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Tourism in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Outline Korea, located in the heart of the east of the Asian Continent, is bounded on the north by China and Russia with the Amnok and Tuman rivers in between and by seas to the east, west and south. With a time-honoured history of over 5 000 years and the tradition of brilliant culture, Korea has been called from ancient times a golden tapestry of three thousand-ri for its gorgeous mountains and crystal-clear water.
Entry Procedures Tourists can receive the entry visa from the diplomatic mission or tourist agency of the DPRK in foreign countries. Tourists can use air services to Pyongyang from Beijing and Shenyang, and rail services to Pyongyang from Beijing.
Major Attractions
Mt. Kumgang 金刚山
Major Attractions
Pyongyang 平壤
A large number of monumental structures can be found in different parts of the country,especially in Pyongyang .
Grand People’s Study House
Tower of the Juche Idea 主体思想塔
Party Founding Memorial Tower
Arch of Triumph
There are also some historical remains and relics in Pyongyang.
Tomb of King Tongmyong, Founder of Koguryo 高句丽始祖 东明王陵
Pothong Gate Pyongyang Bell Taedong Gate 普通门、平壤钟 和大同门
Service Facilities in Pyongyang
Pyongyang Koryo Hotel 平壤高丽宾馆 Yanggakdo International Hotel 羊角岛国际宾馆
Distinctive Food
North Korea muffin 朝鲜松饼 面
cold noodles 冷
Kimchi 辣白菜
DaGao 打糕
TipsThe hotels offer limited live items ,so tourists had better bring their own toiletries.
TipsDon't sit in judgement on North Korea's socioeconomic status .
TipsItems with the flag or badges of the US and South Korea are forbidden.
TipsNot to mention “Republic of Korea”,we can only say "South Korea"instead.
TipsSince the Korean people have few opportunities to eat abundent diet, don’t wast food no matter where you eat.
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