aahgnar雅 - 思写作0802

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Task 2 高分轻松书就

第四章 Task 2 的分类和组成部分 4-1

Task 2 的分类 学术类(A类)和普通培训类(G类)的Task 2很相似,一般要求考生按题目所列的内容写一封不少于250个单词的议论文。要求考生在40分钟内完成。

Task 2的分类

根据Task 2任务指令的不同及文章解题策略不同,可以将Task 2分为辩论类和论说类两大类。

1. 辩论类

辩论型文章的主要目的是提出并论证一个观点或假设,或者陈述及评估反方观点、论 据等。此类题要求考生对一个有争议的议题陈述正反两面的意见,然后再提出 自己的看法。意思就是,不一定要同意这个问题的陈述,但要先分析正反两面的意见,即支持这个陈述的赞成看法和抨击这个陈述的反对的看法。最后结论可以提出自己的观点。自己的观点既可以持肯定的态度或者否定的态度,或者也可以采取折衷的态度。在雅思写作考试中一般包括两种题型。

*1)Agree /Disagree (同意与否),或者For/Against(赞成或反对)。例如:

Task: It is often said that the subjects taught in schools are too academic in orientation and that is would be more useful fro children to learn about practical matters such as home management, work and interpersonal skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Task: It has been more than 30 years since man first landed on the moon. Some people think that space research is a waste of money. Discuss.

2) Your opinion (你的观点)。例如:

Task: Many people think that nowadays people are being subjected to more and more pressure in their work, and thus are having less and less time to relax. What’s your opinion?

2. 论说类

论说型文章的主要目的是提供事实和信息或提出问题和阐述解决问题的方法。这类问 题会要求你找出某个现象为什么会发生以及这个现象可能会产生的利害后果。同时, 也要求考生提出可以解决这个问题的方法和建议。在雅思写作考试中一般包括四种题型。 *1)因果类(Cause and Effect): 需要给出问题或情形的原因,并描述其带来的结果。 例如:

Task: Telecommuting refers to workers doing their jobs from home for part of each week and communicating with their office by computer. It is growing in many countries, and is expected to be common for many workers in the coming decades.

How do you think society will be affected by the growth of telecommuting?

*2) 问题解决类(Problem and Solution): 就某一问题或现象进行阐述,并提出解决方


Task: Drugs are becoming more and more common in many countries. What are some of the problems associated with drugs abuse, and what are some of the possible solutions?

*3) 优点缺点类(Advantage and Disadvantage, or Positive and Negative Effect): 实质上就是比较、对比(Compare and Contrast)。例如:

Task: With the increasing popularity of computers and calculators, student literacy is decreasing dramatically. What are the positive and negative effects the progress of science and technology has brought about?

*4) 混合类。例如:

Task: It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be. Give possible reasons and your recommendations.

* 就是一个“problems + reasons + recommendations”,即因果加上建议。除了分析现代 家庭不像从前那样密切的原因结果外,还需要提出你的建议, 即解决方法。

Task 2 一般从下列专业范围来取材 1) 环境 (environment);

2) 科技 (technology);

3) 社会问题 (social problems);

4) 半政治性问题 (semi-political issues); 5) 工作环境 (working environment); 6) 道德问题 (moral questions);

7) 教育 (education); 8) 健康 (health)

9) 国家间的关系/比较(尤其是国家援助、文化、方式等)。

本书将按照上述题型分类对各类文章的高分解题策略进行分析。不同的题型适用的解题策略各有不同,文章布局也是不同的。 4-2 Task 2 的组成部分 形象地说来,文章就像一块三明治或汉堡包,一般由三部分组成: ·引言部分(introduction) ·主体部分(main body) ·结论部分(conclusion) Introduction

The purpose of this section is to introduce the topic and your opinion. 引出话题和你的观点 Main body ↓ The purpose of this section is to explain your opinion 阐述你的观点 Conclusion ↓ The purpose of this section is to briefly summarize your opinion 简要总结你的观点 1. 引言 引言也就是文章的开头部分。它是一个比较短的段落,通常有3句话就可以了。 在议论文中,一般是描述或者总结当前情形的两个方面,说出你打算怎么做。

2. 主体

主体是文章的主要部分。在议论文中,一般分为2-3段,提出你的看法和原因。 主体中的每一段一般包括5-7句话。 3. 结论

结论是文章的结尾。是一个简短的段落,大约有3 句话。通常论点和引言部分的相同,但用不同的词汇来表达。


第五章 Task 2 各类写作的高分解题策略 5-1 同意与否类 同意与否类文章要求老先生对某一观点表明自己的态度,是同意还是不同意。其写指令中常出现的词语为:Do you agree or disagree? To what extent do you support this statement? To what extent do you agree or disagree? 这类题型考得最多。

1. 引言

写赞成/反对(同意/不同意)(For/Against, Agree/Disagree)类文章的引言的简单方法是只 写三个句子:



引言既可以用情景来写,也可以用观点来写,具体区别不大。 *(1)情景引言

写两句话来描述当前情形的正反两个方面。第三个句子即论题句,描述你在文章中打 算如何做。而不必先表明你的观点。 Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 例1: Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 例2:

Does Aid to Poor Countries Work? Sentence (s)1 For the last fifty years, poor countries have been receiving huge sums of money Sentence 2 Sentence 3 例3: Sentence 1 Sentence 2

当前情形的一个方面。 当前情形的另一个方面。 论题:你在文章中打算如何做 Who should take care of our old people? In my country, most old people live happily with their children. Increasingly however, many families cannot take care of their parents. This essay will describe some of the problems involved with taking care of old people, and discuss who should be responsible. from rich donor countries. Some of this money has improved lives, while much of it has disappeared or made no difference. In this essay, I will discuss some arguments for and against foreign aid. Should dangerous sports be banned? Every year, thousands of people are injured or killed in sports such as boxing or motor-racing. Because of this, many people are opposed to such sports, and want them to be

stopped or controlled. Sentence 3 (论题) This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against banning dangerous sports.



例1: 赞成句 反对句 Sentence 3 (论题) 例2: 赞成句 反对句 Does space exploration benefit mankind? Space, for many people, really is the final frontier. They are excited by the exploration and potential of space. However, not everyone agrees that this money is well-spent. Many people feel that we should solve problems here on earth before beginning our journey to space. Sentence 3 (论题) 例3:

This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against space exploration. Does space exploration benefit mankind? Many people are excited about space exploration. However, others feel it is a massive waste of money. This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against space exploration. Do Athletes Deserve Their High Salaries? Sentence (s)1 Everyday, we read about new record contracts and salaries earned by sportsmen and women. Some people do not agree with these huge payments. Sentence 2 Others believe that our sports heroes deserve every penny. Sentence 3 This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against the high salaries of (论题) athletes. 最后,如果你对如何写出引言还不确定,就留出一些窨,先写后面的部分,写完主体或结论后再回来写引言。


你注意到没有,在上面的引言举例中,句子都没有重复文章的题目。也就是说,对题目给出了另外一种说法,但意思是相同的。 这就是高分作文中不能对题目进行重复的要求。因为你照搬题目的句子考官是不给你加分的。

俗话说,良好的开端是成功的一半。作文也是这样,开头良好,就会给考官留下深刻的影响,为高分打下良好的基础。从上面的引言举例可以看出,一篇文章的开头可以是很灵活的,有多种方法。而我们注意到很多考生无论在什么文章开头都千篇一律地用上老外不喜欢的“With the development…”或者“With the deepening of …”等这些老一套句子,出手就不是高分的架势。所以,在复习过程中,要注意总结记忆英文文章的开头,做到自然、顺畅。



(1) Is Money a Good Motivator?

Intro 1: Money makes the world go round, and nowhere is this more true than in the

workplace. Employers know that money is one of the best motivators. However, are bonuses or cash awards always the best way to reward employees? In this essay, I will look at tome of the arguments for cash as a reward.

Intro 2: Money makes the world go round, and nowhere is this more true than in the workplace. Employers know that money is one of the best motivators. However, are bonuses or cash awards always the best way to reward employees? In this essay, I will look at tome of the arguments against using cash as a reward.

Intro 3: Many people argue that cash incentives are an unfair means of motivating employees. Others love the simple, practical, down-to-earth gift of money for a job well done. I feel that while there are some circumstances where money is the best recognition for extra work, there are other times it is inappropriate.

Intro 4: Many companies give outstanding members of staff bonuses for good work. I firmly believe that this is demeaning, trivializing, and bad for morale.

Intro 5: People are motivated by different things. Some employees have financial goals, others have professional goals, and others have personal goals. The same incentives cannot work for all. This essay outlines some of the reasons why cash is not always a suitable motivator for excellent employees.

Intro 6: The primary reason why people have to work is because of money. Employers know this, and many companies reward outstanding employees with bonuses and cash rewards. In this essay, I will show that most people are motivated by money, and cash is a fair and effective way for management to show appreciation to hardworking staff.

(2) Protecting the Environment: Who is Responsible?

Intro 1: Today we live in a global consumer society. People across the world purchase, use, and dispose of a huge variety of products which make our lives easier and more comfortable. However, the result of this is massive damage to our environment. This essay will examine how authorities and individuals need to work together to protect our resources and our planet.

Intro 2: What can one individual do to protect the environment? Very little, it may seem, especially compared to the power of governments and huge industrial companies. However, working together with dozens, hundreds, or millions of other people, we can influence and change policies which are destroying our environment. This essay will discuss ways in which individuals can take responsibility for their world.

Intro 3: The world is an increasing interlinked place. Huge multinational corporations trade

across the planet. Countries are joining together in vast economic zones and creating enormous markets. These powerful corporations and groups increase trade and movement and have the capacity to dominate global politics and economy. In this essay I will discuss how the individual is becoming powerless to change his world.

Intro 4: The only way to protect the environment is for individuals to take responsibility for their own lifestyle and to force their governments to implement good environmental policies.

就此布置文章的主体部分呢,三个字:分段落!不分段落,你的访问注定就失败了! 文章的主体部分要划分段落。不要写出一个长长的段落了事。为什么呢? 留出适当的空白,让考官容易读下去你的文章。





1) 如果你给出了论点或情形的两个方面,就采用两段(3773布局)--- 一段是赞




如果你只给出论点的一个方面, 就采用三段。 采用两段(3773),第一段是赞成的,第二段是反对的。

3773 3773 35553 35553





结论 4) 5) 6)





采用两段(3773), 第一段是反对的, 第二段是赞成的。 采用三段(35553),三段都是表示赞成的。 采用三段(35553),三段都是表示反对的。

7) 最后再提醒大家,即使你的观点相互纠缠,也还要分段阐述,这样会让你的文章很好读。

(2) 如何让文章主体看起来好看一些:

还是分段,这就是答案!如果段落布置得好,文章主体就会看起来舒服,让人感觉不 错。


1) 主题句;

2) 论据或原因1;

3) 举例、解释或可支持的事实; 4) 论据或原因2;

5) 举例、解释或可支持的事实;

6) 论据或原因3(3是个神奇数字,所以记住要想出3个论点来!) 7) 举例、解释或可支持的事实; 8) 段落总结(可选) 举例如下:

Is Education Being Devalued? 主题句 People have several arguments against the need for degrees. 论据或原因1 举例、解释或可支持的事实 论据或原因2 举例、解释或可支持的事实 论据或原因3 They say that having so many graduates devalues a degree. People lose respect for the degree holder. It is also claimed that education has become a rat race, … …since graduates have to compete for jobs even after years of studying. Another point is that studying for such a long time leads to learners becoming inflexible. 举例、解释或可支持的事实 By that I mean that they know a lot about one narrow subject, but are unable to apply their skills. 举例、解释或可支持的事实 Employers, on the other hand, prefer more flexible and (每个论点你可以拿出一个、adaptable workers. 两个或更多这样的东西) People have several arguments against the need for degrees. They say that having so many graduates devalues a degree. People lose respect for the degree holder. It is also claimed that education has become a rat race, since graduates have to compete for jobs even after years of studying. Another point is that studying for such a long time leads to learners becoming inflexible. By that I mean that they know a lot about one narrow subject, but are unable to apply their skills. Employers, on the other hand, prefer more flexible and adaptable workers.

* 3. 结论



·对问题进行改写; ·总结主要夜战




结论必须用三四句话来完成! (1)词汇很重要 结论和引言很类似。但是,你要避免重复使用某个词。这就是为什么在开头花几 分钟写下同义词(意思相同的词)和相关用词的原因。

毕竟,在一篇仅仅250个单词的短文中,你把一个词使用了10次,你就没法向考官证明自己到底对英语掌握了多少。 考官只能认为你的英语能力很有限,自然就给出低分了。

(3) 包装纸

换个角度来看引言和结论,你可以把它们看作是礼品的包装纸。你的引言和结论像一 张鲜艳的纸给礼品加了包装一样。它们不是文章的主要部分,但确实使你的文章好看起来。 你的结论已经给文章加上了“包装”. 我们不给包装纸中增加金钱或黄金等值钱物品,所以在结论中就不要再添加新的信息或重要的论点了。


1) Should we test products on animals?

I agree that we need to make sure that animals who are used for testing new products have the minimum of suffering. However, I am convinced that animal testing is necessary, and that it will continue to benefit humans in new and wonderful ways.

在本例的结论中, 作者持同意的态度。 2)Should we beat children?

In conclusion, physical punishment can be a useful method of discipline. However it should be the last choice for parents. If we want to build a world with less violence we must begin at home, and we must teach our children to be responsible.


3)Is education important?

In conclusion, although there are undoubtedly some problems with increased levels of education, I feel strongly that the country can only progress if all its people are educated to the maximum of their ability.


4) Who are the better parents---men or women?

I think this is not an either/or question. Both men women have strengths and skills that are important for children’s psychological growth. We need to ensure that both parents play an important role in the family in order to give children a good start in life.

在本例的结论中,作者持折衷态度。 5)Who learns quicker---adults or children?

Finally, I feel that we cannot generalize about children or adults being better learners. It depends on the situation and the motivation of the person, and the level of enthusiasm he or she has for learning.


6) Should dangerous sports be banned?

In summary, our society would be healthier if more people took part in sports or all kinds. We should continue to try to prevent accidents and injuries. However, we should also ensure that sports are challenging, exciting, and, above all, fun.


所以,在同意与不类文章的结论部分,你可以持同意或不同意的观点,也可以采取折衷的观点,具体看在文章的主体部分你是怎样展开的。 * 4. 访问的布局策略


·3773---分四个段落 ·35553---分五个段落

3773布局---4段 3553布局---5段 Intro 3 sentences Para 2 7 sentences Para 3 7 sentences Conclusion 3 sentences

数字指的是各段中句子的数量。 3773指的 引言有3个句子 第一段有7个句子 第二段有7个句子 结论有3个句子


“3773”指在引言中有3个句子,第二段中有7个句子,第三段中有7个句子,结论段中有3个句子。 可以: 引言 主体 赞成段 反对段 结论 引言 3个句子

Intro 3 sentence Para 2 5 sentences Para 3 5 sentences Conclusion 3 sentences 3553指的是 引言有3个句子 第一段有5个句子 第二段有5个句子 第三段有5个句子 结论有3个句子 也可以: 引言 主体 反对段 赞成段 结论 当前情形 论据的两个你在文章中打算怎么做/你的看法(论题句)

第2段 7-8个句子 主题句 论据1或原因1 举例、解释或可支持的事实 论据2或原因2 举例、解释或可支持的事实 论据3或原因3 举例、解释或可支持的事实 第二段的总结句 第3段 7-8个句子 主题句 论据1或原因1 举例、解释或可支持的事实 论据2或原因2 举例、解释或可支持的事实 论据3或原因3 举例、解释或可支持的事实 第三段的总结句 结论: 3个句子 总结 当前情形或你的观点 展望未来

例如:Should parents be responsible if their children behave badly?

下面的文章论题是赞成的---it wants parents to be responsible if their children commit crimes, 采用的是3773布局。 引言 当前情形 Many crimes and social problems are caused by children. Despite the damage these teenage criminals cause, parents are not held responsible in most countries. 文章中打算怎么做 This essay will discuss whether parents should be forced to pay for their children’s crimes.

第2段:反对 主题句 There are many reasons why parents should not be responsible for crimes committed by teenage children. First of all, teenagers today are independent. They often move out of the parent’s house at 18 years of age or younger. They are expected to learn to take care of themselves and make their own decisions, and not stay like small children attached to their parents. 原因2: Parents working 原因3: Parents have done their job Secondly, parents are working. They cannot watch their adolescent children all the time. A third point is that even children from good families can sometimes commit crimes. Parents should not be responsible if they have worked hard to raise their children properly. 第3段:赞成 主题句 However, because of the many problems young troublemakers cause, I feel we should make parents responsible. Firstly, most juvenile crimes are committed by adolescents whose parents do not care of make any effort to control their children. If parents had to pay fines, they might make more effort. Another point is that even though the children may seem mature, they are not really able to make good decisions. Parents should be responsible for raising and teaching their children until they are fully grown. 原因3: Children will think 结论 总结 In summary, there are good reasons both for and against making parents pay for acts committed by their children. However, I feel strongly that if we want to reduce the number of such crimes, we need to make parents take more responsibility.




原因1: Independence 原因1: Lack of parental control 原因2: Children not mature Furthermore, if children know that their parents will have to pay, they will think carefully before doing getting into trouble. 未来展望/个人看法

个例子和可支持的事实来佐证这些论点。 可以: 引言 赞成 赞成 赞成 结论 引言 3个句子 第2段 5个句子 第2段 5个句子 第2段 5个句子 结论 3个句子


试比较下面三篇文章的引言、主体和结尾的差别,它们采用的是什么布局方式,论题、每段的主题句、论据(例证)分别是什么?请列表进行对比。 1. Animal Testing Animal testing may be necessary, but we need to be merciful Every year, millions of animals undergo painful suffering or death as a result of scientific research into the effects of drugs, food additives, cosmetics and other chemical products. While most people think animal testing is necessary, others are upset by what they see as needless suffering. This essay looks at some of the positive and negative aspects of animal testing. Many medical treatments and procedures have been developed from experiments on animals. Since animals share many features with humans, scientists use animals to test the safety and effectiveness of newly developed drugs before pilot testing on small groups of patients. Medical teams practice new operating techniques such as transplants on animals. Without animal testing, many procedures or new drugs would be extremely unsafe. However, many people are concerned that animals are suffering unnecessary and cruelly. They do

也可以: 引言 反对 反对 反对 结论 当前情形或论据的两个方面(1-2个句子) 你在文章中打算如何做/你的看法(论题句) ↓ 主题句:论据1或原因1 举例、解释或可支持的事实(2-4个句子) ↓ 主题句:论据2或原因2 举例、解释或可支持的事实(2-4个句子) ↓ 主题句:论据2或原因2 举例、解释或可支持的事实(2-4个句子) ↓ 总结当前情形或你的看法 展望未来

not believe that every new drug needs to be tested on animals, especially with the huge database of knowledge and modern computer models. They also are worried that many animal tests are ineffective, pointing out that any drugs have had to be withdrawn from the market despite extensive testing. They particularly feel that animal testing should not be used for non-essential products such as cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, and cleaning products. Furthermore, some campaigners would like to see certain tests replaced and more humane methods used. We need to make sure that the millions of animals who are used for testing new products are treated with the minimum of suffering. Although some animal testing may be unavoidable at present, treating our fellow creatures as mercifully as possible will demonstrate our humanity. (267 words) 2. Animal Testing There is no alternative Every day, thousands of people are saved from painful diseases and death by powerful medical drugs and treatments. This incredible gift of medicine would not be possible without animal testing. Despite these overwhelming benefits, however, some people are calling for animal testing to be banned because of alleged cruelty. This essay will examine arguments for and against animal testing. Those against the use of animal testing claim that it is inhumane to use animals in experiments. I disagree completely. It would be much more inhumane to test new drugs on children or adults. Even if it were possible, it would also take much longer to see potential effects, because of the length of time we live compared to laboratory animals such as rats or rabbits. Opponents of animal testing also claim that the results are not applicable to humans. This may be partly true. Some drugs have had to be withdrawn, despite testing. However, we simply do not have alternative methods of testing. Computer models are not advanced enough, and testing on plants is much less applicable to humans than tests on animals such as monkeys. Until we have a getter system, we must use animal testing. A further point often raised against animal testing is that it is cruel. Some of the tests certainly seem painful, but the great majority of people on this planet eat meet or wear leather without any guilt. Where is their sympathy for animals? Furthermore, animals clearly do not feel the same way as humans, and scientists are careful to minimize stress in the animals, since this would damage their research. I agree that we need to make sure that animals who are used for testing new products have the minimum of suffering. However, I am convinced that animal testing is necessary, and that it will continue to benefit humans in new and wonderful ways. (311 words)

1. Animal Testing Advantages of Animal Testing in Medical Research Medical research involving animals has dramatically improved the health of the human race. Without animal testing, the cure for polio would not exist and diabetics would suffer or die from their disease. Despite these benefits, some people believe that animals should be not be used for testing medical techniques and drugs. This essay will outline the advantages of animal testing. Animal testing allows scientists to test and create new drugs. Animals such as monkeys or rabbits have similar physical processes to humans. This allows scientists to test the effects of certain drugs. If a drug produces adverse effects in animals it is probably unfit for human use. Many people argue that animal testing is cruel. In some cases this is true. However it would be much more cruel to test new drugs on people or children, or to let people die because there was not enough information about a drug. Furthermore, legislation in most countries sets standards for animal treatment, and laboratories have guidelines to prevent cruelty. Opponents of animal research also say that information from animals does not apply to humans. They point to certain commercial drugs which have been withdrawn because of side-effects in humans while it is true that animal systems differ from human systems, there are enough similarities to apply information from animals to humans. Animal rights campaigners claim that we don’t need new tests because we already have vast amounts of information. However, many new deadly infections appear every year and new treatments and drugs are needed to combat these deadly plagues. Animal testing is needed in the world we live in. our responsibility is to manage the animals in our care and balance their suffering against the good that comes from them. (321 words)

* 5. Task 2 高分写作步骤

一般可以采用5步式写法来完成 Task 2 写作。

第1步: 了解任务要求


Read the question. Decide what kind of essay it is ---opinion, problem and solution, cause and effect, or a mixture. The type of question will decide the layout and your ideas.

了解任务要求非常重要。你只有明白了题目要求你干什么,你才能有针对性地答题,完成任务要求。否则, 你就会像无头的苍蝇一样写出去,不知扯到哪里去了, 结果是白辛苦一趟。所以拿到试卷后先花上几分钟审题,有可能把你的分数提高1分。例如:

Studying the English language in an English-speaking country is the best but not the only way to learn the language.

Do you agree of disagree with this statement?

题目是“Studying the English language in an English-speaking country”,而问题是让你考

虑一下另外的选择:Studying the English language in a non-English-speaking country。所以,如果你在文章中滑对比在母语回老家和非母语国家学习英语的优点和缺点,你的文章就注定是低分了。

The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems notably for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations.’

Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution.




Underline key vocabulary in the question and write words with the same or related meaning. This will really save you a lot of time later on. It will also help to avoid repetition of words, and will show that you understand the question.



If it is an opinion essay, you have to decide if you are for or against the idea. Usually it is best to give both sides (for and against---one paragraph each) and then to give your opinion in the conclusion. However there are other ways of laying out your essay.



You should decide on a layout. The easiest is 3773. that means four paragraphs: introduction (3 sentences) one side (7 sentences), the other side (7 sentences) and the conclusion (3 sentences). This will give you 20 sentences. An average of about 12 words each, that is 240 words. Perfect!



After you have written your plan, write your essay. Follow the steps in this website for writing the introduction, body, and conclusion. Check for fragments, run-ons and comma splices.



例如:Should governments spend money on space exploration, or should they spend the

money on problems here first?

第2 步:写出相同或相关意思的其他词汇。

例如:Should governments spend money on space exploration, or should they spend the money on problems here first? Governments = nations, countries, authorities, politicians Spend = allocate, give, allot, provide, budget, make available, waste, award Space exploration = space program, trips to the moon, the international space station, planets, planetary voyages Money = budgets, taxes, resources, expenditure, income Problems = concerns, issues, worries, disasters, threats, threatening, war, famine, poverty, education, homelessness, drugs, global warming Here = on earth, in our own countries, closer to home, in developing countries, foreign aid

第3步: 在开头句中使用新的词汇

例如:With many global concerns such as war, poverty, hunger and pollution, many people do not think that nations should waste money on exploring space. (一个方面)However, others are convinced that expenditure on space programs is justified. (另一个方面)


例如: With many global concerns such as war, poverty, hunger and pollution, many people question whether nations should waste money on exploring space. However, others are convinced that expenditure on space programs is justified.

This essay will examine some arguments for and against space exploration. (论题)


第1步:阅读任务,找出关键词汇。 Are zoos cruel to wild animals?

第2步:写出相同或相关意思的其他词汇。 Are zoos cruel to wild animals? Zoos = nature reserves, wildlife parks, animal sanctuaries, circuses, wilderness areas, tasteless exhibitions, stuffy, crowded, exciting, interesting, fascinating Cruel = psychologically damaging, insulting, frightening, stressful, brutal, restricting, noisy, dirty, hot, overcrowded, unnatural. Not normal Wild = nature, natural, proud, free, endangered, not pets for man, should be free, in danger, habitat, ecosystem, environment, natural home Animals = animals, plants, natural environment, birds, big cats, predators, extinct, in trouble, not enough land

第3步: 在开头句中使用新的词汇。

Many people have had their first experience of animals from visiting zoos as children, and feel that they are important for education and conservation. (一个方面)However, others feel that zoos are unnatural and are stressful and cruel for animals.(另一个方面)


Many people have had their first experience of animals from visiting zoos as children, and feel that they are important for education and conservation. However, others feel that zoos are unnatural and are stressful and cruel for animals. This essay will discuss the importance of zoos and their essential role in conserving endangered wildlife. (论题)

(2)如何加入论题 论题通常是一句话或两句话,表明你在访问中将要说些什么。它相当于一个路标或都地图,指引着考官向哪个方向走。一般放在引言的结尾。例如:

In this essay, I will outline the arguments for and against sex education in schools. In this essay, I will examine some reasons for the growth of the tourism industry.


This essay looks at ideas in favour of and against early marriage. This essay will discuss the benefits of having universal free health care. ·说明你的文章由几部分组成


* I am going to analyse the effects of drugs on the individual, the family, and society.

如果文章中有这样的论题,就清楚地表明有三部分:one on the effects of drugs on the individual, one part with the effects on the family, and another with the effects on society.

·语气要强烈 有时不需要用“will”或“going to”。由于论题句的语气很强烈,它清楚地表明了你的看法。例如:

Beating children brutalizes parents, damages the parent-child relationship, and is completely unnecessary.

如果文章的论题句类似这样,就清楚地表明文章将包含三个部分:one on the effects of corporal punishment on parents, one part with the effects relationship, and another which claims that beating is not needed.

在论题句中常用到的词汇:analyze, look at, examine, discuss, outline, consider, describe.



下面的文章是关于技术的优点和缺点的(the advantages and disadvantages of technology),但你注意到没有,在文章中根本没有提到过“advantage/disadvantage”这两个词(英语非母语的考生通常会在文章中过分地使用advantage/disadvantage这两个词, 还以为是高分词呢!要记住中国的那句老话“话说三句淡如水”。考官的耳朵都磨出老茧了,自然没兴趣给你高分)。只需要使用“but”就可以清楚地表明了“advantages”的结束,作者要开始说“disadvantages”了。

Technology in Everyday Life The work of engineers touches almost everyone every day through food production, housing, transportation, communications, military security, energy supply, water supply, waste disposal,

environmental management, health care, even education and entertainment. Technology is more than hardware and silicon chips. In propelling change and altering our belief systems and culture, technology has joined religion, tradition, and family in the scope of its influence. Its enhancements of human muscle and human mind are self-evident. But technology is also a social amplifier. It stretches the range, volume, and speed of communications. It inflates appetites for consumer goods and to increase the disparity of rich and poor. In the competition for scarce resources, it breeds conflicts. In social-psychological terms, it alters our perceptions of space. Events anywhere on the globe now have immediate repercussions everywhere. With a portfolio of tragedies that ignite feelings of helplessness. Technology has also skewed our perception of time, nourishing a desire for speed and instant gratification and ignoring long-term impacts.


(4) 写出高分论点:


在作文中,实际上不需要有多少论点的。一般有三个论点就差不多了。三个论点是: ·三个赞成,三个反对论点(3773布局) ·三个赞成(35553布局) ·三个反对(35553布局)

主要持反对态度 3773布局 引言 3个赞成论点 3个反对论点 结论 主要持赞成态度 3773布局 引言 3个反对论点 3个赞成论点 结论 完全赞成 35553布局 引言 赞成论点 赞成论点 赞成论点 结论 完全反对 35553布局 引言 反对论点 反对论点 反对论点 结论


一定要把这些词写下来, 不要仅把它们放在你的大脑中。



现在我们来看一下以下用上面的方法找出的论点。 在想出诊所时, 你的大脑中需要怎样处理呢?还是要分析题目。如果对题目把握不好,你就很难想出好的、与题目相关的论点。


Nuclear power is far too dangerous. Therefore, countries should ban its use and concentrate, instead, on developing alternative sources of energy such as hydroelectric power, wind power and solar energy.


换句话说,unclear power is cheap and efficient to produce, and therefore, can save a country a lot of money. 所以,这是一个经济话题。It is also a very clean form of energy. Therefore, it does not pollute the environment. 所以,这是一个环境话题。


Every year, thousands of highly skilled, well-educated people leave developing countries and go to live in another country, such as Canada, Australia, America or Britain. This is having a negative effect on the future development of these countries because these are the very people they need in order to develop their economy. 这个题目涉及两个话题: 经济话题和社会话题。 换句话说,highly skilled and educated people are needed to develop and maintain a country’s economy, if they leave in large numbers, there are fewer people who can work in, for example, high technology industries, which are a major source of income for the country. 所以,这是一个经济话题。However, people should be allowed to live and work overseas, if they wish. 所以,这是一个社会话题。


例1: Drug Abuse 先写下相关的词汇:

·drug abuse = drug addiction, misuse, habit

·drug = heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, narcotics, hallucinogens, marijuana, cannabis, ecstasy, prescription drugs, hard drugs, recreational drugs, soft drugs, illegal sub stances ·drug user = addict = victims of drug abuse = users ·drugs = illegal substances ·smuggling = trafficking ·dealing = selling, pushing ·dealer = pusher, trafficker

·common = widespread, rife, prevalent, ubiquitous ·solution = solve

·society = country, nation, communities, modern world ·problem = concern, worry, fear, cause of anxiety

·becoming = developing, happening, occurring, prevalent, widespread,

increasing, growing, affecting us all

然后写下论点,你想到什么就写什么,先不要组织它们。 ·increased individual freedom and choice ·cheap drugs available on street ·peer pressure to take drugs

·rebellion against parents, authority

·people are looking for quick solutions to problem ·dealers are pushing drugs

·lack of police or customs control

·lack of parental control

·children and young people have money

·some people feel trapped in dead-end jobs or social problems ·poor relationship between parents and children

·poor relationship between children and other older family members or friends ·lack of role models

·insufficient punishment from police

·ordinary medications are widely available ·some drugs are highly addictive

·cultural aspects or leisure activities (music, dance, ets.)associated with drugs

·not enough alternative activities

·paranoia and incorrect information creates reaction in favor of drugs ·urge to experiment is greater

·people are less conservative now than before

·people travel widely, and experience different cultures

·more knowledge about drugs from movies, novels, songs, etc. ·curiosity

例2:Education is Valuable

·One of the best gift is education. It is not possible to be over-educated. Education means getting to know and understand yourself and the world. Thus, the more people that are educated, the better place the world will be. ·People with degrees and higher education have many more choices than people without qualifications. They have more opportunities. ·A highly educated population is good for the economy of the country. Foreign in vestment is attracted by an educated workforce. ·Educated workers are more productive. They are able to understand their role in their company or organization, and work out of interest rather than necessity. Unedu acted workers, on the other hand, are dissatisfied and have low morale.

·The culture of a country is enriched by having a highly educated workforce. The more participation in discussion, the more ideas and information are exchanged, the higher the participation in local and national forums and groups and the better for the country.

·Education is an investment in the future. People who spend money on education expect a better life for their children and more money for themselves. ·People in every country-rich and poor-area flocking to colleges and schools. Across the world, people see the value of education. ·Colleges in most countries cannot keep up with the demand for places. Many schools are putting courses online to allow others to attend. ·In many countries, a very high proportion of the government’s budget is spent on education. This shows the importance the government attaches to education. ·The world is changing rapidly. People need to learn new skills and new courses

in order to stay in the workforce.

例3:Society is Losing Respect for Education

·Too much money is being spent on education, schools, and colleges. This money should be spent on other more important services. ·People are becoming over-specialized. They know more than is necessary for their jobs. They are not flexible enough to be useful in other areas. ·The value of a degree is now lost. People don’t have respect for university graduates anymore, since everybody has a degree. This undermines the whole purpose of going to college.

·People are now competing for jobs. The only difference is that they all the people looking for a job have degrees. The colleges raise expectations which are difficult for the government to meet.

·People who have spent years studying are reluctant to work in many jobs or for low salaries. They want high-level jobs with high salaries. Sometimes this is unrealistic. Employers want people to start at the bottom in order to get to know the business.

例4: Men or Women---Who are the Better Parents? Men:

·earn money

·stricter discipline ·fulfill role of father ·protect and defend ·active role ·decision-making ·society role

·religion role

·role model, esp. for boys? (But also for girls, relations with men) Women:

·closer bond

·often at home with children

·more forgiving, caring

·emotional, feelings side of relationship ·society role ·religion role

·role model, esp. for boys? (but also for girls, relations with men) ·complementary roles Men and women can exchange roles, but is this desirable? ·in divorce cases, courts often decide in favor of women, (but maintain visits from men)

·better is not the correct view-equal partners

例5: Physical Punishment

Arguments against using corporal (physical) punishment:

·Can cause permanent, lifelong damage, such as poor school performance, juvenile delinquency (misbehavior as a teenager), domestic violence, etc.

·Can cause physical injury to children, such as broken bones, bruises.

·Is used more against children who live in poverty, with disabilities, or who are from minorities. ·Teaches children that force is an acceptable way of making others do something, that it is acceptable to hit someone smaller or weaker when you are angry. ·Damages the relationship between children and the parents.

·Shows an emotional lack of control or resources on the part of the parent.

Arguments for using corporal (physical) punishment:

·It is immediate. The child can see the result of what he did and the relationship between the wrongdoing and the punishment.

·Other punishments can be even more psychologically damaging or humiliating ·It is effective and easily remembered by the child. It is uncomplicated. Children can understand physical punishment easily. ·Children cannot always understand punishment which is removed from the time or the scene of what they did wrong.

·Parents love their children. They have no intention of hurting them. they are punishing them for a misdeed, no injuring them physically.

·We live a violent world. We cannot pretend that violence does not exist.

A further point is that? Another point is that ? Additionally, furthermore, Not only that, but? Despite this?

Many people claim that? However, I think?

Some people say that? I believe, however, that?








在具体选取论点的时候, 你可以这样来考虑问题,这样选出的论点将会得到更多论据



“Actions such as recycling cannot be left to the goodwill of the individual. It must be forced on us by the government.” Discuss this statement and suggest how governments can encourage people to be more aware of environmental issues.

你可以这样来问一些问题: What? How? Why? How much? Where? Who?

What is recycling?

What are the disadvantages of government compulsion to recycle? Why should we recycle?

Why don’t people make an effort to recycle without government law. Where in the world do people recycle a lot?

Who should monitor the people’s recycling activities? How much should a fine or penalty be for non-compliance? 下一步,你可以把选出的论点和任务匹配,有逻辑地按次序组织起来。

How can the government encourage or force people to recycle?

·new legislation ·introduce fines

·provide special collection services for rubbish/waste ·media campaign

·educate school student on the benefits of recycling Why should we recycle? (point No.1)

·too much rubbish no where to put it ·consuming important resources too fast

·rubbish causes pollution especially non biodegradable items (plastic) What are the disadvantages of government’s compelling action?

·people wouldn’t think of environmental issues, just follow the law ·may be expensive to maintain collection

·may be expensive to monitor and fine violators ao taxes will have to be raised to meet this expenditure.

Why don’t people recycle without government law?

·people are naturally easy going and lazy, so it’s easier not to recycle ·people are no aware of the environmental issues Where do people recycle at lot?

·USA, Europe, etc.

How much should the government fine people who do not recycle? ·high fine have to be imposed to make it effective Who should check if people are recycling? ·police

·local government officials

(5) 什么是高分段落:



One of the main benefits of nuclear power is that it doesn’t use natural resources, so it’s good for the environment. And because electricity is cheap, people will save money, so it’s also good for the economy. But alternative sources of energy are expensive, so they’re bad for the economy. Nuclear power, though, can be very dangerous. And treating nuclear waste is also a serious problem.


One of the main benefits of nuclear power is that is doesn’t use natural resources, such as coal and oil. This, of course, is a major benefit as far as the environment is concerned because pollutant gases, produced by traditional methods of production, are absent. Nor does it require the extensive mining of raw material that is widely believed to be in short supply. Nuclear power is, however, extremely dangerous.

比较一下 A、B,你会发现什么问题没有?

如果你看了半天还是搞不懂, 那就说明问题了:你在写作上无论下多大折工夫,考试 结果还是低分!


在段落A中,初一看来,觉得不错,考生也用了好多连接词:and, but, though, 句 子也不能说不好。但作者给它塞了太多的主题。主题句本来是:“One of the main benefits of nuclear power is that it doesn’t use natural resources, so it’s good for the environment.”开头说好是要讲核能对环境有好处的,作者接下来的工作本来是要对这个主题进行展开, 用事实、例证等对它进行深入说明,以说服别人(也是说服自己)核能确实对环境有益。可他马上扯到经济上了:And because electricity is cheap, people will save money, so it’s also good for the economy.再接着,又谈到核能的危险性:Nuclear power, though, can be very dangerous. And treating nuclear waste is also a serious problem.这样胡子眉毛一把抓,考官都搞不清楚他想说什么,结果在交流质量、连贯性和衔接性上都犯了大错,分数就丢掉了有一半了。

而在段落B中,主题句为:One of the main benefits of nuclear power is that is doesn’t use natural resources, such as coal and oil.接下来,考生用nuclear power is, however, extremely dangerous 自然引起下一段落。这样,在段落的衔接性上又抢到了先机!






我最喜欢我妈妈。她从不打我,也从不骂我。每当我犯错误的时候,她总是耐心地给我讲道理,让我分清什么是好什么是坏。例如,有一天,我打了邻居家的小丫,她没有先责怪我,而是给我讲了小朋友之间应该怎样关心,怎样友爱。此外,她还特别关心我。 每当我生病的时候, 她总是整夜不睡,一直陪在我的床前看我静静入睡,还时不时摸摸我的额头,看是否还在发烧。 而且,她还特别爱帮助别人。每当邻居家有困难时,她总是想办法帮助她们。邻居的李大妈是孤寡老人,妈妈经常过去和妈聊天,陪她解闷。还时不时给她送去一些好吃的。 这下你明白了吧!你喜欢哪个段落?什么是高分段落!





(6) 论据的两个方面:

先给出另一方面的看法,然后说出你自己的看法。 说出另一方面

Some people think that?

Although many people feel that? It is claimed that? Some people feel that?

一个句子(while, although)

While it is true that ? I believe?

Despite the fact that millions of people die every year from lung cancer, many people think it is cool to smoke.

Although many people think that?, I feel that?

Although it is often said that?, in fact the opposite is true?


It is undoubtedly true that? However? It is often argued that? However, it is?

Some people say that? They claim? However, I feel? Supporters of this viewpoint say that? However, it is?


案例1: should parents use corporal punishment to discipline children? 父母应采用体罚手段约束孩子吗?

范例答卷 Corporal Punishment Effective when used wisely Many parents use physical punishment to discipline their children. Others prefer to use different methods to reward good behavior or punish misbehavior. This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against physical punishment of children. It is often claimed that physical punishment will damage children in later life. Opponents of corporal punishment claim that the children will grow up to become delinquents or even beat their wives. However, many happily married adults today were slapped when they were younger but have never hit their spouses. Another point often made is that physical punishment teaches children that you can use force to make others do what you want. In fact children brought up well soon learn that force by itself is nothing---it must be associated with right. Finally, some people say that punishing a child by smacking him will damage the relationship between the child and the parents. This is clearly wrong. Children who understand the reasons for rules will be happier than children who are not given clear guidelines. There are definitely concerns about physical punishment. Some parents lose control and can injure children---even breaking bones or causing bruises. Others can use violence excessively or as the only method of discipline. In this case, the child will be hurt, fearful and anxious and will not learn to distinguish right from wrong. The biggest problem with physical violence is when it is not appropriate to the age of the child. It can be very effective to quickly smack a two-year-old who is screaming. However, it is not effective to beat a 16-year-old who is late for school once again. In conclusion, physical punishment can be a useful method of discipline. However it should be the last choice for parents. If we want to build a world with less violence we must begin at home, and we must teach our children to be responsible. (317 words) 案例2: Is Education Being Devalued? 教育贬值了吗?

范例答卷 Corporal Punishment In the past, degrees were very unusual in my family. I remember the day my uncle

graduated. We had a huge party, and for many years my mother called him “the genius” and listened to his opinion. Today, in comparison five of my brothers and sisters have degrees, and two are studying for their masters’. However, some people think htat this increased access to education is devaluing degrees. In this essay, I will look at some of the arguments for and against the increased emphasis on degrees in our society. People have several arguments against the need for degrees. They say that having so many graduates devalues a degree. People lose respect for the degree holder. It is also claimed that education has become a rat race. Graduates have to compete for jobs even after years of studying. Another point is that studying for such a long time leads to learners becoming inflexible. They know a lot about one narrow subject, but are unable to apply their skills. Employers prefer more flexible and adaptable workers. However, I feel strongly that this move to having more qualifications is a positive development. In the past education was only for the rich and powerful. Now it is available to everyone, and this will have many advantages for the country and the individual. First of all, it is impossible to be overeducated. The more people are educated, the better the world will be, because people will be able to discuss and exchange ideas. A further point is that people with degrees have many more opportunities. They can take a wider variety of jobs and do what they enjoy doing, instead of being forced to take a job they dislike. Finally, a highly educated workforce is good for the economy of the country. It attracts foreign investment. In conclusion, although there are undoubtedly some problems with increased levels of education, I feel strongly that the country can only progress if all its people are educated to the maximum of their ability. (339 words) (6)多米诺效应(尽情地写)

许多考生这所以丢了分是因为他们没有适当地展开论点。 他们提出 了很好的论点,但是展开的不充分。


一直写下去,直到你理屈词穷(然后再起新的段落)! 如果像这样来写一个段落:

Many people think that the Internet will replace books and newspapers because it is cheaper and quicker. As well as that, it is easier to use.

坏了!作者把两个论点放在一起了“cheaper”和“quicker”。他/她没有解释Internet 为什么是cheaper 和quicker的。还有,Internet真的是”easier to use”?论点虽好,但展开却软弱无力。



The Internet is cheaper than newspapers, because you can read many newspapers

for free on their websites.

The Internet is quicker to bring news and information out. It can take years for book to be published and reach the bookstore. The information is often out of date.

For me, the Internet is easier to use, because you can find information more quickly and easily than in a big library or in a big set of encyclopedias. you just use a search engine and the results come instantly.



Many people think that the Internet will replace books and newspapers because it is cheaper, quicker and easier to use. The Internet is cheaper than newspapers, because you can read many newspapers for free on their websites. The Internet is quicker to bring news and information out. It can take years for a book to be published and reach the bookstore. The information is often out of date. For me, the Internet is easier to use, because you can find information more quickly and easily than in a big library or in a big set of encyclopedias. You just use a search engine and the results come instantly.


最后,加上一些转折词和标志词,如“first”、“another point is that?”、“furthermore?”等。每次不要重复地用“The Internet”这个词。

Many people think that the Internet will replace books and newspapers because it is cheaper, quicker and easier to use. First of all, The Internet is cheaper than newspapers, because you can read many newspapers for free on their websites. The Internet is quicker to bring news and information out. It can take years for a book to be published and reach the bookstore. The information is often out of date. Another important point is that the Internet is easier to use, because you can find information more quickly and easily than in a big library or in a big set of encyclopedias. You just use a search engine and the results come instantly.


下面是在写同意与否类文章造句时常用的连接词句。请牢记在心,经常应用。 ·常用连接词 表递进 表层次 表结果 表转折 in addition, and, similarly, likewise, as well as, besides, furthermore, also, moreover, and then, too, not only?but, even, besides this/that first(ly), initially, second(ly) etc., to begin with, then, next, earlier/later, after this/that, following this/that, afterwards as a result, thus, therefore, consequently, it follows that, thereby, eventually, then, in that case, admittedly, hence however, on the other hand, despite, in spite of, though, although, but, on the contrary, otherwise, yet, instead of, rather, whereas, nonetheless, even though, compared with, in contrast, alternatively 表肯定 表条件

obviously, certainly, plainly, of course, undoubtedly if, unless, whether, provided that, for, so that, whether, depending on

表定义 表原因 表次序 表总结 表举例 表对比 is refers to, means, that is, consists of since, as, so, because (of), due to, owing to, the reason why, in other words, leads to, cause before, since, as, until, meanwhile, at the moment, when, whenever, as soon as, just as in conclusion, in summary, lastly, finally, to sum up, to conclude, to recapitulate, in short for instance, one example, for example, just as, in particular, such as, namely, to illustrate while/whilst, more?than, whereas, different form, however, on the other hand, even so, nevertheless, less?than, differ(ence), although, in contrast to, conversely, unlike 表比较 likewise, similarity, as?as, just as, in the same way, like, alike, to reflect, to mirror, to have in common ·常用句式 列出优点:

One/another/a further/an additional (major) advantage of? is? The main/greatest/most serious/first disadvantage/drawback of? Another negative aspect of? 引入正反两方面的论点/论据:

One (very convincing) point/argument in favour of? / against?, A further common criticism of? / It could be argued that?, It is often widely generally

some/many/ most people/experts/ scientists/skeptics critics claim/suggest/argue/feel that? maintain/believe/point out/agree/hold that? advocate (+ing/noun)/support the view that? oppose the view that? are claimed/suggested argued/maintained/ felt/believed/held that? in favour of/against? of the opinion that/convinced that? opposed to 给同一主题加入更多论点:

in addition (to this), furthermore, moreover, besides, apart from, what is more, as well as, not to mention (the fact) that, also, not only? but also/ as well/

both?and, there is another side to the issue/question/argument of ?

给出对比的论点: still, even so, Opponents of ? argue/believe/claim that ?

The fact that ? contradicts the belief/idea that ? While it is true to say that ?, in fact ? While/Although ?, it cannot be denied that ?



Studying the English language in an English-speaking country is the best but not the only way to learn the language.

Studying a language in a country where it is widely spoken has many advantages. It is (1)_________ a good idea to study English in a country such as Britain. (2) __________, I believe it is not the only way to learn the language.

(3) __________, most students in non-English-speaking countries learn English at secondary school and sometimes at university nowadays. (4) __________ their spoken English is not usually of very high standard, their knowledge of grammar is often quite advanced. This is certainly useful when students come to an English-speaking country to perfect the language.

(5) __________, studying the basics of English at secondary school is less stressful than learning the language while overseas. This I because students living at home do not have to worry about problems such as finding accommodation, paying for their study and living costs, and trying to survive in a foreign country where day to day living causes much stress.

(6) __________, there are obvious advantages of learning English in Britain. Every day there are opportunities to practice listening to and speaking with British people. (7) _________, students can experience the culture first-hand, which is a great help when trying to understand the language. This is especially true if they choose to live with a British family, as exchange students for example. (8)__________, if students attend a language school full-time, the teachers will be native speakers. In this case, (9)__________ will students speaking and listening skills improve, (10)__________ attention can be given to developing reading and writing skills as well.

(11)__________, (12)__________ it is preferable to study English in an English-speaking country, a reasonable level of English can be achieved in one’s

it may be said/argued/claimed that, ? Oppose this viewpoint (strongly) disagree ?, Claim/feel/believe this argument is incorrect/misguided yet, but, many on the other hand, however, others/ nonetheless, nevertheless, people

own country, if a student is gifted and dedicated to study.

therefore however although in general also furthermore secondly even though but in the first place not only 练习4 下面这篇考生的作文被字数不够,请按照论点展开方法进行扩充成300字左右的文章。请多想一些高分词和句子。

In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.

Statistics shows that people are living longer now. There are several reasons for this . I will point out a few of them below. First of all, a few hundred years ago mankind suffered from many different kinds of diseases which are very well cured now. The achievements of contemporary medicine allow people to live with artificial arms, hands, legs and even hearts. Recently I read a few articles in the magazines about a man with an implanted artificial heart and a woman who had an implanted chipset in her head to make her happier. Additionally, many viruses are defeated nowadays with the modern vaccines and many pills help us to relief pain. Second of all, the conditions of live are greatly improved. A man chiefly does not have to sleep on the wet and cold ground, defense himself from predators in the wild forests and fight for his life. The wide extension of fast food stands, buffets and restaurants gives people the opportunity to have full and nutritious meal whenever they need to. Many entertaining centers offer a wide variety of services where you can leave your troubles behind and just relax. All the these things mentioned above allow people to maintain healthy life, spend more time with his family and friends and make their life longer and happier. (7)如何避免常见的错误:




·First, the lack of exercise. ·Furthermore, the huge development of the country, easy life and transportation. ·Although the number falling.

·Also the different kinds of entertainment such as videos and television. ·For example, fast food, sweet things and oily food. 如何改好它们呢?


·First, the lack of exercise has led to a big increase in the number of overweight people.

·Furthermore, the huge development of the country, easy life and luxury cars have meant that many people do not have to work hard.

·Although the number falling, many students still do not finish high school. ·Different kinds of media such as videos and television can provide good family entertainment.

·For example, fast food, sweet things and oily food can all lead to obesity.




连写句是指本来是相互独立的句子, 却用某些主法把它们连在一起了。

·In the past people did not have cars they used to walk. (连写句)

·Heart disease is a big problem it kills thousands of people. (连写句) ·Our modern life is very easy, jobs are easier than they were 50 years ago. (逗号连接句)

·The streets are full of fast food restaurants, people eat there very often. (逗号连接句)


可以把它们放在两个句子里。 使句子简短。

在用到逗号的时候要注意,要问一下自己“如果用句号是不更好一些?” ·In the past people did not have cars. they used to walk.

·Heart disease is a big problem. It kills thousands of people.

·Our modern life is very easy. Jobs are easier than they were 50 years ago. ·The streets are full of fast food restaurants. People eat there very often. (最好一句如果改写成“The streets are lined with crowded restaurants”或者“People enjoy eating in the busy restaurants”,就成为容易得高分的句子了。)



从上面的例子可以看出,连接词用得好,可以反映出你具有较好的语言驾驭能力。第一,它可以反映出你掌握了很丰富的语法知识。在具体的变换当中,你会使用出各种句式结构。第二,整个段落或文章逻辑严密,结构严谨,充分突出了交流技巧。 练习5

请按照前面介绍的方法给下面的题目写两篇文章。字数最少为250个单词。 注意要充分利用高分技巧。

Are cash awards a good way to motivate employees? Money---A Good Motivator?

35553 Layouts

A. Disagree only and give three or four very full reasons with examples and/or

supporting information in three paragraphs.

B. Agree only and give three or four very full reason with examples and/or supporting information in three paragraphs.

3773 Layouts

C. Agree in one paragraph and disagree in another, or vice versa. You need three reasons and examples each paragraph (two long paragraphs).

D. Look at the problem from two or three perspectives: the employer’s, the workers’, the moral aspects, the productivity concerns, etc. (two or three paragraphs).

E. Examine the effects of cash awards in half of your essay, and other types of motivation in the second half, or vice versa (two long paragraphs). 5-2

此类文章是要求老先生公地某一现象或观点表明自己的观点或看法。其标志性词语是What’s you opinion?或What do you think?

你的观点类文章在写作布局和思路上和同意与否类文章基本相同。略微有所不的就是你的观点类文章通常在引言中就表明了作者的观点和态度。而同意与否类访问中在引言中一般不很明确地表明自己的观点和态度,而是放在结论中。 Five Layouts for Body of “Money---A Good Motivator?” Essay 35553 Layouts A B 3773 Layouts C D E 你的观点类 Yes, money No, money is Yes, money Some people say Effects of cash motivates a trouble works because that money is rewards on because motivator a, b, c bad, but I feel workers Another reason In fact, On the other On the other Effects of cash why money is money can hand, other hand, money is rewards on good cause problems rewards are better because productivity better because a, b, c a, b, c Money is also a Most good motivator employees don’t want money

