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核 心 单 词

1. theme n.主题;主题(曲)2.amusement n.消遣;娱乐 3.plentiful adj.丰富的 4.advanced adj.先进的 5.vivid adj.生动的 6.variety n.多样化 7.souvenir n.纪念品 8.reproduction n.复制品

9.wonder n.奇观10.admission n.入场费

11.equipment n.设备12.historical adj.历史的 13.heritage n.文化遗产 14.charge vi.& vt.收费,主管 15.dominate vt.支配 16.attraction n.引人注意的东西 17.appeal n.吸引力 18.conveniently adv.方便地

19.subway n.地铁20.globalization n.全球化

特别关注 admit(3年2考)★★★★admit(doing)sth承认(做过)某事 admit that...承认…… admit sb to be承认某人是…… admit...to/into...接纳;许可进入…… admit of有……可能;容许有……的余地 be admitted to被接受入学、入院等

①The old man opened the door and admitted me into his house.老人打开门让我进屋里 去。

②He was happy to be admitted into Beijing NormalUniversity.被北师大录取了,他很高兴。

核 心 短 语

1. a variety of各种各样 2.be based on __以……为基础 3.be involved __牵涉;参与 in 4.make a profit盈利

5.one after another相继地,依次地 ____6.home and abroad国内外 7.be used to do被用来做……

8.a place of interest名胜9.amusement park游乐园 10.be located __位于 in

11.historical heritage历史文化遗产12.tourist attraction游览胜地 13.be named after ____以……命名 14.meet one's need满足需要 15.take a journey 旅游 16.charge money收费 17.more than不仅仅是…… 18.be famous ___以……而闻名 for

19.no wonder难怪20.get close __接近 to

核 心 语 句

1. All the exhibits are so vivid that all the dinosaurs seem tohave come to life. 所有的展品都惟妙惟肖,好像所有的恐龙都已复活。 2.Situated on Longdong in the northeastern outskirt of Guangzhou,the South China Botanical Garden,

which has over 5,000 species of tropical andsubtropical plants introduced from home and abroad, is one of the largest of its kind in the world.位于广州东 北效区的龙洞的华南植物园有5 000多种从国内外引进 的热带和亚热带物种,它是世界上同类型的最大植物园 之一。

3.In the Disneyland,people can not only enjoy the exciting activities there,but also get close to the lifesize cartoon characters like the Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck,which appear in some of Walt Disney's famous

cartoon films.在迪斯尼乐园,人们不仅能够享受刺激的活动,而且能够接近出现在一些迪斯尼著名卡通电影里 的与真人一样大小的卡通角色,比如米老鼠和唐老鸭。

http://www.77cn.com.cning here,you will find varieties of dinosaurs, which lived in the Jurassic.


No wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland. 难怪哪里有迪斯尼乐园,哪里的旅游业就会得到发展。

——字词入章,相得益彰 Since the first Disneyland in the world was founded in California in 1955,it has been famous to the world as the world biggest theme park.Afterwards,four other Disneylands were founded one after another in Florida of America,Tokyo of Japan,Paris of France and Hong Kong of China.In fact,Disneyland is not only an amusement park,

but also a tourist centre.In addition to joining in the plentifuland interesting activities,the tourists can also swim in the near sea or visit the places of interest.What's more,it's said that the next Disneyland will be set up in Shanghai,so more Chinese will see the Mickey Mouse.

名 师 招 招 鲜

提纲式作文一、题型解读 提纲式作文为考生提供了题目和简单的写作提纲,从 而将考生的写作控制在一定范围内。这类作文考查的内容 一般包括:说明主题、分析原因或解释做法。作文题目中

会提供:1.标题;2.提纲;3.起始句。标题体现短文的基本发展方向,提纲规定短文的基本框架,起始句则提供短文 的起点。提纲式作文要点简单,涉及面广,各要点之间既 有相对独立性又有相互的内在连贯性。因此,考生在写作 时,应围绕提纲的中心和内容展开段落,不能偏离,也不


二、应对策略 在提纲作文的写作过程中,考生应掌握以下写作 技巧:

1.细读提纲认真审题和分析所给出的提纲,认清题目与提纲 之间的关系,从而确定文章主题、大致内容以及文体。

2.归纳主题 每一个要点可以作为文章的一个段落层次。值得注意 的是,提纲只是对文章的提示和概括,不是主题句。考生

需要根据其性质,写出完整的、符合其主旨的句子,使其成为主题句,然后围绕主题句进行段落扩展。主题句结构 要完整,即结构应符合语法规则;意义要完整,即主题句 应符合逻辑思维顺序。另外,主题句要明确具体,简明达 意,以利于段落的展开。

3.展开段落段落写作应围绕自己列好的主题句进行,用平日收集 到的材料支持主题句。材料可以是例证、名人名言、自身 经历等。值得注意的是,所选材料应紧扣文章主题,同时 要具有典型性和说服力。在有多个例证的段落中,还要注 意各个段落之间的衔接性和连贯性。 4.检查改正 检查文章内容是否与提纲相符并已完全准确地表达了


