Unit 3 Travel Journal

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Unit 3 Travel Journal

▲ transport 运送;运输;输送

n. air transport 空运 road transport 路运 means of transport 运输方式 v. transport goods

▲ prefer v. 更喜欢

1) prefer to do

2) prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth.

I prefer coffee to tea. I prefer riding a bike to taking a bus.

3) prefer to do rather than do

I prefer to ride a bike rather than take a bus.

▲ disadvantage n. 不利条件;劣势;缺点

His bad health is a great disadvantage for him to get a good paid job. (反) advantage n. 有利条件;优势;优点

▲ fare n. 费用

air fare taxi fare bus fare train fare

▲ ever since 从那以后;自从那时起

We have been friends ever since.

▲ persuade vt. 说服;劝服

1) persuade sb. to do sth.

persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事

We persuaded him to give up smoking.

We persuaded him into giving up smoking.

2) persuade sb. not to do sth.

persuade sb. out of doing sth 说服某人不要做某事

比较: try to persuade sb. to do sth. advise sb. to do sth. ▲ cycle vi. 骑自行车

cycle home cycle to school go cycling He cycles to school every day. bicycle n. 自行车

▲ graduate

vi. 毕业 He graduated from Beijing University five years ago. n. 大学毕业生 He is a graduate of Beijing University.

graduation n. 毕业

▲ finally adv. 最后;终于 (at last \ in the end)

Finally they arrived at that village. The matter was finally settled. ▲ schedule

n. 时间表;进度表 ahead of schedule比时间表提前

on schedule 准时 behind schedule落后于时间表

vt. 为某事安排时间

▲be fond of 喜欢;喜爱

She's fond of books and anxious for knowledge. I am not fond of eating meat. ▲shortcoming n. 缺点;短处

Coming to school late is one of his shortcomings.

▲organize \ organise vt. 组织

organization \ organisation n. 组织


▲care about 关心;在乎;惦念 I don’t care about whether it rains.

care for 喜欢;照顾;照料 I don’t care for tea.

The mother cared for the sick child day and night.

▲ detail n. 细节;详情

He told me all the details of the accident. Please tell me what has happened in detail. ▲ determine vt. 决定;确定;下决心

determine to do 决定 \下决心做某事 He determined to go there by himself. determined adj. 坚决的;有决心的

1) be determined to do I’m determined to succeed.

2) be determined + that 从句

We’re determined that we should do our best to stop such a thing from happening again. determination n. 决心 He has great determination, and I’m sure he’ll succeed. ▲change one’s mind 改变 Whatever you say, I’ll not change my mind.

make up one’s mind 下定决心

▲ journey n. 旅程;旅行(常指陆路长途旅行,也可指海上或空中旅行) He's making a long journey from Paris to Berlin by train.

▲ altitude n.

1) 海拔高度 At high altitude of Tibet it is difficult to breathe.

2) 高处 The plane flew at an altitude of 20,000 meters.

▲ give in 投降;屈服;让步 He would rather die than give in.

give in to sb. 向某人让步投降;屈服于某人 His father always has to give in to him. ▲ valley n.

1) 山谷 The small village lies in a valley.

2) 流域 the Changjiang valley


n. 一步;速度;步调 The fence is only ten paces from the house. take a pace forward keep pace with…跟上,与…同步;并驾齐驱

v. 踱步;缓慢而行 He paced the room.


n. 弯;拐角

v. 弯曲;弯腰She bent (over) to pick up a book from the floor.

bend one’s mind to (doing) sth. 专心于(做)某事 He bent his mind to the job. ▲ attitude n. 态度;看法

the \ one’s attitude to \ towards… 对…的态度

What’s your attitude towards this matter?

▲ boil v. 沸腾;(水)开

boiling water boiled water

▲ forecast 预测;预报

n. the weather forecast天气预报

vt. A hurricane has been forecast(ed) for tomorrow afternoon.

▲ wool n. 羊毛 woolen adj. 羊毛的

▲as usual 照常;和往常一样

▲ reliable adj. 可信赖的;可靠的

It's not reliable to judge a man only by his looks.



n. 风景;视野;观点;见解

Looking from the top of the mountain, you can get a good view.

What is your view on this problem?

v. 观看;注视 Several possible buyers have come to view the house.

▲ beneath prep. 在…下面 Shall we rest in the shade beneath these trees?

