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文献出处: Medics D. The study on retail chain enterprise management operation system [J]. European Management Journal, 2015, 12(3): 31-41. 原文

The study on retail chain enterprise management operation system

Medics D.


Retail is one of the most important industries of the third industry; it is closely related to a country's economy and people's life. Since the reform and opening, profound changes have taken place in China's retail business. Some retail enterprises to introduce chain mode of operation, and achieved great success. Called the third circulation revolution, chain operation, in the world of retail enterprises have become the dominant mode of operation and organization way, it will also change of retail enterprises have a huge and far-reaching influence. Keywords: Chain operation; Retail enterprise; Operation system 1 Introduction

In today's world of business development, chain operation has become an important business management form; it is more serious especially in the retail business. In sales of the top of the world's large retail stores, noting have is not a chain store. As the market competition is intense, business failures are common. But statistics show that the chain business enterprise failure rate is very low. Chain operation of commodity sales, has accounted for a country over a third of the total social retail, in the United States has reached to 70%.Chain operation has the advantages of the industry consensus. Since the 1960 s, some emerging industrialized countries and regions have introduced chain operation, promote the development of the business trend. 2 Related concepts in this paper 2.1 The definition of chain operation

Chain management refers to the same kind of goods and services of a number of enterprises, under the leadership of the core enterprise or headquarters, the standardized management, achieve economies of scale and operation form and organization form. Chain system branch distribution around like a chain formed a strong sales network. Usually, we set up in this business form of business enterprise is called the chain. Chain management is the essence of the principle of the modern industrial production application in the retail industry, to implement the standardization of

business activity, specialization, unification; this is an important prerequisite for its economic benefits. On the one hand, advanced marketing techniques can be large-scale promotion and realize resources sharing in numerous stores; On the other hand, the cost of investment and risk and can be Shared in a wide range of shops, so as to reduce the unit cost of goods. Therefore, chain operation has other business form incomparable superiority. 2.2 Three forms of chain operation

Regular chain and chain, retail chain, is the sense of the chain. It is to point to in the same stage of circulation, by the same headquarters, with the same capital, unified leadership, directly engaged in the same type of goods and services more than son home retail enterprise form. All formal chain of the main features is: unity, unified management, centralized management, decentralized sales. Store chain system of personnel, labor, and marketing share all orders according to the headquarters. The main body of the chain is not branch, tightness of the highest in the three forms.

Also is called voluntary chain free chain. Japan under the voluntary chain is defined as: \around many retailers, both maintained their independence, and concluded the permanent chain relationship and make the purchase of goods and business together, and sharing in order to achieve scale economy. The purpose of the shop is characterized by voluntary chain members of ownership, management. Accounting is independent, is the body of the chain members shop rather than headquarters. Members of the shop on the premise of maintain their independence, through consultation resources together, work together, unified purchase, unified management, joint activities, decision management policy consultation, marketing strategy, development plan, etc. Headquarters is the nature of the service, not for the purpose of profit.

Franchise chain, also called contract franchising chain or contract. Refers to the franchisees to have trademarks (including service marks), trade name, products, patents and proprietary technology, management pattern and so on in the form of a franchise contract awarded to the franchisee to use, as stipulated in the contract by the franchisee, engaged in business activities in franchisees uniform business mode.

3 Retail enterprise chain-like management operation characteristics

Chain management as a modern form of business organization not only has the scale operation of mass production advantages, at the same time has dispersed flexible management

advantage. The formation of its advantages is depending on the chain as a characteristic. 3.1 The size of the retail chain business

Economies of scale exist is the root cause of the production and business activities \of production or business operations, and it is an economy of scale. Otherwise, the scale is not the economy; the emergence of economies of scale is the inevitable result of social production development. Due to economies of scale is a common requirement for economic benefits of all economic activity, so the enterprise is a kind of pursuit of economies of scale inherent impulse. With the enlargement of the scale, cost reduction, profits rise, enable enterprises to compete with scale, to secure their own market position. Chain management is the use of the principle of economies of scale in the field of circulation. This mode of operation of scale economy characteristics embodied in the chain with the enterprise's expansion, expanding market share, reduced operating costs, so as to establish the scale operation of enterprises advantage. 3.2 Retail chain enterprise's specialization

Division of labor theory the founder of the British is classical economics Adam Smith in his book \labor productivity. Specifically, division of labor through the following ways to improve the labor productivity: first, the division of professional producers will make labor production activities focused on less standardized operation, can quickly improve production quantity. Second, laborer is fixed on a post job, not only proficient skills, but also saves the time of the loss due to change jobs. Third, the division of labor workers to save the manufacturing cost of material and Labor tools. Fourth, the professional division of labor made possible the adoption of advanced technology and equipment. Fifth, complex labor to professional division of labor, reduces the complexity of the management, improve the management efficiency. Chain management on the one hand, the circulation field independent functions organically unify, on the other hand, within the enterprise executes more detailed division of labor and specialization. Chain of specialized division of labor embodied in multiple levels: first, is based on the operating procedures and operating features of chain formed by the division of sports, namely chain enterprise procurement, inventory, distribution, management, sales promotion, the professional division of labor, make the circulation enterprises to adapt to the needs of the development of social production, to expand

scale, high efficiency of commodity procurement organization. Second, based on chain organization structure mode and the management pattern, implements the enterprise internal division of professional, divided by the function of headquarters and branch, has realized the decision making and operations, decision-making and management of the division of labor. Third, chain post division of labor; this is the deepening of professional division of labor. Main jobs are to identify skills, quantitative work achievement, make whole enterprise human resource allocation in the best state. Chain is mainly through the standardized management of professional division of labor.

3.3 Retail chain principles of standardization

Means for continuous production, sales forecast quality of the goods and set both reasonable and ideal state, condition and can be repeated operation management system. Set, in general, the best quality of the specifications of the goods is easy, but to ensure continuous production and sales enterprise basic not the best quality goods. Because the operation process, operation methods, such as operation condition requirements of too high, not easy to get the workers to maintain and abide by, no matter how hard work, the operator can't realization of the expected quality of commodity production and sales. As chain operation, therefore, in the judgment of standardization, to ensure its operation process, operation methods, such as operation condition can be continued to perform, homework personnel can according to the operation standard to carry out the continuous operation. That way, you can provide the desired quality goods to customers, also can provide the goods in a standard time, can reduce customer of waiting time, also can reduce the manufacturing cost and cost of sales, because of efficient service, speed up the flow of traffic. 4 Retail chain enterprises operating efficiency

Due to the scale of chain enterprise and efficient operations, forming chains competition dominance of strong position and circulation, so it is to create conditions and multi-channel profit sources may, also has the obvious overall efficiency advantage. 4.1 Scale sales profit

Chain enterprises can realize large-scale sales, which mean that it than the chain to achieve more sales profit. Sales profit obtained is not only a high market share, many stores still rely on low-cost replenish stock, so that the chain enterprises to realize the general market price under the high profits. As the market is driven by competition, chain enterprises to implement below market

average sales price, and will get the supplier on the sales promotion with all the aspects of support, low market prices, organized the implementation of modern marketing make sales scale based on a strong competitive position, high turnover of goods and the consumer benefit sharing basis, it is the rationality of the franchising sales profit. 4.2 Profits of wide-area market channels

The development of chain stores more is a wide area of market possession, the final channel network set up allowing into goods and services to scale up. Because the chain has been investing in scale, high efficiency and high market share of the final channel, from commercial and service industry and other industry specialization analysis, who want to enter and use this channel, which will pay, the channel profit is generated. Channel profit form is typically comes into play, stores, advertising, sales promotion, etc. For chain channel profit is the return on investment, is reasonable, but must be controlled within a reasonable limit. Chain is to compound chain, subjectivity chain to chain compound together with other function to enhance the attraction for consumers, subjectivity chain will continue to increase the channel profit. In addition, the chain enterprise reasonable use network channels all sorts of function will produce more profits, as some chain enterprise in each year from chain stores recycled goods packing can increase the non-operating income of millions, and implement the green marketing at the same time. 译文



零售业是第三产业中最重要的产业之一,它与一国的经济和人民生活息息相关。改革开放以来,中国零售业发生了深刻的变化。一些零售企业引进连锁经营方式,取得了很大的成功。被称为第三次流通革命的连锁经营,在国际上已成为零售企业的主导经营方式和组织方式,它也将对零售企业的变革产生巨大而深远的影响。 关键词:连锁经营;零售企业;运作体系 1 引言


营的商品销售额一般已占到一国社会商品零售总额的1/3以上,在美国已达到70%左右。连锁经营的优越性已为业内人士所共识。20世纪60年代以来,一些新兴的工业化国家和地区先后引进连锁经营,推动了商业的发展潮流。 2 相关概念阐述 2.1连锁经营的定义

连锁经营是指经营同类商品和服务的若干企业,在核心企业或总部的领导下,通过规范化经营,实现规模效益的经营形式和组织形式。连锁系统的分店像锁链一样分布各地,形成强有力的销售网络。通常,我们把按照这种经营形式组织起来的商业企业称为连锁店。连锁经营的本质是把现代化工业大生产的原理应用于零售业,实现了商业活动的标准化、专业化、统一化,这是其经济效益产生的重要前提。一方面,先进的营销技术可以在众多的店铺大规模推广而实现资源共享;另一方面,投资的成本和风险又可以在众多的店铺得到均摊,从而降低单位商品的成本。因此,连锁经营有着其他经营形式无可比拟的优越性。 2.2 连锁经营的三种形式



特许连锁又叫合同连锁、加盟连锁或契约连锁。指特许者将自己所拥有的商标(包括服务商标)、商号、产品、专利和专有技术、经营模式等以特许经营合同的形式授予被特许者使用,被特许者按合同规定,在特许者统一的业务模式下从事经营活动。 3 零售企业连锁经营的运作特点


营的商品销售额一般已占到一国社会商品零售总额的1/3以上,在美国已达到70%左右。连锁经营的优越性已为业内人士所共识。20世纪60年代以来,一些新兴的工业化国家和地区先后引进连锁经营,推动了商业的发展潮流。 2 相关概念阐述 2.1连锁经营的定义

连锁经营是指经营同类商品和服务的若干企业,在核心企业或总部的领导下,通过规范化经营,实现规模效益的经营形式和组织形式。连锁系统的分店像锁链一样分布各地,形成强有力的销售网络。通常,我们把按照这种经营形式组织起来的商业企业称为连锁店。连锁经营的本质是把现代化工业大生产的原理应用于零售业,实现了商业活动的标准化、专业化、统一化,这是其经济效益产生的重要前提。一方面,先进的营销技术可以在众多的店铺大规模推广而实现资源共享;另一方面,投资的成本和风险又可以在众多的店铺得到均摊,从而降低单位商品的成本。因此,连锁经营有着其他经营形式无可比拟的优越性。 2.2 连锁经营的三种形式



特许连锁又叫合同连锁、加盟连锁或契约连锁。指特许者将自己所拥有的商标(包括服务商标)、商号、产品、专利和专有技术、经营模式等以特许经营合同的形式授予被特许者使用,被特许者按合同规定,在特许者统一的业务模式下从事经营活动。 3 零售企业连锁经营的运作特点


