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在编制和呈报财务报表的结构中,收益被定义为会计期间经济利益的增加,其表现形式为因资产的流入或增加、负债的减少而导致的权益的增加,但不包括由于投资者出资而引起的权益的增加。收益包括收入和利得。收入是指企业在正常经营业务中所产生的收益,可以有各种名称,包括销售收入、服务收费、利息、股利和使用费。本号准则旨在阐明对于一定类型的交易和事项形成的收入所作的会计处理。 Objective
Income is defined in the Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements as increases in economic benefits during the accounting period
in the form of inflows or enhancements of assets or decreases of liabilities that result in increases in equity, other than those relating to contributions from equity participants. Income encompasses both revenue and gains. Revenue is income that arises in the course of ordinary activities of an entity and is referred to by a variety of different names including sales, fees, interest, dividends and royalties. The objective of this Standard is to prescribe the accounting treatment of revenue arising from certain types of transactions and events.
对收入的会计处理,主要问题在于确认收入的时间。收入应在未来的经济利益很可能流入企业,并且能够可靠地计量时予以确认。本号准则将明确何时适用以上标准对收入进行确认。此外,本号准则还将提供运用这些标准的实务指南。 The primary issue in accounting for revenue is determining when to recognise revenue. Revenue is recognised when it is probable that future economic benefits will flow to the entity and these benefits can be measured reliably. This Standard identifies the circumstances in which these criteria will be met and, therefore, revenue will be recognised. It also provides practical guidance on the application of these criteria. 范围 Scope
1 This Standard shall be applied in accounting for revenue arising from the following transactions and events: (1)销售商品;
(3)他人使用企业的资产而产生的利息、使用费和股利 (a) the sale of goods;
(b) the rendering of services; and
(c) the use by others of entity assets yielding interest, royalties and dividends. 本号准则替代于1982年发布的国际会计准则第18号“收入的确认”。 2 This Standard supersedes IAS 18 Revenue Recognition approved in 1982.
3 Goods includes goods produced by the entity for the purpose of sale and goods purchased for resale, such as merchandise purchased by a retailer or land and other property held for resale.
4 The rendering of services typically involves the performance by the entity of a contractually agreed task over an agreed period of time. The services may be rendered within a single period or over more than one period. Some contracts for the rendering of services are directly related to construction contracts, for example, those for the services of project managers and architects. Revenue arising from these contracts is not dealt with in this Standard but is dealt with in accordance with the requirements for construction contracts as specified in IAS 11 Construction Contracts.
5 The use by others of entity assets gives rise to revenue in the form of:
(1)利息,是指因使用企业的现金或现金等价物而支付或应付给企业的费用; (2)使用费,是指因使用企业的长期资产,如专利权、商标权、著作权和计算机软件等而支付给企业的费用;以及
(a) interest—charges for the use of cash or cash equivalents or amounts due to the entity;
(b) royalties—charges for the use of long-term assets of the entity, for example, patents, trademarks, copyrights and computer software; and
(c) dividends—distributions of profits to holders of equity investments in proportion to their holdings of a particular class of capital. 本号准则不涉及到由以下方式产生的收入: 6 This Standard does not deal with revenue arising from: (1)租赁协议(见国际会计准则第17号“租赁会计”); (a) lease agreements (see IAS 17 Leases);
(b) dividends arising from investments which are accounted for under the equity method (see IAS 28 Investments in Associates); (3)保险公司的保险合同;
(c) insurance contracts within the scope of IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts;
(d) changes in the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities or their disposal (see IFRS 9 Financial Instruments and IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement); (5)其他流动资产的价值变动; (e) changes in the value of other current assets;
(f) initial recognition and from changes in the fair value of biological assets related to agricultural activity (see IAS 41 Agriculture); (g) initial recognition of agricultural produce (see IAS 41); and (7)矿产的开采。
(h) the extraction of mineral ores. 定义 Definitions
7 The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified: 收入,是指企业在一定的期间内,由正常经营活动所产生的经济利益的流入的总额。该流人仅指引起权益增加的部分,而不包括企业投资者出资引起的部分。 Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefits during the period arising in the course of the ordinary activities of an entity when those inflows result in increases in equity, other than increases relating to contributions from equity participants.
Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction. 收入仅包括在企业自己的帐户中所收到的和应收到的经济利益的流入的总额。代第三方收取的销售税、产品和服务税以及增值税之类的金额不是所引起的经济利益,虽流入企业但不增加企业的权益,因此不包括在收入之内。类似地,在代理经销中,代理商的经济利益的流入总额包括代供应商收取的金额,但并不引起该代理企业权益的增加。该项代供应商收取的金额不属于收入,而佣金的金额则属于收入。
8 Revenue includes only the gross inflows of economic benefits received and receivable by the entity on its own account. Amounts collected on behalf of third parties such as sales taxes, goods and services taxes and value added taxes are not economic benefits which flow to the entity and do not result in increases in equity. Therefore, they are excluded from revenue. Similarly, in an agency relationship, the gross inflows of economic benefits include amounts collected on behalf of the principal and which do not result in increases in equity for the entity. The amounts collected on behalf of the principal are not revenue. Instead, revenue is the amount of commission.
Measurement of revenue
9 Revenue shall be measured at the fair value of the consideration received or
* See also SIC-31 Revenue—Barter Transactions Involving Advertising Services 交易所产生的收入额通常由企业与资产的购买方或使用方所达成的协议来决定。该项金额是以企业已收或应收的价款的公允价值为根据,并考虑了企业允诺的商业折扣和数量折扣进行计量的。
10 The amount of revenue arising on a transaction is usually determined by agreement between the entity and the buyer or user of the asset. It is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable taking into account the amount of any trade discounts and volume rebates allowed by the entity. 在大多数情况下,这种价款采用了现金或现金等价物的形式,而收入的金额是已收到或应收的现金或现金等价物的金额。但是当现金或现金等价物的流入被延迟时,该价款的公允价值将低于已收或应收的现金的名义金额。例如,企业在销售商品时可能向买方提供无息信贷,或从买方手中接受一张利率低于市场利率水平的应收票据作为价款。一旦上述安排实际上构成一项融资交易,该价款的公允价值应通过对所有的未来收入采用设定的贴现率进行贴现后来确定。该设定贴现率可以根据下列数额比较清楚地确定:
11 In most cases, the consideration is in the form of cash or cash equivalents and the amount of revenue is the amount of cash or cash equivalents received or receivable. However, when the inflow of cash or cash equivalents is deferred, the fair value of the consideration may be less than the nominal amount of cash received or receivable. For example, an entity may provide interest-free credit to the buyer or accept a note receivable bearing a below-market interest rate from the buyer as consideration for the sale of goods. When the arrangement effectively constitutes a financing transaction, the fair value of the consideration is determined by discounting all future receipts using an imputed rate of interest. The imputed rate of interest is the more clearly determinable of either: (1)具有类似信用等级的公司发行类似票据所采用的通行利率;或
(a) the prevailing rate for a similar instrument of an issuer with a similar credit rating; or
(b) a rate of interest that discounts the nominal amount of the instrument to the current cash sales price of the goods or services.
- exercise2
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