2018届人教版必修5Unit1Great Scientists单元综合测试英语试题(

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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




1. What does the man mean at the parade? A. He was very cold.

B. He was a little cold.

C. He was ill.

2. On what day may Mr. Smith be back? A. Monday.

B. Wednesday.

C. Thursday.

3. Where is the man going? A. School.

B. Home.

C. Shop.

4. How long does it take the local train to get to Chicago? A. 2 hours.

B. 3 hours.

C. 4 hours.

5. What ^ s the relationship between the speakers? A. Mother and son. wife.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. Where will the rubbish factory be built? A. Near the town. town.

7. How much rubbish can the factory deal with each day?

B. Far from the town.




B. Teacher and student.

C. Husband and

A. 300 tons. B. 3,000 tons. C. 30,000 tons.

8. What will happen in the town after the factory is built? A. It will be polluted.

B. It will be cleaner.

C. It will be dirtier.

听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9. What’s the matter with the woman? A. She has a bad cold.

B. Her car has gone wrong.

C. She can spare no time to pick up her cousin. 10. How is the woman’s cousin coming? A. By plane.

B. By ship.

C. By train.

11. What does the woman’s cousin look like? A. A short man with dark hair.

B. An average man with a beard.

C. A tall man with glasses and fair hair. 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。

12. Why have the people’s lives been endangered? A. They have suffered many diseases. C. They have suffered much pollution.

13. What has the government done to solve the problem? A. Developed economy.

B. Given people much money.

B. They are lack of food.

C. Closed down some factories which polluted the river. 14. What’s the most important according to the woman? A. Money.

B. Health.

C. Country.


15. Why is the man not so sure about the new job the woman is telling about? A. It’s an unusual job that requires driving skills. B. The last job interview for him was unsuccessful. C. He lacks experience in international clothing trade. 16. What kind of person does the company want to hire? A. University graduates with energy.

B. Managers with working experience.

C. Salesmen who can drive cars around.

17. What’s the man’s attitude toward the new job at last?

A. Not confident. B. Doubtful. C. Interested.


18. Who threw money from a television tower in Japan? A. A government officer.

B. An unemployed man.

C. A TV host.

19. How much money was thrown down the tower probably? A. $ 9,260.

B. $ 9,000.

C. $ 2,600.

20. When did Zarko and Kata Pervan receive the Christmas card? A. In 1993.

B. In 1994.

C. In 2003.

第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Best Toys for Kids

From wooden blocks to electronic games, the best toys for kids make their young users thinkand dream while building useful skills. Of course,they’re also tons of fun!

1. Educational Toys

Many of the best toys for kids combine learning and fun. The GeoSafari Talking Globe provides interactive geography games in a fun electronic format(格式).It was named to Dr. Toy’s Best Classic Toys List in 2006. Professor Noggin’s History of the United States is a fun and informative card game that made FamilyFun. com’s Toy of the Year list.

2. Pretend Play

Kids love to pretend,and the best toys for kids can spark their imaginations and lead to hours of fun. The Real Projects Workshop was a grand prize winner in the 2006 FamilyFun. com Toy of the Year Awards. With this pretend workshop kids can play with realistic tools while building projects out of foam “wood”. Dora’s Talking Kitchen won “Girl Toy of the Year”in the 2006 Toy Industry Association Toy of the Year Awards.

3. Stuffed Animals

Every kid needs a cuddly (可抱的) friend. Kids may ask for stuffed animals based on popular television and movie characters, but teddy bears, stuffed dogs,and other plush figures that haven’t appeared on-screen will have long-lasting appeal. For a unique twist on stuffed animals,

the Lil’ Luvables Fluffy Factory lets kids stuff their own teddy bears. It was a Toy of the Year grand prize winner at FamilyFun. com.

4. Games

Games promote cooperation while encouraging everything from memory skills to exercise. Hullabaloo, from the makers of Cranium, won “Best Game”honors in the 2006 Toy Industry Association Toy of the Year Awards. The game gets kids moving and laughing as they follow instructions from the game’s audio console. 21. How can kids benefit from educational toys? A. They can improve their studies. B. They can enjoy geography games. C. They can be active in doing homework. D. They can gain knowledge while playing. 22. What prize did Dora’s Talking Kitchen win? A. Dr. Toy’s Best Classic Toys List in 2006. B. Girl Toy of the Year. C. Toy of the Year. D. Best Game.

23. Which toys can develop kids’ team spirit? A. Educational Toys. C. Games.


Have you ever happened to have a stranger looking at you with eyes full of anger unexpectedly? It was painful and confusing, but sure a great lesson. The first thing that passed through my mind was that it must be a misunderstanding. Such a look was not meant for me, but later I saw the old lady’s face changing every time she saw me,at least seven times,no more doubt that she was very angry with me.

I was confused, shocked,and near anger. My brains were spinning(快速旋转), trying to figure out how’s and why’s but somehow managed not to show it on my face. I went home, slept a night over it and decided that I had to find a way to make peace with this lady.

The very next day I bought some nice chocolates going to see her again and when I caught

B. Pretend Play. D. Stuffed Animals.

sight of her,I went straight to her and apologized telling her “I am so very sorry, but if I angered you, I had no such intention; please accept my apologizes”, and handled her the chocolates. Surprised,she told me not to mind her, and apologized too. It was an awkward moment, but we made peace and the grimaces(苦相) are replaced by smiles now.

I am very grateful for this experience. It shows me I still have plenty of work to do with my mind. I learned how it is not easy to take knowledge of, accept and forgive acts that we may feel as unfair,and it taught me of possibilities about fixing a conflict. Best advice to keep for myself.

Do not react,do not be quick to judge,sleep it over,and throw in a little of empathy for self as well as others.

24. What was the matter with the old woman? A. She was misunderstood by the author. C. She taught the author a lesson.

B. She was wronged by the author. D. She was mad with the author.

25. How did the author react before the angry woman? A. She tried to ignore it.

B. She managed to keep calm.

D. She turned away and went

C. She pretended to be kind to her. home.

26. How did the author make peace with the woman? A. By explaining. apologizing.

27. What did the author think of this experience? A. Sad. Exciting.


Some of my favorite childhood memories come from Halloween. I love it all! Pumpkins, costumes and the thrill of trick-or-treating. But I think it would be funny to give me a child who was deathly afraid of my favorite holiday. If you have kids who are scared of Halloween, these tips should help!

Don’t minimize your child*s fears

It is helpful to let your kids know that you understand their fears. Halloween can be a scary holiday. Kids are just making sense of their world. We might think terrible monsters and bloody

B. Disappointing.

C. Valuable.


B. By begging.

C. By persuading.



grateful 60. A. gift

B. lesson

C. treasure

D. method



I like to share a story that happened a few days ago. I live in Germany and at that time of theyear, 61 (dark)sets around 5 pm. It is cold,the 62 (street)are often wet and everyone likes to get home or to a warm place as 63 (quick)as possible.

This was the setting of that early evening. I was walking the sidewalk 64 saw a lovely animal,a bunny(兔子).My first thought was joy. “Oh! Bunny! Sweet!” The next: “Mind 65 (you)own business!”The following was “How can I be 66 help?”and “Who lost the bunny?”

Then I remembered that a woman with a carriage had just passed. I picked 67 bunny up, called to the woman,and showed it to her. She turned around,wondering,checked the carriage with her 68 (sleep)child in, and came back with a sunny smile. “Thank you so much! You saved my evening!” There was so much joy in her face. It makes me happy still to this day.

And it was only possible because I 69 (teach)to be kind enough 70 (see)the bunny and encouraged to care. 第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Once, an old man got on a bus but all the seats were occupied. There were other passenger nearby. A rich lady next by the old man was holding her pet dog in her arms. Opposite him,a young man which was dressed well seem to be very busy chatting with a young lady, complete ignoring the old man standing by. See this, a little boy stood up and gave his seat to the old man.

Comparing with those people, the little boy should praised. Everyone should show respect to the old. Grown-ups should set good examples to children. Otherwise, children might be affecting. In the time, we may lose the good tradition. 第二节书面表达(满分25分)



2.避免的事情(玩游戏浪费时间、影响学习)。 注意:1.词数:100词左右;





1—5 ACCCB 6—10 ABBCA 11—15 BCCBB 16—20 ACBAC 第二部分(40分) 第一节(30分) A篇 21-23 DBC B篇24-27 DBDC C篇 28- CADB D篇 32-35 ACBA 第二节(10分) 36—40 FADEC 第三部分(45分) 第一节(30分)

41-45 BADCA 46-50 DABCB 51-55 CBDAC 56-60 CDADB 第二节(15分)

61. darkness 62. streets 63. quickly 64. and 65. your 66. of 67. the 68. sleeping 69. was taught 70. to see

第四部分(35分) 第一节(10分)

Once, an old man got on a bus but all the seats were occupied. There were other passenger nearby. A rich lady passengers

next by the old man was holding her pet dog in her arms. Opposite him,a young man which was dressed well seem to who/that seemed

to be very busy chatting with a young lady, complete ignoring the old man standing by. See this, a little boy stood up

completely Seeing

and gave his seat to the old man. Comparing with those people, the little boy should∧ praised. Everyone should

Compared be

show respect to the old. Grown-ups should set good examples to children. Otherwise, children might be affecting. In affected

the time, we may lose the good tradition. 删除the 第二节(25分)

Nowadays the Internet brings great convenience to us. We should make the most of it and use it wisely. We can be aware of what happens both at home and abroad through the Internet. We can also communicate with others, using the Internet. In our studies, we can obtain almost all the information from it. But remember: we should limit our time to use the Internet.

Every coin has two sides. It is obvious that the Internet has several disadvantages,which can cause serious problems. First of all, we mustn’t devote too much time to playing online games, only to waste our precious time and affect our studies!


(Text 1)

W:Weren’t you a little cold at the parade yesterday? M:A little cold? I froze! (Text 2)

M: May I see Mr. Smith?

W:I’m sorry. He’s visiting New York. He won’t be back till Thursday. But you might telephone on Tuesday or Wednesday to make sure. (Text3)

W: Can you stay for tea?

M:I’d like to,but I have to pick up some bread before the children get home from school. (Text 4)

W: If we hurry we can take the express train and save an hour, couldn’t we? M: Yes. The express takes 3 hours to get to Chicago. (Text 5)

W:What are you doing,John? M: I’m trying to draw a horse.

W:It’s quite a nice horse! But please don’t play with my chalk. M:Sorry! I won’t do it again,Miss Wang. (Text 6)

M:What a lot of rubbish and waste! I just wonder how people can deal with these things every day.

W:Don’t worry. There are many ways of dealing with them. The other day,I heard that a big rubbish factory is being built near our town.

M: A rubbish factory? To produce rubbish or to deal with rubbish? W:To deal with rubbish,of course.

M: How much rubbish can it deal with each day? W:Maybe 3,000 tons.

M: Our town will become cleaner after the factory is built. (Text 7)

M:What’s the matter?

W:My cousin is coming home tonight from his trip to Europe and I’m supposed to pick him up at the airport at seven.

M: Oh? Is your car giving you trouble again?

W:No, I just found out I had to work late tonight. Can you possibly pick him up for me? M: Sure. What airline is he in? W:CAAC Flight 605.

M: OK. But how will I recognize him?

W:Well,he’s medium height and average weight. He wears glasses and dresses very well. M: That could be almost anyone.

W: Well,his hair is fair. He has a beard. I almost forgot! His name is Alfred Norton. M:Okay, no problem. I’ll find him. W:Thank you so much! (Text 8)

W:Look, the buildings around here are very beautiful.

M:Yes. The people here seem very rich,but their lives have been terribly endangered now. W:Why?

M:The factories they built here have caused much pollution to their living environment. Many people have been suffering liver diseases. Some have even suffered liver cancer. W: How terrible! Why didn’t the government take measures to deal with the pollution?

M: They only thought of developing economy to improve their living conditions and ignored it in the past.

W: What are they doing now?

M: They have become aware of the importance of protecting their living environment. In order to clean their living environment,they have closed down some factories which pour chemical waste directly into the river.

W:That’s a good idea. If you have no healthy body, everything, including money, is nothing to you. (Text 9)

W:Look. Here’s a job that might interest you.

M: What is it? Are you sure? The last job interview you sent me to was a disaster.

