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新概念青少年版 2A 词组表 Unit1-Unit15Unit 1咖啡馆 进港出口旁 等我的皮箱 行李领取厅 转过来 当然 站在我身旁 和你妈妈说话 出来 the coffee bar next to the Arrivals exit wait for my suitcase the Baggage Hall come round of course stand beside me talk to your Mum come out

Unit 2祝你周日好运 从。。。为您报道 贸易博览会 成百上千 成千上万 重大国际赛事 像老朋友一样谈笑 参赛者之一 让我介绍。。。 期待着。。。 这就对了! Good luck on Sunday! I'm speaking to you from… the trade fair hundreds of thousands of a big international event talk and laugh like old friends one of the competitors let me introduce look forward to That's the spirit!

Unit 3让我看看。 属于。。。 我不知道。 看起来像 任务清单 把它给我 放回去 究竟 let me have a look belong to I don't know. look like the to-do list give it to me put it back on earth

Unit 4前百分之三 祝贺你! 太棒了! 穿上保暖夹克 着凉 请走这边 the top three percent Congratulations! That's fantastic! put on the foil jacket get cold walk this way

Unit 5关于蚂蚁 看这网页 查阅关于蚂蚁的资料 真的很有趣 在水下存活 在水下呼吸 上面没说。 这个怎样? 伸展腿 你在开玩笑吧! 在早上打哈欠 有趣的是 all about ants look at this webpage look up ants be really interesting survive under water breathe under water It doesn't say. How about this? stretch one's legs You are joking! yawn in the morning funnily enough

Unit 6合适的尺码 在去。。。的路上 穿上一件漂亮的外套 你是什么意思? 步行进城 六号 an elegant size on one's way to put on a nice outfit What do you mean? walk into town size six

Unit 7好榜样 百分之二十二的英国人 工作时吃早餐 浪费时间 工作很努力 和朋友出去 很晚起床 冲去上班 这样并不好! 一周两次 我们都这样。 没关系。 几点了? a good example 22 percent of people in Britain eat breakfast at work a waste of time work very hard go out with one's friends get up late rush to work It doesn't look good! twice a week We all do that! That's all right. Is that the time?

Unit 8放松一下 和…一起吃午饭 在一家印度餐馆 祝午餐愉快! 吃两份米饭 来份甜点 为什么不。。。? 过一个美好安静的下午 take it easy have lunch with somebody at an Indian restaurant Have a good lunch! have two portions of rice have a dessert Why not… have a nice quiet afternoon

沿着河边散步 讨厌跑步

walk along the river hate running

Unit 9做你自己的事 开始得很早 离家 我不知道。 国家体育馆 感到无聊 一个人呆着 国家田径锦标赛 摄影师的梦想 拍很多很多照片 do your own thing a very early start leave home I'm not sure. the National Stadium get bored be on one's own the National Athletic Championships a photographer's dream take hundreds of


Unit 10明天再说吧! 时装模特 和…一起工作 走遍世界 住在高级宾馆 似乎十分吸引人 感到孤独 聊得很开心 过得很愉快 一个有趣的问题 思考一下生活 做个决定 Tomorrow's another day! a fashion model work with somebody travel all over the world stay in expensive hotels seem very glamorous feel lonely have a good gossip have a good time an interesting question think about her life make a decision

Unit 11家家有本难念的经 明天第一件事 和他会面 安排一下 给我拿些咖啡 马上 上上周 真幸运 前天 后天 We all have our troubles. fist thing tomorrow meet with him set it up get me some coffee straight away the week before last have all the luck the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow

Unit 12老式的马路大师 经典设计 公车后部 没有门的开放平台 在车流中行驶很快 the Old Routemaster a design classic the back of the bus an open platform with no doors be fast in the traffic

日子很难过 最后一班马路大师 设计师的名字

have a hard time the last official Routemaster journey the designer's name

Unit 13来看看… 国际赛跑比赛 在过去 50 年 长跑比赛 北美洲 来自其他国家的 情况大不相同 跑道上 干热的高原 海拔 2500 米 天生的运动员 心率 世界顶尖的马拉松选手 40%的最高奖项 take a look at international running events in the last 50 years distance races North America from other countries Things are very different now. the race track a dry, hot plateau 2500 meters above sea level natural athletes the heart rate top twenty marathon runners forty percent of the top honors

Unit 14巧克力天堂 再上个周末 与其他人一起分享 非常特别 好看的盒子 问得好。 50%的可可粉 纯可可油 无可可粉的植物脂肪 口感与众不同 价钱与众不同 the chocolate heaven the weekend before last share with everybody else be really special a fancy box Good question! 50% cocoa pure cocoa butter non-cocoa vegetable fats feel different in your mouth feel different in your pocket

Unit 15欢迎回家 旅途愉快吗? 生孩子 休假 9 个月 是这样的 这就是生活。 长 3 小时的午餐 严肃的事 法国人对食物的态度 同意某人的意见 有时间过舒适的生活 对我来说真是个迷! welcome home Did you have a good trip? have a baby nine months off work It happens. That's life. a three-hour lunch a serious business the French attitude to food agree with somebody have time for a civilised life It's a mystery to me!

