科技英语翻译与协作EST chapter2

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EST chapter2

?In computing work done, it is important always to keep in mind that the force and distance that are multiplied must

be in the same direction.



?The motion of ions is the motion of such atoms as have gained, or lost electrons, which in most cases takes place in

chemical solutions.



?In computing work done, it is important always to keep in mind that the force and distance that are multiplied must

be in the same direction.



?The motion of ions is the motion of such atoms as have gained, or lost electrons, which in most cases takes place in

chemical solutions.



?Matter is anything having weight and occupying space.



?What is large and what is small is relative.



?The report noted that being overweight has been linked to sickness and death from such diseases as high blood

pressure, diabetes, heart disease and gallbladder.



1 Good Command of English

2 Good Command of Chinese

3 Familiarity with Knowledge of Science and Technology

?The report noted that being overweight has been linked to sickness and death from such diseases as high blood

pressure, diabetes, heart disease and gallbladder.


? A capacitor is a device consisting of two conductors separated by a nonconductor.


2.3.1 意译法

Transformer 变压器conductivity 传导性thermo-relay 热继电器fuzzy math 模糊数学

2.3.2 音译法(计量单位,新材料,新物质,新的自然现象)

Henry hertz ohm calorie / radar, sonar/ nylon vaseline aspirin /logic gene hacker quark

2.3.3 形译法

I-bar T-beam X-type O-ring T-joint X-ray

2.3.4 音意结合

Decimeter /decibel /centipois / kilovolt /curie point/ neon sign / Morse code / Doppler effect

2.4 Diction (遣词造句)

?Diction ( choice of words ) : 词义的选择与引申

?What is meant by “power”? By “power”, we meant the rate of doing work.

?Special equipment assures that the computers will not be disturbed by power interruptions that last less than two


?The third power of three is 27.

?This is a 20 power binocular microscope.

?Aluminum has a combining power of three. 根据词类,确定词义

1)Like charges repel; but unlike charges attract.


2)Like a liquid a gas has no shape, but unlike a liquid it will expand and fill any container it is put in.


3)It is the atoms that make up iron, water, oxygen and the like.

正是原子构成了铁,水,氧等类物质。 根据上下文确定词义

?In developing the design, we must consider the feasibility of processing.


?Lung fever develops from flu.


?Albert Einstein, who developed the theory of relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematics.


?Land animals are believed to have developed from sea animals.


?According to the theory developed in section 4-3, the apparent resistivity for a given layer stratification differs

depending on the eccentricity of the electrode configuration.


?Before it begins to work, the yeast is subject to disruption caused by fluctuations in temperature.


?If you push hard against something and move it, you have done work.


?The volume varies as the temperature increases.


?As cotton is liable to absorb moisture, the insulation will be adversely affected.


?Small as atoms are, electrons are still smaller.

?原子虽小,但电子更小。 根据搭配确定词义

?What is familiar to everybody is the direct proportion of the volume of a gas to the temperature.


?The building of these giant iron and steel works will greatly accelerate the development of iron and steel industry.


?They have produced much pig iron from the blast furnace.


?After careful examination, he found that the screw had worked loose.


?The major problem in manufacture is the control of contamination and foreign materials.


?During the first half of the last century Einstein set forth a number of theories about the physical world.


?We can heat the steel again to a temperature below the critical temperature, then cool it slowly.


?The lathe should be set on a firm base.


?As we all know, a base reacts with an acid to form a salt.


?Line AB is the base of the triangle ABC.


? A base of logarithms must be a positive number, not equal to one.


?The chemist found that there were impurities in the solution.


?In the electrolysis, we must make use of cell.


2.4.2 extension (词义引申) 技术性引申

?How rapidly a fuel burns depends on how thoroughly it is mixed with oxygen of air.


?Iron comes between manganese and cobalt in atomic weight.


?When an electric current of ultrasonic frequency is applied to a quartz crystal, the crystal will vibrate with the

same frequency.


?He then found that the mercury column measured the height predicted.


?Why is the period of the pendulum independent of the size of the swing?

?为什么单摆的周期与摆动角度的大小无关? 修辞性引申

?Albert Einstein was the first man to realize the vast amount of energy locked in the atom.


?In his own lifetime Galileo was the centre of violent controversy; but the scientific dust has long since settled.


?The beauty of lasers is that they can do machining without ever physically touching the material.


?There are three steps which must be taken before we graduate from the integrated circuit technology.


?However, colours can give more force to the form of the product.


?With water present the chances of finding some sort of life on Mars are much brighter.

?由于存在水,在火星上找到某种生命的可能性就大得多了。 具体化引申

?Other things being equal, iron heats up faster than aluminum.


?Public opinion is demanding more and more urgently that something must be done about noise.


?The vacuum tubes will see use in the output stage.


?Ceramic materials exhibit a tendency to craze and fracture under the extreme temperature changes.


?To produce strong X-rays the tube had to be made a very good vacuum.


?Faraday was unable to calculate the velocity of propagation of electromagnetic waves, a task which required the

mathematical precision of Maxwell, which Faraday entirely lacked


是根本不具备的。 抽象化引申

? A second’s thought tells you that air actually weighs quite a lot.


?Dust has a very important part to play in the work of nature.


?Dr John Smith made a thousand and one explanations of this strange phenomenon of nature.


?Application of laser in medicine is still in its infancy.


?The electrical age has been with us for many years, and perhaps it will never completely disappear.



1)The classical Greek civilization knew of seven metals: gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, lead and mercury.


2)Now we have a better understanding of Einstein’s special theory of relativity after attending a series of lectures

on the topic.


3)The holographic image (全息照片)must be viewed by looking directly through the film. Consequently,the size of

the film limits t he size of the audience that may view it at one time.


4)Sodium hydroxide (氢氧化钠)is a strong base.


5)The half-lives of certain radioactive substances are very long.


6)Friction is usually the main cause of wear.


7) A body will expand when heated and contract when cooled.


8)They got a heavy fine due to the breach of the contract.


9)The image forms on the plate and is then developed.


10)The next step would be to try to develop means for sending television pictures.


