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姓名:马雪晴 学号:1210574

1. Consider a relation R with five attributes ABCEG. You are given the following dependencies:


a) List all keys for R. E,B,C E,A,B E,A,C

b) Is R in 3NF? Why?


c) Decompose it into a collection of 3NF relations if it is not already in 3NF. And make sure your decomposition is (i) dependency preserving, and (ii) lossless join {E}+={E, G}; R1 (E, G)

R2 (E, A, B, C)

d) Say you decompose it into R1(A,B,C) and R2(A,E,G),what functional dependencies hold on the R1 and R2? Is this decomposition Dependency-preserving? Why? Is this decomposition lossless? Explain why or why not. AB->C, AC->B, BC->A, E->G 没有缺失的函数依赖关系


2. Consider the following two relational schemas:

Schema 1: R(A,B,C)

Schema 2: R1(A,B), R2(A,C)

a) Suppose that the only dependencies (functional or multivalued) that hold on the relations in these schemas are A→BC and all dependencies that follow from this one. Circle exactly two of the following statements. (2,6)

1. Schema 1 is in neither BCNF nor 4NF. 2. . Schema 1 is in BCNF but not 4NF. 3. Schema 1 is in 4NF but not BCNF. 4. Schema 1 is in both BCNF and 4NF. 5. Schema 2 is in neither BCNF nor 4NF. 6. Schema 2 is in BCNF but not 4NF. 7. Schema 2 is in 4NF but not BCNF. 8. Schema 2 is in both BCNF and 4NF.

b) Now suppose that the only dependencies (functional or multivalued) that hold on the relations in these schemas are A→→ B, A→→C, and all dependencies that follow from these two. Circle exactly two of the following statements. (4,6)


1. Schema 1 is in neither BCNF nor 4NF. 2. Schema 1 is in BCNF but not 4NF. 3. Schema 1 is in 4NF but not BCNF. 4. Schema 1 is in both BCNF and 4NF. 5. Schema 2 is in neither BCNF nor 4NF. 6. Schema 2 is in BCNF but not 4NF. 7. Schema 2 is in 4NF but not BCNF. 8. Schema 2 is in both BCNF and 4NF.

3. 假设某商业集团数据库中有一关系模式R如下: R(商店编号,商品编号,商品库存数量,部门编号,负责人)。如果规定: (1)每个商店的每种商品只在该商店的一个部门销售; (2)每个商店的每个部门只有一个负责人; (3)每个商店的每种商品只有一个库存数量。试回答下列问题: a) 根据上述规定,写出关系模式R的基本函数依赖; (商店编号,商品编号) —>部门编号 (商店编号,部门编号)—>负责人 (商店编号,商品编号)—>库存数量 b) 找出关系模式R的候选码; 商店编号 商品编号

c) 试问关系模式R最高已经达到第几范式?为什么? 最高到1NF,因为不满足2NF及更高范式的条件。 d) 如果R不属于3NF,请将R分解成3NF模式集。

{商店编号,部门编号}+={商店编号,部门编号,负责人} R1 (商店编号,部门编号,负责人)

R2 (商店编号,部门编号,商品编号,库存数量) 4.填空题

(1)设关系模式R(A,B,C)上有函数依赖F={AB→C,A→BC},则F的极小函数依赖集Fmin={ A->B A->C},R的候选码是 A 。

(2)设R(A, B, C, D),F={ A→B,B→C,C→D,D→A},R的候选码有: A或B或C或 D 。

对分解 ? = { R1 (A , B), R2 (B , C), R3 (C , D) },它 是 (是/不是)无损连接, (保持/不保持)函数依赖。 5.简答题

(1) 已知关系R(A,B,C,D,E)中存在函数依赖ABC?DE, E?BCD, R有几个侯选码?它们分别由哪些属性组成?R最高是几范式?

R有两个候选码A E和A B C,最高是1NF

(2)已知关系模式R(A,B,C,D,E)具有函数依赖A?B, BC?D, and E?C,下列哪些函数依赖在R

中不存在?为什么? (C D) CD不可能导出A;CE不可能导出BC (A) AC ? D (B) AE ? C (C) CD ? B (D) CE ? D



下列哪些函数依赖(FD’s)可能存在?为什么? (D )

6. 请使用关系代数表达式实现数据库查询,已知关系数据库模式如下:(划下划线的属性为主键)


公司(公司名,城市,负责人) --负责人是外键,参照职员表中的职员号 工作(职员号,公司名,城市,年薪)

-- 职员号是外键,参照职员表中的职员号; --(公司名,城市)是外键,参照公司表中的主键(公司名,城市); (1) 查找在北京华为公司工作的员工,列出职员号和姓名; Π职员号,姓名(δ公司名=华为(职员∞工作)) (2) 查找年薪超过10万的负责人的职员号、姓名和年薪。



