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Unit 1 How do you study for a test?





提示:1. 告诉他学好这一科并不难,但学习方法很重要。

2. 根据你自己的体会给他提几条建议。(不少于三条)

VI. In fact,English is not as difficult as you think . You may have

problems with the way you learn. Here are my ideas:

1. Try to get everything ready before class and try to practice speaking

English in class and out of class.

2. Listen carefully when you are in class. It can help you understand

the lesson better. Don’t forget to take notes if necessary.

3. Review the lesson after class. And try to do a bit more exercises if

you wish. Don’t worry too much about it. Keep trying and you will soon

learn it better.

Good luck!


Unit 2 I used to be afraid of dark.


在每个人的成长过程中,都或多或少有一些变化,请以How I’ve

Changed! 为题写一段话,介绍一下你的过去与现在的不同。(50~60


How I’ve Changed!

My life has changed a lot in the last few years. For example, I am fat

now, but I used to be thin, and I used to be afraid of speaking in front of a

group, but now I don’t mind it. I used to play football. Now, I like playing

basketball. I used to hate gym class. Now, it’s my favorite class.

Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes




提示:1. What should you do at school?

2. What should you do in pubic like at the bus stop,

restaurants, etc.?

As a student, it’s very important for us to know what to do and

what not to do.


…We should go to school on time. In class, we should listen to the

teacher carefully. Don’t copy others’ homework. We should take an active

part in sports and keep healthy. We should always help the people in

trouble. When waiting for a bus, we must stand in line and wait for our

turns. Don’t push others and jump the queue. On a bus, we should give

seats to older people or people with a child. We should not speak loudly

or spit in public. Don’t litter things about. It’s our duty to protect the

environment. If somebody does so, I’m sure he or she will be a polite


Unit 4 What would you do?






If I were a Parent

If I were a Parent

If I were a parent I would try to communicate with my child. I

wouldn’t say I was not like this or that at his age. I would allow him to

develop his hobbies, such as listening to pop music, watching action

movies, choosing his own clothes. If I were a parent, I would encourage

my child to have more fun after school. The most important thing is that I

would set a good example for him and win his respect.

Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.





园生活丰富了。请根据以下要点提示,以 Sports in Our School为题


要点提示:1. time for sports

2. kinds of sports

3. help with body and study


Sports in Our School

Sports in Our School

Sports in our school have changed a lot. Now we have more than

three P.E. classes a week, and we have at least one hour to exercise every


Students get so excited at these changes. More and more students

take an active part in the ball games, running, and jumping on the



Our school life is becoming more wonderful. Doing sports is a good

way to relax and keep fit. What’s more, a healthy body can help us study

better and live a happy life.

Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.




要求:1. 用2-3个定语从句;

2. 条理清楚,语句通顺,80词左右。

When I am stressed out, I always listen to music to relax myself. I

like music that is quiet and gentle, so my favorite music is country music

which is quiet great. It has great lyrics. My favorite singer is John Denver

who can sing the words clearly. He is well-known in the world now. You

can listen to his music at night with your bedroom light off. I like him

because his music reminds me of wonderful love.

Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?



VII. Last July my parents and I went on a holiday to Hangzhou. It was

very hot that time of year. There we visited the West Lake, Qiandao Lake,

and Lingyin Temple. They are all very beautiful. Sometimes in the

evening we went swimming in the hotel’s swimming pool. As everyone

knows, Hangzhou is famous for its tea and silk. We bought some green

tea and Longjing tea there. We also bought some clothes made of silk for

Mom. The food in Hangzhou is very nice as well. We love Dongpo pork

and other seafood. They are very delicious.

We enjoyed our trip. I was very excited and happy staying there. I

hope to visit it again some day. And I hope to go to university in

Hangzhou several years later.

Unit 8 I’ll clean up the city parks.




VI. I like helping people who need help. I enjoy singing very much. So, if

I have a chance be a to volunteer, I’d like to be a teacher to teach children

many songs that I like. I love children. Looking at their sweet smile is so

happy. And I think it’s also a great pleasure to make others happier. If I

am a volunteer, I will be a great one.

Unit 9 When was it invented?

. 书面表达





1. 以前西方人吃面包、肉和蔬菜;

2. 一位欧洲人在面包中加入肉和蔬菜;

3. 是一位来自德国汉堡的人把它带到了美国,故被称作“汉堡”;

4. 很受人们的喜爱,尤其是年轻人。



VI. There was no hamburger in the world before. Westerners ate bread,

meat and vegetables. One day a European put several pieces of meat and

some fresh vegetables between two pieces of bread. He ate it and it tasted

delicious. So a kind of food was invented in this way. Later a man from

the city of hamburger in Germany brought it to America. And soon it

became a kind of popular American food. Now many people, especially

young people , like hamburgers very much.

Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.



要求:1. 词数在80个左右。2. 把图中所示内容表达完整,用上

所有词语,条理清晰,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确。3. 短文第


提示:football match, excited, bed, until,twelve, too late for, get to

school, on time,

begin, lesson, get angry, feel guilty(惭愧), have a test, fail, English test

It was late last Monday, but Tom was still watching TV in his room.


VI. It was late last Monday, but Tom was still watching TV in his room.

There was a wonderful football match on TV. How excited he was! That

night he didn’t go to bed until twelve o’clock.

The next morning, it was a quarter to eight when he woke up. It was

too late for Tom to get to school on time.

When Tom reached school, it was eight. The teacher was already

beginning her lesson. When Tom came into the classroom, she got angry

and said, “What time is it now, Tom? ”Tom felt guilty and could say


In English class, he had a test. He couldn’t remember the lessons at

all, all he was thinking of was the football match. So, Tom failed his

English test.

Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?

二. 学习目标:



授Mr. Smith作题为《Task- based Learning》的英语讲座。你想邀请你




Dear Wang Qiang,

I have some good news to tell you. We will invite a professor named

Smith from Binhai University





I’ll be expecting you at 3:10 at our school gate. Don’t be late.



Li Gang

VII. Dear Wang Qiang, of the lecture is Task-based Learning. The lecture will be given at 3:30 on Friday afternoon. Now I’ll tell you how to get to our school by bus. You can take a No. 44 bus just on the left side of your home and get off at Ning Jing Road. When you get off, go across the street and take a No. 12 bus and then get off at the Terminus. Go forward and turn left at the first crossing to Peace Road. Go along the road and you will see a McDonald’s on your right and my school is just next to it.

Unit 12 You’re supposed to shake hands.





Dear Tony,

The custom in our country is very different from yours.


Zhang Ming

VI. You are supposed to get there on time or a few minutes earlier. You needn’t take any presents. If you really want, you can take something lovely, such as wine or some fruit.

When you begin to eat, you should wait until the host invites you to

do so. We like to eat together and dishes in the plate are shared by all. It’s not polite to cross your chopsticks on your bowl. Put them on the table. If you are full, you should say so and thank for the dinner.

Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.



现代化的世界里,广告无处不在。有人喜欢广告,有人讨厌。请你来当评论家,谈谈自己的看法,说说广告的优点与不足。 词数为80词左右。提示词:cheat 上当,受骗


. In the modern world, advertising is everywhere! Some people like ads and others hate ads. I think it offers some advantages and disadvantages.

Some ads are very useful. They can tell people how to compare two different products so that people can buy the better one. They can also help you save money.

However there are also some disadvantages. Some ads can be confusing or misleading. Sometimes the words sound good but don’t tell you anything real. So you have to be careful not to be cheated. We shouldn’t believe everything.

Unit 14 Have you packed yet?



提示:1. 好久没收到你的来信,我非常想念你。

2. 叙述自己最近的情况:结束了考试,现在在家休假,每天都很忙。特别是今天,有许多家务要去做,作业还没有完成,还要去浇花、购物。

3. 爸爸最近给我买了台电脑,晚上我要去上电脑课。现在我已学会给朋友发送电子邮件。


Dear Jim,

How’s everything? I haven’t heard from you for a long time. I missed you very much. I have finished my exams. I did very well in the exams. Now I’m spending my holiday at home.

I’m very busy every day, especially today. I have so many chores to do. I have to do my homework, of course. I started about an hour ago, but I haven’t finished. Then I have to water flowers and do some shopping.

My father has just bought a personal computer. In the evening I will have a computer class. Now I have learned to send e-mails to my friends. It’s very interesting.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


Li Ming

Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees!


请根据所给的英文提示,以“To Protect Tigers”为题目,写一篇短文。80词左右。

英文提示:save tigers, the population of tigers, four hundred tigers, make money, cut down the trees, destroy, take steps, pass laws, protect, make a pleasant home

To Protect Tigers

I think it is important to protect tigers. I’ve just read an article in a newspaper about saving tigers. It says that the population of tigers is getting smaller and smaller. There are about four hundred tigers now. I think there are two main reasons for this. One is that some people kill tigers for making money. For example, last Tuesday I saw a few people selling skins of tigers by the road side. It’s terrible. The other reason is that too many trees have been cut down, which has destroyed the places where tigers used to live. Tigers are dying out. I hope that the government takes steps to pass laws to protect tigers and punish the tiger hunters. We should work together to make a pleasant home for both human beings and animals.

