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带NOT的否定句语法要点(Main points)
1) “Not” is often shortened to “-n’t” and added to some verbs. “not”通常缩写成“-n’t”并与动词连用。
2) You put “not” after the first verb in the verb group, or you use a short form. “not”一般置于第一个谓语动词之后,或是用缩写形式。
1) In spoken and in informal written English, “not” is often shortened to “-n’t” and added to an auxiliary, a modal, or a form of the main verb “be”.
在口语及非正式英语中,“not”通常缩写成“n’t”并与助动词,情态动词或系动词 “be”连用。 例如: 1) I haven’t heard from her recently. 我最近没有她的消息。 2) I wasn’t angry. 我没有生气。
Here is a list of short forms.
以下是一些缩写形式: isn’t haven’t don’t can’t shan’t daren’t aren’t hasn’t doesn’t couldn’t shouldn’t needn’t wasn’t hadn’t didn’t mightn’t won’t weren’t mustn’t wouldn’t oughtn’t
2) If the verb is already shortened, you cannot add “-n’t”. 如果动词已经用了缩写形式,就不能再用“n’t”。 例如; 1) It’s not easy. 这不容易。 2) I’ve not had time. 我没有时间。
3) If the verb group has more than one word, you put “not” after the first word, or you use a short form.
如果谓语动词不止一个,“not”放在第一个动词之后,或者用缩写。 例如; 1) They might not notice. 他们可能没注意。
4) If the sentence only contains a main verb other than “be”, you use the auxiliary “do”. You use “do not”, “does not”,
“did not”, or a short form, followed by the base form of the main verb.
如果句子的谓语动词只有一个且不是系动词“be”,则可用助动词“do”,否定则用 “do not” “does not” “did not”或
例如; 1) He does not speak English very well. 他的英语讲得不是很好。
5) If the main verb is the present simple or past simple of “be”, you put “not” immediately after it or you use a short form.
如果句子的谓语动词是一般现在时和一般过去时的系动词“be”,否定时直接在系动词后加 “not”,或者用缩写 形式。
例如; 1) He wasn’t a bad actor actually. 事实上他并不是个很差劲的演员。
6) If the main verb is “have”, you usually use a form of “do” as an auxiliary. 如果谓语动词是“have”,通常是用助动词“do”构成否定式。
例如; 1) They don’t have any money. 他们没有钱。
7) You can also use a short form, or you can put “not” after the verb, but this is not very common. 也可以用缩写形式,或直接在动词“have”后面加“not”,但这种否定方式不是很普遍。 例如; 1) He hadn’t enough money. 他们钱不够。
1 I haven't heard from her recently.
2 I wasn't angry.
3 It's not easy.
4 I've not had time.
5 They might not notice.
6 He does not speak English very well.
7 He wasn't a bad actor actually.
8 They don't have any money.
9 He hadn't enough money.
语法要点(Main points )
1) A negative sentence contains a negative word. 否定句都包含一个否定词。
2) You do not normally use two negative words in the same clause. 同一个句子中通常不用两个否定词。
* Negative statements contain a negative word. 否定句包含一个否定词
not nobody neither never no one nor no nothing none nowhere
1) You use “never” to say that something was not the case at any time, or will not be the case at any time. If the
verb group has more than one word, you put “never” after the first word. “never”表示某物从来没有,将来也永远没有。如果谓语动词不止一个,“never”放在第一个动词之后。
例如:1) I’ve never had such a horrible meal. 我从没吃过这么难吃的饭。
2) He could never trust her again. 他再也不会相信她了。
2) If the only verb in the sentence is the present simple or past simple of any main verb expect “be”, you put “never” before the verb.
例如:1) She never goes abroad. 她从没出过国。
2) He never went to university. 他从没上过大学。
3) If the only verb in the sentence is the simple present or simple past of the main verb “be”, you normally put “never” after the verb.
如果谓语动词是一般过去时或一般现在时的系动词,“never”放于动词之后。 例如: 1) He’s never late. 他从不迟到。
4) You can also use “never” at the beginning of an imperative sentence. 祈使句句首用“never”构成否定。
例如: 1) Never walk alone late at night. 永远不要深夜一个人行走。
5) You use “no” before a noun to say that something does not exist or is not available. 否定词“no”放在名词之前表示某事物并不存在或目前没有。
例如: 1) He has given no reason for his decision. 他没有解释做出这个决定的原因。
6) You use “none” or “none of” to say that there is not even one thing or person, or not even a small amount of something.
否定词“none”和“none of”表示任何东西也没有。
例如: 1) None of us understood the play. 我们没有一个人懂得这出戏。
7) You also use “nobody”, “no one”, “nothing”, and “nowhere” in negative statement.You do not normally use two
negative words in the same clause. You use “anything”, “anyone”, “anybody”, and “anywhere” instead of “nothing”,
“no one”, “nobody”, and “nowhere” when the clause already contains a negative word.
否定句中使用“nobody” “on one” “nothing” “nowhere”.一个句子中通常不用两个否定词。如果句中已有一个否
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