初中英语语法 15个专题汇总(带习题和答案)

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专题一 名词 ............................................................................................................................................. 1 专题二 数词、冠词 ................................................................................................................................. 8 专题三 介词、连词 ............................................................................................................................... 14 专题四 代词 ........................................................................................................................................... 21 专题五 形容词、副 词 ......................................................................................................................... 31 专题六 动词的分类 .............................................................................................................................. 40 专题七 情态动词、系动词 .................................................................................................................. 47 专题八 动词时态 .................................................................................................................................. 54 专题九 被动语态 .................................................................................................................................. 60 专题十 非谓语动词 .............................................................................................................................. 67 专题十一 简单句、并列句 .................................................................................................................. 77 专题十二 祈使句、感叹句 .................................................................................................................. 85 专题一三 宾语从句 .............................................................................................................................. 91 专题一四 定语从句 .............................................................................................................................. 99 专题一五 状语从句 ............................................................................................................................ 106

专题一 名词

1. 名词的数

1. 概述: 名词按其表示的事物的性质分为可数名词和不可数名词。

2. 可数名词及其单复数:可数名词有单复数变化,其前通常用不定冠词和数词来修饰,还可

用many, few, a few, some, any, plenty of, lots of, a number of 等修饰。构成名词复数形式的方法分为规则法和不规则法两种。 1) 复数的规则构成法:绝大多数英语中的名词复数都是在单数名词后加上词尾-s或-es构成

的。具体规则如下图: 规则 例词 一般情况下加-s 以s, x, ch,sh,结尾的加-es apple-apples, ruler-rulers bus-buses, box-boxes, watch-watches,

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brush-brushes 以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y变成i再加-es 以f或fe结尾的,把f或fe变成v,再加-es 以o结尾的,有的词尾加-es,有的加-s city-cities, county-countries knife-knives, leaf-leaves 在初中英语范围内加-es的主要有以下4个:tomato-tomatoes,potato-potatoes Hero-heroes, Negro-Negroes 2) 复数的不规则构成法: a.单复同形的:Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese, deer-deer, sheep-sheep, fish-fish(表示鱼的数量)

b. 熟记下列词的复数变化:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, mouse-mice, child-children

c. 以man, woman做定语构成的复合名词,变复数时要全变:a man teacher-two men teachers; 其他情况一般只变主体名词而作定语的名词不变:a girl student-two girl students

3. 不可数名词:不可数名词没有单复数。如:water, meat, air等。在表示数量时,通常用以下方法。

1)用some, much, a little, little, a lot of, lots of, plenty of 等表示多少。 There is little milk at home. The old man has lots of money.

2) 若要表示不可数名词的数量,应用“数词+量词+of+名词”这种形式,若数字超过一,量词应用复数形式。如:a glass of water-two glasses of water, a piece of bread-two pieces of bread 2.

专有名词:专有名词是表示特定的人,事物, 地点等,如:Tom, China, the United Kingdom. 专有名词的第一个字母一般大写,大部分专有名词前一般不用冠词。

3. 名词的所有格:

1. 概述:名词的所有格在句中是表示所有关系,作定语。

2. 名词所有格的构成:名词所有格包括 –s所有格和of所有格两种形式。无生命的名词

的所有格通常用of短语来表示所有关系。如:the name of the school, the window of the house等。–s所有格主要用于有生命的东西和表示时间,距离,国家等的名词后。构成方法如下: 1) 一般直接在名词后加’s. 如:Jim’s book 2) 复数名词的所有格,若以s/es结尾只加撇号,不以s/es结尾仍加’s。如: Children’s Day, the teachers’ office.

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3)“ and”连接的并列名词的所有格,表示两人“共有”只在后一个名词尾加’s; 表示“各自拥有”,两个名词尾都要加’s. 如:Jim and Lucy’s book(共有); Jane’s and Tom’s books(不共有)

4)表示店铺或某人的家等处所时,常在名词的所有格后省去shop, house, home等。如:the barber’s, at my uncle’s

5) 表示时间,距离,国家,城市的无生命名词,可以在词尾加’s或’表示所有格,如:today’s newspaper, five minutes’ walk.

3. 双重所有格


例如:Mr Wang is a friend of my father's. (=Mr Wang is one of my father's friends.) 王先生 是我父亲的一个朋友. 2)名词双重所有格的构成方法:

a. of前面的名词前面通常有一个含泛指意义的限定词,如a, any, some, no, few, several以及two, three等。例如:

Have you read any stories of Lei Feng's? 你看过雷锋的故事吗? They gave me some books of theirs. 他们把他们的一些书给了我。

Three classmates of my sister's have found good jobs. 我姐姐的三个同学已经找到了好工作。

b. 有时of前面的名词前面可以用指示代词this, that表示某种感情色彩。例如: That answer of Jim's was right. 吉姆的那个回答是对的。

Something is wrong with this eye of mine. 我的这只眼睛出了毛病。 c. of后面带有's的名词或名词性物主代词通常是特指的人。例如: That's a book of Lu Xun's. 这是鲁迅的一本书。 This is a child of theirs. 那是他们的一个孩子。 3)名词的双重所有格与“of + 名词”结构之间的区别: a.. 句子所表达的侧重点不同。试比较:

He is a friend of my father's. (着重说明“父亲”的朋友不止一个) He is a friend of my father. (着重说明“他”是父亲的一个朋友) b. of前面是picture等词时,含义不同。试比较:

This is a picture of my teacher's. 这是我老师收藏的一张照片。 This is a picture of my teacher. 这是我老师的一张照片。


1. June 1st is ____ Day all over the world. A. Child’s B. Children’s C. Childrens’ 2. September 10th is ___ Day in China.

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A. Teacher’s B. Teachers’ C. Teacher 3. This is _______ news.

A. such a good B. a very good C. such good 4.—What ______ it is!

—Let’s go out to have a picnic.

A. a fine weather B. fine day C. a fine day 5. Tom and I go to school _____ every day. A. on feet B. on foot C. by foot 6. –Are those _____?

-No, they aren’t. They’re _____.

A. sheep; cows B. sheep; cow C. sheeps; cow 7. A group of ____ are talking with two ___ over there.

A. Frenchmen; Germans B. Frenchmen; Germen C. German; Frenchmen 8. That doctor drank two _____.

A. glass of water B. glasses of waters C. cups of tea 9. Mrs. Smith is an old friend of _______.

A. Bob mother B. Bob’s mother’s C. mother of Bob 10. The tall man with a big nose is _______ classmate. A. Tom and Carl B. Tom’s and Carl’s C. Tom and Carl’s 11.In ____ time, there will be more tall buildings in our city. A. few year B. a few years’ C. a few year’s 12. How many ___ do you want every month? A. milk B. water C. apples 13. –Whose is this new bicycle? -It’s _____.

A. Sue and Jim’s B . Sue and Jim C. Sue’s and Jim’s 14. –Would you like _____tea?

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-No, thanks. I’ve drunk two __.

A. any; bottles of orange B. a little; bottle of oranges C. some; bottles of orange 15. –How many _____ do you want? -Two, please.

A. kilos of egg B. kilo of eggs C. kilos of eggs 16. The bus stop is two _____ from our house. A. hour’s drive B. hours’ drive C. hour-drive 17. –Where are you going, Amy?-_______.

A. To my uncle B. To my uncle’s C. At my uncle 18. Have you read _____?

A. a newspaper of today’s B. today newspaper C. today's newspaper 19. Lucy put a lot of ____ in ____ of tea.

A. sugar; the two cup B. sugars; the two cups C. sugar; the two cups 20. Tomatoes, broccoli, and ____ are vegetables. A. bananas B. potatoes C. noodles 21. –Help yourself to some _________. -Thank you. I really like them. A. fish B. orange C. cakes

22. The little baby has two _______ already. A. tooth B. a tooth C. teeth

23. We all had ______ last month. Did you travel to anywhere?

A. three days’ holiday B. three day’s holiday C. three-days holiday 24. When autumn comes, ______ of most trees turn yellow and then fall down. A. leaf B. leave C. leaves

25. Tomorrow I'm going to my________. It's a _________. A aunt...five minutes' walk B aunt's...five minute's walk C aunt's...five minutes' walk

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26. A computer is one of the greatest ________in this century. A inventors B inventions C invitations 27. We haven't ________ homework to do today. A many B some C much

28. Three hours________enough for a__________boy to read books. A is...ten-year-old B are...ten-year-old C is...ten-years-old

29. _________that pair of new_________nice? A Is...shoe B Are...shoes C Is...shoes

30.Mary, I've bought many_______. Now let's make the birthday cake.

A fresh eggs B chocolate milk C food 31. The two ________are my________.

A woman doctors... friends B women doctors... friends C women doctors... friend 32. These are________houses.

A Lee and my uncle B the Lee's and my uncle's C theLees' and my uncle 33. We are__________.They are_________.

A Chinese...Germen B Chinese...German C Chinese...Germans

34. There ______ a pencil and two books on the desk. A. has B. is C.are

35. A number of students ______ for the school bus now. A. is waiting B. are waiting C. waits

36. The number of students in the class ______ large. A. are B. has C.is

37. A _____ is used for keeping warm. A. stamp B. scarf C. key

38. There is no _______ in the bus so we have to wait for another bus. A. room B. a room C. rooms

39. ---This is a photo of _________ when they were young.

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---OK, how happy they both looked!

A. my father and mother B. my mother and father's C. my mother's and father's

40. The new student is in __________ , Grade Two. A. Class Third B. Third Class C. Class Three

41. --- What would you like to drink, girls? --- _________, please.

A.Two cup of coffee B. Two cups of coffee C. Two coffee

42 During Christmas, people get together and sing Christmas songs for ______ A. fun B. wishes C. interest

43. They are those _________ bags. Please put them on the bus. A. visitor B. visitor's C. visitors'

44.--- How many students are there in your school? --- There are two ___________.

A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundreds of

45. ---What do you think of the _______ the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven? -- It sounds really wonderful. A. subject B. music C. book

46. There is not enough _________ in the corner for the TV. A. place B. room C. field

47. If you don't take more ________, you'll get fat. A. medicine B. lessons C. exercise

48. My school is about twenty ________ walk from here. A. minute B. minutes' C. minutes

49. Mum, I have _______ to tell you!

A. a good news B. some good news C. many good news 50. Maths ________ not easy to learn. A. are B. is C. am 参考答案: 1-5:BBCCB; 6-10:AACBC; 11-15: BCACC; 16-20:BBCCB; 21-25:CCACC;26-30:BCACA

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专题二 数词、冠词



2.数词的种类:可以分为两种: 基数词:表示数目多少的数词。序数词:表示先后顺序的数词。 3.基数词的写法和用法

1)1—12的基数词是独立的单词,即: one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight, nine,ten,eleven,twelve。

2)13—19的基数词以-teen结尾。如:14—fourteen,但13,15,18较特殊,13—thirteen 15—fifteen 18—eighteen。

3)20—90的整十位均以-ty结尾。如:60—sixty,但20,30,40,50,80较特殊, 20—twenty 30—thirty 40—forty 50—fifty 80—eighty。

4) 十位数与个位数之间要加连字符号“-”,如:28—twenty-eight,96—ninety-six。 5) 百位和十位(若无十位则和个位)之间加“and”,如:148—one hundred and forty-eight , 406—four hundred and six。

6) hundred(百),thousand(千),million(百万),billion(十亿)等前面即使有具体的数词,也不能在它们的后面加s。

7) .百(hundred),千(thousand),百万(million)等词与介词of连用的时侯,用复数形式,表不确定数目,其前面不可与数字连用

8).表示“几十”的数词,复数形式可用来表示人的岁数或年代。 如: He is in his forties. 他四十多岁。

This took place in the 1930s. 这事发生在二十世纪三十年代。 9).基数词可与其他词构成形容词。

如: Can you say something about your two-month holiday? ?(two和month之间有连字符时,month用单数) 4. 序数词的写法和用法

1).基数词变序数词可利用口诀巧记:“一、二、三,特殊记,八去“t ”,九去“e”,“ve”要用“f”替,见“y”变成“i”和“e”,词尾加上“th”,若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。” 变法如下:first,second,third,eight—eighth nine—ninth,five—fifth,twelve—twelfth,twenty—twentieth,forty—fortieth,twenty-five—twenty-fifth。 其余情况均在基数词后加th。如: six—sixth, nineteen—nineteenth , hundred— hundredth, thousand—thousandth等。

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2). 序数词前常用定冠词the, 表“顺序”。但如果序数词不表示顺序,而表示“又一个,另一个”时,则不能用the, 要用a. 如:Try it a second time. 再试一下。 5. 序数词表示“名次”时,不用定冠词。 He was first. 他得了第一名。

Who was first? Who was second?谁是第一名?谁是第二名? 注意:

1.分数的读法:分子必须用基数词,分母用序数词。分子如果大于1,分母须用复数形式。先读分子,再读分母。分子为one时可换用a. 如:

In our class, about a third can speak English well.

Two thirds 三分之二。

2.1/2读作“a(或one)half(而不是a second “一秒钟”),1/4既可读作“a(或one)quarter”又可读作 “a(或one)fourth”. 3/4:Three quarters


15.67 读作: fifteen point six seven

4. 百分数的读法:先读基数词,再读百分号 “%”(读作percent). 5% 读作: five percent.

5.年代的读法为“两位,两位”地读。整百的后读hundred,整千的后读thousand, 前常加 the year. 如:

1937读作nineteen thirty-seven 或:nineteen hundred and thirty-seven 2000 年 读作 the year two thousand

December the first, nineteen ninety-four 一九九四年十二月一日 二.冠词

1. 冠词概述:冠词是虚词,本身不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面,帮助指明名词的含义。

2. 冠词的种类:英语中的冠词有三种,一种是定冠词,另一种是不定冠词,还有一种是零冠词。 3. 不定冠词的用法

不定冠词a (an)与数词one 同源,是\一个\的意思。a用于辅音音素前,一般读作[e],而an则用于元音音素前,一般读做[en]。 1) 表示\一个\,意为one;

2) 代表一类人或物。

A knife is a tool for cutting with. Mr. Smith is a doctor. 3) 词组或成语。

a little / a few / a lot / a type of / a great many / many a / in a hurry / in a minute / in a word / in a short while / after a while / have a cold / have a try / keep an eye on /

4. 定冠词的用法

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1)特指双方都明白的人或物:定冠词the与指示代词this,that同源,有\那(这)个\的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。 1)特指双方都明白的人或物: Take the umbrella. 带上伞。

2)上文提到过的人或事: He bought a book. I've read the book.


3)指世上独一物二的事物: the sun, the sky, the moon, the earth

4)单数名词连用表示一类事物,如:the dollar 美元; the fox 狐狸;或与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人:the rich 富人; the living 活着的人。


Where do you live? I live on the second floor. 你住在哪?我住在二层。 That's the very thing I've been looking for. 那正是我要找的东西。

6)用在表示身体部位的名词前: She caught me by the hand. 她抓住了我手。 7)用在某些由普通名词构成的国家名称、机关团体、阶级、等专有名词前:

the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国 the United States 美国 8)用在表示乐器的名词之前: She plays the piano. 她会弹钢琴。

9) 用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人: the Greens 格林一家人 (或格林夫妇) 10) 用在惯用语中:

in the day, in the morning (afternoon,evening), the day after tomorrow

the day before yesterday, the next morning, in the sky (water,field,country) in the dark, in the rain, in the distance, in the middle (of), in the end, by the way, go to the theatre


1) 国名,人名前通常不用冠词:England,Mary;

2)泛指的复数名词,表示一类人或事物时,可不用定冠词; They are teachers. 3)抽象名词表示一般概念时,通常不加冠词; Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。

2)在季节、月份、节日、 假日、日期、星期等表示时间的名词之前,不加冠词; We go to school from Monday to Friday. 3)在三餐、球类运动和娱乐运动的名称前,不加冠词

4) 当by 与火车等交通工具连用中间无冠词;by bus,by train;

5)有些个体名词不用冠词;如: school,college,prison,market,hospital,bed,table,class, town,church,court 等个体名词,直接置于介词后,表示该名词的深层含义,

如:go to hospital 去医院看病

go to the hospital 去医院 (并不是去看病,而是有其他目的) 6)不用冠词的序数词; a. 序数词前有物主代词

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Everyone went to the park except Tom.(除了Tom,大家都去了公园)(Tom没有去公园)/ Besides maths he also studied many other subjects.(除了数学之外,他还学其他许多功课)(“数学”也是他学的功课之一) 连词

1.连词概述:连词是一种虚词,用于连接单词,短语或句子,但不单独做句子成分。按照连词的性质,可将连词分为并列连词和从属连词。并列连词如:and,but,or,for等,它们即可连接单词,短语,又可连接句子。从属连词如:when,before ,because等,它们主要引导名词性从句。 2.常见连词的用法:

1)并列连词 的用法: 并列连词有:and, but, or, nor, so, for yet, however, as well as, both...and, not only...but also, either...or, neither...nor, still,

And: 连接单词短语句子 。如:Tom and I study in the same school. But, or :I have a pen but no pencil. / Would you like coffee or

tea? Nothing but除了,只有: I did nothing but watch it. Or表示否则:如: Hurry up or you will miss the train.

for 表示后面的句子是原因。如: He is good at piano for he practices harder than others.

Not only…but also 不仅…而且。可并列主、谓、宾、表及句子。主语并列时,谓语要就近一致。如: Not only he but also I am a nurse.

As well as 以及,同样。并列单词、短语、句子。并列主语时,动词要随前面的主语变化 .如:He works as well as he can

Either…or 既…又…,或…或…,并列主、谓、宾、表及状语 ,如:Either come in or go out.

Neither…nor 既不…也不, 并列主、谓、宾、表、状语,并列主语时,谓语就近一致。如:Neither you nor he is lazy.

Both…and 和,既…也,并列主、谓、宾及表语。I can speak both English and French.

nor 也不,引导句子要倒装 。如:He can not play the piano, nor can I. so 因此,所以,不和because连用。如:You like swimming, so do I.

2) 从属连词的用法: 从属连词有:after, when, before, as, while, since, until, till, if,

unless, because, than, that, whether, so that

after 表示“时间”,在…之后。如:After I finished the school, I became a worker in the factory.

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Although/though 表示让步, “尽管”。如: Although she is young, she knows a lot.

as 表示时间,“当…时”,方式“象…”,原因,“由于、因为”让步,“尽管、虽然” 。如: As it was rainy, we couldn’t go out now.

As if/as though 表方式,“似乎、好像” 。如: He told us such a story as though he had been there before.

As long as/so long as 表条件,“只要” 。如: As long as I am here, I’ll go to help you.

As soon as 表时间,“一…就…”。如: I will call you as soon as I come back.

because 表原因,“因为”。如: I have to practice more because I am not good at English.

before 表时间,“在…之前’’ 。如: You should think more before you do it.

Even if/ even though 表让步,“即使”。如: You should try again even if you failed.

Hardly…when 表时间,“(刚)一…就”。如: Hardly I entered the gate when the bell rang.

if “假如”,引导条件状语从句。如: We will stay at home if the rain doesn’t stop.

“是否”,引导宾语从句。如; I don’t know if he goes shopping. In order that 表目的,“为了,以便”。如: We study hard in order that we can pass the exam.

No matter +疑问词 表让步,“无论,不管”。如: No matter what you do, you should try your best.

No sooner…than 表时间,“刚一…就…”。如: No sooner had I come home than it began to rain.

once 表时间,“一旦…”。如: Once you read this book, you’ll never forget it.

since 表时间,“自从…以来”.如: He has been in this city since he left school.

表原因,“既然,由于” 。如: Since the job is dangerous, let’s do it more carefully.

so far as/as far as 表条件,“就…而言,就…而论”.如:As far as I know, it is easy for you to speak in English.

So that 表目的,“以便” 。如: Speak loud so that everybody can hear clearly.

So…that 表结果“如此,以致”。如: He got up so early that he caught the early bus.

than 表示比较,“比” 。如: Things were worse than we thought.

unless 表条件,“除非,如果不” 。如: You will fail in the test unless you study hard.

Until/till 表时间,“直到…为止” 。如: I’ll wait till my mother comes

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when 表时间,“当…时’’。如: When they got there, the train has left.

whether “是否”引导名词性从句 。如: Whether he can come to see us is unknown.

表让步,“不管/无论、是否”。如:Whether she is rich or poor, she is always happy.

while 表时间,“当…时” 。如: While he was in Beijing, he visited the Great Wall.

whenever 表时间,“无论什么时候”。如: Whenever you meet any trouble, tell me at once. 实战演练(2×50)

1.----How old are you?

----I’m fifteen. I was born ________ 1990. A. in B. at C. on

2. I study for a test _________ working with a group. A. in B. by C. at

3. A tsunami(海啸) happened in some southern Asian countries________ December, 2004.

A. at B. on C. in

4. Tim’s mum is worried _______ her son’s study as he plays computer games too much.

A. for B. about C. with

5. We should return the books to the library ______ time. A. about B. on C. by

6. ________ your help, my maths has improved a lot. A. With B. Without C. Under

7. A thief stole my wallet_______ the night of May 1st. A. at B. in C. on

8. James is looking ________ his cat everywhere. Have you seen it ? A. like B. at C. for

9. It’s not always necessary to look up the words ________ the dictionary while reading. Sometimes we need to guess. A. on B. in C. at

10. Zhangjiajie is famous _______ its beautiful mountains. A. from B. at C. for

11.Children get gifts ____ Christmas and ____ their birthdays. A. on; on B. at; on C. in; in

12. The plane is starting___five minutes. A. in B. at C. for

13. Lucy sits____ the third row, ____Jim's right.

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A. on; on B. in; at C. in; on

14.Shanghai is___ the east of China, but Japan is ___ the east of China. A. to; in B. in; to . C. on; to

15. 1 like rice dumplings ____ meat ____ them. A. in; on B. with; on C. with; in

16. When you are ___ trouble please ask help ___ us. A. in; from B. in; for C. on; from

17. He put up a map ___ the back wall because there was a hole ___ it. A. on; on B. at; in C. on; in

18. This kind of TV is made____ China. . A. in B. from C. at

19. There are some birds singing___ the trees. A. in B. on C. at

20. Don't read ____ the sun. It's bad ___ your eyes. A. in; to B. under; for C. with; to

21.Some planes are flying___ the city. A. through B. over , C. on ,

22. A mother camel was walking ___ her son ___ the desert. A. without; along B. with; through C. next to; pass 23. The river runs____ the city.

A. cross B. through C. over

24. My uncle lives ____ 56 Changan Street. A.on B. of C. at

25. They are waiting ___ a bus ___ the bus stop. A. for; in B. on; at C. for; at

26. Is there any difference ____ these two sentences? A. for B. in C. between

27. Our headmaster showed the visitors ____ our school. A. to B. for C. around 28. Nobody knew it ____ me.

A. except B. beside C. besides

29. Do you know any other foreign language____ English. A. without B. beside C. besides 30. --- Can you play

--- Yes, I can, ______ I can't

play it

A. or B. and C. but 31. There is something wrong___my bike. A. at B. in C. with

32. -His sudden death surprised his wife.

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very well.


-It was so bad. His wife was surprised ____ his death. A. by B. with C. at

33. Don't laugh____ him, everyone will make mistakes. A. at B. to C. about

34. What did you have ___ breakfast? A. at B. as C. for D. about

35. He can speak English_______ Chinese. A. but B. also C. and

36. Physics is not so easy, _______I like it very much. A. but B. or C. since

37. Will Tom wait for her at home ______ at the library? A. or B. as C. so that

38. I'll give her the gift ______ Mary arrives. A. so B. before C. as soon as

39. The woman was____ angry_____ she couldn't say anything. A. neither…nor B. either…or C. so…that

40. I can't sleep well at night, ______I often feel sleepy in the day. A. so B. because C. and

41. Study hard, ______ you will fall behind. A. and B. but C. or

42. _________ John _______I are policemen. A. Neither ... nor B. Either ... or C. Both ... and

43. He didn't go to sleep ______he finished his homework. A. till B. before C. until

44. Wait for me in the room _______ I come back. A. until B. and C. so

45. Go along the road, _______ you'll find the bookstore at the end of it. A. when B. and C. or

46. You'll be late ______ you don't get up early tomorrow morning. A. if B. when C. before

47. The scientist knows two languages. He can speak _________ English _________ French.

A. either; or B. neither; nor C. both; and

48. His hobby is ______ reading_______ collecting stamps. It’s growing flowers.

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⑧ 复合不定代词的句法功能可以参考some、any、no、every的用法。但下列几点必须 注意:

a)复合不定代词在句子中担任主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。 例如:Is there anything wrong with the computer?电脑出问题了吗? Everybody is here. Let’s begin the meeting.大家到齐了,我们开会吧。 b)修饰复合不定代词的形容词要放在他们的后面,做后置定语。

例如:Be quiet, please. I have something important to tell you.请安静,我有重要 的事情要告诉你们。

6、 疑问代词及其用法

疑问代词在句中起名词词组的作用,用来构成疑问句。 疑问代主要用法 例句 词 who “谁”,主格形式作主语 Who can answer the question? Who is the man over there? whom “谁”,宾格形式,口语中往往 被who代替 whose “谁的”所有格形式 Whose exercise book is this? Whose is this exercise book? what 询问不定书目中的“哪个”、 “哪些”,没有范围的限定;也 可用于询问某人的职业 which “哪个”、“哪些”,询问一定 范围内特指的人或物 Which class are you in, Class 1 or Class 2? What are you going to do? What class are you in? What is your mother? Whom/whom are you talking to?

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实战演练(2×50) 计分:

1 ---Is that man in blue your father? ---No, _______ is my headmaster.

A. he B. him C. she

2. ---Laura, this is my backpack. Where is _______? ---Mine is over there.

A. your B. yours C. his

3. ---Is the woman who walked past just now your teacher? ---Yes, she teaches _____ Chinese.

A. us B. our C. ours

4. ---Is David _________ cousin or theirs? ---He is my cousin.

A. your B. yours C. you

5. Excuse me, _____pen is broken. May I use ________?

A. my, your B. I, yours C. my, yours 6. ---Is this your MP4, Mike? ---No, it’s ______.

A. his B. her C. my

7. We must learn English by __________.

A. us B. our C. ourselves

8. Could you lend me ______ bike? I lost ______ last Saturday.

A. your, my B. your, mine C. yours, mine

9. ---Who taught _____ German? ---Nobody. She learned all by _______.

A. she, her B. her, herself C. hers, herself

10. --- Which would you like, bread or rice? --- ______ of them. I’m full now.

A. Either B. Neither C. All

11. ---_______does your cousin look like? ---He’s tall and thin.

A. What B. Who C. Which

12. Believe yourself. You’re better than ________. You’re the best. Wish you success.

A. anyone else B. some else C. else anyone

13. Most young people find _______ exciting to watch a football match.

A. it B. this C. that

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14. ---_______ are you talking about? ----The Olympic Games in Beijing.

A. What B. How C. Whom

15. ---What about this T—shirt? ---I don’t like the color. Please show me _____one.

A. other B. the other C. another

16. ---Did you enjoy ____ at the party, Jimmy? –Yes, Mum. I enjoyed ___very much.

A. yours, ourselves B. yourselves, myself C. yourself, myself

17. They three were all very tired, but ______ of them would stop to have a rest.

A. some B. none C. all

18. There is ______ knocking at the door. Go and see who it is.

A. someone B. anybody C. nobody 19. Do you know the girl between Lucy and ______?

A. she B. his C. me

20. ---Could you tell me ______ to do next? ---Nothing more. Let’s have a rest.

A. what B. how C. when

21. ---Can we put our sports shoes here? ---Oh, yes. Put ______ here, please.

A. them B. their C. they

22. ---______did Mr Wang leave in a hurry? ---Perhaps to meet a friend. Who knows?

A. Where B. For what C. With whom

23. _____ isn’t easy to learn a foreign language well. But don’t give it up.

A. That B. It C. This

24. ---Hello! ---_______is Mary speaking. Is ______ Lily? --- Yes, speaking.

A. This, this B. This, that C. That, this

25. ---Who told you Sam and Kitty got married? --- A friend of _______. A. you B. her C. mine

26.There are many tall buildings on _______ sides of the street.

A. either B. all C. both

27 I asked both Mary and Lucy to my birthday party, but ________ of them can come.

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A. both B. neither C. all

28.---Mum, Li Ming bought a parrot yesterday. Could you please buy ____ for me? ---Sure. But you must take good care of it. A. one B. it C. that

29.The weather in Hengyang is different from ______ in Beijing. A. one B. it C. that

30.As we all have grown up, we should learn to look after ________. A. ourselves B. us C. myself

31.Never say you’re a fool. Everyone is good at ________. A. something B. anything C. everything

32 I like pop music, but _______ my father _______ my mother likes it. A. both; and B. either; or C. neither; nor

33.---When shall we go to the museum, this afternoon or tomorrow morning? ---_______ is OK. I’m free these days. A. Both B. All C. Either

34 There are only _________ new words in the passage, but I know _____ of them. A. some; all B. a few; none C. lots of; a few

35 ---Who is singing in the next room? --- _______ must be Marie. A. It B. She C. This

36.The machines made in China are cheaper than ________ made in Japan. A. ones B. that C. those

37 ---Two Evening Papers, please! ---Only one copy left. Would you like to have

___, sir? A. one B. it C. this

38 ---Do you like talking with your friends on the phone or on mobile phone? ---_________. I enjoy using QQ. A. Either B. Neither C. None

39 The pears in my basket are smaller than _______ in Jim’s. A. those B. that C. ones

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40.We can’t leave our grandparents by _________. A. they B. them C. themselves

41.---Can I talk to you for a minute, Brian? ---Sure. I have ______ time. A. a few B. little C. a little

42.---Is _______ here today? ---No. Han Mei isn’t here. Maybe she’s ill. A. someone B. anyone C. everyone

43.---Have you finished your task? ---No, I’ll finish it in _______ ten minutes. A. less B. other C. another

44.Mrs White has two children. _______ is a driver, and ______ is a nurse. A. One; another B. One; the other C. One; other 45.The old woman asked _______, “What should I do?” A. herself B. her C. hers 46.Either you or I _______ right. A. is B. am C. are D. be

47 We found _______ necessary to protect the environment. A. it B. this C. that

48.It was ________ fine day that they went to the park. A. so a B. a so C. such a

49._________went surfing at the beach because of the terrible weather. A. Someone B. No one C. Nothing

50.---______ did Mr Wang leave in a hurry? ---Perhaps to meet a friend. Who

knows? A. How B. Where C. For what

1-5 ABAAC 6-10 ACBBB 11-15 AAAAC 16-20 CBACB 21-25 ABBBC 26-30 CBACA 31-35 ACCBA 36-40 CBBAC 41-45 CCCBA 46-50 BACBC

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The harder you study, the better grades you will get. 学习越努力,成绩就越好。 6)表示“越来越……”时,用比较级的叠加形式,即:比较级+ and+比较级。 例如:It?s getting hotter and hotter. 天气越来越热了。

The city is becoming more and more beautiful. 城市越来越漂亮了。

实战演练(2×50) 计分:

1 In Huaihua it?s ________ in summer, but it is even _______ in Changsha. A. hotter, hottest B. hot, hotter C. hotter, hot 2 The sea looks very _____ when the sun is shining on it.

A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. the most beautiful 3 Can you go shopping with me ? I have _______ to buy.

A. something useful B. useful something C. nothing useful

4 At my birthday party, my friend Helen is _______ to make us all _______.

A. enough funny, laugh B. funny enough, laugh C. enough funny, to laugh

5 The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. What _____ news to us all at that moment! A. an exciting B. an excited C. exciting

6 His father began to work as ________ as he was seventeen. A. old B. early C. far

7 Henry is a little _________ than Bill. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest 8 ________, the healthier you will be.

A. The more money you get B. The taller you are C. The better habits you have

9 The doctor told Mary to eat _________ vegetables and _______ meat because she was getting fatter

and fatter. A. much; little B. more ; less C. many; few

10 ---What do you think of the lecture(演讲) of Li Yang?s Crazy English? ---I think it?s ________, but someone thinks it?s much too _______. A. wonderful enough; bored B. enough wonderful; boring C. wonderful enough; boring

11 She told us a story. Her voice sounded ________.

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A. sweet B. small C. clearly D. sadly

12 ---I think our chemistry teacher is working hard. He teaches us _______. ---Yes, but he hasn?t come today. He doesn?t feel _______. A. good; well B. well; well C. well; good 13 ---Mum, could I have an MP3 like this?

---Certainly, we can buy _______ one, but as good as this. A. a cheap B. a cheapest C. a cheaper

14 This sweater doesn?t suit me. It?s a bit small. Could you give me ______ one? A. a large B. a larger C. the largest 15 This math problem is ________ that one. A. not so easy as B. more easy than C. easy than 16 When winter comes, the days get ________.

A. short and short B. shorter and shorter C. long and long 17 Paul is the _______ of the two children in his family. A. most fattest B. fattest C. fatter

18 ---This cake is delicious. ---Well, at least it is ________ the one I baked last week. A. as worse as B. as better than C. not worse than

19 They have just cleaned the windows, so the room looks _______. A. much brighter B. more bright C. less bright

20 ---Why didn?t you enjoy the talk? ---It was ________ talk that I had ever listened to. A. the most interesting B. the least interesting C. more interesting 21 Shanghai is bigger than _________ in Australia.

A. any city B. any cities C. any other city

22 ---You have got the same shirt as I ---Yes. Mine is ______, but not so ______ as yours.

A. better; expensive B. better; more expensive C. more better; expensive

23 Now the air in our town is _______ than it used to be. Something must be done to stop it. A. very good B. much better C. even worse 24 It?s _______ today than yesterday.

A. quite colder B. a little colder C. much cold 25 Who runs ______, Tom or Jim? A. fast B. faster C. fastest

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26 We should use ______ plastic bags to protect our environment. A. more B. less C. fewer

27 ---________ is Lucky 52 shown on CCTV-2? ---Every week. A. How far B. How often C. How long 28 My classmates don?t smoke. I don?t, ________. A. too B. neither C. either

29 ---What do you think of the football match? ---Wonderful. They have never played ______. A. best B. better C. worse

30 Though the player is over thirty, he can still run ______ some younger players. A. as fast as B. so fast as C. much fast than

31 ---You are standing too near to the TV. Can you move a bit _______? ---OK, Mom. Is it all right here?

A. faster B. slower C. farther D. nearer

32 Though he has studied ____ at Russian for ten months, he can still _____ speak the language. A. hard; hard B. hardly; hardly C. hard; hardly

33 Don?t worry, sir. I?m sure I can run ______ to catch up with him. A. fast enough B. enough fast C. slowly enough 34 Of all the students, Linda draws ________ carefully. A. most B. much C. more

35 Wang Ping does ______ in physics of all the subjects. A. badly B. most badly C. worst

36 ---How does Bill drive now, Sue? ---He drives _______ me.

A. much more careful than B. as careful as C. even more carefully than 37 Please write to me as______ as possible. A. soon B. quickly C. fast

38 ou will realize the importance of mastering a foreign language ______ in the future. A. sometime B. some times C. sometimes 39 It?s _______ a beautiful stamp. A. quite B. too C. very

40 Bob never does his homework _______ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes. A. so careful as B. as carefully as C. carefully as

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41 Among the three boys he works perhaps the ____________. A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. most hard

42 She always finishes her homework on time. She _______ leaves it for tomorrow. A. always B. never C. usually 43 The more we look at the picture, ______.

A. the better we liked it B. the less we like it C. we like it less 44 Who used to get up ________ in your class during the summer trip? A. earlier B. earliest C. the most early

45 ---Do you prefer music to drawing? ---No. I like drawing _______. A. well B. most C. better

46 Don?t worry. We?ve got ________ for all of you.

A. big enough a room B. enough big a room C. a big enough room 47 Can you imagine that _______ little ants can carry ______ many big worms? A. so; so B. such; such C. such; so D. so; such 48 ---Did Han Meimei pick a lot of apples? ---Yes. She picked _______ than any of us. A. many more B. much more C. the most

49 ---Who jumped the _______ of all in the long jump? ---Li Lei did. A. longest B. longer C. farthest

50 Beijing has _____ many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush hours. A. so B. very C. too

01-05 BAABC 06-10 BBCBC 11-15 ABCBA 16-20 BCCAB 21-25 AACBB 26-30 CBCBA 31-35 CCAAC 36-40 CAAAB 41-45 CBBBC 46-50 CCACA

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专题六 动词的分类


根据其句法功能,动词可以分为四大类,列表如下。 动 2、连系动词 have +done,构成完成时态 +been doing,构成完成进行时态 肯定式do(does,did); 帮助行为动词的一般现在时、一般过去 否定式:don?t(doesn?t,didn?t) will, shall, should, would 4、情态动词 can, may, must, might, could等 时构成疑问句; 帮助行为动词的一般现在时、一般过去时构成否定与 +动词原形构成将来时 后接动词原形一起构成谓语 不及物动词 be, seem, look, sound, smell, turn, get, become等+表语,构成主系表句型 be +doing,构成进行时 +done,构成被动语态 1、实义动词(行为动词) 及物动词 +宾语,构成主谓宾句型 +双宾语,构成主谓双宾句型 +复合宾语,构成主位复宾句型 词 3、助动词 二、实义动词及用法 实义动词也叫行为动词,是四类动词中唯一能独立作谓语的一类动词。根据其句法功能可以分为及物动词和不及物动词两类。

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