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热忱待客培训课How to Welcome Customers Training

培训员手册Handbook for Trainers

Carrefour China Institute

给培训员的话Words to Trainers

欢迎你加入“热忱待客”培训课,成为兼任的店培训员Welcome to become the trainer for the training “How to Welcome Customers”.

希望你能发挥专业的能力及培训员的才华,使“热忱待客” 培训课能活泼 ,生动,有趣:也使学员能因为你而满载而归,有更多的领悟.We hope you can give full play to you professional ability and talent to make the training class interesting and animated so that the trainees will learn a lot from you.

祝你有一个愉快的教学经验We wish you enjoy yourself during training

Carrefour China Institute

热忱待客” “热忱待客”培训时间表“How to Welcome Customers” Training Time Schedule




9:00 9:15 9:45 9:50 9:55

店培训员致词Store Trainers’ Welcome

互相介绍Introduction by pair

介绍培训的目的和程序Objectives and Process of the Training

店长致词Store Manager’s Welcome

顾客访谈录Talk with Customers/Video Tape

Carrefour China Institute




阶段一Phase 1

了解顾客在意什么To know what the customers care about


1.第一阶段的目的Objective of phase 1

2.顾客访谈Talk with customers/video tape debriefing

3.顾客满意度调查Customers survey results

4.当我是一个顾客时When I am a customer...



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阶段二Phase 2

我们以什么去接待顾客How shall we welcome the customers?

1. 第二阶段的目的Objective of phase 2

2. 接待顾客的三步曲Talk with customers/video tape debriefing


3. 4 X 204 X 20


1) 2) 3) 4)

仪容 用语 态度 是与否Carrefour China Institute 5

Appearance Wording Manner Yes/No






阶段三Phase 3

1.第三阶段的目的Objective of phase 3

2.录象:服务中心Information center/video tape

3.接待顾客的三步曲3 steps for Welcoming the customers


1) 欢迎顾客Welcome customers

2) 满足顾客的需要Answer customers’ needs

3) 令顾客满意地离去Make customers leave the store satisfied

4. 家乐福人员如何接待顾客?How do Carrefour staffs welcome? /Video tape debriefing

5. 现场考察20 minutes, On-spot inspection/team of 2

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阶段四Phase 4

如何改善服务品质?How to improve service quality?

1.第四阶段的目的Objective of phase 4



10 minutes group discussion

3.提交意见书Presentation of the Suggestive Report to store Manager

4.我的承诺My promise

5.店长总结Store Manager’s Conclusion


拍照Take picture


培训结束End of the training

Carrefour China Institute

热忱待客“How to Welcome Customers” Training Time Schedule 9:00 9:15 9:45 9:50 9:55 10:00 店培训员致词Store Trainers’ Welcome

1. 第一阶段的目标Objective of phase 1

相互介绍Introduction by pair

2. 顾客访谈Talk with customers/video tape

介绍培训的目的和程序Objectives and process of the training

3. 顾客满意度调查Customers survey results

店长致词Store Managers’ Welcome

4. 当我是一个顾客时When I am a customers...

顾客访谈Talk with customers/video tape

12:30 13:30



阶段二Phase 2


阶段一Phase 1

我们以什么去接待顾客How shall we Welcome the Customers?

了解顾客在意什么To know what the customers care about

1. 第二阶段的目标Objective of phase 2

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热忱待客“How to Welcome Customers” Training Time Schedule 2. 接待顾客的三要素3Focal points to welcome customers?


阶段三Phase 3

3. 4 X 204 X 20

4. 自我评估:Self-assessment

1.第三阶段的目的Objective of phase 3

2.录象:服务中心Information center/video tape

1) 仪容Appearance

3.接待顾客的三步曲3 steps for Welcoming the customers

2) 用语Wording

1) 欢迎顾客Welcome customers

3) 态度Manner

2) 满足顾客的需要Answer customers’ needs

4) 是或否Yes/No

3) 令顾客满意地离去Make customers leave the store satisfied

4.家乐福人员如何接待顾客?How do Carrefour staffs welcome? /Video tape debriefing



5.现场考察20 minutes, On-spot inspection/team of 2

Carrefour China Institute

热忱待客“How to Welcome Customers” Training Time Schedule 17:30

阶段四Phase 4


培训结束End of the training

如何改善服务品质?How to improve service quality?

1. 第四阶段的目的Objective of phase 4

2. 团体讨论10 minutes group discussion

3. 提交意见书Presentation of the Suggestive Report to store Manager

4. 我的承诺My promise

5. 店长总结Store Manager’s Conclusion

6. 拍照Take picture

Carrefour China Institute

介绍Introduction 9:00 店培训员致词Store Trainers’ Welcome

发给每个人一张上课证贴在衣服上并解释学习公约Give the training stickers and the trainee’s booklet to every one. And explain the training rules.

发贴纸Hand out the stickers

用学习公约Use training rules


相互介绍Introduction by pair

- 5 5分钟准备5 minutes preparation

- 25分钟参与25 minutes participation

受训人员站到前面Trainees come to the front


介绍培训的程序和目的Objectives and process of the training

放投影片1-5,使用流程表Play slide 1,2,3+Process Chart

介绍培训流程Training process

用训练流程表Use training process chart

* 说明各阶段及其目的Tell the trainees every phase and its go


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1. 阶段一: 了解顾客在意什么.Phase 1: to know what the customers care about.

2. 阶段二: 我们以什么去接待顾客?Phase 2: How shall we welcome customers?

3. 阶段三: 接待顾客的三步曲.Phase 3: 3 steps for welcoming the customers

4. 阶段四: 如何改善服务品质Phase 4: How to improve service quality?


请店长(或值班经理)讲话Store Manager’s Welcome ( If day off:Duty Manager)

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阶段一Phase One 9:40 1.说明“阶段一”的主题和目的Explain the objective of phase 1

用训练流程表Use training process chart

(说明此阶段包括三个不同的活动,都是以顾客的眼光看 我们的服务)(Clarify the phase includes 3 different activities focusing on the customers’ opinion of our service)

- 录影带 - 问卷 - 集体讨论

Video tape Questionnaire Group discussion

2.问学员有哪些方式可以帮助我们了解顾客的意见Ask the trainees through which means we could know about the customers’ opinions

(说明在本阶段我们将用影片及问卷来了解顾客的意见)(Make it clear that in phase 1 we will use film and questionnaire to get an idea of customers’ opinions)


请学员看录影带“顾客访谈录”Play videotape about “Talk with customers”to trainees

放录影带Play videotape 13


休息15分钟15-minutes break

Carrefour China Institute


讨论“顾客访谈” 讨论“顾客访谈”影片Debriefing of the film “Talk with Customers”


在片中我们共问顾客几个问题?How many questions do we ask in the film?

都有关什么What are the questions about

共有哪些问题?What are the questions?

*请学员看“顾客访谈”的六个问题,并轮流念问题.Let the trainees read the 6 questions in the film one by one.

放投影片7Play slide 1 0

*问学员: 1)顾客 主要的 “抱怨”有哪些?Ask What does the customers mainly complain

在白板上写下“抱怨”及 讨论的内容Write down the contents of complaints and discussion on the white board

2)他们的抱怨有道理吗?Are the complaints reasonable?

3)我们一般都怎么处理?How do we handle these cases usually?

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4)你们的顾客会这样抱怨吗?Are the complaints reasonable?

5)你怎么反应How do we handle these cases usually?

*问学员和顾客认为我们有什么“优点”Question: what merits do the customer think that we have?

在白板上写下“优点”及讨 论内容Write down “merits”and content of discussion on the white board

*问学员顾客有什么“建议”Question: What suggestions have the customers put forward?

在白板上写下“建议”及讨 论内容Write down “suggestion”and content of discussion on the white board

*请学员再看一遍“顾客访谈”影片See the film again

放录影带Play video tape

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顾客满意度问卷调查Debriefing of the Talk with Customers

说明问卷调查在店内所做,共调查了2,000位顾客,是有 关顾客对我们的服务是否满意的调查.Clarify the survey was conducted with 2,000customers, about the customer’s satisfaction.

放投影片8Play slide 11

*请学员轮流念一遍题目.Ask the trainees to read the questions one by one

*请学员站在顾客的立场上猜顾客的想法Ask the trainees to put them in the customers’ sides to guess their thoughts



Tell the meaning of the symbols.

说明每个问题只能选一个答案Explain only one answer for each question.

发贴纸Hand out stickers

发8个贴纸给每个学员Give 8 stickers to each trainee

请学员一同上来贴Invite the trainee to come to the front to paste.

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讨论结果,问学员为什么认为顾客会满意或尚可Discuss the result. Ask the trainees for which reason they give their answers.

与店的实际结果比较Compare the result with the actual result of the store.

放投影片(店内调查结果)Play slide (the results of store)


表示不满意,我们必须提高mean dissatisfaction, we must

Discuss the difference, improve the amount of


小组讨论“当我是一位顾客时 小组讨论“当我是一位顾客时···” ”Group discussion: When I am a Customer ...

在白板上写下“当我是一 位顾客···”及仪容,用语, 态度Write down the contents of complaints and discussion on the white board

问学员什么时候他们也是顾客Ask the trainees when they are also customers, what kind of service do they expect?

他们对服务人员的“仪容”,“说话方式”及“态度 有什么要求?What requirements do they have for the service person in the respect of appearance, wording and manner?

Carrefour China Institute

*将学员分成三组Debriefing the trainees into 3 groups


*请他们用20分钟对“仪容”,“用语”及“态度”讨论, 写下答案,并请学员派一名代表.Ask them to use 20 minutes discuss on the “appearance”, “wording”and “manner”. Write down the answers on the paper, ask each group to choose a representative.


*请每位代表轮流上台说明Ask the representative to come to the front to give speech.

发纸和笔Send paper and pen

*综合每组的意见,说明一般顾客对仪容,用语及态度的要 求Bring together the opinions of each group, make clear the usual expectation on the manner, wording an appearance of the service person.

*我们对服务人员的要求,顾客对我们也有同样的要求,问 学员当他们在工作时可以做到顾客要求的多少?We have requirement for the service person, for the customers, vice versa.

将纸固定在白板上Write down the contents of complaints and discussion on the white board


请学员举手,讨论为什么.Ask the trainees how much they can achieve customers‘ expectatioon, 100%,70% or 40%? Ask them to raise hands and tell why

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请学员去用餐,并说明下午两点准时开始Lunch. Training is to be continued at 1:30 o‘clock

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阶段二Phase Two 14:00 说明“阶段二”的主题和目的Explain the objective of phase 2

用训练流程表 (遮住内容,逐步放开)Use training process chart (Cover the content, then uncover little by little)

1. 接待顾客的三要素3 focal points for Welcoming Customers

*说明接待顾客的三要素即为刚才讨论的仪容,用语和态度Make clear that appearance, wording and manner are the 3 focal points for welcoming customers.

2. 4 X 204 X 20

*请大家猜猜4 X 20是什么Let them guess what 4x20 means.

放投影片37Play slide 37


2. 公分Centimeters

3. 字Words

4. 秒Seconds

Carrefour China Institute

*说明整个表的意义Explain the meaning of the whole form.

----4 X 20是国际共通的沟通步骤,也是人与人印象产 生的过程4 x 20 indicates the procedure for international communication, namely, the process of leaving impression on others.

----4 X 20包括了我们对别人的“仪容”,“用语”和 “态度”的所有观察4 x 20 includes all our observation of others‘appearance, wording and manner.

----我们的顾客也是用同样的方法在观察我们Our customers are also judging us in the same way.


3.自我评估 3.自我评估Self-assessment

说明现在要看看自己在“仪容”,“用语”和“态 度”上表现如何and Let the trainee first assess their own“appearance”,“ wording” “manner”

*请学员由“仪容”开始作自我评估Let them begin from assessing their “appearance”

请学员翻到P.6Open at P.6

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