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Lesson 115—116 一、单词 1.Be ______(安静),please! 2. –Isn’t there______(任何东西)left?—No,there’s nothing left. 3. I’d like to _______(邀请)Tom to my birthday party. 4. We are now living in a ________(和平的)country.

5.–Would you like something to drink?—Yes, I’d like to have some______(柠檬水). 6. _______(不可能)is _________(什么也不是). 7. I saw someone________(敲)at the door 8. The ferry was passing________(通过) the channel. 二、单项选择

1. Listen, somebody is _________at the door.

A knock B knocking C knocked D knocks 2. Be_________, the baby is sleeping.

A quite B quiet C quit D quietly

3. He drove_________ the crossroads without seeing the red light. A pass B by C on D through 4. Nothing is _________.

A everything B something C possible D impossible 5. –What is your favorite drink? ---_________.

A Lemon B Lettuce C Banana D Lemonade 6. Listen! Everything _________ very quiet. A is B are C were D be 7. It is _________to make her rest in bed.

A impossible B probably C possibly D impossibly 8.There is _______ milk in the bottle. A not B any C few D no

9.--Excuse me,where can I take a bus to the supermarket? –Sorry, there are _______bus here. A some B any C no D little

10. --_______my mobile phone? –Yes, I saw it on your desk a moment ago.

A Do you see B Have you seen C Had you seen D Would you see

11. ______ of the three businessmen knew about the document because it was kept as a secret.(广州中考)

A None B Neither C Any D Each 12. –Who did you find in the room? ---_______.(上海中考) A Nobody B Not C No D None

13. Jean is a bright young woman who comes from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good university and has ______that money can buy.(天津中考) A something B everything C nothing D thing

14. Someone _____at the door when she was cooking in the kitchen.(广州中考) A had knocked B has knocked C koncked D knock

15. It was Andy’s birthday so we booked a _______-smoking table at Holiday Restaurant for 7:30p.m. .(太原中考)

A keep B non C not D on

三, 翻译

1. 家里有人吗?

_______________________________________________ 2. 大家都在客厅里等你。

_________________________________________________ 3. 没有什么是不可能的。

_________________________________________________ 4. 我们到后门试试怎么样?

_______________________________________________ 5. 想喝点柠檬水吗?


I work in a small shop. It's near an English school. Every day many people come to buy things.In the morning, I get up at six, and then I have breakfast. I go to work by bike.I get to the shop at about seven. The shop opens at seven thirty. We sell food and drink. And we sell school things, too. So there are many students in the shop from morning to evening. All of us go home for supper. ( )1. The shop is _____ .

A. next to a bookshop B. near a school C. behind the writer's house D. in the park ( )2. The writer goes to work _____.

A.by car B. by busC. by bike D. on foot ( )3. The shop sells _____ .

A. only school things B. food and drink and school things C. clothes D. shoes ( )4. The shop is open for _____hours(小时).

A. about ten B. eleven C. twelve D. about twelve ( )5. The works in the shop have supper _____.

A. at home B. in the shop C. near a school D. near the shop

