相声 comic cross-talks 纪录片 documentary 故事片 feature film 动画片cartoon

古装片 costume film 武侠片swordsman movie 功夫片 Kung Fu movie 动作片 action film 恐怖片 horror film 惊涑片 thriller 喜剧 comedy 悲剧 tragedy

色情片 X-rated film, erotic film




一般来说,它指采用数字格式运载信息的大众传媒,而且还能根据需求进行复制。 今天,我们要集中了解一种流行的电子出版物---- 网络型。

电子简报是其中的一种电子出版物。它是一种在网上进行编辑的报纸,通过因特网可在网络终端阅读。用户上网后可阅读他们感兴趣的东西,如果愿意,还可拷贝。另外,电子出版物能高速提供巨大的信息流,所以现代人对其十分满意。目前,800多家报刊加入了网上电子简报,包括世界闻名的《泰晤士报》和《华尔街日报》。 B. 英译汉

Every January, with the coming of another new year, the attention of the entertainment community and of film fans around the world turns to the forthcoming Academy Awards. After almost a century of recognizing the excellence in cinema achievement, the annual presentation of the Oscars has become the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science’s best-known activity. The annual Oscar presentation has been held since 1929and it is ruled that all voting for Academy Awards be conducted by secret ballot and tabulated by auditing firm. Secrecy is jealously kept by auditors, and the results of balloting are not revealed until the long-waited envelopes are opened on stage during the live television program.

The first Academy Awards were presented in a hotel with fewer than 250 people attending; Yet the public interest proved so great that the following year radio broadcast was introduced. New technology has made the presentation more accessible. Since 1969, the Oscar presentation has been telecast throughout the world, reaching movie fans in over 120 countries by the ealy 21st century. The Oscar is supposed to represent the best achievement of the year in the motion picture world and the awards are to be presented for outstanding individual or collective effort.famous as it is, this award is often criticized as seeking compromise between art and commercial. Even so, it is still the most expected and talked about event for movie fans.


A. 汉译英

In this information age, how do you get information? On radio and TV, or in newspaper, you may answer.

For a long period in history, paper was the major carrier of information. However, with the rapid development of computer and network technology, it is now facing challenge from electronic publication. The advent an growth of electronic publication has exerted a profound impact on the publishing industry and even on society as a whole.

Then, what is electronic publication?

Generally speaking, it refers to the mass media that carry information in a digital form, and


can be copied for various purposes.

Today, let’s focus on one kind of popular electronic publication ---- network mode.

New bulletin, a kind of electronic publication, is actually newspaper edited on PCs, transmitted through the Internet, and read on network terminals. The users get hooked on the Internet and read what interests them, and make a copy if he or she likes. What’s more , electronic publication provides such a huge flow of information at rapid speeds, much to the satisfaction of modern man. At the moment, more than 800 newspapers and magazines join the news bulletin through Internet, including world-famous Times and Wall Street Journal. B. 英译汉




