
更新时间:2023-04-12 19:39:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



考试时间: 100分钟试卷满分:120分





1. His △doesn’t sound so helpful that all the people here are against it.

A. attention

B. competition

C. protection

D. suggestion

2. Jane feels △today because she didn’t do well in the math test.

A. proud

B. sleepy

C. down

D. happy

3. This article only △the writer’s own thoughts on the matter, so what he said may not be true.

A. reflected

B. reminded

C. predicted

D. influenced

4. — I’m so sorry that I didn’t do a good job.

— Never mind. △, you’ve tried your best.

A. At first

B. For example

C. After all

D. In total

5. △doubt, he is the best at physics in our class.

A. With

B. Without

C. For

D. Against

6. Not only you but also Tom △given away money to the poor children.

A. have

B. has

C. are

D. is

7. The first basketball game △on December 21, 1891.

A. takes place

B. took place

C. is taken place

D. was taken place

8. My mom is so busy that he hasn’t spoken to △all day.

A. somebody

B. nobody

C. anybody

D. everything

9. — I’ve taken a blue jacket by mistake.

— I’m sure it △be Jack’s. He always wears blue.

A. may

B. can

C. must

D. need

10. △of my parents had time, so I cooked dinner by myself.

A. Either

B. Both

C. None

D. Neither

11. The village is △from the world by high mountains.

A. put off

B. got off

C. shut off

D. cleaned off

12.I disagree with Nancy this time, △she often has the right answers.

A. since

B. although

C. because

D. until

13. — How was your last vacation?

—△. It rained heavily day and night. We had to stay in the hotel.

A. Pretty good

B. Great

C. Not bad

D. Terrible

14. — I wonder △this book.

— I think it’s educational.

A. how you like

B. where you can read

C. why you dislike

D. when you’ll read

15. — Would you like some coffee, Gina?

—△ . I prefer to drink tea.

A. I’d love to

B. Yes, please

C. No, thanks

D. Of course

Ⅱ. 补全对话(共5分,每空1分)


(John is a boy from the USA. Now he is having dinner at Lin Hai’s house.)

A: My mom always tells me not to drink soup from the bowl. 16

B: Oh really? In China, we can drink soup from the bowl.

A: 17

B: No, we can’t. 18

A: In my country, we can leave some food on our plates or in our bowls to show we are full. 19 B: We must finish all our food on our plate to show the food is delicious.

A: Tha t’s interesting. 20

B: That’s right.

Ⅲ. 完形填空(共10分,每空1分)


Kobe Bryant is a big name in the history of basketball. The Los Angeles

Lakes star’s 21 on the basketball floor are amazing. He helped his

team win five NBA championships (锦标赛) and he was an 18-time All-Star.

Though he retired (退休) in 2016, this great man seemed to waste

22 time finding more successes. Now he has added another

achievement to his 23 resume (简历): Oscar winner!

Bryant 24 an Oscar for “Dear Basketball”and the six-minute-long film won “Best Animated Short Film”at the 90th Academy Awards. Bryant shared the award 25 Disney animator (参数动画师) Glen Keane who helped direct the film.

The short film is about a poem Bryant 26 in 2015. It describes his love for the basketball game, which began 27 he was a young child and continued to an all-time professional career (职业生涯). Bryant describes how he and basketball have given each other all they have.

28 this win, Bryant said jokingly that it was beyond (超过) his imagination.

In a speech, Keane thanked Bryant for writing the poem and said, “It’s a 29 for all of us. Y ou can make it come true through passion and perseverance (热情和坚持不懈) 30 your dream is.”

Kobe Bryant is a basketball hero that many young people look up to.

21. A. encouragements B. movements C. achievements D. agreements

22. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little

23. A. unlucky B. unhappy C. unimportant D. unusual

24. A. took up B. picked up C. cut up D. gave up

25. A. for B. of C. by D. with

26. A. read B. copied C. wrote D. heard

27. A. when B. which C. until D. unless

28. A. Instead of B. As for C.According to D. Thanks to

29. A. information B. message C.advice D. idea

30. A. whatever B.whoever C. however D. whenever

Ⅳ. 阅读理解(共20分,每小题1分)


Passage 1

A Chinese man brought his favorite dishes reganmian—hot

dry noodles,and hot pot to Rovaniemi, Finland. He became the

first Chinese to open a restaurant in the Arctic Circle (北极圈).

Hu Liang, from Central China's Hubei province, moved to

Finland at 21. For the last twelve years, he has seen more and

more Chinese tourists visiting the country to enjoy the winter


“Chinese people are becoming richer and more international. What has not changed is their

▲. So I made the decision to open the restaurant,” said Hu.

Hu's restaurant serves reganmian, a traditional Wuhan noodle dish as well as Chinese hot pot. He orders food materials from China and offers e-payment popular among Chinese people.

At a price of 15 euro ($18.45), a bowl of reganmian is not

only great comfort for Chinese tourists who have traveled from

thousands of miles away, but also an attraction to local Finns.

In Rovaniemi, with a population of around 60,000, Hu

receives more than 300 guests every day in the busiest season to

offer people a “hot” experience in the cold, snowy country.

Married to a Finnish woman and father to one child, Hu has got used to the local lifestyle with lots of skiing and ice fishing trips.

He said he would bring his child to Wuhan, and try to switch (转换) between the two cities every half year.

31. Hu Liang moved to Finland △.

A. 12 years ago

B. with his family

C. at the age of 12

D. to be a cook

32. Which of the following words can be put in ▲?

A. Color.

B. Opinions.

C. Language

D. Stomachs

33. Hu Liang △in the busiest season.

A. offers his customers e-payment

B. makes use of local food materials

C. serves both Chinese and Finnish dishes

D. receives thousands of guests every month

34. What does the underlined word “attraction” mean in Chinese?

A. 力量


C. 习俗

D. 规矩

35. Which of the following is TRUE about Hu Liang?

A. He built a family in Finland.

B. He will move back to Wuhan.

C. He thinks it is too cold in Finland.

D. He offers his guests ice fishing trips.

Passage 2

Did you watch The First Lesson on September 1? The popular CCTV show invites celebrities (名人) to teach kids lessons at the beginning of each new school year. But this year’s show started with 13 minutes of advertising (广告), causing a hot discussion among students and parents.

But this probably won’t happen again. A draft regulation (规定草案) for TV and other media programs for children has been worked out by the National Radio and Television Administration. It is hoped that it will help children develop in a healthy way. The public is asked for their opinions on it.

The regulation says children’s programming should not have too many ads. It says there should be less than 12 minutes of advertising every hour.

There are also rules in the draft that have to do with programming content (内容). For

example, the advertising for video games is not allowed. In ads for children under 14, the content should not be written in a way that “asks” parents to buy certain products.

This regulation was introduced because children can’t tell right from wrong. They may blindly imitate (模仿) what they see in programs.

The regulation also protects child actors and actresses. According to the draft, children under 10 cannot be advertising spokespeople.

Besides, the children of celebrities should not be hyped (炒作). Some of these children have been cyberbullied (网络欺凌) by Internet users, which has got in the way of their healthy development.

36. The First Lesson this year caused a hot discussion because △.

A. it was popular with children

B. it started with 13 minutes of advertising

C. children could learn nothing from it

D. didn’t invite any celebrities to teach kids lessons

37. According to the draft regulation, △.

A. TV programs can’t start with advertisements

B. there should be no advertising in children’s programs

C. advertising for video games should be less than 12 minutes.

D. advertising spokespeople need to be over 10 years old

38. The regulation try to protect △.

A. TV programs

B. children

C. actors and actresses

D. new celebrities

39. What do we know from the passage?

A. The public can offer their suggestions about the regulation.

B. Children under 14 can’t buy certain products anymore.

C. Children of celebrities have always been treated badly online.

D. TV programs for children are not safe or healthy.

40. What’s the best title?

A. The First Lesson

B. The children of celebrities

C. Few ads for children

D. 13 minutes of advertising

41. △can speak three languages.

A. Dan

B. Peter

C. Mark

D. Helen

42. The writer knew India was Helen’s favorite country on △.

A. Tuesday

B. Wednesday

C. Thursday

D. Friday

43. What did the writer do on June 14th?

A. He had lunch with Helen in the café.

B. He had a great time at a bar after work.

C. He did a TV interview with a man and Polly

D. He ate a very good meal at an Indian restaurant.

44. Which of the following about Peter is TRUE?

A. He doesn’t work hard.

B. He had fun on Friday evening.

C. He didn’t have lunch on Thursday.

D. He can speak English, French and Chinese.

45. We can infer (推断) that the writer may work for a(n) △.

A. café

B. TV station

C. bar

D. Indian restaurant

Passage 4

Don’t you just hate it when you have to take an important phone

call but there are many strangers around you? You either have to

speak in a low voice or go outside to keep the conversation private.

But that seems not very perfect. Now thanks to a magic invention

called Hushme, you can easily solve this problem!

Hushme is a high-tech voice mask (面具). It covers up the sound of your voice so that people nearby can’t hear what you are saying. How does it work? It connects to your phone through Bluetooth and comes with a pair of earbuds (耳塞式耳机). When you get a private call, all you have to do is to put the mask on and it will do the rest. A pair of thick pads (护具) over your mouth does a good job of covering up your voice, and it can make sure that nothing will get through. Another advantage of Hushme is that, it has special speakers. When you speak, it can play many kinds of background sounds—the sound of wind, rain, birds and …

It’s an interesting idea but how many people would really want to use it? The company (公司) that created Hushm believes that there might be a market for it and it plans to start production in the near future.

46. People usually △when they take an important phone call with many strangers around.

A. speak in a high voice

B. go outside

C. stay in the same place

D. sit down

47. Hushme is mainly used for △.

A. improving your voice

B. connecting to the Internet

C. hearing other s’ conversations

D. covering up the sound of your voice

48. Hushme connects to your phone through △.

A. bluetooth

B. wifi

C. the Internet

D. electricity

49. What does the underlined word “advantage” mean?

A. 缺点

B. 质量

C. 优点

D. 标准

50. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. A voice mask

B. A pair of earbuds

C. Private conversations

D. A pair of pads


Ⅴ. 补全对话(共5分,每空1分)


A: Hi, Frank! 51 ?

B: Yes, it does, Mom. It has a lot of rules.

A: 52 ?

B: Well, we aren’t allowed to talk loudly. We aren’t supposed to eat or drink there. We can’t talk on the phone …

A: Oh, I see. Can you take any books or magazines out of the library?

B: No. We must read them there. Besides, we must keep the books and magazines clean.

A: By the way, 53 ?

B: Y es, we can. We’re allowed to use them to look for information on the Internet, but we can’t play computer games.

A: 54 ?

B: I think they are too strict.

A: 55 . To make the library a good place for you students, you must keep the rules.

B: Mom, you seem to have a point.

Ⅵ. 句子翻译(共15分)

(A) 根据所给中文完成句子翻译。(共11分。局部翻译每小题1分;整句翻译每小题2分)

56. 彼得一进教室就脱下了外衣。

Peter △his coat as soon as he entered the classroom.

57. 这些男孩可以被分成两组。

These boys can △two groups.

58. 王阿姨总是使我们感到宾至如归。

Aunt Wang always △.

59. 青少年不够大不能开车。

Teenagers △drive.

60. 这辆车一年前不属于我哥哥。

This car △my brother a year ago.

61. 现在,她不习惯早餐吃面包。

△ .

62. 我能借一下你昨天买的字典吗?

△ ?

63. 只要你坚持梦想,没有什么能阻止你实现它。

△ .

(B)阅读下面的短文,将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文。(共4分,每小题2分)We all have many different passwords (密码) for the apps and websites we use, such as QQ and WeChat. But sometimes, our accounts (账号) may be stolen. 64. Because of this, it’s important to change our passwords from time to time.

65. However, it’s difficult to remember the passwords that we don’t often use. In this case, writing down our passwords in a notebook might be a helpful choice. More than one-third of people in the US use this method to keep their passwords safe.



for everyone. But when Bessie moved to Chicago 66 a young woman,

her brothers told her exciting stories about the places and pilots they saw in

Europe during World War I. The airplane was a new and very dangerous 67 ,

but Bessie was very brave. She decided to become a pilot. At that time,

however, USA flight schools did not accept women or people of color. Even

though Bessie tried many schools, 68 of them would give her a chance.

Instead of 69 up her dream, Bessie found another way. After teaching 70 French, she was 71 by a famous flight school in France. In 1921, she became the first African American woman to get her pilot’s license—two years before famous pilot Amelia Earhart.

Back home in the USA, Bessie became a stunt pilot (特技飞行员) and performed at air shows across the country. People called her “Queen Bess”.

Bessie enjoyed the 72 of performing, but her bigger dream was to teach the next generation (代) of pilots. When she wasn’t performing, Bessie traveled to schools and theaters to teach people about flying. Sadly, Bessie died in a plane accident in 1926 before she was able to achieve the 73 dream in her life: opening a flight school. Three years 74 her death, William J. Powell opened a flight school in Los Angeles and named it in Bessie’s honor. Since then, Bessie has inspired (鼓舞) lots of people 75 go after hard–to-achieve dreams. She is regarded as a pioneer woman pilot.

Ⅷ. 任务型阅读(共20分,每小题2分)


Passage 5阅读下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题。

On June 12th our school held a competition for school bands. Student bands tried out for the chance to perform at the school art festival, which will be held at the end of July. The winner of the competition was the band called Four Sisters.

“We are very proud that we won the competition and are excited to perform at the art festival,” says Emily Brown, who plays the guitar in the band. “And since we hope to perform some day at other local places, like restaurants and parks, this will be a great first step.”

The competition was the creation of music teacher Mr. Miller and art teacher Ms. King. They thought of the idea while discussing recent years’ school art festivals.

“The art festival is one of the biggest events of the year, but it has become a bit boring,”says Ms. King. “The activities are the same every year. We thought that a performance by a student band would make the school art festival more interesting and fun.”

Mr. Miller, Ms. King and two other teachers judged (评判) the competition. Eight student bands attended the audition (试音). There were several rock bands, a folk band, and even a jazz band.

Students and teachers agreed that the competition was a big success. All are looking forward to the school art festival in July.

76. When will the art festival be held?

77. Who plays the guitar in the band, Four Sisters?

78. Whose idea was it to have the competition?

79. How many student bands attended the audition?

80. What did the students and teachers think of the competition?

Passage 6阅读下面短文,完成表格。

China has changed a lot in the years since I first moved here. One

main development has been the use of cashless payment (无现金支付),

which has changed the way we live and shop.

China is hardly the first country to have cashless payment. I used

a debit card (借记卡) to pay for things without cash for years in the US. But now I can use my phone instead. It’s quite easy and convenient.

One of the things I like most is that I can send and receive money directly among my friends. It makes it so much easier to split the bill (分担费用) when we eat out together. And it makes it simple to give money away as well. For example, I often give away money to Animal Helpers.

But like all technology, cashless payment has some problems as well. What happens if your phone gets lost or stolen? There are also times when your phone’s mobile Internet connection, or the store’s Internet connection, might not work.

Not long ago, I went to a nearby convenience store to buy some snacks. But when I got there, I found that the store’s cashless payments didn’t work and they could only accept cash (现金). I didn’t have any cash with me, so I had to give up and leave without any snacks.

So even though cashless payments are convenient, you should always carry a bit of cash in order to avoid any possible inconvenience.

Ⅸ. 书面表达(共20分)

86. 根据要求完成小作文,词数:30词左右。(共5分)


My New Year’s Resolutions

Hello! My name is Nancy. Next year, ________________△________________________ __________________________________△________________________________________

I hope I can keep them.

2. 文中不得透露任何个人和学校的真实信息。

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Andy,

How is it going? We have classes about traditional Chinese culture this term. I know you’re interested. Let me tell you something about them.

_________________________________△_________________________________________ Do you like these classes? I’m looking forward to your e-mail.


Li Ming



1-5 DCACB 6-10 BBCCD 11-15 CBDAC


16-20 BADEG


21-25 CDDBD 26-30 CABBA


31-35 ADDBA 36-40 BDBAC 41-45 CADCB 46-50 BDACA


51.Does your (school) library have any rules

52.What are they

53.Can you use the computers there/in the library

54.What do you think of /How do you like the rules

55.I don’t agree/disagree (with you)

VI.句子翻译(共15分):56-60 每小题1分;61-65每小题2分

56. took off

57. be pided into

58. makes us feel at home

59. aren’t old enough to

60. didn’t belong to

61. She isn’t used to eating/having bread for breakfast now.

62. Can/Could I borrow the dictionary (that/which) you bought yesterday?

63. As long as you stick to your dream, nothing can prevent/stop you (from)

achieving it/making it come true.

64. 由于/因为我们的账户可能被偷窃,所以时常/有时改变我们的密码是重要的。

65. 然而,记住我们不经常使用的密码是困难的。


66. as 67. invention 68. none 69. giving

70. herself

71. accepted 72. excitement 73. greatest 74. after 75. who


76. At the end of July./In July.

77. Emily (Brown).

78. Mr. Miller and Ms. King’s.

79. Eight.

80. Successful./ It was successful/ a big success.

81. Cashless payment(s)

82. to give money away/to give away money

83. Problems/Inconvenience

84. works

85. so that

IX. 书面表达(共20分)


My New Year’s Resolutions

Hello! My name is Nancy. Next year, I’m going to study hard to get good grades. Besides, I’m going to run every day to keep healthy. As for hobbies. I want to learn to play the piano.

I hope I can keep them.

87. 大作文

poetry classes, tea culture classes and Chinese kung fu classes. In ancient Chinese poetry classes, we learn more about famous poets and their poems. We can enjoy the beauty of them and understand the true meanings of them. In tea culture classes, the teachers tell us the history of tea and show us how to make tea. In Chinese kung fu classes, we are taught how to do it. It’s very interesting and good for your health. All of us like it very much. By having these classes, we not only learn a lot but also have fun. I think it’s necessary to learn something about traditional Chinese culture.

Do you like these classes? I’m looking forward to your e-mail.


Li Ming















