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篇一:美文:一个美丽真实的爱情故事 中英文

【英语故事】 一个美丽真实的爱情故事

A beautiful true love story

One day, a young guy and a young girl fell in love. But the guy came from a poor family. The girl’s parents weren’t too happy. So the young man decided not only to court the girl but to court her parents as well. In time, the parents saw that he was a good man and was worthy of their daughter’s hand.




But there was another problem: The man was a soldier. Soon, war broke out and he was being sent overseas for a year. The week before he left, the man knelt on his knee and asked his lady love, “Will you marry me?” She wiped a tear, said yes, and they were engaged. They agreed that when he got back in one year, they would get married.




But tragedy struck. A few days after he left, the girl had a major vehicular

accident. It was a head-on collision. When she woke up in the hospital, she saw her father and mother crying. Immediately, she knew that he must had been badly injured.



She later found out that she suffered brain injury. The part of her brain that

controlled her face muscles was damaged. Her once lovely face was now disfigured. She cried as she saw herself in the mirror. “Yesterday, I was beautiful. Today, I’m a monster.” Her body was also covered with so many ugly wounds. Right there and then, she decided to release her fiancé from their promise. She knew he wouldn’t want her anymore. She would forget about him and never see him again.





For one year, the soldier wrote many letters — but she wouldn’t answer. He phoned her many times but she wouldn’t return her calls.


But after one year, the mother walked into her room and announced, “He’s back from the war.” The girl shouted, “No! Please don’t tell him about me. Don’t tell him I’m here!”

一年后,母亲走进她的房间告诉她说,“他已从战场上回来了”。姑娘大声说道。“不! 不


The mother said, “He’s getting married,” and handed her a wedding invitation. The girl’s heart sank. She knew she still loved him — but she had to forget him now. With great sadness, she opened the wedding invitation. And then she saw her name on it!



Confused, she asked, “What is this?” “怎么回事?”她困惑不已。

That was when the young man entered her room with a bouquet of flowers. He knelt

beside her and asked, “Will you marry me?”



The girl covered her face with her hands and said, “I’m ugly!”


The man said, “Without your permission, your mother sent me your photos. When I saw your photos, I realized that nothing has changed. You’re still the person I fell in deep love. You’re still as beautiful as ever. Because I love you!”




The Little Match Girl

It was snowy and dark on a new year’s Eve. Many people were getting together in their warm homes. A poor little girl was still walking in the streets with no shoes. There were some matches in her hand.

“ Matches! Matches!” the little girl cried in a low voice. No one heard her when they were passing by. She didn’t sell any matches and no one gave her a coin. The wind was blowing strongly and the snow was falling down on her long hair. She felt cold and hungry.

Lights were shining from every window. But the little girl was afraid to go home without selling one box of matches, because her father would beat her. “ Ah, a burning match may warm me up!” she thought. She lit three

matches. When the matches were burning , she saw a warm stove, a delicious roast goose and a beautiful Christmas tree. But all these disappeared when the flames went out. Then she lit a fourth match. A kind old woman was standing there.

“ Grandmother ! ” cried the little girl, “ Take me with you.” Her grandmother held the girl in her arms.

On the morning of the new year, the girl was lying against the wall, dead.

Mozart—the Wonderful Boy

Do you know Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart? The great composer, Mozart, started writing music when he was just a little boy. Here’s a story about Mozart when he was a child.

Father Mozart used to give his daughter, Nannerl , music lessons on the piano. And little Wolfgang Mozart was in the room . He watched and listened to every note his sister played . One day ,when her lesson was over ,he asked ,” May I have a lesson, papa?”

“Your are too little!“said Father Mozart.

When Father Mozart and Nannerl, left the room, little Wolfgang went up to the piano and pressed the keys. He smiled. The music sounded beautiful. Father Mozart heard him and came to see him. Wolfgang was playing well without any help. Father Mozart decided to give his little boy music lessons. Soon Wolfgang played as well as his big sister, Nannerl. He learned so quickly that his father was very happy. But when Wolfgang started to write music by himself, Father Mozart was very surprised .No one could believe that a little boy of five could write such beautiful music. He was an amazing child, a born musician.

The monkey and the moon

One day, a little monkey is playing by the well. He looks in the well and shouts : “Oh! My god! The moon has fallen into the well!”

An older monkeys runs over, takes a look, and says, “Goodness me! The moon is really in the water!” Another older monkey comes over. He is very surprised as well and cries out,“The moon is in the well.”

A group of monkeys run over to the well . They look at the moon in the well and shout: “The moon did fall into the well! Come on! Let’s get it out!”

Then, the oldest monkey hangs on the tree up side down with his feet on the branch . And he pulls the next monkey’s feet with his hands.

All the other monkeys follow his suit. And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well.

Just before they reach the moon, the oldest monkey raises his head

and happened to see the moon in the sky. He yells excitedly “Don’t be so foolish! The moon is still in the sky!”

The little match girl

It was a Christmas Eve with heavy snow. A little girl was selling matches on the street. "Matches, matches!"

But no one looked at her. She had lost her parents a few days ago, and she was selling matches without a coat in the cold weather. She didn't even sell one box. The girl was so hungry that she couldn't even open her mouth.

Then, a carriage came close to her. Trying to keep away from the carriage, she slipped and fell on the ice, and she lost her shoes. She had to walk on the snowy street with bare feet. Over a window, she saw a family gathered under a warm and bright light. They seemed so happy. The snow began to fall more heavily. "It's cold. "Her body

was frozen hard. Even though she was hungry and felt pain in her feet, she couldn't go back home because she couldn't sell any

matches. "Matches, you want some matches?" The people walking on the street looked very happy holding each other's arms. But no one bought the girl's matches. "Ho~ ho~!" She tried to warm up her hands and feet, but it only made her hungrier. "It's so cold. Why is it so cold today? I have to skip my meal today because I couldn't sell any of these matches." She lit a match to warm up her body. Even though it was a small light, it made her a little warmer. She felt as if she was sitting right next to a fireplace. "Oh, it's warm!" She kept lighting matches. Suddenly, a table full of delicious food came up in front of her. "Oh, it looks delicious." As she lit another match, a Christmas tree appeared. "How beautiful!" She lit the last match. Then, her grandmother appeared. "Sweetie, come to Heaven with me." The girl's grandmother held her tight in her arms and rose up to the sky. The next day, she was dead and found in the street. "Poor girl, Maybe she tried to warm herself with these matches. Tut, tut." People felt pity for the girl and buried her in the ground in the sunlight.

The wolf and the lamb

Once upon a time a wolf was lapping at a stream. When he

looked up, he saw a lamb drinking a little lower down.

"There’s my supper," he thought. "I will find some excuse to catch it." Then he called out to the lamb, "How dare you muddle the water?" "No, master," said the lamb. "I cannot muddle your water because it runs down from you to me."

"Well, then," said the wolf. "Why did you call me bad names this time last year?" "It was impossible," said the lamb. "I am only six months old."

"I don’t care," shouted the wolf. "If it was not you, it must be your father." After that he rushed at the poor little lamb and ate it up.



寓意: 当一个坏人想为自己所做的坏事寻找借口时,他不会在乎这个借口是否恰当。


It is evening. An old cock is sitting in a tall tree. A fox comes to the tree and looks up at the cock

"Hello, Mr. Cock, I have some good news for you." Says the fox.

"Oh?" says the cock. "What is it?"

"All the animals are good friends now. Let?s be friends, too. Please come down and play with me."

"Fine!" says the cock. "I?m very glad to hear that." Then he looks up. "Look! There is something over there."

"What are you looking at?" asks the fox.

"Oh, I see some animals over there. They are coming this way."

" Animals? "

"Yes. Oh, they?re dogs. "

"What? Dogs?" asks the fox. "Well ... well, I must go now. Good-bye."

"Wait, Mr. Fox," says the cock. "Don?t go. They are only dogs. And dogs are our friends now. "

"Yes. But they don?t know that yet. "

"I see, I see," says the cock. He smiles and goes to sleep high up in the tree.


T - Tortoise

H - Hare

T: Hello, Mr. Hare!

H: Oh, it?s you, Mr. Tortoise. What are you doing?

T: I?m running.

H: Running? Ha ha! You can?t run. Your legs are too short!

T: Of course I can.

H: My legs are longer than yours. I?m sure I can run faster than you.

T: Don?t be so sure.

H: Well then, let?s run to the tall tree over there. Let?s see who gets there first. T: All right.

H: Ready? Go!

(Mr. Tortoise goes very slowly. Mr. Hare runs much faster. In a minute he comes to a small tree.)

H: Where?s Mr. Tortoise? Aha! There he is. He?s far behind me. How slow he is! I?m much faster. Mmm, it?s hot! Ahh, here?s a tree. Let me have a rest under it. It?s so nice and cool.

(Soon he is asleep.)

(Mr. Tortoise comes up. He looks at Mr. Hare and goes on.)

H(waking up) : Ah, what a good sleep! Now, where?s Mr. Tortoise? Where is he? I don?t see him. (Runs to the tall tree.)

T(sitting under the tall tree): Why, hello, Mr. Hare! How are you? You?re very fast, aren?t you?

H: Yes, but ...

T: But, I?m here first. Now who is faster, you or me?

H: Oh! ...


Tang's monk and his disciples sun wukong, Pig eight quit .Sand monk go to the west to get the Bible. During their trip, they go through the Girl Country where there are all women and girls. Tang monk is a handsome and quiet man who is admired by many beautiful women. No exception in the Girl Country, the kingdom of the country who is very beautiful and talented. She is also attracted by the charm of Tang monk, so she decided to express her feelings. In the next day, the kingdom hold a party and invite Tang's monk and his disciple sun wukong, Pig eight quit .Sand monk. During the party, the kingdom dance with Tong monk, at the first Tong monk is shy to dance but at last he is willing to play with the kingdom and sing songs for the kingdom actively, his three disciples are playing and eating very happily.

Tong monk is very good at dancing and singing songs. The Kingdom is attracted by Tang monk and expresses her feeling for him. She tries her best to convince Tong monk to stay here. And Tong monk’s three disciples also persuade him to stay here. He has a strong will , and was determined to leave here. But all the people want he stay at here, and he is also secretly consumed on the queen, so he is in a dilemma. Finally he decided to stay here and married with the queen. And his disciples sun wukong, Pig eight quit.

Later, Tong monk and the queen got married and lived a happy life. They had a bunch of children, including boys and girls. Then they change the Girl Country’s destiny.

