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TruStability® Board Mount Pressure Sensors: NSC Series–
The TruStability NSC Series-Uncompensated/Unamplified is a piezoresistive silicon pressure sensor offering a ratiometric analog output for reading pressure over the specified full scale pressure span and temperature range.
The NSC Series is both unamplified and uncompensated. It offers infinite resolution on the pressure signal. Frequency response is limited only by the end user’s system. The sensor will operate as specified from -40 C to 85 C [-40 F to 185 F].
These products are ideal for those customers who want to do their own compensation, calibration, and amplification in order to make use of the maximum resolution of the bare sensor output, leveraging a custom algorithm required for the application.
The NSC Series allows customers the flexibility of self-calibration while still benefiting from the industry-leading stability, accuracy, and repeatability that the Honeywell TruStability® Pressure Sensors provide.
FEATURES AND BENEFITS ( =competitive differentiator) Industry-leading long-term stability: Even after long-term
use and thermal extremes, these sensors perform substantially better relative to stability than any other pressure sensor available in the industry today:
Minimizes system calibration needs and maximizes system performance
Helps support system uptime by eliminating the need to service or replace the sensor during its application life
Additionally, the NSC Series offers numerous package styles and mounting options, making it easier for the device
manufacturer to integrate the product into their application.
These sensors measure absolute, differential, and gage pressures. The absolute versions have an internal vacuum reference and an output value proportional to absolute
pressure. Differential versions allow application of pressure to either side of the sensing diaphragm. Gage versions are referenced to atmospheric pressure and provide an output proportional to pressure variations from atmosphere.
The NSC Series sensors are intended for use with non-corrosive, non-ionic gases, such as air and other dry gases and for non-corrosive, non-ionic liquids. All products are designed and manufactured according to ISO 9001.
Industry-leading accuracy: Extremely tight accuracy of
±0.25 %FSS BFSL:
Reduces software needed to correct system inaccuracies, minimizing system design time
Supports system accuracy and warranty requirements Helps to optimize system uptime
FEATURES AND BENEFITS ( =competitive differentiator) (continued) Industry-leading flexibility: Extremely low power consumption (operating supply voltage
as low as 1.8 Vdc): Modular, flexible design with numerous package
styles, pressure ports, and options simplify Reduces power consumption integration into the device manufacturer’s application Provides extended battery life
Promotes energy efficiency Single side wet media option allows the end
customer to use one port of the sensor with Low operating voltage condensing humidity or directly with non-corrosive Sensitive: Meets specified pressure level requirements, liquid media providing enhanced sensitivity and accuracy over the range
Small size: Miniature 10 mm x 10 mm [0.39 in x Virtually insensitive to mounting orientation, allowing for
0.39 in] package is very small when compared to most flexibility of use within the application board mount pressure sensors
Ratiometric analog output
Occupies less area on the PCB
Infinite resolution
Typically allows for easy placement on crowded
Fast response time
PCBs or in small devices
RoHS compliant Repeatability: Provides excellent repeatability, high
Absolute, differential and gage types accuracy and reliability under many demanding
Pressure ranges from 1 psi to 150 psi (60 mbar to 10 bar) conditions
Also available in the HSC Series and the SSC Series which
are fully compensated and calibrated with amplified analog or
digital IC or SPI outputs
=focus applications) Medical: Industrial:
Respiratory breathing circuits:
Nebulizers Spirometers
Patient monitoring Flow/pressure control:
Therapeutic hospital beds Gas collection/delivery:
Hospital gas supply Oxygen concentrators
Precise sampling/gas flow: Blood analysis
Gas chromatography
Analytical instrument sampling systems
Pneumatic components: Valves
Pumps Actuators
Pneumatic systems: HVAC transmitters
Automated pneumatic assembly equipment
Pneumatic operator control systems Gas collection/delivery: Industrial gas supply
Precise sampling/gas flow: Barometry
Gas chromatography
Analytical instrument sampling systems
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1. Absolute maximum ratings are the extreme limits the device will withstand without damage.
2. Ratiometricity of the sensor (the ability of the device output to scale to the supply voltage) is achieved within the specified operating voltage. 3. Incorrect application of supply voltage or ground to the wrong pin may cause electrical failure.
4. The specified temperature range is the temperature range over which the sensor will produce an output proportional to pressure within the
specified performance limits.
5. Accuracy: The maximum deviation in output from a Best Fit Straight Line (BFSL) fitted to the output measured over the pressure range at
25 °C [77 °F]. Includes all errors due to pressure non-linearity, pressure hysteresis, and non-repeatability.
6. Full Scale Span (FSS) is the algebraic difference between the output signal measured at the maximum (Pmax.) and minimum (Pmin.) limits of
the pressure range. (See Figure 1 for ranges.)
7. Life may vary depending on specific application in which sensor is utilized. 8. Contact Honeywell Customer Service for detailed material information.
Honeywell Sensing and Control 3
9. See Table 5 for an explanation of sensor pressure types.
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Honeywell Sensing and Control
10. Offset: The output signal obtained when the reference pressure is applied to all available pressure ports. Also known as “null” or “zero”.
11. TCO (Thermal Effect on Offset): The deviation in offset due to changes in temperature over the specified temperature range, relative to offset measured
at 25 C.
12. TCS (Thermal Effect on Span): The deviation in full scale span due to changes in temperature over the specified temperature range, relative to full
scale span measured at 25 C.
13. Bridge Resistance: The resistance of the device measured across the power supply leads.
14. TCR (Thermal Coefficient of Resistance): The deviation in bridge resistance due to changes in temperature over the specified temperature range,
relative to bridge resistance measured at 25 C.
Honeywell Sensing and Control 7
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Honeywell Sensing and Control
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