外研社高中英语1-8全部话题、文化角及写作任务 - 图文

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《新标准英语》的24个话题是:Personal information; Family, friends and people around, Personal environment; Daily routines; School Life; Interests and hobbies; Emotions; Interpersonal relationships; Plans and intentions; Festival, holidays and celebrations; Shopping; Food and drinks; Health; Weather; Entertainment and sports; Travel and transport; Language learning; nature; The world and environment; Popular science and modern technology; Topical issues; History and geography. NSE (1) 1 Topics and Tasks Grammar and Function of Vocabulary Cultural corner My First Day of Senior Revision present School subjects; American school system High/ Writing a brochure tenses; Adjectives with feelings about your school -ing & -ed/ Making conversation 2 My New Teacher/ VERBS + V-ing Adjectives for Different schools in Setting criteria for a Expressing preference good teacher 3 personality, school different countries life and work and The Maglev ---- Fastest Train in the World My First Ride on a The V-ed form/ Past Vehicles Train/ Talking about a tenses, time expression trip to a tourist spot places 4 A social Survey ---- My Present perfect tense/ Neighborhood Neighborhood/ Planning Showing position and a representation to give a direction brief report of your neighborhood Village problem in Western Europe 5 A Lesson in a Lab/ Degrees of comparison/ Numbers/ Preparing a report on a Using sequence simple experiment scientific Scientific experiments Science Teaching in Canada 6 The Internet and Compound Definite and words; Computers zero Internet and Text messages and Telecommunications/ Preparing a emoticons poster articles/ Talking about showing the usage of the percentage and numbers 1 2 Internet NSE (2) 1 Topics and Tasks Grammar and Function Vocabulary Cultural corner illness; Health problem parts; Our Body and Healthy Nouns used as verbs; Physical Habits/ Preparing a Will/ be going to for body survey about healthy future actions/ Talking medicine living 2 about future and Stop smoking now No Drugs/ Preparing a To do as a purpose; Drugs presentation on the Adverbial result a Adverbial clause clause of addiction; illnesses ---- We can help dangers of smoking 3 Music/ Preparing of Music and musical Ye Xiaogang biography of a famous time; The past perfect instruments Chinese musician or tense/ Talking about composer 4 likes and dislikes Picasso Fine Arts ---- Western, V-ing form and to do/ Art and picture Chinese and Pop arts/ Giving opinions Preparing questionnaire students’ likes a class on and dislikes in arts 5 Newspapers magazines/ about your and Adverbial clause of Newspapers and Daily newspapers in and the Writing time/ reason/ Showing news favorite belief and disbelief stories; Britain Space and space United States travel and Steven Spielberg ---- films Film director newspaper or magazine 6 Films and TV Adverbs of frequency Films programmes/ Writing a and place; Adverbs and television; film page for a magazine Adverbial phrases/ and actors Talking about how often you do things

1 3

NSE (3) 1 Topics and Tasks Grammar and Function Vocabulary Cultural corner Europe/ Preparing a fact Passive voice; present European cities; The European Union file on a region of China and past forms; Subject art and verb agreement architecture and 2 Developing Developed Writing and Link verbs; Making Towns and cities; Town twinning developing developed countries and Countries/ comparisons an advertisement for your hometown 3 The violence of Nature/ Past perfect passive; Extreme weather Earthquakes Around Writing or talking about Indirect speech/ Giving and violent events the Pacific a natural disaster definition Sandstorms, the The Movement Green 4 Sandstorms in China/ The different types of Designing a poster that to do; Expressions with environment encourage people to look but to do/ Expressing after the environment 5 strong opinions Great people and Great Defining relative clause: Ancient Inventions of Ancient of which/ in which China/ Writing about a / Giving reasons famous person from China The Industrial and philosophers; Revolution philosophy; inventions ancient China 6 Old and new/ Preparing Non-defining; relative Man-made The Empire State and Building, New York a news bulletin about clauses; Contraction of structures changes that have taken relative place in your region Adjective clauses/ georgraphical expressing features strong feelings NSE (4) Topics and Tasks Grammar and Function Vocabulary Cultural corner 1 4 1 Life in the future/ The future continous/ Building materials Famous Last Words Describing your ideal Talking about the future house 2 Traffic Jam/ Completing Imperative; a poster giving advice to Giving advice visitors to your city/ hometown 3 Body Language and Non Adverbial clause of Parts of body Clapping Transport The London Congrestion Charge -verbal Communication / condition, concession/ Preparing some social Giving advice advice for visitors to China 4 Great Scientists a / Revision of the passive Science and Rockets Preparing biography radio voice; by + V-ing; / scientists a Talking about numbers about famous scientist 5 A Trip Along the Three Revision of modal verbs/ Georgaphical Gorges/ Writing rules for Talking about obligation, features, regions travelers arriving in your permission town 6 prohibition The Dragon Universal and Postcards to Myself Unexplained Mysteries may, have, might have Animals of the Natural World/ Talking about possibility Writing about a mystery and impossibility for visitors to China NSE (5) 1 Topics and Tasks Grammar and Function Vocabulary Cultural corner and The Man Who British and American Review of verb forms: British English/ Identifying a present variety of English simple American English Made Simple Spelling /continous/perfect/ 1 5 future reference; for, since with present perfect/ Giving reasons 2 A Job Worth Doing/ Review of verb forms: Identifying important past simple/ perfect/ continous Making deductions Jobs Growing jobs jobs for the future about the past 3 Adventure in Literature Review of verb forms: Yypes of books The Life of Mark Twain and the Cinema/ Doing a V-ing, V-ed, to do, link and films survey of teenage verbs/ statements suggestions 4 Carnival/ Describing a Review of passive voice/ Festivals, food Chinese festival Expressing likes, Reporting and reading habits The meaning of carnival dislikes and preferences 5 The Great Sports Review of adverbial Sports Marathon, the Personality/ Making a clauses/ Agreeing and list of Chinese sports disagreeing; degree of personalities 6 Animals in certainty Ultimate Olympic Event Danger/ Review of attributive Animals and their WWF Expressing environment Making a survey of clauses/ endangered species in concern China NSE (6) 1 Topics and Tasks Grammar and Function Vocabulary Cultural corner Small Talk/ Preparing a small Didn’t need to, needn’t Topics of conversation, The AAA talk, phrasebook for using have done inside and outside the Talking about obligation body language

1 6 classroom 2 or lack of obligation The Lord of the Rings Fantasy Literature ---- Philip Adverbial clause with Fantasy novels Pullman/ Writing short V-ing Telling a story clauses: relationships description of books 3 Interpersonal Relationships Adverbial Friend Reunited ---- Friendship/ Describing a having (done); V-ed/ to problem you had with a friend do and giving advice on how to Talking keep friends relationship 4 Music/ Role-playing a TV or Present radio music programme progressive prefect Music and musical The Grammy Awards ---- tense/ instruments Are they important? about Expressing emotions 5 Cloning/ Debating ---- To Subjunctive (1) /Talking Science, clone or not to clone? about past and present soceity regrets 6 War and peace/ Giving a Subjunctive (2)/ Talking War and conflict presentation on your opinion about memories about war NSE (7) 1 Topics and Tasks Basketball/ Grammar and Function Vocabulary Cultural corner did American How the United Nations Tries to Keep Peace genetics, Brave New World Explaining Conversion and suffixes/ Basketball, sports How basketball and preparing a Expressing feelings and “dream team” od star players emotions 2 Highlights of My Senior Predictive clauses and School Year/ Writing an article for a subject Football stat? life, The American Art of Cheerleading clause/ teenage activities school newspaper about the Expressing thoughts and highlights of your school life opinions 1 7 3 Literature/ Acting out a Inversion used for Words for Oliver Charles Dickens scene from one of Charles emphasis and emphatic Twist Dickens’ novels sentences/ emphasising 4 Music Born in America/ Adverbial clauses of Types of music Organizing a class concert time and ellipses/ Americans Who Changed the World of Music ways of Comparing the present and the past 5 Ethnic Culture/ Writing an V-ed as adverbial and Ethnic identity, Native Americans and article about an enthnic phrasal verbs/ Ways of costumes, minority asking for more environment Australian Aborigines information 6 The World’s Cultural Subjunctive a adverbial clauses and Achaeology, of world and sites heritage Santa Fe’s Living Treasures Heritage/ Giving presentation about a world place, heritage site condition concession/ Expressing place, condition and concession NSE (8) 1 Topics and Tasks Grammar and Function of Vocabulary Cultural corner The Travels of Deep South/ Finding out Review about a heroic journey verbs subjects, Antarctica, exploration Marco Polo Printing 2 The Renaissance/ Review of non-finite Painting, the arts Describing a Chinese verbs Painting 3 Foreign food/ Writing Review some advice for visitors attributes, Food and table The Willow Pattern Plates Review of attributive manners clause 4 Which English?/ Review of adverbials Varieties of Chinese as a 1 8 Comparining Chinese and adverbial clauses English language foreign language and English vocabulary 5 The Conquest of the Review of noun clauses Universe/ Making a time line of Chinese space exploration 6 The Tang Poem/ Talking Review of modal-verbs: Poetry about a Chinese poet must, can’t, may/might, should/ could/ would NSE (9) Topics and Tasks Language Use 1 Bernard in Vocabulary/ Presentation skills Doolittle's Monologue Culture/ Learning to learn The Gold Age of English Poetry Space exploration The War of the Worlds Shaw's a/ an/ good/ Personal Pygmalion/ Writing a say/ to be/ descriptions/ Giving description of a play you who/ you have enjoyed 2 DNA ---- the Secret of it/ much/ now/ Personal physical Two Creatures in The Time Machine a presentation Life/ Writing an article the/ this/ was/ features/ Holding a about makin genetic were safe and beneficial 3 The Qin Tomb and the am/ is/ are/ Chinese Terracotta Warriors/ been/ go/ tourism, history, The Life and Poems of Qu Yuan job class debate Making a presentation gone/ how/ of/ applications/ Writing about ancient China 4 that a formal letter loan Read this carefully ---- Computer Languages of the World/ but/ get/ got/ Language, Preparing a talk about have/ has/ not/ words/ Writing a Viruses Are Dangerous!/ Journalese your mother tongue some/ than any/ letter to a newspaper in newspaper 1 9 5 The First Americans/ and/ any/ can/ Native Finding out more about come/ a particular Native when on/ tribes/ lecture American The Sad Story of the Native Giving a Amercians/ The difference in the past tense verbs between American and British English American tribe 6 Why Do We Need by/ do/ does/ Dictionary language/ Roget's Thesaurus/ Studying outside Dictionaries?/ Writing a if/ or/ want/ Making dictionary entry

Cultural corner: 建立文化知识的储备,丰富语言学习的基础,学会进行文化层面的比较。

why announcement an classroom Book 1 Module 1 Module 2 Writing about the different education system in different countries. Module 3 Module 4 The maglev ---- The fastest train in the world 为什么今天在农村如此多的“留守”儿童?可以提升到构筑“和谐社会harmony society”的层面。 Module 5 Module 6 鼓励学生如何表达选择自己赶兴趣的高中科目(自然学科) 告诉我们为何“text message”盛行,也告诉我们如何使用这些简单、使用的符号。 Book 2 Module 1 Healthy care system in the big English-speaking countries: Britain, the United States and Canada 鼓励挖掘“有关社保、医保”方面的题材,写作2较好的题材。 Module 2 Stop smoking now ---- We can help: the California Smokers’ Helpline and some good ideas. 写作1的题材“吸烟带来的害处” Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Ye Xiaogang, a musician Picasso Daily newspapers in Great Britain and the United States 学习介绍名人,写作1的好题材 Book 3 Module 6 Module 1 Module 2 Film director ---- Steven Spielberg The European Union Town Twinning 建立友好学校、社区、城市等方面的题材,写作2的好材料。如牛津与剑桥的赛艇、清华与北大的赛艇等。 10 1 Book 4 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Earthquake around the Pacific 自然灾害方面的材料,写作1 The Green Movement 保护环境方面的题材,写作1 The Industrial Revolution The Empire State Building, New York The Last Words “理想的未来的房子”,写作1 The London Congestion Charge “如何解决拥挤的城市交通”这是写作2的材料。 Clapping “鼓掌”的场合,写作1 Rockets “火箭的历史”写作1 Postcards to Myself 学会在游行时留下一点让人回味的东西的做法。写作2,传统与现代的冲突。 Book 5 Book 6 Book 7 Book 8 Module 6 Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 1 The Universal Dragon 不同文化中的“龙”的概念,写作2,文化与民族 The Man Who Made Spelling Simple“你说的是什么英语?”,写作2 Growing Jobs“社会在发展,职业种类增多”,这是写作2的材料。 The Life of Mark Twin 人物传记,写作1 The Meaning of Carnival “文化的历史,历史的文化”写作2 Marathon: the Ultimate Olympic Event“马拉松简介和演变”,写作1 WWF 什么是WWF,“学会建立人与大自然的和谐共处”。写作2。 The AAA“如何建立与人进行交谈的技巧?”,写作2 The Lord of the Rings“小说介绍”,这是写作1 Friends Reunited 写作1 The Grammy Awards “文化的奖项”写作1 Brave New World“小说介绍”, “历史在今天重演吗?”写作2 How the United Nations Tries to Keep the Peace “什么是维和?”,写作1。 How did American Football Start?“体育的发展”,写作1 The American Art of Cheerleading“拉拉队的出现”,这是写作1 Charles Dickens 人物介绍。写作1 Americans who Changed the World of Music “文化与人物”写作1 Native Americans and Australian Aborigines“历史追述”,写作1 Santa Fe’s Living Treasures“历史与文化的调查”,写作1。 The Travel of Marco Polo“历史与文学”,写作1

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Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Printing“历史上的发明”,这是写作1 The Willow Pattern Plate 写作1 Chinese as a Foreign Language “社会的发展,推动语言的发展,”写作2 The War of the Worlds“小说介绍”, “历史在今天重演吗?”写作2 The Golden Age of English Poetry “文学与历史”,写作1。 根据2007年高考新题型的出现,下面的练习或教材内容均是较为理想的训练材料,可以说,它们是“高考为教学服务”的体现。 Workbook: Book 1

Speaking and writing P71 ---- 以回邮件的形式谈谈论自己的校园。

Speaking and writing P77 ---- 给文段加标点符号,并仿写“介绍自己最喜欢的老师” Speaking and writing P84 ---- 描述自己第一次没有父母陪伴的远行

Speaking and writing P90 ---- 总结材料,并仿写“谈论自己居住小区的优缺点” Speaking and writing P96 ---- 仿写并“叙述实验的过程”,注意连接词的用法 Speaking and writing P102 ---- 对学校的电脑设备提出自己的看法 Book 2

Speaking and writing P72 ---- 如何向医生描述自己的病情。 Speaking and writing P 77 ---- 描述如何青少年吸烟。

Speaking and writing P 84 ---- 仿写。“谈论自己有关音乐方面的生活”

Speaking and writing P 90 ---- 发表自己的看法:“Art gives a lot of pleasure to our daily life” Speaking and writing P 96 ---- Match work. Reading P99 ---- Match work Writing P102 ---- Match work, 仿写。 Book 3

特别注意在GRAMMAR 和VOCABULARY中的部分语法和词汇填空练习 Speaking and writing P72---- 仿写。

Speaking and writing P77 ---- Grammar exercises和仿写练习

Writing P 90 ---- 仿写和按要求写作(话题有:recycling rubbish, traffic pollution, climate change, sea pollution, desertification)

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Writing P96 ---- 介绍中国的四大发明之一的“纸”。 Writing P102 ---- 介绍一座城市变化。 Book 4

特别注意在GRAMMAR 和VOCABULARY中的部分语法和词汇填空练习 Reading P69.Life in the future 的一些例子。

Reading P75 ---- 周游世界必须知道的小贴士。Match work Writing and speaking P78 ---- 告之别人,如何到达某地。 Reading P81 ---- 文化意识:交流与体态语言。

Writing P84 ---- 如何辨别正式和非正式的邀请函和如何回函。 Writing P 90 ---- 人物传记的写作要点。Match work Speaking and writing P96 ---- 游记。仿写。 Writing P102 ---- Match work Book 5

Writing and speaking P78 ---- CV(简历的写法) Vocabulary P74, Listening and speaking P77 ---- Match work Vocabulary P79, Speaking and writing P84 ---- Match work Speaking and writing P90 ---- 仿写,介绍传统节日 Grammar P91, Vocabulary P92 ---- 语法填空练习 Grammar P97, Vocabulary P98 ---- 语法填空练习 Book 6

Reading P70 ---- Matching work

Speaking and writing P72 ---- 仿写“如何适应一个陌生环境?” Reading P75 ---- Matching work Vocabulary P80 ---- 语法填空

Speaking and writing P84 ---- 仿写“如何谈论自己的朋友?” Vocabulary P86、P87 ---- 语法填空 Reading P87 ---- Matching work

Speaking and writing P90 ---- 仿写“如何介绍一场音乐会?” Vocabulary P93 ---- 语法填空

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Speaking and writing P90 ---- 仿写“如果你是科学家,你如何看待克隆人类?” Vocabulary P98 ---- 语法填空

Speaking and writing P102---- 仿写“向他人介绍自己所经历的惊心动魄的事件” Book 7

Vocabulary P91、P92、P93 ---- 语法填空 Vocabulary P97、P98 ---- 语法填空 Reading P99 ---- Matching work

Speaking and writing P102---- 仿写“比较中、美夏令营的不同” Vocabulary P104 ---- 语法填空 Grammar P109---- 语法填空 Vocabulary P111 ---- 语法填空 Reading P112 ---- Matching work

Speaking and writing P102---- 仿写“______;a Giant of Modern Music” Grammar P116 ---- 语法填空 Vocabulary P122 ---- 语法填空

Speaking and writing P126---- 仿写“少数民族语言的需要保护吗?” Book 8

Grammar P91 ---- 语法填空 Vocabulary P92 ---- 语法填空

Reading and speaking P94---- Matching work

Speaking and writing P102---- 仿写“向别人介绍自己到南极的经历” Grammar P97 ---- 语法填空 Vocabulary P97 ---- 语法填空

Reading and writing P101----仿写“谈谈如何保护古城?” Vocabulary P104 ---- 语法填空 Reading P106 ---- Matching work

Speaking and writing P102---- 仿写“向别人介绍自己国家的午餐菜谱” Grammar P109、P110---- 语法填空 Vocabulary P92 ---- 完形填空

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Speaking and writing P114---- 仿写“为什么英国孩子不想选学英语?” Vocabulary P116 ---- 完形填空

Listening and writing P119 ---- 介绍“宇航员在太空舱的生活” Speaking P120 ---- 介绍“太空旅行起步了” Vocabulary P123 ---- 语法填空

教材内容: Book 1

Speaking P7 ---- 写“总结中美学校教育的异同” Writing P8 ---- 以回邮件的形式,写“对新学校的印象” Writing P37 ---- 对比“城市与农村的生活”

Writing P56 ---- “谈论对英特网积极或消极意义的理解” Writing P66 ---- “根据提示学会表达自己” Book 2

Writing P8 ---- 句子排序,然后用一个文段描述自己的某一身体疾病 Writing P17 ---- 以回邮件的方式介绍有关吸烟的问题 Writing P25 ---- 谈论自己的对音乐的爱好 Writing P38 ---- 就某一艺术品形式描绘 Writing P58 ---- 就自己看过的一部电影进行评论 Writing P66 ---- 对自己所喜爱某一知名人物进行介绍 Book 3

Writing P7---- 介绍自己熟悉的一个欧洲古/名城 Writing P18 ---- 介绍并比较两座城市 Writing P28 ---- 介绍一次自然灾害

Writing P38 ---- 描述环境问题并提出解决的措施 Writing P48 ---- 就交通方面的优缺点进行总结 Writing P55 ---- 谈论自己的家乡、亲人等 Book 4

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P7 描述自己对未来的憧憬

P18 描述自己所在城市的交通情况和提出解决交通不畅的办法 P28 给别人邀请函的回复 P37 介绍名人的生平

P46 给别人在特定场合时的建议 Book 5

P6 Vocabulary 2 语法填空

P8 Speaking and writing 论述“你支持什么样的英语?” P14 Grammar 4 语法填空

P18 Reading and writing 阅读招聘广告,写求职信 P28 Writing 写故事梗概 P34 Grammar 语法填空

P38 Reading and writing 给email回信,介绍中国传统的节日:气氛、音乐、食品以及人们的庆祝方式

P48 Writing 写通知 P55 Grammar 5 语法填空

P58 Writing 介绍一种动物:描述、习性、食物、为何濒临灭绝、仅存数量 P62 语法填空 P66 仿写:电影评论 Book 6

P7 Writing 回email,“告诉对方如何面对陌生的环境” P18 Speaking 续写故事/ Writing 编写故事 P24 Grammar 5 语法填空 P27 Grammar 5 语法填空

P28 Writing 论述“如何与他人做朋友?” P37 Speaking/ Writing “对音乐的热爱程度” P44 Function 语法填空 P47 Grammar 语法填空

P48 Speaking and writing 论述“对克隆技术的态度和原因”

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P57 Reading and writing 学习写影评。

P58 Speaking 论述对不同电影的看法、态度和原因。 P64 Vocabulary 3 语法填空

P66 Writing 向你的美国笔友介绍要去美国学习的同学的情况,并请笔友提供力所能及的帮助。 Book 7

P9 Reading and writing 仿写“如何介绍中、西方运动员品质、运动天赋等方面的差异” P23—24 Reading and vocabulary (3), Writing“如何介绍不同国家学校的课外活动形式” P53 Reading and writing “音乐能帮助你的学习吗?”,可以延伸到音乐对在其他方面的影响。 P66 Writing “如何介绍自己国家的一个少数民族” P76 Listening and vocabulary 语法填空 P77 Grammar and function 语法填空

P79 Reading and writing “介绍你所熟悉的一个非物质文化遗产” P80 Speaking 论述“为何许多语言在消失和处于危险的境地” P86 语法填空和完形填空 Book 8

P4 “如何看待对南极的保护?”

P10—11 “介绍自己的在世或辞世的亲人” P14 Task “描写一次刻骨铭心的历程” P47、37、21、19、20语法填空

P52 Writing 讨论“如何整个世界都说英语,那么一切都变得容易多了”,你同意还是不同意? P72 Matching work P86 语法填空

Speaking and writing P90 ----写作:“介绍一副美术作品”

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P57 Reading and writing 学习写影评。

P58 Speaking 论述对不同电影的看法、态度和原因。 P64 Vocabulary 3 语法填空

P66 Writing 向你的美国笔友介绍要去美国学习的同学的情况,并请笔友提供力所能及的帮助。 Book 7

P9 Reading and writing 仿写“如何介绍中、西方运动员品质、运动天赋等方面的差异” P23—24 Reading and vocabulary (3), Writing“如何介绍不同国家学校的课外活动形式” P53 Reading and writing “音乐能帮助你的学习吗?”,可以延伸到音乐对在其他方面的影响。 P66 Writing “如何介绍自己国家的一个少数民族” P76 Listening and vocabulary 语法填空 P77 Grammar and function 语法填空

P79 Reading and writing “介绍你所熟悉的一个非物质文化遗产” P80 Speaking 论述“为何许多语言在消失和处于危险的境地” P86 语法填空和完形填空 Book 8

P4 “如何看待对南极的保护?”

P10—11 “介绍自己的在世或辞世的亲人” P14 Task “描写一次刻骨铭心的历程” P47、37、21、19、20语法填空

P52 Writing 讨论“如何整个世界都说英语,那么一切都变得容易多了”,你同意还是不同意? P72 Matching work P86 语法填空

Speaking and writing P90 ----写作:“介绍一副美术作品”

