倒立摆论文:倒立摆 模糊控制 PID控制 模糊PID控制 MATLAB仿真

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【关键词】倒立摆 模糊控制 PID控制 模糊PID控制 MATLAB仿真

【英文关键词】Inverted pendulum Fuzzy control PID control Fuzzy PID control MATLAB Simulation




【英文摘要】Double inverted pendulum is an instability system which has many variable, strong coupling and nonlinear. The double inverted pendulum can effectively reflect many questions, such as robustness, stabilizability and tracking performance etc. There are many instability and nonlinear systems in this area, at the same time, inverted pendulum can tested such systems, which is used in a control area and

scholars frequently. The control methods of inverted pendulum were also widely used in military, robotics and other areas.In chapter2, we describe the research development status of

inverted pendulum control system, and expatiate the control results in the different developing periods. Because the object is to design the fuzzy PID controller, we first do the

preparatory work of the relevant theory, which include the introduction of the PID and fuzzy theory. In chapter3, we establish the mathematical model of inverted pendulum control system (state equation) and by using modern control theory analysis the controllability, observability and stability of two level inverted pendulum system. In chapter4, the fuzzy PID controller design process is given, the fuzzy controller

parameters are described and the fuzzy control rules and the reasoning process are developed. In chapter5, the fuzzy PID controller is applied to the double inverted pendulum model by using MATLAB as the simulation tool, and then the fuzzy PID controller is applied to the actual double inverted pendulum system.The simulation and physical experiment results show that the fuzzy PID controller has higher stabilizability. Compared to PID controller, the fuzzy PID controller can avoid the drawbacks of manual adjustment parameter and not timely changing the parameter to meet the system requirements. The fuzzy PID controller designed in this thesis is superior to a single fuzzy control and PID control, and it is a very effective control method and the fast control and no error control are gotten.


3-4Abstract4第一章 绪论7-13摘要1.1 课题研

1.3 倒究的意义7-81.2 倒立摆研究历史与现状8-9


10-111.4 模糊PID控制的现状分析与研究第二章 PID控制与模

2.1.1 经典1.5 论文主要工作11-13糊控制简介13-192.1 PID控制理论13-15

2.2 模糊控制理论PID控制理论简述13-15

15-182.2.1 模糊控制原理16

2.3 本章小结18-192.2.2 模糊控制器的组第三章 直线二级成及功能16-18



19-243.1 直线二级倒立摆的3.1.1 建立非线性数学模型3.2 直线二级倒

第四章 模3.1.2 模型线性化处理24-27立摆的稳定分析27-283.3 本章小结28-29


29-304.1 模糊自整定PID控制器4.3 模糊控制器4.2 参数自整定的想法30-31




42-434.3.1 输入量模糊化和输出量反模糊化4.3.3 模糊推4.4 本章小结5.1 4.3.2 建立模糊控制规则37-384.3.4 选择采样周期41-42第五章 倒立摆系统的仿真实验研究43-49

5.2 系统PID控制的仿真MATLAB仿真介绍43

43-455.3 基于模糊PID控制的倒立摆系统的仿真



致谢52 5.4 实际控制47-48第六章 本文结论49-505.5 本章小结参考文献50-52

