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Beyond Oxford English For college students 1 Teacher’s pack

Lesson plan and student worksheets with answers


Unit 6 Charm of Arts



1.S: Types of movies

2.L: Westerns are my favorite

3.L: Oscar Night

4.L & R: A great movie fan

5.S: A questionnaire on movies and English learning

6.R: The First Oscar Award

7.W: A poster

Task 1

Teacher’s notes contents

1. Level, task, language, aims, materials

2. Lesson stages

3. Answers

4. Student worksheets Pages 48-1

Task 1 -Teacher

Level: 1

Task: Types of movies

Language: Types of movies

Aims: Speaking skills – Look at the pictures and talk Materials: Student’s book 1 – P 48, Exercise 1

Task 1 -Teacher Lesson stages

A. Scenario

B. Exercise 1

C. V ocabulary

D. Students’ activity

Task 1 -A

Match pictures with their titles.

Task 1 -B Text

Task 1 -C

Practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary. Task 1 -D

Students try to work out the exercise in Exercise 1. Students try to list more types of movies.

Task 2

Teacher’s notes c ontents

1. Level, task, language, aims, materials

2. Lesson stages

3. Answers

4. Audio scripts

5. Student worksheets Pages 48-2

Task 2 - Teacher

Level: 1

Task: Westerns are my favorite Language: About movies

Aims: Listening skills – A short talk Materials: Student’s book 1 – P48, Exercise 2 Audio script –Available in teacher’s notes Task 2 – Teacher Lesson stages

A. Scenario

B. V ocabulary

C. Exercise 2

D. Question on Exercise 2

E. Language focus

Task 2 -A

Two people are talking about their favorite movies. Task 2 -B

Practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary. Task 2–C Text

Task 2 -C Answers

1. F

2. F

3. T

4. F

Task 2 -C Audio script

A: What do you think of science-fiction films?

B: Well, they are all right, but I can’t say I really like them.

A: And you don’t like horror films, do you?

B: No. They nearly frighten me to death.

A: Then, what sort of movies do you like?

B: Westerns, as a matter of fact.

A: Westerns? You’re kidding!

B: Well, you are obviously missing the point. You see, in this kind of movies you’ve got a conflict between the forces of good and evil.

A: Then who’s your favorite actor?

B: Clint Eastwood, of course. He’s the strong, silent type that I like.

Task 2 -D Question

What would you say when asking one’s opinion on something?

Task 2 -D Reference answers

a) What do you think of…?

b) How do you feel about…?

c) What’s your opinion on / attitude towards…?

d) If you don’t share the view, what would you say?

e) Why do you think so?

Task 2 -E

Explain the usage of words and expressions.

a) as a matter of fact 事实上,其实例: I’m going there tomorrow, as a matter of fact. 其实,我明天会去那里。

b) You’re kidding! 你开玩笑吧!


Teacher’s notes contents

1. Level, task, language, aims, materials

2. Lesson stages

3. Answers

4. Audio scripts

5. Student worksheets Page 49-3

Task 3 - Teacher

Level: 1

Task: Oscar Night

Language: About movies

Aims: Listening & Reading skills – A short talk

Materials: Student’s book 1 – P49, Exercise 3

Audio script –Available in teacher’s notes

Task 3- Teacher Lesson stages

A. Scenario

B. V ocabulary

C. Exercise 3

D. Questions on Exercise 3

E. Language focus

Task 3 -A

Two people are talking about the Oscar Night.

Task 3 -B

Practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary.

Task 3–C Text

Task 3 -C Answers & Audio script

A: Did you watch the yearly Oscar Award last night?

B: Of course. How could I miss the Oscar Night! It was so exciting to hear the winners’ lists.

A: It’s true. The Lord of the Rings won the prize for the best picture. I do think it deserves that prize.

B: So do I. It is really a very nice movie. I’ve watched it three times.

A: Besides, I also enjoyed watching those world-famous actors and actresses walking on the Red Carpet. So attractive!

B: You said it.

Task 3 -D Question

What would you say when you agree with someone?

Task 3 -D Reference Answers

a) You said it.

b) I couldn’t agree more!

c) That’s absolutely true!

d) I’m with you on that point.

e) That’s just what I was thinking.

f) That’s exactly my opinion.

Task 3 -E

Explain the usage of words and expressions.

Task 3–E

Language focus

a) So do I. 我也这么认为。例:“I like this film very much.” “So do I.” “我很喜欢这部电影。”“我也是。”

b) You said it. 的确如此。/你说得对。例:“I thought the translation we had to do today was very difficult.” “You said it.” “我认为我们今天要做的翻译练习非常难。”“你说得对。”

Task 4

Teacher’s notes contents

1. Level, task, language, aims, materials

2. Lesson stages

3. Answers

4. Audio scripts

5. Student worksheets Pages 49-4

Task 4 - Teacher

Level: 1

Task: A great movie fan

Language: About movies

Aims: Listening & Reading skills – A short talk

Materials: Student’s book 1 – P49, Exercise 4

Audio script –Available in teacher’s notes

Task 4- Teacher Lesson stages

A. Scenario

B. V ocabulary

C. Exercise 4

D. Questions on Exercise 4

E. Language focus

Task 4 -A

Two people are talking about their favorite actor or actress.

Task 4 -B

Practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary.

Task 4–C Text

Task 4 -C Answers

The woman in the conversation is a movie fan. A River Runs Through It is her favorite movie, for it shows the success of love and the close affection between relatives. Dustin Hoffman’s first movie is The Graduate. Katharine Hepburn is the actress who has had the most nominations for an Academy Award. She was nominated 12 times and won 4 times.

Task 4 -C Audio script

A: What’s your favorite movie of all time?

B: That’s a good question. I don’t know. Maybe A River Runs Through It.

A: Why?

B: Because I love Brad Pitt. It is a true story about the different lives of two brothers, and the movie shows us how love could last long and that blood is thicker than water.

A: Well. What was Dustin Hoffman’s first movie?

B: The Graduate. It gives me something that’s challenging.

A: All right. Which actress has had the most nominations for an Academy Award?

B: Katharine Hepburn. She was nominated 12 times and won 4 times.

A: You are really a great movie fan.

B: Thank you.

Task 4 -D Questions

1. What’s B’s favorite movie?

2. What was Dustin Hoffman’s first movie?

Task 4 -D Answer

1. Gone with the wind

2. The Graduate

Task 4 -E

Explain the usage of words and expressions.

a) of all time 始终,一直例:Of all tim e, Mozart is one of people’s favorite musicians. 莫扎特始终是人们最喜爱的音乐家之一。

b) …blood is thicker than water. ……血浓于水。

Task 5

Teacher’s notes contents

1. Level, task, language, aims, materials

2. Lesson stages

3. Answers

4. Audio scripts

5. Student worksheets Pages 49-5

Task 5 - Teacher

Level: 1

Task: A questionnaire on movies and English learning

Language: A questionnaire

Materials: Student’s book 1 – P49, Exercise 5

Audio script –Available in teacher’s notes

Task 5 – Teacher Lesson stages

A. Exercise 5

B. V ocabulary

Task 5–A Text

Task 5 -B

Practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary.

Task 6

Teacher’s notes contents

1. Level, task, language, aims, materials

2. Lesson stages

3. Answers

4. Audio scripts

5. Student worksheets Page 50-6

Task 6 - Teacher

Level: 1

Task: The First Oscar Award

Language: Oscar Award

Aims: Reading skills – A short story

Materials: Student’s book 1 – P 50, Exercise 6

Audio script –Available in teacher’s notes

Task 6 -Teacher Lesson stages

A. Text prediction

B. First reading

C. V ocabulary

D. Second reading

E. Third reading

F. Language focus

G. Chinese version

Task 6 -A

Students read the title of Exercise 6 and try to find out what the passage is talking about. Task 6–A - Title

Text title: The First Oscar Award

Question: What do you know about the First Oscar Award?

Task 6 -B First reading

Summary of the passage:

Task 6 -B Answer

This passage mainly tells us some things about the First Oscar Award.

Task 6 -C

Practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary.

Task 6 -D Text

Task 6 -D Answers

1. a) They are concerned with the upcoming Academy Awards.

b) Emil Jannings.

Task 6 -E Question

What else do you know about Oscar Award?

Task 6 -F

Explain the usage of words and expressions.

go to 归于,属于例:The house was supposed to go to her children when she died. 她死后这座房子归属于她的孩子。

Task 6 -G Chinese version




接下来我们来谈谈奥斯卡的小金人。它又被称作“学院小雕像”。它重8.5磅,高13.5英寸。Task 7

Teacher’s notes contents

1. Level, task, language, aims, materials

2. Lesson stages

3. Answers

4. Student worksheets Page 51-7

Task 7 -Teacher

Level: 1

Task: A poster

Language: Poster language

Aims: Writing skills – Writing poster

Materials: Student’s book 1 – P 51, Exercise 7

Task 7 - Teacher Lesson stages

A. Exercise 7

B. V ocabulary

C. Language focus

Task 7 -A Text

Task 7 -A Reference answer


Topic: Women’s Liberation Movement on . Campus

Speaker: Prof. Betty Smith

Professor of Sociology College

Author of The Other Half of the Sky

Date: Friday, May 17, 2005

Time: 9:00 a.m.

Place: Room 101, Classroom Building

All are welcome!

Task 7 -B

Practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary.

Task 7 -C

Explain the usage of words and expressions.







1.S: A comic story

2.L: Steig—king of cartoons

3.L&R: A welcome speech at a comics festival

4.R: An event ad on a comics festival

5.W: Inventing a comic story

6.虚拟语气(Subjunctive Mood)(3)

Task 1

Teacher’s notes contents

1. Level, task, language, aims, materials

2. Lesson stages

3. Answers

4. Student worksheets Page 52-1

Task 1 -Teacher

Level: 1

Task: A comic story

Language: Comic story

Aims: Speaking skills – Look at the pictures and talk

Materials: Student’s book 1 – P 52, Exercise 1

Task 1 -Teacher Lesson stages

A. Scenario

B. Exercise 1

C. Students’ activity

Task 1 -A

Take a close look at the pictures, describe what happened, and tell the story to the class. Task 1 -B Text

Task 1 -C

Students try to work out the story in Exercise 1.

Students present their stories.

Task 2

Teacher’s notes contents

1. Level, task, language, aims, materials

2. Lesson stages

3. Answers

4. Audio scripts

5. Student worksheets Page 52-2

Task 2 –Teacher

Level: 1

Task: Steig—king of cartoons

Language: About cartoons

Aims: Listening skills – A short talk

Materials: Student’s book 1 – P 52, Exercise 2

Audio script –Available in teacher’s notes

Task 2 –Teacher Lesson stages

A. Scenario

B. V ocabulary

C. Exercise 2

D. Language focus

Task 2 -A

Two people are talking about Steig and his cartoons.

Task 2 -B

Practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary.

Task 2–C Text

Task 2 -C Answers

William Steig died at the age of 95. In 1930, he sold his first cartoon to the New Yorker. The magazine was still publishing his works over 70 years later. Throughout his life time, he made more than 1,600 drawings, including 117 covers, for the magazine. He also wrote more than 30 children’s books.

Task 2 -C Audio script

A: Look, Peter. Shrek, Steig’s masterpiece!

B: Why, yes.But have you heard that William Steig has passed away?

A: You’re kidding?

B: No, no. He was 95.

A: Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. You know, I like his works so much.

B: Yes. He’s a great cartoonist. Through his life time, he made more than 1,600 drawings, including 117 covers.

A:I remember he sold his first cartoon to the New Yorker in 1930, and the magazine has been publishing his works for over 70 years.

B: And he also wrote more than 30 children’s books.

A: That’s the reason why Newsweek used to call him the “King of Cartoons”.

Task 2 -D

Explain the usage of words and expressions.

a) William Steig 威廉姆·斯蒂格童话故事《多米尼克》的作者

b) pass away 终止,消失;离开,死亡(委婉的表达方式)例:Last Sunday, the famous writer passed away quietly at his home. 上个星期天,这位著名的作家在家中静静地离去。

Task 3

Teacher’s notes contents

1. Level, task, language, aims, materials

2. Lesson stages

3. Answers

4. Audio scripts

5. Student worksheets Page 52-3

Task 3 -Teacher

Level: 1

Task: Welcome to the Angoulême International Comics Festival

Language: Welcome speech

Aims: Listening & Reading skills – A short passage

Materials: Student’s book 1 – P 52, Exercise 3

Audio script –Available in teacher’s notes

Task 3 – Teacher Lesson stages

A. Scenario

B. V ocabulary

C. Exercise 3

D. Language focus

E. Chinese version

Task 3 -A

Listen to a welcome speech addressed on the Angoulême International Comics Festival.

Task 3 -B

Practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary.

Task 3–C Text

Task 3 -C Answers & Audio script

Welcome to the Angoulême International Comics Festival Thank you for your warm welcome and for giving me the honour of introducing the Angoulême International Comics Festival to you. Before I start, I would like to say something about myself: I have spent most of my life working in the world of comics. I worked as a director in different publishing companies, and then in 1998 I became the managing director of the Angoulême Comics Festival.

The Angoulême International Comics Festival itself was founded in 1974. Thanks to the comics fans, it became the 9th art form a few years later. Since then, times have changed, and comics have almost become an industry in Europe. The Angoulême Comics Festival is, at present, a very big international event, and we would really like to share ideas with other big international events.

Thank you for your attention.

See you in Angoulême from 26th to 30th January 2006!

Task 3 -D

Explain the usage of words and expressions.

a) thanks to sb. / sth. 由于或因为某人/某事例:The play succeeded thanks to the fine acting by all the cast. 由于全体演员的出色表演,本剧演出很成功。

b) at present 此刻,现在例:I’m afraid I can’t help you just at present —I’m too busy. 我太忙了,现在恐怕不能帮你。

Task 3–E Chinese version


非常感谢您的热情款待,很荣幸能向您介绍我们安格雷姆国际连环漫画节(le Festival International de la bande dessinée, FIBD)的活动。首先,我给大家做个自我介绍:我一直以连环漫画为主要职业,曾经在不同的出版社担任主管,1998年我担任了法国安格雷姆国际连环漫画节的负责人。




Task 4

Teacher’s notes cont ents

1. Level, task, language, aims, materials

2. Lesson stages

3. Answers

4. Audio scripts

5. Student worksheets Page 53-4

Task 4 -Teacher

Level: 1

Task: An event ad on a comics festival

Language: Great event ad

Aims: Reading skills – An event ad

Materials: Student’s book 1 – P 53, Exercise 4

Audio script –Available in teacher’s notes

Task 4 - Teacher Lesson stages

A. Text prediction

B. First reading

C. V ocabulary

D. Second reading

E. Third reading

F. Language focus

G. Chinese version

Task 4 -A

Students read the title of Exercise 4 and try to find out what the text is about.

Task 4 -A

Text title: An event ad on a comics festival

Question: What will the text tell you?

Task 4 -B First reading

Question: What have you read about?

the people ----

the place ----

the time ----

the event ----

Task 4 -B Answer

the people ---- who present on the Hong Kong Comics Festival

the place ---- Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center Hall I

the time ---- 6—10/8/2003, Wednesday to Sunday

the event ---- Hong Kong Comics Festival

Task 4 -C

Practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary.

Task 4–D Text

Task 4 -D Answer

1. a) It will be held at Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center Hall I from August 6 to August


b) It will attract children.

c) Best selling magazines and comic books, TV, radio, newspapers.

2. a) in person b) targeted c) carry on d) venue e) interview

Task 4 -E Questions

Questions for discussion:

Have you been joined in the Hong Kong Comics Festival?

What’s most attractive in your opinion?

Task 4 -F

Explain the usage of words and expressions.

a) d raw one’s attention 吸引……的注意力例:Her shouts drew the police’s attention. 她的叫喊引起了警察的注意。

b) h ome and abroad 国内外例:news at home and abroad国内外新闻

c) c arry on 继续,坚持例:We can carry on our discussion after lunch. 午饭后我们可以继续讨论。

d) i n person 亲自例:I can’t attend the meeting in person, but I’m sending someone to speak for me. 我不能亲自去参加会议,但我会派人替我发言。

Task 4 -G Chinese version









Task 5

Teacher’s notes contents

1. Level, task, language, aims, materials

2. Lesson stages

3. Answers

4. Student worksheets Page 54-5

Task 5 -Teacher

Level: 1

Task: Inventing a comic story

Language: Narrating a story

Aims: Writing skills – Story telling

Materials: Student’s book 1– P 54, Exercise 5

Task 5 - Teacher Lesson stages

A. Exercise 5

B. Reference answer

Task 5 -A Text

Task 5 -B Reference answer

Last Sunday, Mike spent a whole day at his room writing a composition, but could not write a single word. Then his father noticed it and decided to help him out. Finally the father and the son completed it together.

The next day, the boy handed in the composition happily, hoping for the teacher’s praise. In the class, however, the teacher didn’t make any comments on the composition, but just asked Mike who helped him write it. Mike told the truth. Then the teacher said, “Well, I think I’d better meet your father.”

After class, the boy took the teacher home. The teacher asked, “Is it you who wrote this composition?”“Eh…yes…”Hardly finishing his words, the poor father got a beating from the teacher. “As a father,” the teacher said angrily, “ how could you write such a poor composition?”


Teacher’s notes c ontents


Key to grammar

Student worksheets Page 55

Grammar - Text

Grammar - Key

1. B didn’t make

2. B didn’t take

3. B something was done

4. D were ended

5. A went

6. C had smelt / smelt

7. D is going to

8. C were

9. C had seen

10. B were

