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(27):最友善的砍伐--热带森林管理与经营 沪江英语 | chenjilong 上一期 下一期 TEXT 27
The kindest cut
最友善的砍伐(陈继龙 编译)
May 25th 2006 From The Economist print edition
DEPRESSING reports about how quickly the world's tropical forests are being f________① are commonplace. But depressing reports about the state of the trees that are still standing are much rarer. In fact, a new study from the International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO), an offshoot of the United Nations, claims to be the first exhaustive survey of tropical-forest management ever undertaken. (1)Its findings, although grim, do contain a kernel of hope.
The ITTO examined “permanent forest estate”, meaning land that the governments of its 33 members have formally set aside for forests, and is therefore subject to some form of regulation or protection. The category includes both national parks and timber concessions, in both public and p________② hands. It covers 814m hectares, and accounts for roughly two-thirds of the world's tropical forests. ITTO调查的对象是“永久性森林地产”,也就是被ITTO所属33个成员国政府正式划作森林地域,从而受到某种形式的管理或保护的土地。它涉及国家森林公园和木材的特许经营,包括国营和私营。地产总面积达8.14亿公顷,约占全球热带森林面积的三分之二。
The concept is important, explains Duncan Poore, one of the authors of the report, because it is not always possible, or desirable, to protect every last grove against encroaching[2] farms or homes. Instead, governments should c__________③ on maintaining the forests that are the most commercially and scientifically valuable. Yet the ITTO's researchers found that only 15% of the permanent forest estate has a management plan, and less than 5% of it is sustainably managed. That still amounts to an area the size of Germany, the report notes, and represents a dramatic improvement since 1988, when an earlier and less extensive survey found that only one country in the tropics—Trinidad and Tobago—had any well-run forests at all. But (2)relative to the area of forest that has disappeared over the same period, the well-managed area is negligible.
The crux[3] is bad government. Poor countries do not always have good forestry laws. (3)Even when they do, they rarely have the capacity to enforce them. It is no coincidence that M__________④, the country with the highest proportion of prudently managed forest in the study, is also one of the richest. Countries with the worst run forests, meanwhile, are war-torn places such as Congo and Cambodia.
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