英语II(1)Unit 17

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Unit Seventeen

Live and Let Live (和谐共处)

一:Key Teaching Points .

Structures: * 复习间接引语和间接疑问句

*复习反意疑问句 *不规则动词

二:Teaching Guidance and Lesson Planning . The Grammar (语法) *复习间接引语和间接疑问句 Indirect Speech (间接引语)

一字不改地引述别人的话,叫做直接引语。用说话人自己的话转述别人的话,叫做间接引语。 注意: 时态的变化:



直接引语中的时态 一般现在时 一般过去时,现在完成时 过去完成时 一般将来时 变为间接引语中的时态 一般过去时 过去完成时 过去完成时(不变) 过去将来时 现在进行时 现在完成进行时 shall should will would may might can could must ★含有情态动词的间接引语:

过去进行时 过去完成进行时 should should (不变) would would (不变) might might (不变) could could (不变) had to 1.“I don’t have Mary’s address with me,” John said. John said that he didn’t have Mary’s address with him.

2.“I’ll help/I will help the children with their work,”Susan said. Susan said that she would help the children with their work. 3.“He must wait for the immigration officer,”the doctor said. The doctor said that he had to wait for the immigration officer. 4.“You should go to evening classes,”his brother said. His brother said that he should go to evening classes. 5.“I wouldn’t put her in that class because she won’t like it,”Janet said.

Janet said that she wouldn’t put her in that class because she wouldn’t like it. 6.“The children may have problems at first,”he replied. He replied that the children might have problems at first. Activity 6

1. Laurence J. Peter said the modern child would answer you back before you had said anything.

2. Muhammed Ali said it was just a job. Grass grew. Birds flew. He hit people.

3. David Frost said television was entertainment in your lounge by people you wouldn’t have in your house.

4. Guilio Spinetti said every luxury had to be paid for and everything in life was a luxury.

5. Madonna said she had been rich and she had been poor. Rich was better.

★引用的句子为疑问句: 间接一般疑问句:

a. 疑问部分须由从属连词whether 或if 引导,两者意思相同,一般可以互换。但whether 可与or not 连用,if 则不可。 b. 在间接引语中,要把原来问句倒装的词序改为陈述句词序。 c. 主句的谓语动词(即引述动词)常用ask , wonder , enquire 等动词,还可以诸如want to know 这类动词词组来表示。

eg : The teacher asked me , “Do you like English ?”

→ The teacher asked me if I liked English .

Do you come from Britain?

→She asked me if I came from Britain./She asked me whether I came from Britain. (1.语序有变化;2.一般现在时变为一般过去时;3.使用whether 或if ;4.代词有变化。)

Are you English?

→She asked me if I was English./She asked me whether I was English. (1.语序有变化;2.一般现在时变为一般过去时;3.使用whether 或if ;4.代词有变化。) 间接特殊疑问句:

d. 由特殊疑问句词将主语与问句连接起来, 同时要把原来问句倒装的词序改为陈述句词序。

eg : Mike asked me , “when will their plane land ?”

→ Mike asked me when their plane would land . Where do you come from?

→ He asked me where I came from.(1.语序有变化;2.一般现在时变为一般过去时;3.代词有变化。)

What did you do then?

→The interviewer asked what he had done then. (1.语序有变化;2.一般过去时变为过去完成时;3.代词有变化。)

Where can I eat?

→The person asked where he could eat. (1.语序有变化;2.情态动词can变为could;3.代词有变化。) ★引用的句子为祈使句:

直接引语若为祈使句(通常表示命令、请求、建议等)变为间接引语时,常构成简单句型:“引述动词 ask / tell / order / advise / warn / remind / etc + 名(代)词宾语 + ( not ) to 不定式”,其中,引述动词根据说话者的语气来确定。

eg : The teacher said : “ Don’t be late again .”

→ The teacher told the students not to be late again . The commander ordered : “ Keep silent ! ”

→ The commander ordered the soldiers to keep silent .

Activity 9

1. She asked me if I was Arabian.

2. She asked me why I had come/came to England. 3. She asked me when I had left/I left Iran.

4. She asked me how long I had been studying English. 5. She asked me if I was staying in England for long. 6. She asked me if I would get a job in England. 7. She asked me if I had a girlfriend. 8. She asked me if I had a car.

9. She asked me if I could take her for a drive. ★to tell 和to ask的用法

1.to tell意思是“告诉;吩咐”,常用句式有:

● tell sb about/of sth意思是“告诉某人某事情”。例如: I told him about English culture. 我给他讲了讲英国文化。

● tell sb to do sth意思是“叫某人做某事”。例如:

My teacher told me to talk to English people as much as I can to practise my English.

我的老师要我为了练习英语,要尽量多和英国人交谈。 My teacher told me not to talk to English people about three things---money,religion and politics.


2.to ask意思是“打听;要求”。常用句式有: ● to ask about sth意思是“询问某事”。例如:

He asked me about English culture. (他向我了解英国文化。) ● to ask sb for sth意思是“请求某人给予某物”。例如: I asked him for advice. (我向他征求意见。) ● ask sb to do sth意思是“请求某人做某事”。例如: I asked him to wait for me. (我请他等我。)

Activity 12

1. She told him not to stay in central London hotels because they

were very expensive.

2. She told him to say what he thought in business meetings. 3. She told him not to wait for someone to ask him what he thought. 4. She told him to go on a trip to Scotland because it was very


5. She told him to leave a 10% tip for waiters.

6. She asked him to bring back some tea for her. 7. She asked him to take a present to her sister.

8. She asked him to buy some English magazines for her children. Pratice:


1. She said , “ John left for Shanghai two days ago .” ? She said that John had left for Shanghai two days before.

2. Mary said to me , “ I’ll go and see my Chinese teacher tomorrow .” ? Mary told me that she would go and see her Chinese teacher the next day.

3. He said , “ Please sit down .” ? He told me to sit down.

4. “ Don’t be late again , Frank ,” the teacher said . ? The teacher told Frank not to be late again.

5. Tom said , “ I’m listening to the radio now .”

Tom said that he was listening to the radio then (at that moment; at that time).


1. Jane asked me , “ Do you study English now ? ” Jane asked me if I studied English then.

2. Mary asked , “ Are you learning Chinese at Nanjing University

now , Bob ? ”

? Mary asked Bob if he was learning Chinese at NU then.

3. Anne asked , “ when did you find your course book , Mary ? ” Anne asked Mary when she found her course book.

4. “ Have you had your lunch ? ” Li Ming asked me . Li Ming asked me if I had had my lunch.

5. Tom asked me , “ Did you live in Beijing or in Shanghai three

years ago ? ”

=> Tom asked me whether I lived in BJ or Sh three years before. ★:

1. She said that John had left for Shanghai two days before . 2. Mary told me that she would go and see her Chinese teacher the

next day .

3. He asked us to sit down .

4. The teacher told Frank not to be late again .

5. Tom said that he was listening to the radio then . ★:

1. Jane asked me whether ( if ) I studied English then .

2. Mary asked Bob if he was learning Chinese at Nanjing University

then .

3. Anne asked Mary where she had found her couse book . 4. Li Ming asked me if I had had my lunch .

5. Tom asked me whether I had lived in Beijing or in Shanghai three

years before . *复习反意疑问句

在反意疑问句中,句尾问句附在陈述句之后,希望对方对陈述句所说的事实或观点加以印证,陈述句如果用肯定形式,句尾问句则用否定形式;反之,陈述句如果用否定形式,句尾问句则用肯定形式。句尾问句通常由be, have,或助动词加主语(须用代词)构成。例如:

He has been there, hasn’t he? It’s raining, isn’t it? You won’t go, will you?

1. 以下句尾问句中的动词与陈述句相同: ● 含有to be的句尾问句,例如:He isn’t 16,is he?

● 含有动词to have的句尾问句,例如:You have a son, haven’t you? ● 含有情态动词的句尾问句,例如:You can read this, can’t you? ● 含有助动词的句尾问句,例如: You’ll(will) be here tomorrow, won’t you?

The Prime Minister has been there, hasn’t he? 2. 注意下列句子中句尾问句的构成。

● 陈述句中含有there be句式时, 句尾问句由谓语动词+there构成。例如:

There’s someone waiting, isn’t there?

● 陈述句中的主语为something, anything, everything, nothing, this或that时, 句尾问句中用代词it。例如: Something’s gone wrong, hasn’t it? Nothing has been done about it, has it?

● 陈述句中的主语为nobody/no one, everybody, anybody或somebody/someone时,句尾问句中用代词they。例如: Nobody liked her, did they? Somebody asked her, didn’t they?

No one was hurt in the accident, were they?

● 陈述句中谓语动词是实意动词,句尾问句需由do/don’t/does/doesn’t(一般现在时)和did/didn’(一般过去时)t构成。例如:

He went to the theatre, didn’t he? You like swimming, don’t you?

● 当陈述部分有一些否定或半否定词时,如hardly, seldom, few, little, never, no, nobody, nothing, nowhere等,句尾问句应用肯定形式反问。例如:

He could hardly believe his eyes, could he?

