英语八级 校对与改错练习

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Passage One

It is very difficult ∧ imagine an educational system which transmits 1. to

values seriously in conflict with that of the government and the state, or 2. those which contributes nothing to training young people for their future adult

work-roles. However, educational systems are often only partial successful. 3. partially This is partly because people have different views of what elements of culture (norms and values) should be stressed (on), and what skills are useful. 4. on

Such disagreement has a fundamental basis in ∧ social structure of modem 5. the

Britain because there is often a contradiction among the two functions of 6. between socialization and training. This is because the two functions are not easily separate in practice. The norms and values transmitted to any group of 7. separated

children have to be somehow relating to the kinds of skills they 8. related

∧ taught. The culture of the aristocracy is not the same as that of working 9. are -class neighborhoods in the inner cities. Similarly, training for different

sorts of work need to be different: to be proficient in Latin is not useful 10. needs to the shop assistant, just as expertise in woodwork is irrelevant to a university teacher.

Passage Two

As people live in a fast-moving world where tensions build up, the effects of long-distance running are uplifting.

Each hill is approached as a positive challenge, causing the runner to

grow strongly with each stride and leading him to tranquility and harmony. 1. stronger Long-distance running (that) helps a person to forget pressure on family 2. that

problems as well as job related annoyances. An example comes quickly in 3. to

mind. One day I had a really terrible fight with my landlady over some foolish incident. I screamed and yelled at her but she very nearly threw me out. A 4. that

few minutes later, I set ∧ for my daily run. By the end of the first mile, the 5. out argument seemed like the bad dream. At the end of the fourth mile, I was 6. a

full with feelings of remorse and forgiveness towards the landlady. I saw 7. filled

how unreasonable I have been, I stopped at the local flower shop and bought 8. had

my landlady a beautiful rose, which I immediately gave her ∧ I stepped 9. as inside the house. Running has that kind of effect on most runners. It makes us feel positive and serene. Incorporating long-distance running into a daily routine will significantly change a runner's life. I do not know whether it

comes from following a strict routine the improved physical condition of the 10. that

runner. But I do know that people quickly become addicted to the sport.

Passage Three

What is drug? Most (of) people probably think there’s a perfect simple


answer to this question. In fact, if one carries a quick survey on any street

corner, one finds that, according to ∧ vast majority of people, there are two

2. the

groups of drugs: those prescribed by doctors, and those people take for non-medical use. As medicine and medical profession are generally self-respectful, there aren't any objections to the use of prescribed drugs. 3. self-respected What most people don’t realize is that when prescribed drugs are usually 4. though beneficial, they can also present a serious problem. There were many people addicted by tranquillizers before doctors began to prescribe them: 5. to now there being literally millions who depend on them. An acceptance of 6. are the use of drugs for non-medical reasons is largely a matter of a culture. Some Eastern people think the use of alcohol with horror, mainly as

7. look at

a result of religious upbringing. However, these similar people freely use marijuana without a second thought, and this, in turn, isn’t accepted in ∧Western culture which accepts alcohol. In most Western societies, 9. a the tea- or coffee-break's now a part of (the) life. And huge quantities

10. the

of these drinks are consumed daily.

Passage Four

In a competitive and fast-paced modem society, busy business

executives are so engrossing in their work that they hardly know what engrossed

the word 'leisure\means. The higher an executive’s position is on the business ladder, the more hours he spends on his work. With a view to gaining greater corporate standing or a big pay rise, he, as a rule, far bigger

exceeds (over) the 40-hour working week. over The additional stress and tension as well as the shortage of suitable


rest and recreation very often have a disastrous effect on his health. Few such executives realize that unless they learn how to relax, they will soon

run ∧ of stream before they get to the top of the executive ladder. A noted out American authority on leisure has said that “The key to relaxation to busy 6. for

executives is to avoid the types of activities that are part and parcel of their daily work and to devote themselves totally to have recreational having pursuits for at least a part of each day, even ∧ it is only for half an hour. 8. if

Those ∧jobs require a great deal of contact with others can engage in activities

whose 1.

8. same 1.

2. 3. 4.


7. 9.

that are quiet and peaceful ― far from the madding crowd, far from client clients

and business associates.”

Passage Five

Air quality in Britain has improved considerably in the last 30 years. Total emissions of smoke in the air have risen by over 85 per cent since decreased 1950. The domestic smoking control program has been particularly

smoke important in achieving this result. London and other major cities no

longer have the dense smoke-laden “smogs” of the 1950s but in central and London winter sunshine has increased by about 70 per cent since 1958.

Since 1990, everyday air pollution data from the British Monitoring network has made available to the public by the Department of the

Environment’s Air Quantity Bulletins. These concentrated three main 4. Quality pollutants-ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide — end grade air quality on a scale between “very weak” and “very good”. The by information features in television and radio weather reports ∧ appears


in many national and local newspapers. Therefore, the data are also Moreover

available on the special free telephone number and on videotext systems.

A comprehensive review of the issue of urbanized air quality was announced

in January 1992. Three independent committees of experts have been established to advise on different aspects of the problem, and will set ∧


guidelines and targets for air quality. The network will also being extended and upgraded at a cost of 10 million pounds.

Passage Six

The amazing success of humans as a species is the result

of the evolutionary development of our brains which hastened to tool-using, tool-making, the ability to solve problems by logical reasoning, thoughtful cooperation, and language. One of the most striking ways in that chimpanzees biologically resemble humans which

lies in the structure of their brains. The chimpanzee, with the

capacity for primitive reasoning, exhibits a type of intelligence ∧ like more

that of humans than does any other mammal living today. The brain of the modem chimpanzee is probably not too dissimilar to the brain that so many millions of years ago direct the behavior of the first ape directed man.



2. 3.

5. 6.


8. a

9. urban





In a long time, the fact that prehistoric people made tools was

4. For

considered to be one of the major criterion distinguishing them from criteria

other creatures. It is true that the chimpanzee does not fashion tools to “a regular and set pattern” but then, prehistoric people, after their


development of stone tools,undoubtedly poked around with sticks and straws, at which stage it seems unlikely that they made tools to a set pattern too. either It is because ∧ the close association in most people’s minds of

of tools with humans that special attention has always been focused upon any animal able to use an objective as a tool; but it is important to realize object

that this ability, on its own, does not necessarily indicate any special intelligence in the creature concerning.


Passage Seven

During the traditional wedding ceremony, the bridal couple

promises each other lifelong devotion. Yet, about one out of four promise American marriages ends in divorce. Since 1940, the divorce rate has more than doubled, and experts predict that, of all marriages that occured in the 1970s, about 50% will end in divorce, The USA occurred

is one of the highest divorce rates in the world, perhaps even the highest.

has What goes wrong? That fact that divorce is so common in the

United States does not mean that Americans consider marriage a casual, unimportant relationship. Just ∧ opposite is true. Americans expect a the great deal from marriage. They seek physical, emotional, and

intellectual compatibility. They want to be loved deep and understood. deeply It is because Americans expect so much from marriage that so many get divorce. They prefer no marriage at all to a marriage without love 6. divorced

and understanding. With typical American optimist, they end one optimism

marriage in the hope (of) that the next will be happier. With no-fault of divorce laws in many states, it is easier than never to get a divorce.

ever Some American women stay in unhappy marriages because they do not have the education or job experience to support themselves and their children. But most American women believe that, if necessary, they can make it lonely without a husband. All things considered,

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

1. 2. 3.



7. 8. 9.

10. alone Americans have little reason to continue an unhappy marriage.

Passage Eight

The world is in a self-destruction mode. By this statement

I mean that the people of the world are bent on making this planet

inhabitable in three distinct ways. Furthermore, these three ways uninhabitable

are all interrelated and related directly to industrialization.

The first of ∧ three is through pollution to the air, the water,


or the soil. Industrialization has meant toxic fumes in the atmosphere

3. and

and poisonous substances in the water and in the soil. Industry has also been responsible to noise and visual pollution: the roar of machinery and the ugliness of factories and cheap housing developments ... these factors take the joy outside of natural surroundings for human beings. out

However, the balance of nature has been upset. To feed the


hungry factories, huge forests have been leveled, mountains have ∧ stripped of their protection ... The results are farther-reaching been

as we can know. than

The third and the most acute of the problem is the psycho-


logical effect on people of increased competition and hard economic times. The reasons that people give for political unrest might be reasons of belief or religion, but I believe that it is the desire of people to improve their standard of life that ultimately causes wars. Because of the 9. living

industrialization, much of the beauty and the simplicity of life is away.

10. gone

Passage Nine

The ordinary family in colonial North America was primarily

concerned with sheer physical survival and beyond that, its own economic prosperity. Thus, Children were valued in (the) terms of the their productivity, and they assumed the role of producer quite early. Until they fulfilled this role, his position in the structure of the family their was one of subordination, and their psychological needs and capacities received much consideration. little As the society became more complex, the status of children

in the family and in the society become, each member must fulfill the a

number of personal and occupational role and be in constant contact roles with a great many other members. Consequently, viewing children

∧ potentially acceptable and necessarily multifaceted members of society as means that they are regarded more as people in their own right so as

than utilitarian organisms. This acceptance of children as equal participants

1. 2.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

