2016届广西河池高级中学高三上学期第五次月考英语试题 word版

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听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What happened to the man? A. He resigned earlier this week. B. He got promoted.

C. He heard good news when working. 2. What does the woman think of the shoes?

A. They are expensive. B. They don’t fit her. C. She doesn’t like them.

3. Who has been ill all week?

A. The woman. B. The woman’s sister. C. The man. 4. Who is the man going to do on Sunday? A. Have dinner with the woman. B. Have a physics lesson. C. Prepare for his exam. 5. What did the woman mean? A. She enjoyed the movie. B. She didn’t watch the movie. C. She didn’t like the movie. 6. Why wouldn’t the woman’s car start? A. The engine was faulty. B. The battery was dead. C. It was out of petrol

7. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The woman was very angry about it.

B. The woman bought the battery a long time ago. C. The man hadn’t experienced that problem. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. Which bus will the man take?

A. The 5:30 am one. B. The 6:00 am one. C. The 6:30 am one. 9. How will the man get to the bus station in the morning?

A. He will take a taxi. B. He will take a bus. C. His wife will drive him there.


10. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Interviewer and interviewee. B. Boss and employee. C. Customer and waiter.

11. Why does the woman want to leave her present company? A. She hasn’t had a promotion. B. The company isn’t doing well.

C. She can’t display her abilities there. 12. When can the woman start her new job?

A. At once. B. In about a week. C. In about a month. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. What can we learn about the man? A. He made a reservation online. B. He reserved a single room. C. He will leave on Wednesday. 14. When is room service available?

A. From 6 pm to 10 pm. B. From 10 am to 6 pm. C. From 6 am to 10 pm.

15. Where is the coffee shop?

A. In the lobby. B. On the 25 floor. C. On the 16




16. What is the man’s number?

A. No. 1215. B. No. 1512. C. No. 1521. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What is Rocket Spanish?

A. It is a school where Spanish is taught. B. It is a course to help people learn Spanish. C. It is a camp where people can learn Spanish. 18. How long is the Interactive Audio Course, in total?

A. About 25 minutes. B. More than 12 hours. C. About 32 minutes. 19. How much is the cost of learning to perfect one’s pronunciation? A. $ 345. B. $ 180. C. $ 219. 20. Which is a special feature of the grammar lessons? A. They are all about technology. B. They are set in realistic situations. C. They are available only on CD. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Celebrated poet Wang Guozhen died of liver cancer at the age of 59 on Sunday, one month before his latest anthology of poems was to be published, according to Beijing News.

Born in 1956 and a graduate of Jinan University in Guangzhou, where he majored in literature, Wang kicked off his poetry career in 1985, when his works were frequently posted in newspapers and magazines.

His books sold so well in 1990 that the people in the publishing business called it“The year of Wang Guozhen”. The following decade witnessed an astonishing output of over 50 books.

His works such as Going the Distance and Beyond Yourself have influenced a large number of readers born in the 60s and 70s and some of his poems are still often quoted(引用)by celebrities and writers.

During a speech at the 2013 APEC CEO Summit in Indonesia, Chinese President Xi Jinping quoted a sentence from Wang’s poem, saying “There is no mountain higher than man, and no road longer than his feet”, to emphasize China’s determination regarding economic reform, which made Wang’s works more popular.

The poet’s demise has started heated discussions online, mostly about memories of his poems, nostalgia(怀念)for the golden age of poetry and the importance of this art form in the present day.

“I was inspired by his poems and copied every sentence down on my notebooks,” Wang Ling, a Sina weibo user, posted.” Although my Chinese teacher told me I might encounter greater poets as I grew up, which I did, I still miss the time when I had the patience to read poems and really believed in the ideal world built by his words.”

Ma Dayong, professor of the Literature department of Jilin University, said, “Poetry is the most beautiful and delicate form of expressing our thoughts and words. The ability to appreciate this special art requires reading, thinking, experience and especially empathy. This all takes time. But now when people have time, they go out for entertainment. Not many people are willing to slow down to read. Only at times like this, with the demise of a famous poet, do people turn back to things that used to touch their hearts.”

21. Why did people in the publishing business call 1990 “The Year of Wang Guozhen”?

A. Because his poems were popular with young people at that time. B. Because his books sold very well in 1990.

C. Because his works were frequently posted in newspapers and magazines. D. Because he had published many books.

22.What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase “kicked off” in Paragraph 2?

A. Threw off B. Put off C. Started off D. Showed off

23. What is true according to the passage?

A. Wang Guozhen’s poems are often quoted by students in their exams. B. People born in 1960 and 1970 were greatly influenced by Wang Guozhen’s books. C. Wang Guozhen’s first work was posted in newspapers in 1985. D. Wang Guozhen’s poems were once read by President Xi Jinping. 24. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Appreciating poetry needs reading, thinking, experience and empathy. B. Poetry is a beautiful form of expressing thoughts and words.

C. People nowadays prefer to spend time on entertainment rather than read poetry. D. Appreciating poetry takes time.


Many college students complain about dorm life: a sweltering room without air-conditioning in summer and a dorm gate which is closed at 11 pm.

But they may miss their dorms after graduation, when they have to spend as much as a third of their earnings on renting a shabby room. The rising prices of daily necessities, including food, water, gas and electricity, are also making grads pinch every penny to make ends meet.

Faced with the high cost of living, college grads need to make every penny count when they budget their income. When it comes to renting, try to spend no more than one third of your income on it. Better still, only spend a quarter, according to Hao Qian, a career consultant with hiall.com.cn. Hao also reminds grads to set aside about one fifth of their income for social activities. “People have spent more on their social lives because of changes in forms of entertainment,” said Hao. For example, new friends may want to meet you at a spa club instead of at a hash house. In spite of the high cost of living, many college grads still try to stay in big cities. They usually work in industries such as finance, public relations (PR) and IT, which depend on a booming city economy and technology.

Hao advises such grads to reduce their expenditure on shopping as much as possible. “If you are not in jobs such as PR and sales which require you to dress well, you

don’t need to spend much on clothes and “accessories,” said Hao. “Spend less than one eighth of your monthly income on shopping.” 25. What do many college students usually complain about? A. their study B. their living condition C. their expenditure D. their classrooms 26. Which one is not daily necessities?

A. renting B. food and water C. gas D. electricity 27. From the opinion of Hao Qian, we can conclude that________.

A. college grads should only spend a quarter of their income on renting. B. college grads should spend one fifth of their income for social activities every month.

C. college grads working in public relations(PR) should dress well. D. college grads shouldn’t spend money on clothes. 28. What can we infer from this passage?

A. College grads don’t like their college lilfe. B. College grads can make more money in big cities.

C. Meeting a friend at a spa club would cost more than at a hash house. D. College grads like to take part in social activities. 29. This passage is mainly talking about_______.

A. the high cost of living B. college grads’ stress of living C. college students’ life D. college grads in big cities


China daily—China honored 30 veterans on Wednesday for their contributions to the country’s victory against Japanese aggression.

The ceremony at the Great Hall of the People took place a day before the victory parade in Tian’anmen Square marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II.

Receiving a salute from an honor guard, President Xi Jinping approached the veterans and awarded them commemorative medals. Many of them are aged about 100 and use wheelchairs, but some of them stood and saluted.

Ten of the medals were awarded to foreign veterans or relatives of foreign soldiers who died fighting for China during World War II.

After awarding the medals, Xi said that many heroes emerged during the 14 years of resistance against Japanese aggression, including fighters from overseas countries such as Canada and India.

“A promising nation cannot go without heroes or pioneers. The Chinese people will never forget the foreign soldiers who fought for China during World War II, and the 10 foreign veterans present today are their representatives,” he said. TongRongfang,90, from Beijing said it was the happiest day of his life after he received his gold-gilt medal embossed with a design featuring the Yangtze River and an olive branch. Tong’s father, Tong Linge, was a senior general in the Kuomintang who fought during the Lugouqiao Incident, or the Marco Polo Bridge Incident. This conflict, which broke out in a Beijing suburb in July 1937, led to fullscale war between China and Japan. Tong was the first senior general who died after China mounted all out resistance against the Japanese aggression.

The younger Tong said: “My father’s contribution has been officially recognized. I’m glad the leaders have attached unprecedented (空前的)significance to the issue.”

Makhmut Gareev, a veteran of the Soviet Army, who fought against the Japanese with Chinese soldiers in Northeast China, said China was the main Eastern battlefield during the World Anti-Fascist War, and its people fought hard and heroically, playing a significant role in the victory.

The medals ceremony was the first event in the celebrations marking the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War.

Then, Xi, along with more than 30 foreign leaders, will attend the V-Day parade in Tian’anmen Square on Thursday morning.

30. How many medals were awarded to Chinese veterans? A. 40. B. 30 C. 10. D. 20

31. Why did Tong Rongfang say it was the happiest day in his life? A. Because he was awarded a commemorative medal.

B. Because his father’s contribution was recognized by the government. C. Because the ceremony was touching and unforgettable. D. Because he attended the ceremony. 32. What’s the best title of the passage? A. Thirty veterans honored for victory voles. B. Victory parade taking place in Tian’anmen Square. C. Chinese people never forget veterans. D. Veterans’ contribution recognized


Central Park is a great place to explore on a bicycle, offering breathtaking views from flat, hilly and scenic terrain. On a bike you can see a lot of the park in a short amount of time. Park dives provide three long distance routes to choose from-6.1 miles, 5.2 miles or 1.7 miles. Crossing through the park at a number of locations will land you some shorter routes as well.

Renting a bike is a great way to see Central Park. Enjoy the scenery as you pedal along at your own pace, stopping along the way to explore the many attractions. Bike rentals start at $ 15, and include a helmet, basket, lock and map. Hours:

The Park is closed to traffic during the following hours; Weekdays: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm to 7:00am Weekends: 7:00 pm Friday to 7:00 am Monday

The Park is officially closed from 1:00 am to 6:00 am. Rules to Follow:

Law requires children under 14 to wear a helmet Cyclists must ride in a counter-clockwise direction Cycling is prohibited on the pathways

Pedestrians always have the right of way.

Cyclists must use only the outer half of the recreation lane when the drives are open to cars.

When the drives are closed to cars, cyclists must stay out of the recreation lane. 33. When you cycle in the park you should obey the following rule that_______. A. all children must wear helmets.

B. you can ride on the right of the pathways.

C. cyclists must use the inner half of the recreation lane when the drives are open to cars.

D. you had better walk the right of way 34. When can you ride a bike in central park?

A. 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on Monday B. 7:00 pm to 7:00am on Tuesday. C. 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Wednesday D. 7:00 am to 7:00 pm on Saturday 35. Who are most interested in this advertisement?

A. retired people B. children C. students D. Cycling lovers



Everyone wants to lead a happy and fulfilling life, so it’s natural to want to put yourself and your health first! However, helping other people can also directly help you at the same time.

Here are a few ways that helping others can benefit you: 1. Attracts more back to you

When you give, you’re more likely to receive. You don’t necessarily need to keep the receiving in mind when you decide to give, but nature may just take its course. 36 Maybe you’ll come across some good fortune.

2. Bring you a good feeling

If you volunteer your time to help others, you’re sharing your blessing with those less fortunate, which is a wonderful gift to be giving! You’ll likely return

home after volunteering with a smile on your face. 37

3. Heighten self-esteem

__38_ Positive result for you good deeds enables you to feel pride in your accomplishments. It also builds momentum(动力)for bigger and better things.

4. 39

After you’ve done something nice, you may also find that your confidence increases. The fact that your helpful acts have turned out so positive might lead you to the confidence you need in your own life.

5. Be more positive about your own situation

Sometimes you’ll find that your own worst critic. You might accept your own. Helping others can help you to accept your own situation and your own faults. 40 Seek out opportunities, today, to help others. you’ll be glad you did! A. Make a difference.

B. When you help others, you may be helping yourself to a heightened self-esteem. C. Just by completing a giving act, you receive positive feelings in your life. D. Maybe a friend will unexpectedly return a favor. E. Strengthen confidence

F. It makes you feel fulfilled to know that you’ve made a positive difference in the world.

G. It may help you to start seeing everything in a more positive light. 第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

The pursuit(追求)of success is a natural human drive. We all 41 success in one form or another. Perhaps you want to get a promotion or 42 a successful business, or be respected for you art.. But if we are going to put a good deal of our 43 into achieving a goal, it’s worth taking the time to 44 ourselves whether the goal is worth attaining. If we ask our selves why we wish to achieve anything, the inevitable(必然的) 45 is that we believe it will make us 46 . Now we must ask ourselves if this is true, and whether there might be a quicker 47 to happiness, and most importantly, whether the pursuit of this future happiness is 48 our

