SAP B1中国认证考试试题

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SAP Business One全球认证培训练习题

SAP Business One





SAP Business One全球认证培训练习题

目 录

一、 二、 三、 四、 五、 六、 七、 八、 九、 十、 十一、 十二、 十三、 十四、 十五、 十六、 十七、 十八、 十九、 二十、 二十一、 二十二、 二十三、 二十四、 二十五、 二十六、 二十七、 二十八、 二十九、 三十、 三十一、

基础 ................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 主数据 ............................................................................................................................... 6 采购流程 ........................................................................................................................... 9 销售流程 ......................................................................................................................... 12 运费(附加费用) ......................................................................................................... 14 拣配与包装 ..................................................................................................................... 16 单据生成向导 ................................................................................................................. 17 单据 ................................................................................................................................. 18 采购与销售报表 ............................................................................................................. 22 标准业务流程及相关财务处理 ..................................................................................... 23 库存报表 ..................................................................................................................... 25 价格清单 ..................................................................................................................... 25 计量单位 ..................................................................................................................... 27 批次号和序列号 ......................................................................................................... 28 库存交易及相关财务处理 ......................................................................................... 29 关联模式和直达运货 ................................................................................................. 32 特殊价格 ..................................................................................................................... 34 MRP 物料需求计划 ................................................................................................... 37 生产 ............................................................................................................................. 40 活动和日历 ................................................................................................................. 42 销售机会 ................................................................................................................. 43 服务 ......................................................................................................................... 46 佣金组 ..................................................................................................................... 51 会计科目 ................................................................................................................. 52 过账期间 ................................................................................................................. 53 预算 ......................................................................................................................... 55 日记账分录 ............................................................................................................. 59 期末结账(及过账期间) ..................................................................................... 60 库存成本财务处理 ................................................................................................. 61 期初数据 ..................................................................................................................... 65 成本中心 ................................................................................................................. 66


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三十二、 坏账(可疑债务)与催款 ..................................................................................... 68 三十三、 三十四、 三十五、 三十六、 三十七、 三十八、 冲销 ......................................................................................................................... 70 账龄分析 ................................................................................................................. 71 外币及汇率处理 ..................................................................................................... 72 对账 ......................................................................................................................... 73 财务报表 ................................................................................................................. 76 银行 ......................................................................................................................... 79 三十九、四十、 四十一、四十二、四十三、四十四、四十五、四十六、四十七、四十八、四十九、五十、 五十一、五十二、五十三、五十四、五十五、五十六、五十七、

付款条款 ................................................................................................................. 81 付款向导 ..................................................................................................................... 82 收付款 ..................................................................................................................... 84 预收预付 ................................................................................................................. 86 信用卡(有待完善) ............................................................................................. 88 支票(有待完善) ................................................................................................. 93 人力资源 ................................................................................................................. 94 系统安装与管理 ..................................................................................................... 95 初始化设置 ............................................................................................................. 98 权限(有待完善) ............................................................................................... 101 审批流程 ............................................................................................................... 106 DTW 及数据导入导出(有待完善) .................................................................... 111 服务管理器 ........................................................................................................... 113 Addon及Outlook集成(有待完善) ................................. 错误!未定义书签。 定制工具:自定义字段、表、查询;格式化搜索;警报 ............................... 115 打印设置(有待完善) ....................................................................................... 119 多语言支持 ........................................................................................................... 125 维护与支持(有待完善) ................................................................................... 127 ADDON相关 .......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。


SAP Business One全球认证培训练习题

一、 基础

1. 下列哪个产品不是以中小型企业为目标客户的

1. Which of these products is NOT aimed at the SMB customer? A. mySAP All-in-One B. SAP Business One C. mySAP Business Suite C

2. SAP B1的应用是使用的胖客户端.(C/S架构) 2. The SAP Business One application uses a fat client. A. True B. False

A (可支持远程、移动应用、将支持租用)


3. The SAP Addons are automatically installed when the Business One application is installed. A. True B. False



4. How many product lines does SAP support in the SMB Market Space? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four

C(高级(成熟)的中型企业:mySAP All-in-One; 成长型的小型:SAP Business One;

SAP Business ByDesign 基于云计算和SAAS模式的,针对中型企业)


5. Which of these products is a preconfigured version of the mySAP Business Suite? A. SAP Business One B. SAP All-In-One C. SAP Must-Have-One B(A1是R3的行业预配置版) 6. 专门的报表工具在SAP Bussiness One中被称作什么

6. What is the ?Ad-hoc‘ reporting tool known as within SAP Business One? A. Drop & Alert 丢弃警报 B. Drag & Relate 拖放相关


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C. Drive & Attach 驱动启动 D. Duck & Dive 闪避下潜 B

7. 客户关系管理在SAP Bussiness One里面是一个高度综合的功能

7. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a highly integrated function within SAP Business One. A. True B. False A

8. SAP Business One有数据接口DI API和用户接口UI API

8. SAP Business One comes with a Data Interface API and User Interface API. A. True B. False A

9. 点击下面哪个按钮可在登陆界面选择一个不同的用户

9. Which one of the following button needs to be pressed in the login screen(Choose Company) that allows you to select a different user? A. New 新建公司 B. Change User更改用户 C. Refresh 刷新 B

10一旦登陆SAP Bussiness One,可以在用户界面修改语言

10. Once logged into SAP Business One, it is possible to change the language used in the user interface. A. True B. False A


11. It is possible for a single user to be able to log into more than one company. A. True B. False A

12下列哪个选项在SAP Bussiness One中运用工具栏图标是可能实现的

12. Which one of these options is possible in SAP Business One, using the toolbar icons?

A. Export data to Microsoft Excel 导出数据到EXCEL

B. Export data to another SAP application 导出数据到另一个SAP应用软件 C. Shut down your workstation 关闭工作站


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38 已开票货物可做退货单

38. It is possible to create a ?Goods Return‘ on an invoiced item. A. True B. False


另:在SAP B1英文界面中,Goods Return是采购流程中的退货; Return 是销售流程中的退货)

39 什么情况下,贷项凭证不更新实际库存数量

39. When will a credit memo not update the actual stock quantity? A. When linked to an A/P Invoice that contains stock items A 链接到应付发票并且包括库存物料 B. When not linked to another document B 没有和其他单据关联

C. When linked to a goods return C 当链接到退货单时 C


40 预留发票另外的名称是什么

40. What is another name for a Reserve Invoice? A. Supplier quotation 供应商报价单 B. Proforma Invoice 形式发票 C. Credit Note 信用证 B形式发票


41 应付预留发票对库存有何影响

41. What effect on stock does an A/P Reserve Invoice have? A. Increase Actual Stock Quantity 增加实际库存数 B. Increase Available Stock Quantity 增加可用库存数 C. Decrease Available Stock Quantity 减少可用库存数 D. Decrease Actual Stock Quantity 减少实际库存数 B



42. The only Base document for a Goods Return is a Goods Receipt. A. True


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B. False A

43 退货单不影响会计系统

43. A return does not effect the accounting system. A. True if continuous stock is turned off A 正确,当永续盘存为关

B. True if continuous stock is turned on B 正确,当永续盘存为开 C. False C 错误


(系统初始化—公司明细—基本初始化 不勾选 使用永续盘存,则退货不影响会计系统。)

四、 销售流程

44 销售订单可以根据以下哪个单据生成

44. The Sales Order can be created from which of the following documents? A. Quotation 报价单 B. Delivery 交货单 C. A/R Invoice 应收发票 A

45 应收发票可以链接多个发货单

45. It is possible to link an A/R Invoice to multiple Deliveries. A. True B. False A


46. It is possible to delete an A/R Invoice once it has been added to the SAP Business One system. A. True B. False B

47 在永续盘存中,何时记入销售成本总分类账

47. In a Perpetual (Continuous) Stock System, when is a posting made to the Cost of Sales General Ledger Account?

A. When creating an Invoice with reference to a Delivery. A 基于发货单创建发票 B. When creating a Delivery. B 当创建发货单时


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C. When creating an Order. C 当创建订单时

B (8.81PL07之后,如果使用装运货物科目,则在创建发票时记入成本。)

48 销售订单对实际库存水平有何影响

48. What effect does a Sales Order have on the on-hand stock level of an Item? A. It reduces the on-hand stock level. 减少 B. It increases the on-hand stock level. 增加 C. It has no effect on the on-hand stock level. 没有影响 C

49 销售报价单在销售过程中是强制生成的

49. A Sales Quotation is a mandatory document in the SAP Business One Sales Process. A. True B. False B

50 在SAP Business One中,销售流程的哪个单据会减少可用库存数量

50. Which document in the SAP Business One Process will reduce the available stock quantity?

A. Quotation 销售报价单 B. Order 销售订单 C. Delivery(base on Order) 发货单 D. Invoice(base on order & Delivery) 发票 B

51 贷项凭证可以贷记客户的会计数据,而库存水平不更新

51. A Credit Memo can be used to credit a customer‘s account without updating the Stock Level. This statement is… A. False

B. True when not using an Invoice as the Base Document B 正确,当没有用发票作为基础凭证时

C. True when using a Service Invoice as the Base Document C 正确,当用服务发票作为基础凭证时 C


52 贷项凭证可以把应收预留发票作为基础凭证

52. A Credit Memo can have an A/R Reserve Invoice as its base document. A. True B. False A


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53 创建应收预留发票对实际库存有何影响

53. What effect on actual(on-hand) stock does creating an A/R Reserve Invoice have?

A. Reduces actual stock level. 减少 B. Increases actual stock level. 增加 C. No effect. 无影响 C

(实际库存+已订购-已承诺=可用库存, 如果不基于销售订单,已承诺量会增 加,可用库存量会减少)

54 可以基于发票创建退货单

54. It is possible to create a return on an invoiced item. A. True B. False B

55 退货单会减少实际库存水平

55. A Return will decrease actual stock levels within the company. A. True B. False B

(这里指的是销售退回(return)销售中的退货会增加实际库存,采购退货(Goods Return)会减少实际库存)

56 销售流程中的A/R是什么意思?

56. What does the term A/R stand for in the Sales Process? A. Accounts Receivable 应收账款 B. Accounts Registered C. Accounts Rendered A

五、 运费(附加费用)

57 以下哪个选项能够影响库存商品的价格 57. You can affect the inventory value: A. Only with Total level additional expenses A 仅为总量级别的附加费用

B. Only with Row level additional expenses B 只为行级别的附加费用

C. With both Row and Total additional expenses C 行级别和总量级别的附加费用


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D. It is not possible to affect the inventory value with additional expense D 附加费用不会影响库存价格 C

58 哪个选项会影响上一次的采购价格

58. You can affect the last purchase price: A. Only with Total level additional expenses A 仅仅总量级别的附加费用

B. Only with Row level additional expenses B 仅仅行级别的附加费用

C. With both Row and Total additional expenses C 总量级别和行级别的附加费用

D. It is not possible to affect the last purchase price with additional expense D 附加费用不会影响上一次的采购价格 C

59 分配总计栏的值显示:

59. The value in the Distributed Amount column displays: A. The Total level additional expenses amount distributed to each row. A 总量级别的附加费用总计分配到每一行

B. The Row level additional expenses amount distributed to each row. B 行级别的附加费用总计分配到每一列

C. The overall additional expenses amount distributed to each row. C 全部附加费用总计分配到每一列

D. The amount to be applied on the inventory value of the item in that row. D 该总计直接应用于那一行物料的库存价值 A

60 凭证右下角的“附加费用”字段表示:

60. The field ?Add. Expenses‘ located at the bottom right of the document displays:

A.The Total level additional expenses amount A 总量级别附加费用总计

B. The Row level additional expenses amount B 行级别的附加费用总计

C. The overall amount of additional expenses C 所有的附加费用总计

D. The Fixed additional expenses amounts D 固定附加费用总计 C

61 如果基础凭证的数量已清而附加费用未清,则此凭证还是未清的

61. A base document can remain Open with its additional expenses amount only (without any open quantity)


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C 这一行的信息已经复制到目标单据中了 D. This is a Text type row D 这是一个格式行 C

90 在文本类型的单据行中,可以输入文本信息或者选择物料号

90. In a Text row type, you can type free text or select an item number. A. True B. False B


91 当一个物料有序列号管理时,为该物料打开“选择序列号”窗口,把光标放在哪个字段位置上:

91. To open the Select Serial Numbers window for an item managed with serial numbers, place the cursor in the field: A. Item No. 物料号 B. Quantity 数量 C. Whse 仓库 D. Price 价格 B

(然后点右键,或CTRL +TAB)

92 在选择凭证向导里,选择“定制”,你必须/应当将基本凭证的所有行复制到目标凭证 92. To copy all the rows from a base to a target document, (you must/should) choose Customize in the Draw Document Wizard. A. True B. False B

93 在物料号字段按下“CTRL+TAB”将会打开:

93. Selecting the key combination Ctrl+Tab in the Item No. field will open the: A. Last Prices Report 上一次的价格报表 B. Select Serial Numbers window 序列号选择窗口 C. Item by Warehouses window 入库界面 D. Alternative Items window 备选物料窗口 D

94 在单据中选中需要的行,右键—复制行 即可复制该行

94. To duplicate a row in a document, right click the mouse on the required row and choose Duplicate Row. A. True B. False A


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九、 采购与销售报表

95 在SAP Business One中,在哪个报表可以看某个特定的销售员和他销售的?

95. In SAP Business One, is it possible to view a particular Sales Employee and their sales in a report?

A. Yes, in the ‘Sales Analysis Report’ under the ‘Sales Employees’ tab A 可以,在“销售分析报表”里的“销售员”标签下 B. No, this would be too advanced for any software B 不可以,软件无法实现

C. Maybe, depends on how many sales have been made by Item C 有可能,取决于货物的销售量 A

96 在物料主数据的“采购数据”或“销售数据”的标签下,点“显示图形”图标,将会显示: 96. When you click on the graphical icon in the ?Purchase‘ or ?Sales‘ tab when in the Item Master Data, the report you see displays…

A. all dates where a transaction was made within the current year. A 当前会计年度交易发生的所有数据

B. all transactions made within the last month. B 上月发生的所有交易

C. all transactions made from the previous year. C上一年度发生的所有交易 A


97 在销售&采购报表中,没有哪个选项?

97. What is not an option in the Sales & Purchasing Analysis Reports? A. Filter on Item 按物料查看 B. Filter on Customer/Vendor 按客户/供应商查看 C. Filter on Authorizations 按权限查看 C

98 对供应商的账龄分析报表中,可通过哪种方式查看

98. In the Vendor Liability Aging Report, it is possible to view the intervals of the liabilities by…

A. days, months and years. B. hours, days and weeks. C. days, months and periods. C

99 销售分析报表中的三个选择标准是什么?

99. What are the three main tabs in the Sales Analysis Report? A. Customer, Items, Sales Opportunities 客户,物料,销售机会


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B. Customer, Items, Sales Employee客户,物料,销售员 C. Vendor, Items, Purchase Manager供应商,物料,采购员 D. Vendor, Items, Sales Employee 供应商,物料,销售员 B

100 在销售分析和采购分析报表中,“组”是过滤器中的一个参数

100. ?Group‘ is a parameter in which you can filter a Sales Analysis or Purchase Analysis report on. A. True B. False A

101 如果数据存在的话,可以基于以前年度的数据创建销售/采购报表的

101. It is possible in SAP Business One to create a Sales/Purchase Analysis Report based on the previous year, if data exists. A. True B. False A

十、 标准业务流程及相关财务处理

102 哪一种是实际成本的评估方法

102. Which of the following valuation methods could also be called ?Actual Cost‘ valuation? A. Moving Average B. Standard Price

C. First In First Out (FIFO) C


103 可用库存的定义是:

103. ?Available Stock‘ is defined as:

A. On Hand – Ordered +Committed 库存-已订购+已承诺 B. On Hand – Committed + Ordered 库存-已承诺+已订购 C. Committed - On Hand + Ordered 已承诺-库存+已订购 B


103. When a Purchase Invoice is received, it will clear down the amount stored in allocation cost account by the Goods Receipt. A. True B. False A


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104 在获得采购发票前,哪个科目是用来记录收货的债务

104. Which account is used for recording the liability of a Goods Receipt before the Purchase Invoice is received? A. Stock Account 库存科目 B. Allocation Account 分配科目 C. Expenses Account 费用科目 D. Revenues Account 收入科目 B

105 下面哪个不是SAP Business One的评估方法

105. Which of the following is not a valuation method in SAP Business One? A. Last In First Out (LIFO) 后进先出 B. First In First Out (FIFO) 先进先出 C. Standard Price 标准成本 D. Moving Average 移动平均 A

106 永续盘存是指它会根据每一次的库存变动不断地重新评估库存情况

106. A continuous stock system is so called because it continuously revalues stock on each and every stock movement. A. True B. False A

107 默认的应收账款科目,取决于客户的

107. The default Receivable account is determined from the customer‘s… A. Payment Terms 付款条款 B. Bill-to Address 开票地址 C. Credit Limit 信用额度 D. Currency 货币 B

108 成本价格只能在仓库级计算和定义

108. Cost prices can only be calculated /defined at the warehouse level. A. True B. False B

109 SAP Business One中主要有6种评估方法:移动平均,先进先出,后进先出,定义价格清单,上一次价格评定,标准成本。

109. There are six main methods of valuation in SAP Business One: Moving Average, FIFO, LIFO, Defined Price List, Last Revaluation Price,Standard Price. A. True B. False


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十一、 库存报表

110 下列哪项不是仓库报表中的选项?

110. Which one of the following reports is not a Warehouse Report in SAP Business One?

A. Inventory Valuation Report 库存评估报表 B. Inventory in Warehouse Report 仓库中的库存报表 C. Inventory Status in Transit Report 库存状态交易表 C

111 在库存评估模拟报表中可以对特定仓库进行分析

111. In the Inventory Valuation Report, it is possible to analyze the report by specific warehouse. A. True B. False A

112 “仓库的库存报表”中的“通常”与“详细报表”有什么主要区别?

112. What is the main different between the normal Inventory in Warehouse Report and the detailed Inventory in Warehouse Report?

A. ‘Normal’ shows a general overview of the inventory situation whereas ‘Detailed’ shows a breakdown of inventory in each warehouse

A “通常”显示库存的整体情况,而“详细报表”可以按类目细分显示

B. ‘Normal’ shows a general overview of the inventory values whereas ‘Detailed’ shows a general overview of inventory situation

B “通常”显示库存的价格情况,而“详细报表”显示库存的整体情况

C. ‘Normal’ shows a breakdown of the inventory in each warehouse whereas ‘Detailed’ shows a general overview of the inventory situation

C “通常”可以按类目细分显示,而“详细报表”显示库存整体情况 A



113. The three main options for running the Inventory Posting List Report by are… A. Item, Business Partner, Sales Employee 物料 业务伙伴 销售员 B. Item, Business Partner, Other 物料 业务伙伴 其他 C. Item, Other, Vendor 物料 其他 供应商 B

十二、 价格清单

114 当创建一张单据时,系统会为特定业务伙伴指定默认的价格清单


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114. When a document is created within SAP Business One, the system proposes the default Price List for that particular Business Partner. A. True B. False A

115 可以手动修改“上次采购价格”

115. It is possible to manually edit the ?Last Purchase Price‘. A. True B. False B

116 物料主数据中的价格清单可以改动

116. It is possible to maintain the Price List in the Item Master Data. A. True B. False A

117 用户如何知道价格清单中指定的价格是“自动”还是“手动”

117. How will the user know whether the price specified in the Price List is ?Automatic‘ or ?Manual‘?

A. If it is ‘Automatic’, you will not be able to see the breakdown of the prices. A 如果是“自动”,则不显示价格的明细

B. A checkbox will be checked under the column ‘Manual’. If there is no checkbox and/or column, it is ‘Automatic’.

B “手动”栏边上的勾选框勾选了就是手动,如果没有勾选框就是自动

C. There is a column that says ‘Automatic’ or ‘Manual’. An ‘A’ within the field, means Automatic and an ‘M’ means Manual.

C 有“自动”或“手动”一栏,“A”代表自动,“M”代表手动 B

118. 在销售订单中修改货物价格清单可以是外币前缀出现在价格之前

118. It is possible to alter the Price List for a product so that a Foreign Currency prefix is shown before the price itself on a Sales Order document. A. True B. False A

119 在业务伙伴默认的价格清单中,某个物料有一个外币价格(欧元)。业务伙伴定义为本币(美元)。当发票包含此物料时总计发票是什么货币单位?

119. In a Business Partner‘s default Price List, an item has a unit price in a Foreign Currency (Euros). The Business Partner is defined as a Local Currency (US Dollars). What currency will the total of an invoice be in when it includes the item? A. Pounds Sterling


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B. US Dollars C. Euros B

120 更新价格清单时,有哪两个选项

120. When updating Price Lists you have two options. What are these options? A. ‘Update Entire Price List’ and ‘Update by Selection’ A “更新全部价格清单”和“按选择更新” B. ‘Update Entire Price List’ and ‘Update by Pairs’ B“更新全部价格清单”“按对更新”

C. ‘Update by Selection’ and ‘Update Periodically’ C “按选择更新”和“周期性更新” A

十三、 计量单位

121 如果一个盒子可以装10个物料,销售订单上有21个物料,交货时需要几个盒子

121. If a box holds 10 single items and a Sales Order is placed for 21 single items, how many boxes will be needed for delivery? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 C

122 在采购订单中改变因子时也会改变数量

122. It is possible to override the quantity in a purchase order when factors are being used. A. True B. False A

123 在销售订单中基本单位选“是”,则可用库存量会因为订单数量的减少而减少相同的数量 123. If Base Unit = ?Yes‘ in a Sales Order, an order quantity of ?1‘ will result in a reduction in available stock quantity by ?1‘. A. True B. False A

124 包装的计量单位只是信息记录,不会改变数量计算

124. The packaging unit of measure is for information purposes only. It does not alter the quantity calculation. A. True B. False


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125 下面哪些是SAP Business One中的计量单位

125. Which of the following are all SAP Business One Units of Measure? A. Base Unit, Packaging Unit, Purchase Unit A 基础单位 包装单位 采购单位 B. Countable Unit, Sales Unit, Base Unit B 可计算单位 销售单位 基础单位 C. Sales Unit, Purchase Unit, Stock Unit C 销售单位 采购单位 库存单位 C

126 因子比采购单位具有优势的地方是

126. The advantage that factors have over a defined purchasing unit are that they…

A. calculate the required amount of packaging. A 计算所需包装量

B. can be changed after transactions have been created for an item. B 物料发生交易后也能更改

C. are fixed and cannot be changed. C 可以修改但不能删除 B

十四、 批次号和序列号

127 创建批次号时,需要在每次交易中选择批次管理方法

127. If you want to create the batch numbers only when you issue them, you should select the management method on every transaction. A. True B. False B

128 在SAP Business One中,可以自动选择批次

128. It is possible in SAP Business One to select batches automatically. A. True B. False A

129 序列号和批次号的两个主要管理方法是:

129. The two main management methods for Serial and Batch numbers in SAP Business One are…

A. ‘On Every Transaction’ and ‘On Entry Only’ A 对每笔交易和仅入库


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B. ‘On Release Only’ and ‘On Entry Only’ B 只对关闭的和仅入库

C. ‘On Every Transaction’ and ‘On Release Only’ C 对每笔交易和仅下达(出库) C

130 对所交易中的物料批次进行管理时,在收货采购单的数量字段处同时按下“ctrl+tab”,则显示:

130. Pressing ?CTRL‘ and ?Tab‘ simultaneously in the quantity field on a Goods Receipt for a batch managed item on every transaction will do which of the following?

A. Provide a list of previous prices for the item A 物料的先前价格清单

B. Takes you to the ‘Define Batches’ window B 转到定义批次号界面

C. Takes you to the ‘Define Serial Numbers’ window C 转到定义序列号界面 B

131 在SAP Business One中管理序列号时,可做全局更新

131. When managing Serial Numbers in SAP Business One, it is possible to do a globel update. A. True B. False A

132 运行批号交易报表,“外”显示绿色,“内”显示红色

132. Running the Batch Number Transaction Report shows you the direction of the stock, ?Out‘ is shown as green and ?In‘ as red. A. True B. False B

133 可以把制造日期分配到批号或者序列号中么?

133. You can assign the manufacturing date to a Batch or Serial number? A. True B. False A

十五、 库存交易及相关财务处理

134 收货采购订单对库存有什么影响?


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134. What effects on stock does a Goods Receipt have? A. Increase stock 增加库存 B. Decrease stock 减少库存 C. No effect 没影响 A

135 库存转储怎样影响库存?

135. What effects on stock do Stock Transfers have? A. Credit the receiving warehouse and Debit the issuing warehouse. A 贷 收货仓库(科目) 借 发货仓库(科目)

B. Debit the receiving warehouse and Credit the issuing warehouse. B 借 收货仓库(科目) 贷 发货仓库(科目) A

136 创建收货采购订单时,系统自动创建一张采购订单

136. When you create a Goods Receipt, the system automatically creates a Purchase Order. A. True B. False B

137 库存转储是个外部过程,就跟客户与公司的关系一样

137. It is possible for a Stock Transfer to occur as an external process, for example from customer to company. A. True B. False B


138 关于寄售,以下哪句正确

138. With regards to Consignment, which one of the following statements is the most accurate?

A. You should create a Consignment Warehouse for each customer that uses Consignment. A 应当为单个需要的客户创建寄售仓库

B. You should create one Consignment Warehouse for all customers that use Consignment. B 应当为全部客户创建寄售仓库

C. You should use the default warehouse for Consignment. C 使用默认仓库 B

139 库存转储属于公司内部流程

139. Stock Transfer are an internal process within a company. A. True


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B. False A

140 创建(库存)发货单时,对哪些科目有影响

140. When creating a Goods Issue, the accounts effected are… A. the Inventory Account and the InventoryOffset-Decrease Account. A 库存科目和库存差异-损失科目

B. the Inventory Account and the Cost of Goods Sold Account B 库存科目和销售成本科目.

C. the Inventory Account and the Goodwill Account. C 库存科目和商誉科目 A

141 可以在没有输入期初价格的情况下输入期初结余

141. It is possible to enter an Opening Balance of Inventory without entering an opening price. A. True B. False A

142 哪个按钮可以修正库存盘点数据与当前系统数据的差异

142. Which button allows you to account for discrepancies between stock as counted in the Warehouse and the figures currently in the system? A. Add 添加 B. OK 完成 C. Reconcile 调节 D. Cancel 取消 C

143 在SAP Business One中,可以对库存盘点周期的频率进行设置

143. The setup of an Inventory Cycle in SAP Business One allows you to specify the frequency of execution of the count. A. True B. False A

144 运行库存跟踪表,隐藏实际库存数量的选择框是一下哪个

144. When the Inventory Tracking report is executed, the checkbox that hides physical stock in Warehouse is known as which one of the following? A. Hide Current Stock 隐藏近期库存 B. Hide Warehouse Quantity 隐藏仓库数量 C. Hide Quantity Stored 隐藏存储的数量 C


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145 做库存跟踪时,仓库中的每一种物料都可以打印出来

145. It is possible to print each Item in Warehouse for an inventory Track. A. True B. False A

146 输入期初余额有两种方法。1.输入数据使库存更新。2.跟随库存估值更新数据

146. When entering an Opening Balance, there are two options in the way the data is entered. The first is to enter the data so that the Inventory Levels are updated. The second is to enter so that the Inventory Levels are updated, along with their… A. specific quantities for each Warehouse. 每个仓库的具体数量 B. stock valuation. 库存估值 C. production data. 生产数据 B


147 可以为盘点周期可以设置警报

147. It is possible to set an alert for an Inventory Cycle. A. True B. False A

十六、 关联模式和直达运货


148 在关联模式(背靠背)中,哪个凭证是最先创建的

148. In the Back-to-Back process, which of the following is the first document created?

A. Sales Order 销售订单 B. Purchase Order 采购订单 C. Goods Receipt PO 采购收货单 D. A/R Invoice 应收发票 E. A/P Invoice 应付发票 A

(Back-to-back 就是销售订单直接生成采购订单的模式。8.82版本以后,功能扩展为采购确认向导。)

149 在关联模式中,创建采购订单

149. In order to create a Purchase Order of the back of a Sales Order in the Back-to-Back process, you must…

A. tick the ‘Purchase Orders’ checkbox in the Logistics tab for the Sales Order. A 在后勤选项卡里勾选采购订单

B. immediately open the Purchase Order and enter the details before you forget them.


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B 立即打开采购订单并输入详细信息 C. create a standalone Purchase Order. C 创建一张单独的采购订单 A

150 一旦销售订单与采购订单建立了关联模式,则库存会

150. Once the Sales and Purchase Order documents have been created in a Back-to-Back process, the inventory…

A. gets delivered direct to the customer from the vendor. A 从供应商出货直接交付给客户

B. gets delivered to the company, who then deliver it to the customer. B 出货给将要交付给客户的单位

151 当代发货时,直达运货仓库的库存商品是由公司管理的

151. In the Drop Ship Process, inventory is handled by the company. A. True B. False B


152 在代发货流程中,采购订单会自动生成而不需要在销售订单中勾选确定

152. In the Drop Ship Process, a Purchase Order is automatically created without having to tick the checkbox on the Sales Order. A. True B. False A


153 创建一个直达运货单时,下列哪项是必须的

153. To create a Drop Ship Order, which of the following must exist within your company?

A. Sales Employee 销售员 B. Regular Warehouse 固定仓库 C. Drop Ship Warehouse 直达运货仓库 C

154 销售采购关联模式与直达运货最大的不同是

154. The main difference between a Back-to-Back and a Drop Ship is that… A. inventory is handled by the company in Back-to-Back and not in Drop Ship. A Back2Back中库存是由公司管理的,而在DropShip中不是

B. inventory is handled by the company in Drop Ship not in Back-to-Back. B DropShip中库存是有公司管理的,而在Back2Back中不是 A


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十七、 特殊价格

155 下列哪项是在单据中定义价格的正确顺序

155. What is the correct order according to which the prices in a document are determined?

A. Price List > Special Prices > Discount Groups > Period and Volume Discounts A 价格清单—特殊价格—折扣组—期间和数量折扣

B. Price List > Discount Groups > Special Prices > Period and Volume Discounts B 价格清单—折扣组—特殊价格—期间和数量折扣

C. Special Prices > Discount Groups >Period and Volume Discounts > Price List C 特殊价格—折扣组—期间和数量折扣—价格清单

D. Special Prices > Period and Volume Discounts > Discount Groups > Price List D 特殊价格—期间和数量折扣—折扣组—价格清单 C

156 定义特殊价格时会删除价格清单中的标准价格

156. A definition of Special Prices deletes the standard prices maintained in the regular price lists. A. True B. False B

157 下列哪项不可以在“特殊价格—物料清单”窗口中定义

157. Which definition cannot be made via the Special Prices – Item Details window?

A. Discount Groups 折扣组 B. Validity Periods 有效期 C. Special Prices 特殊价格 D. Quantity Dependent Prices 数量从属于价格 A

158 特殊价格—物料清单窗口中的蓝色行代表:

158. Blue rows in the Special Prices – Item Details window indicate that: A. These item rows have not been changed yet A 这些物料所在的行还没有更改过

B. Validity periods and/or quantity dependent prices were defined for these rows B 有效期/数量从属价格已经定义

C. These item rows were changed only in the Special Prices – Item Details window C 这些有物料的行只能在 特殊价格—物料清单窗口中修改 D. These items are currently out of stock D 这些物料缺货 B

159 在特殊价格窗口中,如何定义固定价格(保持特殊价格不变并且不考虑给所链接的价格


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159. What should one do in order to define a fixed price in the Special Prices – Item Details window (meaning that the special price will remain unchanged, regardless of any updates made in the linked price list)? A. Clear the column ‘Auto’. A 清除“自动”栏

B. Enter a price manually in the column ‘Price’. B 在“价格”栏手动输入一个价格 C. Check the column ‘Auto’. C 选中“自动”栏

D. Change the discount percentage manually. D 手动更改折扣组比率 A

160 单据中的某一物料的折扣比率与在特殊价格—物料清单窗口中更改折扣比率有什么不同 160. A certain discount percentage for an item appears in a document which is different from the percentage defined for this item in the Special Prices – Item Details window. Why?

A. An expansion is defined for the item including period definition. A

B. No expansions of periods or hierarchies are defined for the item. B

C. An expansion is defined for the item including hierarchies. C

D. Answers A and C are correct. D 答案B和C是正确的

E. The period defined for the item as expired. E D

161 在特殊价格窗口如何删除一个物料所在行的扩展项

161. How can you delete an Expansion for a certain item row in the Special Prices – Item Details window?

A. Click the row and select from the upper menu Data > Delete Row A 选中该行,在系统上方菜单栏中选择“数据”--“删除行”

B. Click the row and select from the upper menu Data > Advanced > Delete Expansions B 选中改行,在系统上方菜单栏中选择“数据”—“高级”--“删除扩展” C. Click the row, right click the mouse an select Advanced > Delete Expansions C 选中该行,右键选择“高级”--“删除扩展” D. Answer B and C are correct D 答案B和C是正确的 E. Answer A and B are correct E 答案A和B是正确的 D


