3L英语(1-20课)测试 最好版本

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Lesson1 - 20


( )1.A. book B. black C. bag ( )2.A. come B. car C. cup ( )3.A. her B. here C. hot ( )4.A. which B. white C. with ( )5. A. look B. like C. Light


( ) 1. A. This is Sue`s class. B. This is Sandy`s class. ( ) 2. A. Whose is this ball? B. Who is this ball? ( ) 3. A. It`s a bicycle. B. It`s a bus

( ) 4. A. I am an actor. B. I am an actress.

( ) 5. A. His name`s Billy Briggs. B. Her name`s Billy Briggs.


Put on Dad`s ______, Sandy! Put on Mum`s _________, Sue. You are funny, Sue! You are funny, _______, sandy! Come with me. __________ at the door, Sue. Come _________! Look at me ! I`m an actor. Look at me! I am an actress!


1、---______is that girl?---That’s Sue Clark. A. Whose B. What C. Which D. Who 2、This is ______ class.

A. Sandy B. Katie C. Dan’s D. Sue 3、The girl is ____the red bicycle.

A. in B. on C. with D. down 4、---_____is that?---It’s a car.

A.Who B.What C.Whose D.Which 5、What’s_____tea?

A. on B.in C. For D. with 6、Mr.Crisp is ______his car.

A. in B.with C.on D.不填 7、_____you hungry?

A. Are B.Is C.Am D.are

Name: _________ Mark: _________

8、It is _____apple.

A. a B. the 9、It_____a bicycle.

A. am B. is 10、Look____my pictre. A. at B. in

C. an C. are

D. / D./ D.on

C. down


( ) 1. A. woman B. man ( ) 2. A. boy B. girl ( ) 3. A. brown B. blue ( ) 4. A. banana B. apple ( ) 5. A. cat B. dog

四、看图选单词。(10分) C. milkman C. cap C. brother C. basket C. cup

four book desk book bag pencil rubber mother ruler


c_ld 冷的 ch_ir 椅子 eg_ 鸡蛋 f_t 胖的 pic_ure 照片 ba_ k_ _篮子 br_th_ _兄弟 w_m_ _女人 sch_ _ l学校 l _ z _ 懒惰的


1、一个苹果_____________________ 2、handsome(同义词)________________ 3、old(反义词)___________________ 4、ruler(复数)____________________ 5、一个桔子_____________________ 6、thin(反义词)__________________ 7、father (所有格)________________ 8、new(反义词)____________________ 9、一个男孩_____________________10、girl(对应词)____________________


1. Mr. Crisp is Sue’s teacher. (改一般疑问句)

2. Is this you cap? (作肯定及否定回答)

3. They are Sandy and Sue.(改否定句)

4. His name is Billy Briggs.(划线提问)

5. hungry, are, you, Sandy?(连词成句)

八、用a, an填空。(10分)

1、 umbrella 2、 letter 3、 actor 4、 egg-cup 5、 woman 6、 ice-cream 7、 bicycle 8、 actress 9、 orange 10、 girl


Hello, my name is Peter. I’m a boy and I’m eleven, I have many pictures because I like to take pictures.This picture is my favourite. Look, this is me in the park. It’s winter and the temperature(温度) is about eight degrees below zero(零下八度). I wear my winter boots, scarf, jacket and mittens. It’s snowy. I’m throwing the snowballs with Lily.She is my friend. Look, the snowballs are very big and white. We make a snowman too.

( ) 1. What’s the weather like that day? A. Cold and windy. B. Hot and sunny. C. Cold and snowy. ( ) 2. What does Peter like to do?

A. Throw snowballs. B. Take pictures. C. Make snowman.

( ) 3. Who is Lily? A. She is Peter’s friend. B. She is Peter’s sister. C. Peter’s classmate. ( ) 4. What does Peter wear?

A. Winter boots. B. Coat. C. A shirt. ( ) 5. How old is Peter?

A. Ten B. Eleven C. Twelve

