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3A Chapter3 Our School Events


Jan (January )一月Feb ( February )二月Mar (March )三月Apr ( April )四月May (May )五月Jun (June )六月Jul ( July )七月Aug ( August )八月Sep ( September)九月Oct ( October )十月Nov ( November )十一月Dec (December)十二月School fair学校义卖会Open Day开放日School concert学校音乐会Speech Day演讲日School picnic学校郊游Sports Day运动会a.m.上午p.m.下午1st(first)第一2nd (second)第二3rd (third)第三4th (fourth)第四5th(fifth)第五sixth第六seventh第七eighth第八ninth第九tenth第十*eleventh第十一*twelfth第十二*thirteenth第十三*fourteenth第十四*fifteenth第十五*sixteenth第十六*seventeenth第十七*eighteenth第十八*nineteenth第十九*twenty-second第二十二*twenty-third第二十三*twenty-fourth第二十四*twenty-fifth第二十五*twenty-sixth第二十六*twenty-seventh第二十七*twenty-eighth第二十八*twenty-ninth第二十九*thirtieth第三十*thirty-first第三十一*calendar日历*attention注意、留心concert音乐会*event事情fair ( n.)义卖会,展览会*gala节日、盛会invitation邀请、招待invite邀请、招待*later较晚的、以后的let让、允许may可能、也许Parents ' Day家长日*pay支付picnic野餐quick快的、迅速的

still 仍然、还有


1) A: When is the Open Day? 开放日是什么时候?

B: Its on the twenty first of May(21st of May). 在 5 月 21 号。 A: When 's the school picnic? 学校郊游在什么时候? B: It 's on the seventh of November. 在 11 月 7 号

2) A: Which month do you like? B: I like January.(February/March/...) A: When is your birthday? 你生日在什么时候?

B: It 's in... 在...

3) A: When is the school fair? 学校义卖会是什么时候

B: It 's in December. 在十二月。

4) A: When is the Sports Day? B: It 's on the 21st of May. A: When is your birthday? B: It 's on the... A: When is Chinese New Year? B: It 's in February. A: When is Easter? B: It 's in April. A: When is Dragon-boat festival? B: It 's in June.

A: When is Mid-Autumn Festival B: It 's in September.

A:When is Christmas?

B: It 's in December.

5) A: Mum, can you come to our school fair?


B: When is it? 在什么时候?

A: It 's on the twenty-first of December, from nine o 'clock in Chinese New Year

春节 Mid-Autumn Festival

中秋节 Dragon Boat festival

端午节 Christmas Easter 圣诞节 复活节 你喜欢哪个月?

我喜欢一月(二月 / 三月 ...) 运动会是什么时候? 在

5 月 21 号。 你生日在什么时候? 在... 春节在什么时候? 在二月。 复活节在什么时候? 在四月。 端午节在什么时候? 在六月。 中秋节在什么时候? 在九月。 圣诞节在什么时候? 在十二月。


morning to four o'clock in the afternoon. 在十二月21 号,早上9

点到下午4 点。

B: Yes, I can. 是的,我能参加。


3A Chapter4 At the school fair


camera照相机watch手表shoes鞋子wallet男士钱包purse女士钱包photo frame相框crayon蜡笔crayon蜡笔(复数)how much多少钱thirty-nine三十九fifty五十sixty六十sixty-four六十四seventy七十eighty八十ninety九十

a hundred一百dollar美元*want to想要*homeless无家可归的*raise money筹款buy买key ring钥匙圈*market市场each各自的*make money挣钱sell卖*spend用、花费*lovely可爱的*congratulations祝贺*farewell party欢送会*frame框架*businesswoman商人*headmaster校长*ticket票*test测试、试验*memory 记忆、记忆力*winner获胜者


1) A: How much is the watch, please? 请问手表多少钱

B: It A: I

' s s-fioxtuyr dollars. 64 美元。' ll take it.我要买下它。

B: Thank you. 谢谢。

A: You are welcome. 不客气。

2) A: How much are the shoes, please? 请问鞋子多少钱?

B:They ' re one hundred dollars. 100 美元。

3) A: How much are the crayons, please?请问蜡笔多少钱?

B: They 're thirty-nine dollars. 39 美元。

A: I 'm take them. 我要买下它们。

B: Thank you. 谢谢。

A: You are welcome. 不客气。

4) A: Hello, how are you? 你好,你好吗?

B: I am fine, how much is the watch, please?/How much the crayons,

please? 我很好,请问手表多少钱?/ 请问彩色笔多少钱?

A: It 's sixty-four dollars./They are forty yuan. 64 美元。/40 元。

B: I 'll take it. / Can I have a discount? How about 30 yuan? 我要买下

它。/请问能打折吗?30 元可以吗?

A: Thank you./ Ok, 30 yuan. 谢谢。/ 好的,30 元。

5) A: When is the farewell party for the headmaster?


B: It 's on the fifteen of July. 在七月15 号。

A: How much are the tickets? 门票多少钱?

B: They 're fifty dollars each. 50 美元一张。

A: May I have two tickets, please? Here 's a hundred dollars.

这是100 美元,请给我两张票,谢谢B: Here you are. Thank you. 给你,谢谢。


3A Chapter5 Things at home



*bubble泡泡CD光盘*choose选择*collect收集*listen to听*paper纸*picture图片pretty漂亮sea海*sentence句子sure当然可以tissue纸巾use用visit探望、访问would愿、要、将*writing书写、写a shell贝壳 a brush画笔a key钥匙these这些those那些them他们*show表演good idea好主意*smile微笑*surprised惊奇的*take out取出,除去*clever聪明的


1) A: The marble is smooth./These marbles are smooth. 玻璃球是光滑的。/


B: Can I feel it/them ?我能摸一下它/ 它们吗?

A: Sure. 当然。

2) The stones are hard. 石头是硬的。

3) That chair is hard. Don 't sit on it. Please sit in this armchair. It

's soft.


4) A:They 're soft. I think they 're tissues. 它们很柔软,我想它们是纸巾。

B: Yes ,they 're tissues. 是的,它们是纸巾。

A: They 're round. They 're hard and smooth. I think they 're



B: Yes, they 're marbles. 是的,它们是玻璃球。

A: It 's hard and rough. I think it 's a key. 它很坚硬和粗糙,我想它


B: It 's soft. I think it 's a teddy bear. 它很软,我想它是玩具熊。



