北京市第四中学高中英语语法学案 it Word版缺答案正式版

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——it 用法

? 作代词

1、代替指示代词this,that。 --- What’s this?--- It’s a pen.

--- Whose hat is that? --- It’s Mary’s

2、表示时间、日期、季节、天气、光线明暗、温度、距离、环境等。 1. What time is it? – It’s five o’clock. 2. It rains a lot in summer.

3. It was snowing when the accident happened.

4. It’s two hours’ drive to the beach from my home.

3、指代身份不明的人或物;指代有生命但不能或不必区分 性别的人或动物。

1. --- Who’s that? --- It’s me. Open the door, please. 2. There was a knock at the door. “Who is it?” Mrs. Smith asked. 3. She has a baby, and she loves it. 4. The robber tried to run away from the police, but it is impossible. ? 作引导词

1、形式主语,代替由不定式,动名词或从句表示的真正主语。 1) 代替由不定式表示的真正主语

使用It is + adj. / n. +for/of sb. to do sth.,翻译句子: 在公共场所大声讲话是不礼貌的。

It is important (necessary, possible, impossible, easy, hard, difficult…) for sb. to do sth.

It is nice (cruel, kind, rude, wise, stupid, clever, foolish, polite…) of sb. to do sth.

2)可代替动名词表示的真正主语。 It’s no use crying over spilt milk.

It’s no good taking in much fat and sugar.

It’s no fun watching the same movie for a second time. 3)代替主语从句

It’s a pity that I didn’t think of it earlier.

It is a well-known fact that smoking can cause cancer. It is well known to all that the earth is round. ? 注意以下各种固定句型:

It seems (ed) / appears (ed) seemed that ... It (so) happened that ... It turns (ed) out that... It occurred to sb. that ...

It is said / reported / believed / hoped / well known / suggested ... that...

? 作形式宾语

1)代替不定式作为形式宾语。 主语 + v. + it+ 宾补 + to do sth. 常用动词:

feel, think, consider, regard, suppose, find, believe, count, declare, guess, imagine, take…for granted等。

1. We consider it our duty to support good leaders.

2. I think it best to get along well with people around you.

3. The new method makes it possible to complete the task faster. 2)代替动名词或动名词短语成为句子的形式宾语。

1. I do not consider it worthwhile spending too much time on telephone conversation.

2. She found it troublesome having to go through all the pages of the thick book.


1. Didn’t I make it clear to you that I was not coming? 2. Joan had often heard it said that Marley had no money.

? 构成强调句

It is / was + 被强调部分(主语,宾语,状语)+ that (who / whom) + 句子的其余部分。 使用强调句式,根据提示完成下面的句子: 1. (在2003年)I graduated from the university.

2. (在天黑前)he realized it was too late to return home. 3. (在那个村庄)we used to live in that the accident happened? 4. (在哪)the road accident happened yesterday?

5. It is how you behave in difficulties that show what you are really like. ? It, one, that的区别 ? one 作代词

1.替代由可数名词所表示的一类人或事,即泛指中的强调。 1) I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have one. 2) ---Who can lend me a Chinese-English dictionary? ---I have one.

2.替代特指的同一类人或事物的可数名词时,前面必须加上限定词 (如a, the, this, that等)、物主代词或形容词加以修饰. 1) If you don’t like this blue coat, you can buy a black one.

2) I don’t want the book on the shelf, I want this one on the desk. 3. one的复数形式ones作替代词时,只可替代同一类人或事物的复数名词,前面必须有限定词。


1) Mr. Zhang gave the textbooks to the pupils . (除了那些已经有了书的)

2) I don’t want to buy these small pears; .(我想要一些大点的)

3) She wants to buy some new clothes and . (扔掉了一.些旧的)

? that作代词

1、 替代前面提到的事物,可数/不可数皆可。

代替可数名词可以用the one替换.

1) The population of China is larger than that of Japan.

2) The head teacher in your class is younger and more active than that in theirs.

2、that在并列分句中,可以替代前面某一个名词或整个句子内容, 可用it替换.

1)She heard a terrible noise, and that brought herheart into her mouth. 2) They said they had discussed the problem, and that was impossible. 3.that在定语从句中,可作关系代词,代替某个先行词(人或物)。 1) The lady that came to our class is from Australia. 2) A clock is a machine that tells people the time.

4.that的复数形式为those,只可替代可数名词复数,在句中 相当于the ones。

1)The nights there in summer are shorter than those in winter. 2)The students who do best in the exam are notalways those with the best brains.

另:注意下列句型用there, 不用it

1.There is evidence that… 显然…… 2. There is no point doing sth.

3. There is no sense doing sth. 4. There is something wrong with…

5. There is no doubt that… 毋庸置疑

6. There is no need for doing sth. /to do sth.

7. There is no denying… 无可否认…… 8. There is no hurry about… 无需慌张……

9. There is no difficulty in doing sth. ……方面没困难。 10. There is no lack of … 有很多的,不缺乏的

11. There is no possibility/probability that /of… 没可能 12. There is no room for… 没有……的余地 13. There is no sense in … ……是无意义的 14. There is no sign of … 没有……迹象 15. There is no saying that………难以断言

16. There is a slim hope of … 有……微小的希望

17. There is some difficulty in doing sth. 做某事有困难 18. There is some trouble in doing sth. 做某事有麻烦 19. There appears to be… 似乎有…… 20. There seems to be… 好像有……

21. There used to be… (过去)常常有;原来这儿有


