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2B071A52 庄生强_论会计职业道德_王瑾_导师


本科毕业论文 (设计)

题目 论会计职业道德

姓 名 三 和 尚 院 系 财 会 学 院 专 业 会 计 学 班级学号 2B071A52 指导老师 王 瑾

2B071A52 庄生强_论会计职业道德_王瑾_导师

摘 要





关键词:会计职业道德诚实机制 会计 职业道德建设现状与成因 完善对策 继续教育。

2B071A52 庄生强_论会计职业道德_王瑾_导师


Honesty is the fine traditions of the Chinese nation and virtue, also is the important content of the accounting professional ethics, this article from the accounting field integrity anomie analysis, this paper discusses the significance of setting of accounting sincerity and how to establish the accounting honesty mechanism.

To strengthen accounting professional ethics construction, we have to strengthen the propaganda education, establish and perfect accounting regulations and supervision mechanism. We have to establish these of the accounting professional ethics: cherish posts and devote wholeheartedly to work, be loyal to their duties, Familiar with the regulations, pursuant to law, seek truth from facts, be objective and fair, be honest in performing official duties, be not selfish, be proficient in business, strives constantly for self-improvement, be reform and innovative, do well in the service

At present, our country has arisen economic development and the moral progress of \process of pursuing economic benefits, The moral crisis brought about serious distortion of accounting information and false accounts prevailing. Based on the status and reason of analysis of the accounting professional morals’ deficiency, the article putted forward the accounting professional morals relevant strategies and engaged in accountant occupational further relevant continue education.

Keywords: accounting ethics honest accounting system status and causes of

Professional Ethics Improving Policies

2B071A52 庄生强_论会计职业道德_王瑾_导师

目 录

摘 要 ................................................. 2 Abstract .............................................. 3 目录 .................................................. 4 引 言 ................................................. 6 1.当前我国会计职业道德失范现状.......................... 7

1.1会计信息失真,会计基础工作管理弱化............................ 7

1.2 法律管理不合理, 会计工作的落实有偏差. ....................... 7 1.3 会计人员职业道德观念淡薄,贪污挪用公款、弄虚作假的重大案件屡屡发生,会计职业道德失范的状况堪虞。 ............................... 8 1.4部分公司受利益驱动,在会计信息披露中弄虚作假,会计造假案频发。. 9

2影响会计职业道德建设的因素. ........................... 9

2.1社会上不良风气对会计人员职业道德建设的影响................... 9 2.2会计人员自身素质与法律意识对职业道德建设的影响 ............. 10 2.3会计工作的惯性思维对会计人员职业道德建设的影响.............. 10 2.4 内控制度对会计人员职业道德建设的影响. ..................... 11 2.5会计工作的从属性对会计人员职业道德建设的影响................ 12

3加强会计职业道德建设。 ............................... 12

3.1建立和完善相关的法律支持和政策保障,形成和发展良好的会计职业道德氛围。 ....................................................... 13

3.1.1在会计法律中明确规定会计职业道德的内容。 .............. 13 3.1.2建立健全会计职业道德评价体系。 ........................ 13 3.1.3加大奖惩力度,完善会计职业道德的奖惩机制。 ............ 13 3.1.4重视和加强会计职业道德教育。 .......................... 13 3.2建立会计行业自律组织,强化行业监管,树立会计人员良好的职业形象。 ............................................................... 14

4进行会计职业道德教育。 ............................... 14

4.1专业成才教育。.............................................. 15 4.2在职继续教育。.............................................. 15 4.3社会教育。.................................................. 15

总 结 ................................................ 16 参考文献 ............................................. 17

2B071A52 庄生强_论会计职业道德_王瑾_导师

致谢: ............................................... 18

