2013 TEM-4 写作考试作文 - 图文

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TEM-4 Writing

2012 Part One TEM-4 写作考试作文概述

一. TEM-4写作考试形式和要求 测试形式 测试体裁 测试要求 根据所给的作文题目,提纲或图表数据等,在35分内,写一篇200个单词左右的作文。要求:切题,完整,条理清楚,结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺,表达得体。 根据所给提示,在10分内写一篇50-60个单词的便条,通知,请贴等。要求:格式正确,语言得体。 作文(Composition) 议论文 说明文 记叙文 描写文 (分值:15分) 便条(Note) (分值:10分) 简单的应用文 二. 历年作文真题题目

1.十七年来命题作文的命题方式 年份 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 主题或题目 大学生打工利和弊 大学生活与中学生活的不同 专业学习压力利或弊 一种解决城市空气污染的办法 电视广告的利或弊 课外活动的重要性 旅游开阔人的视野 保持健康的最好方法 保持好心情的重要性 电话是否会代替书信 为艺术节提建议 花明天的钱还是存钱 网上交友是否明智 做志愿者的好处 旅游业是否影响环境 大学生是否应该雇佣清洁工 私家车主是否应该上环境污染税 端午节 题材 学生业余生活 学生生活 学生生活 环境 社会现象 学生生活 大众生活 大众生活 大众生活 社会现象 社会文化生活 社会现象 学生生活 大众生活 大众生活 学生生活 社会现象 社会文化生活 体裁 议论文 说明文 议论文 说明文 议论文 说明文 说明文 说明文 说明文 议论文 说明文 议论文 议论文 说明文 议论文 议论文 议论文 描写文 题型 利弊比较 对比说明 观点议论 提出建议 利弊讨论 观点说明 观点说明 提出建议 观点说明 观点讨论 提出建议 利弊讨论 观点说明 观点说明 观点说明 观点说明 观点讨论 描写

TEM-4 写作的题型 A. 比较选择类作文

B. 意义,重要性,危害性说明文作文 C. 观点论证类作文

D. 提出建议,解决问题类作文 E. 现象解释类

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2. 十七年来便条写作的命题方式 年份 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 主题或题目 自行车出售 祝贺同学演讲获奖 为没邀请人而道歉 入场券转让 安慰病人 留言劝说应聘 爽约道歉 询问所转让的随身听的情况 婉拒晚会邀请 对同学考试失利安慰 邀请参加音乐会 询问周末短途旅行 婉拒参加游泳队 推荐英语报纸 推荐假期兼职 邀请好友去家乡 感谢好友帮助 体裁 告示 祝贺 道歉 留言 安慰 劝说 道歉 留言 婉拒 安慰 邀请 留言 婉拒 推荐 推荐 邀请 感谢 题材 学生日常生活中发生的事情 从以上列表分析,我们看出TEM-4 便条写作有如下命题特点:


2)TEM-4 写作的体裁—告示,祝贺,道歉,请求,婉拒,安慰,留言,邀请等简单的应用文。 三. 评分档次

1. 命题作文采取的是整体评分法,即按照考生在四个评分方面的表现,把作文归入正确的

档位,然后再按整体印象适度微调。评分档次共有5个(见下表) 档次 15分 14-12 11-9 8-6 5-3 切题(不跑题) 切题 切题 基本切题 基本切题 不切题 思想表达 清楚 清楚 较清楚 不够清楚 条例不清 思想紊乱 连贯性与衔接 连贯性好 连贯性好 比较连贯 连贯性差 语言支离破碎 文字通顺,语法 基本无语言错误 少量语言错误 语言错误较多 一些较严重 较严重的语言错误 大部分句子有错误,且多为严重错误 评分对字数也有要求:累计字数在150-170之间,扣1分;累计字数在130-150之间,扣2分;累计字数在110-130之间,扣3分;累计字数在90-110之间,扣4分;累计字数在90以下,至多给5分。 2. 便条评分标准 1) 格式

a. 日期(1 分)

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正确写法:April 24, 2005 或 Apr.24 或24 April 正确位置:右上角 b. 称呼 (1 分)

正确写法:Dear Mike,

正确位置:日期下面一行左侧 c. 结尾 (1 分)

正确写法:Yours sincerely, 或 Yours, 或 Sincerely yours,

注:1. 凡不符合上述正确格式或表达均要扣分。错一部分扣0.5分。错两部分以上扣一


2. 人名XXX或汉字扣0.5分。 2)内容与语言 a. 情况描述

b.邀请,道歉等的表达 c. 首句需用自己的语言表达

d. 语言表达较差(包括语法和拼写错误),扣0.5到1.5分;拼写错误超过三个扣1分。 3)字数要求:不到40或超过80扣1分,


Part Two TEM-4 写作考试技巧

一.培养英语写作思维方式 A. 语篇结构

由于中英文化的差异,英汉两种写作思维方式也存在着巨大的差异。英语表达时先说重要,需强调的,然后再解释说明或补上附加条件。所以往往是先提出要求后解释,先说结果后叙述原因或先下结论再说明。如:Solitude produces an exhilaration of consciousness, the consciousness of our innermost being, whatever may be. (斜体部分解释说明consciousness)。

与此相反,讲究名正严顺的中国人写文章时则一般先说明原因后叙述结果,先做说明再做结论。如我们喜用 “虽然?但是”,“因为?所以”, “不但?而且”等句式,都是重点在后。

1. 常见的英语思维模式

(1)概括 – 具体型 (general-specific pattern) a. 概括-列举式(generalization – example)

It is interesting to note that iconic models only represent certain features

of that portion of the real world which they simulate. For example, a map will only contain those features which are of interest to the person using the map. Similarly, architect’s models will be limited to conclude only those features which are of interest to the person considering employing the architect. b. 整体-细节式(preview –detail)

It is no surprise that London is the most expensive city to stay in Britain;

we have all heard the horror stories. According to international hotel consultants Harwath’s record report, there are five London hotels charging over 90 a night for a single room. But even if your hotel choice is a little modest, you will be working out nearly twice as much for a night’s stay in London as elsewhere in Britain. Average room rates last year worked out at around 19 in the province compared to 35 in London.

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(2) 对照-匹配型 (matching pattern) a. subject to subject b. point to point

(3) 问题-解决型 (problem-solution pattern) 常见作文有:How to Complain, How to Prepare for Final Examinations, How to Solve

the Problem of ..

2. 常见的汉语思维方式 螺旋型,即中国人的思维方式是理性与感性联系在一起的,模糊的,属于综合型形象思维。 根据论点在文章中的不同位置,中文语篇思维模式大体上可以归纳为以下几种:

a. 文首型。论文在文首提出,可以使读者马上了解作者的看法和观点,抓住全文的要领。 b. 文中型。论点在文章中部出现,一般先从某个问题,现象下笔,经过论证得出结论,


c. 文尾型。论点在文章的结尾处才明确地写出,可以使读者感到经过一系列的论述和证


d. 隐含型。这种思维模式的语篇根本就没有明确提出观点。这得靠理解上下文的意思甚



Should Students Do Business or Not

In recent years, doing business is very popular on the campus. More and more college students spend more and more time doing business. This phenomenon causes a lot of hot argument. Is it right or not? In my opinion, we can’t say it is right or not directly because the reason is complex.

On the one hand, many students do business in order to reduce the burden of their family because their family has not enough money to support them. So their doing business is reasonable. We can’t say it is not right. As to those students whose families are not very poor, some of them doing business just want to practice in the society and gain some experience. Earning money is not their main purpose. We can’t say it is not right either.

But on the other hand, doing business is wrong. Students should not do that because their task is learning knowledge. Doing business must take some time, and time is very precious in the college. So doing business is wasting time. The more business students do, the less knowledge they learn. Which is more important? of course, the knowledge. Some students will ignore their study with the more and more they earn. They will be controlled by the money; their souls will be twisted by the money.

In a word, whether students do business or not is decided by the purpose they hold. They have different reasons, so we should look at the question more objectively.

再比较一下著名作家丁玲在《青年恋爱问题》中的节选: 恋爱妨不妨碍学习?有些人不敢谈恋爱,怕妨碍了学习。 我对这个问题的看法是即妨碍又不妨碍。既要谈恋爱就一定要谈。找你的对象去见见面谈谈话,必然要占去一部分时间??学习时间因此减少一些??说恋爱完完全全一点也不妨碍学习是假,但我所说的恋爱不妨碍学习时怎样解释呢?事情处理得好,可以减少妨碍,而且还可以利用其他的方法补救。如果一个人把恋爱处理得很好,很顺利??所以主要的还- 4 -

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不是妨碍不妨碍的问题,而是看自己如何处理的问题?? 学生习作的展发思维模式及语气与丁玲的文章在以下几个方面完全相同: (1) 着手问题的方式相同。 (2) 讨论的问题方式相同。 (3) 论点提出的位置相同。

一位美国教授对这篇习作的评价是: (1) 文章回避作文所提出的问题:“should or should not?”没有直接表明这两种观


(2) 从结构上来看,该习作没有将主题句置于引言段,违背了写作展发原则,不符合

英语语篇思维模式(general - specific),相反却是中文语篇思维模式。

B. 段落结构

1.英式严密的逻辑关系,表现在句与句之间的衔接紧密,文章恰当使用过渡词,从而使文章读起来流畅通顺。 2.中国学生在句与句之间,段与段之间缺少连贯与衔接,信息的表达也经常是跳跃式的,没有严密的逻辑关系。 C.词汇

(1)一些带文化内涵的词汇不容忽视和乱用,e.g. dragon (2)词汇的记忆和使用要与语境结合e.g.汉语说“救火”,英语认为这样说是不可思议

的,英语应当是“灭火”,“与火斗”,因此是“fight fires”; 同样,“黄色”在汉语中可以指“淫秽”,故有“黄色书刊”,“黄色录像”的说法。而在英语中,“yellow”则无这样的伴随意义。 英文中“blue”倒是伴有这样的文化内涵。


二.掌握TEM-4 文章的写作顺序

第一步:审题,确定立场,列出理由 (3-5 分钟)

1.明确文章的主题和写作目的,确定文章的内容和写作范围 2.只需要在草稿纸上用英文单词或汉语列出各个理由,防止遗忘(可采用主题式提纲)。 注意事项:

1.确定采用的文体:记叙文,描写文,说明文还是议论文 2.避免两个极端:第一个是用时太少。第二是用时太多。 第二步:正文写作 (22-27分钟)

1.段落的写作应给以不同的重视:主题句的写作应给予最大的重视,要注意炼句。 2.考前将文章开头,像例证,让步等句型背熟练,并在练习和模拟时把他们背熟。不要

试图在考场上再去决定哪种开头好,怎样结尾。要使用自己选中的套路。 3.被告知还有5分钟结束时,一般应写到最后一条理由,或者已经做结尾了。 4.要确定文章有结尾段,不排除将它和最后一条理由的末段结合在一起的可能性。 第三步:检查 (1-3 分钟) 检查包括四个方面:


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My belief that internet is a better way to get information than printed books is based on the following two reasons. The first reason is that internet can provide us with information more conveniently. Just getting on the line, finding the right website and typing in the key words we want to search for, in several seconds, we can get thousands of pieces of relevant information. Sometimes, we can even get the exact message we want. But by reading books, we have to spend much time finding the right books, the right chapters, and then the right pages. The second reason for my preference for internet is that it can transmit the newest information much faster than printed materials. Internet can tell us what is happening throughout the world in a few minutes. But if you want to get the same information in printed materials like newspapers or magazines, you have to wait until they are published.

According to the above mentioned reasons, we can easily draw the conclusion that compared with the printed materials; internet is for sure superior in conveying information.

② Directions: When we decide to attend college, some people think school brand is the most important factor to be taken into consideration, but others hold that major is more important. Which weighs more, do you think, a school brand or a major?

Major is More Important than School Brand in College Choice

After years of preparation for high education, it is time for high school students to decide which school to enroll. Among various factors, school brand and major become the most important factors to be taken into consideration. Between them I hold major as more important than school brand.

My preference for a good major rather than school brand lies in the following reasons. The first one is that an ideal major can motivate me to make greater efforts in academic study. As a popular saying goes, interest is the best teacher. With a major of great interest, I will exert more efforts on it and more inspiration will come out. But in a famous school with no ideal major, though there are learned supervisors, and excellent teaching facilities, I will feel dull with no academic interest. The second reason is that a good major means a good occupation in the future. The reputation of a famous college is very important in job hunting. But what employers need are facilities who do special jobs. So they pay more attention to the employees’ quality and ability in specialties.

From what we have discussed above, we can safely get the conclusion that major outweighs school brand in our decision of college entrance.


1)结构模板 第一段, 引言段,用现象或事实引出要比较的A和B(1句),并说明A和B有 有 利有弊(1句),表明倾向A/B。 段, 第二段,赞成或反对人的理由总概(1句),并用拓展句加以说明(2-3句);赞成 B的人的理由概括(1句),并用拓展句加以说明(2-3句)。 段, 第三段, A和B都有弊端(1句)。 A的主要弊端(1-2句),B也有问题,列举(1-2句) 段, 结论段 - 11 -

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2) 可变通的语言模板 As to the question: where should we A or B, different people have different opinions. Actually, both A and B have their own advantages and disadvantages. As far as I am concerned, I hate/like A/b. Many people appreciate the convenience (or the bright future A may bring about) of A. 用拓展句加以说明(2-3句)。 But B is also attractive. 用拓展句加以说明(2-3句)。 Both A and B, however, have their own disadvantages. A的主要弊端。 And B also has many problems, such as ____. In a word, if I am given the chance, I would prefer A/B to B/A. 3)典型题眼

① Where to live: in the City or in the country? ② Where to Eat: in a Restaurant or at Home?

③ Whether to Further Study or to Find a Job Soon after Graduation?


Directions: Every July is the time for graduates to decide whether to further study or to find a job. Some students take part in graduate entrance examination, but others want to work as soon as they graduate. Suppose you were to graduate, which one do you prefer?

Which to Choose: to Further Study or to Find a Job?

A survey says that in recent years more and more students enter for postgraduate entrance examination. But many people argue against the tendency. They hold that to find a good job soon after graduation is more practical. Actually, different people have different opinions as to the question whether we should further study in graduate school or we should begin work, because both have their advantages and disadvantages. As far as I am concerned, I want to be more knowledgeable and capable through postgraduate study.

Many people appreciate the bright future a master’s degree may bring to them. Three years’ accumulation of knowledge is more likely to enable them to solve more challenging problems. And it is a fact that in many cases a graduate has more chances to get a promotion, and to have high salary than an undergraduate. But a promising job after college graduation is also attractive, especially when the job hunting competition becomes more and more fierce. A job in hand is worth two in the future. Another three years’ study means a delay but more heated competition.

However, both of them have their own problems. Academic study in graduate school may by difficult for a freshman from college who has no practical experience, which may be also a problem when they search for a job three years later. Those without a master’s experience may come across many problems too, like special knowledge inefficiency, and research ability inadequacy.

So, given me the chance, I would choose to further study in graduate school.

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1)结构模板 第一段:引题,说明A引起的争议; 转乘句子(常常说任何事物有利有弊)+ 主题明确, A有利有弊,且利弊主要体现在以下几个方面。 第二段:详写利弊的一端,或是利,或是弊,并证明自己的观点; 通过转乘句,引起利弊的另一端,或弊,或利,并证明自己的观点 第三段:做出结论。重述自己的观点


“A coin has two sides.”It is the same case for A. A has both advantages and disadvantages. Though some people argue that ______, I insist that its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. My decision that _____mostly lies in the following conspicuous aspects. (On one hand) One of the advantages of A is ______. Another reason for my preference for A is that _____. Finally, A _____. (On other hand) But we must admit that there are some disadvantages induced by A. The most serious is that A_____. In addition A______. On the whole, A can be said a blessing and a curse. But fairly speaking, every one should admit that the merits of A outweigh the troubles it brings to us, which, after all, is a problem of how to ____


① The Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking a Part-time Job

②Write an article analyzing the positive and negative effects of TV advertisements

③ Cellphones: a Blessing or a curse 4)范文

Cellphones: a Blessing or a Curse?

High-technology has played an important role in our life. And the communicative medium we benefit most is cellphones. Though some people worry about the trouble they may bring to us, I do believe that cellphones can be a blessing in our life. Among the countless factors that influence my decision there are two conspicuous aspects.

One of the advantages of cellphones is that they bring us a lot of convenience. As a means of communication, cellphones make it possible to call any person anywhere at any time, which seemed impossible decades ago when one had to stand in the telephone box to make a call. Now we can call a friend when we feel lonely at a distant place, and we can call an ambulance immediately when an accident occurs though there is no telephone available at hand. Another reason for my preference is that they are a good way of entertainment. With them, we can take pictures, listen to music, and play simple games as well. In this way cellephones make our life convenient and

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colorful. However, we must admit cellphones do bring us some troubles. Short messages, which inform you of a big prize, promise you a special service, and sell you even arms and cars, really annoy both police and cellphones users.

On the whole, cellephones can be a blessing and a curse. Everyone should admit that their merits outweigh the troubles they bring to us, which after, is a problem of how to use them properly and safely.


这是TEM4中常考得题型,他们多有明显的题型标志,如2000年和2003年有明显的字样 “Importance”;1997年和1999年的命题形式明确要求对事物的利或弊做一边倒的论述;2001年要求考生说明旅游在开阔视野方面的意义。

1) 结构摸板

第一段,引出要说明的事物,明确自己对这一事物的态度(赞同或反对,(不)应该,重要否?有利?有害?) 第二段,第一句:承接首段观点,对本段内容及其发展方式加以限制一般涌列举

法,说明重要性,危害性,有利之处表现在以下几个方面: 分主题一:重要性(危害性,有利之处)之一(1句话),拓展观点(2-3句) 分主题二:重要性(危害性,有利之处)之一(1句话),拓展观点(2-3句) 第三段,结论:重要性+建议或展望,若危害性+警示,有利性+建议

2) 可变通的语言摸板 ? A plays a very important role in ? (A should be banned.) The importance of A lies in the following aspects. Firstly A is necessary to? Secondly, A can also... (The great harms A may bring to our life lie in the following aspects. Firstly A? Secondly, A also) From what are discussed above, we can naturally draw the conclusion that A is essential to ? therefore, we should?

3) 典型题眼

① The Importance of Extracurricular Activities (2000) ② The Importance of Keeping a Good Mood (2003) ③ Travel Broadens Our Mind 4) 范文

A Major Disadvantage of Advertising on TV

TV advertising plays an important role in promoting commercials. With skillful creation, charming images, and bright colors, TV ads become a consuming guide. With the rapid and wide conveyance of advertising, advertised products are soon acknowledged. But when we appreciate the advantages of TV advertising, we must admit that it does bring us some troubles. The serious one is that TV advertising has interfered in people’s normal life.

The interference of TV advertising in our normal life is reflected in the

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following ways. Firstly, in almost every ten minutes a television program will be interrupted by commercials for a couple of minutes, which ruins good television shows and our mod to enjoy the shows. To make use of audience’s interest in the shows, advertising is arranged so skillfully that it is annoying to find that what you are patiently waiting for is only the end of the show after the irritating ads. You will feel cheated. Secondly, TV advertising interferes in our life also in that some of them mislead people with flowery phrases and empty promises, arousing an acquisitive desire for material things, and thus confusing our real needs.

Our discussion about the disadvantages of TV advertising is not to get rid of them from our life, for they do benefit us in many ways. We want to suggest that TV advertising should show more respect for audience, and should take more responsibility to guide people’s consumption.


1) 结构模板 第一段:通过数据展示和现象描述,提出问题的可能的原因有如下几个方面。 第二段:承接首段观点,对本段内容加以限制;分层次说明现象的原因。 用固定句式(表层次的)引出原因之一,并对原因进行解释。 用固定句式(表层次的)引出原因之二,并对原因进行解释。 第三段:结论,简要提出建议。 2)可变通的语言模板 ① As clearly shown by the (table, graph, chart), obviously there is a great rise in ?, while there is a great falling in 现象. (According to the recent survey,现象) There are three reasons for this (tendency, phenomenon). (Several factors contribute to the ?) One is that ? Another important reason lies in the fact that ? What’s more,? To the tendency (phenomenon), I suggest/think?(In a word, if ? there is certain to be?) ⑵ 引言段最后一句话可以是, The reasons for this phenomenon can be listed as follows. The following three reasons can explain the problem. This situation comes from the reasons below. 结尾句可以这样表达: In light of the explanation of its causes above, we suggest that? After analyzing the causes of this matter, I would like to suggest that? 3) 典型题眼

① Teenage Smoking Soars

② Why College Students Have Difficulty in Finding Jobs? ③ The Reasons for the Young Children’s Crimes

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Why do College Students Have Difficulty in Finding Jobs?

In recent years college graduates are facing greater challenge in job markets. To avoid such an embarrassment, many students even choose to further their study to wait for another three years for a possible job opportunity. The reasons for the employment difficulties lie in the following three aspects. Firstly, the enlarged college enrollment supplies more than enough graduates with a certain specialty. There has been an overabundance of executive secretaries, lawyers, etc. Therefore in the contest for a single position by tens of hundreds of graduates, most will suffer the failure. Secondly, job-finding difficulty also comes from the curricular design of many colleges. They have not adjusted their majors and subjects to meet the demand of modern society, so that students cannot find a position in the market to apply their knowledge in practice. Thirdly, I believe the difficulties also come from graduates themselves. The job demands are quite unbalanced between developed areas. A large number of graduates would rather stay jobless in big cities than take positions in small or underdeveloped cities. Taking all these reasons into account, we’d like to suggest that the government should have a micromanagement in college enrollment and major design, and students should have a broader and more reasonable view about careers.


这是TEM-4作文的命题形式之一,他们或者以一个疑问句的形式出现,如“Is money all powerful?”或者在情景中交代一种社会现象或一种做法,让读者发表观点,标志为“Do you agree or disagree?” “What’s your opinion?” 如:“Most high-level jobs are done by men. Some people think the government should encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women. Do you agree or disagree?”

1) 结构模板(当作文题目只出现单方面的观点时) 第一段:引题,或者描述一个情景,或者提出别人对这一问题的观点来引出主体。或者反转法(turnabout),引出和别人相反的观点;或者顺承别人的观点或表明同意。 第二段:观点段,承接首段观点,对本段内容加以限制;观点不同方面的体现+证明,解释,说明。 第三段:回顾,总结观点,一般会有一个引导的词或是短语+回顾点题的句子。 2)可变通的语言模板 ? (paraphrase of the situation in the direction) Some people suggest/hold/think/claim/believe/suggest/insist that ? I agree/disagree with this opinion because?for the following two/three reasons. Firstly,? Secondly,?Last but not least To sum up, I have outlined the advantages/disadvantage of ?I believe that? 3) 典型题眼

① Is Money All Powerful?

② Is Thrift Necessary in Modern Society? ③ Do You Agree with “Euthanasia”?

④ What’s your opinion about reducing children’s excessive assignment?

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4)范文 My View on Man-Made Beauty The Chinese traditional saying “Clothes make a person” reflects the importance of “appearance”. Nowadays, such a belief has its new content. Many people, especially young girls or ladies, are not content with getting more beautiful by clothes. They turn to a more challenging practice of physiological reform to make them man-made beauties. I don’t think this practice should be advocated.

The desire or beautiful appearance is one of human natures. The operations may really mean something to some people. At least they turn more beautiful. But a coin has two sides, and so does the made-made beauty practice for the two following reasons. Firstly, one’s appearance is the God’s blessing, and has been one part of our life. The reform of the original physiological structure may bring great harm to our body. After breast enlargement surgery, many women look sexier than before. However, many of them are found mammary gland disease. The more serious effect is that they risk being unable to breast feed. Secondly, the advocating for such a practice will mislead people in the judgment of true beauty. The concept of beauty is quite rich in its content. It should include many virtues like honesty, diligence, etc., which should be the real mainstream of our spiritual life. The practice and some contests about man-made beauty will confuse those who are to develop correct concept of beauty.

Concerning the above possible harms the practice may bring about, we are strongly against it and advocate seeking true and natural beauty. 5.提出建议,解决问题类作文 1) 典型题眼

① One Way to Solve the Problem(1998) ② The Best Way to Save Power

③ One Way to Solve Transportation Problem

④ How to get along well with roommates in the dormitory? 2)结构模板

第一段:(1)引出所要解决的问题及其严重性或必要性 (2)明确提出建议 第二段:承接首段观点,对本段内容加以限制,即建议从哪个角度,哪个方面讲能解决问题。 角度一(方面一)用推理,举例等方面拓展自己的观点。 角度二(方面二)用推理,举例等方面拓展自己的观点。 第三段:做出结论,建议行动,展望建议实施后的前景。 3)可变通的语言模板 ① ? has become a serious problem in ? To solve the problem, many and varied proposals have been presented, like? My advice is that ? can be a good way to solve the problem. ?may contribute to the solution to?for the two reasons. The first reason is that?can? The second reason is that ? From the above evidence, we can easily see the effect ? may bring us in the solving problem of ? We are expecting? - 17 -

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② Modern people place more emphasis upon the importance of ____. And several ways are proposed to ___, such as ____. For my part, the best way to ____. On the one hand, ____help(s) to ____. It is of vital significance for _____. What’s more, ____ promote(s)_____. On the other hand, _____. From what has been discussed that. The absence of ether will in no sense result in _____.

4) 范文 The Best Way to Solve Power Insufficiency

Every year, especially in summer, power insufficiency troubles production and our life. Many and varied proposals are presented to solve this problem. Some people suggest building more power plants to alleviate the insufficient power resources. Some others suggest saving electricity consumption to ease the heavy burden. I agree with the latter and my specific advice is that turning up air-conditions one or two degree higher is the best way to solve this problem.

This suggestion is based on the following two facts. Firstly, it does save a large amount of power. According to the statistics about the power consumption in East China in 2004, more than 30% of it came from air0conditions from hotels, shopping malls, office buildings, pubic entertaining places, and our ordinary families. To make them feel comfortable, people turn air-conditions on almost all day and even night long at a rather low temperature. Suppose one or two degree is turn up, the whole amount of electricity consumed would get down. Secondly, we believe it is the best way to solve power insufficiency also in that it will help people to establish thrift awareness. Many problems including power sufficiency are caused by waste. If young children learn to save every unit of power and every citizen learn to take social responsibility, in the long run, power insufficiency and many other problems will be solved forever.

From the above evidence, we can easily see the effect of the advocate for turning up air-conditions a little higher. We expect everyone will be the expert of saving energy.

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六.掌握TEM-4 作文的命题范围

1.校园生活五大看点:学习,活动,考试,就业,校园现象 -- 上大学的目的是什么?

— 学习期间的最大压力是什么?

— 课外活动,课外打工的意义是什么?

— 和同学(室友)和谐相处最重要的是什么?

— 毕业时如何面试?什么样的职业?到什么地方就业?继续读书还是马上工作? — 大学期间如何理财? — 如何看待大学生谈恋爱? — 如何看待大学生结婚解禁? 经典表达: 大学的意义 What we desire in a college is much more than a degree, nor a job prospect, but a chance to get high education. It is an education for a civilized mind. Namely, the business of college is not only to train us, but to put us in touch with what the best human minds have thought. Through reading books, man’s peculiar accomplishment, we add to our human experience and enter the worlds we have not the time to travel in literal time. Reading Shakespeare, for example, we have the experience of Shakespeare, which takes us into his world. A civilized mind is, in essence, one that contains many such lives and many such worlds. 考试作弊 According to a recent poll, 65 percent of college students have admitted cheating on exams at least once. To deal with the widespread dishonesty in examination, some educators advocate a trusting practice, in which no invigilate keeps watching students in exam, showing much trust in students. One conspicuous argument is that distrust can be contagious; some efforts to prevent cheating may actually encourage cheating – a person may feel “they don’t trust me anyway,” and be tempted to “beat the system.” This practice has turned out effective in preventing cheating on exam. 大学生结婚 The decision by the educational department that college students are permitted to marry has aroused a heated discussion. Some people for the decision base their argument on the law about the age of marriage. They hold that any citizen beyond 24 has the right to get married no matter what identity he/she has. Others against the decision hold that the permission will affect college students in the following three aspects. Firstly, marriage life is time consuming and it will tear students away from learning, students’ main task. Secondly, marriage life is money-consuming and it will exert more burden on their families besides tuition when students have no ability to support themselves. Thirdly, the permission is very likely to promote some unpleasant incidents on campus. Admiring others’ marriage life, some students are likely to find temporary companions hastily to get rid of the loneliness. Thus things like living together and even pregnancy are very likely to happen. 2.社会与家庭六大看点:社会规范,社会生活,社会问题,家庭模式,家庭关系,家庭教育 — 交流促进社会关系的重要方法

— 你认为解决城市交通的最好方法是什么?开辟道路?减少车辆? — 你对公共场合吸烟,高声打电话又什么看法?

— 如何看待这些浪费现象:饭店里剩菜剩饭,水龙头不关紧,空调温度调得过低? — 关于贫困,作为学生你能够做什么?

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— 家庭模式有哪些? 你喜欢哪一种?

— 家庭关系:怎样看待代沟?能消除吗?解决办法是什么?

— 家庭教育:表扬还是惩罚?孩子和游戏;孩子的零用钱;孩子和兴趣班。 经典表达 公共场合打电话 In public, such as libraries, cinemas, and department stores, we can find such slogans as “no smoking” and “no spitting”. But we never find such thing as “no loud calling”. Yes, it is people’s right to make a cellphone call in public, but a loud call is quite troublesome. The most serious problem is that it interferes in others. When you call loudly, others are forced to share your stories though what they need is quietness. A loud call may distract people form what they are reading, may interrupt their movie appreciation, and may make them irritable and restless in making purchase decision. So when you enjoy the convenience a cellphone brings to you, try not to bring incontinence to others. Should Lucky Numbers be Auctioned? “So many people, so many minds”. It is the same case for the answers to the question: should lucky numbers be auctioned? Some people may argue that lucky numbers should be auctioned so that the money from auction can be used to improve the public welfare. Namely, we use the money of the rich to do the good to the public without any loss. However, this seemingly convincing opinion can be challenged in many ways. Lucky numbers should not be auctioned. For one thing, such a practice may encourage superstition. Numbers are only symbols, but in Chinese tradition they are attached some special meanings to. Superstitiously, some people try to avoid 4, for its pronunciation happens to coincide with that of another Chinese character “si”, meaning “die”. 6 and 9 are viewed as lucky numbers. If auction is permitted, numbers must be previously decided lucky or not. In this way, the superstitious implication of numbers will be rationalized and made public. For another, the practice may produce inequality of social wealth. Numbers are the social wealth, and every person has the right to enjoy them. However auction for lucky numbers will make the rich have more chances to have the so-called lucky numbers; in this way others’ rights will be deprived of. Therefore, auction indirectly encourages the inequality among people. These are only parts of our arguments against auctioning lucky numbers, but from the evidence we have presented, we can naturally come to the conclusion that for the sake of the healthy development of the society, no auction of lucky numbers should be allowed.

3.科技与媒体六大看点:媒体,网络,书籍,电脑,手机,电视 — 计算机利弊,优缺点,用途

— 计算机代替人脑,计算机翻译代替英语学习 — 互联网的利弊

— 通信手段:电话,手机,电子邮件,写信 — 娱乐渠道:电视,电影,网络

— 信息手段:读书(书籍,报刊,漫画)与读图(电视),广告 — 科学技术评论

经典表达 Electronic Dictionaries Will Not Kill Printed Dictionaries A large number of students are using electronic dictionaries to study English. They hold that it is light to carry and convenient to find the meaning of a new word. Some people even - 20 -

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The closer you stay to nature, the more you will appreciate her beauty. ④?more than? 只不过

e.g.The advantages of family planning more than compensate for the disadvantages. You may also find that reading has become more fun than work. (3)最高级句型


e.g. A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.

My suggestion that physical exercises are the best way for people to stay fit is based on the

following three reasons.

Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation today is official corruption, which

is persuasive in all levels of government.


e.g. There are no other ways better and more effective for people to get out of the diffficult


No innvention has receivd more praise and abuse than the Internet.

Nothing, they maintain, is more essential than such projects in the economic growth.

G. 原因分析常用句型

以下句型中A为原因,B为结果。 1. A will has already upset?

Blind exploration of forests will upset the living environment of various wild species. 2. A will occur?

3. There are mainly?reasons for B 4. Why??/ What are the reasons /causes for B? Why do modern people have to bear more pressures than their forefathers? 5. The phenomenon involves/entails several complicated factors/reasons. 6. A number of ingredients could account for B. 7. The main/leading/primary cause is that?

The primary cause is that they find it hard to face difficulties directly. 8. B is chiefly caused by?

9. Perhaps the obvious cause is?

Perhaps the obvious cause is their eagerness to win the competition. 10. ?partly/in part because (of)?,and partly/in part because?

It is partly because most foreign festival are attractive, and partly because modern people are

curious for novel and fresh things. 11. Some may attribute/ascribe B to A. Some may attribute the rising divorce rate to personal changes like studying or working abroad. 12.Thanks to A ,?

Thanks to children’s curiosity for the new and novel, they can quickly grasp what they are interested in.

13. A contribute to B. 14. A undermines/jeopardizes B. Little communication will undermine/jeopardize the firm tie among family members. 15. One may lay/place blame for B on A. - 36 -

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They may lay blame for the decline f marine lives on blind fishing.

16. As for/Among the factor for B,A1 counts for the half, the rest depends on A2. As for the factors for true friendship, common interests count for the half, the rest depends on

mutual respect. 17. A facilitates B. Communication facilitates harmonious relationship among family members. 18. A corrupts/erodes one’s minds/virtues. Wasting erodes people’s virtues. 19. A poses a threat to B. 20. In addition to the subjective factor, another root cause lies in?

In addition to the subjective factor, another root cause lies in smokers’ lack of determination to quit smoking.

十一.掌握TEM-4写作14分优秀作文的特点 1. 避免写作错误

(一) 平行结构中的省略错误

平行结构是把两个以上意思并列的成分用同等的语法形式表达出来。如果意思并列的成分用不同等的语法形式来表达,或者一些不该省略的词被省略了,就破坏了其平行结构。 (1)误例:Most of us lack knowledge or comfort with science. 更正:Most of us lack knowledge of or comfort with science.

(2) Mars is nearer to us than Pluto. ____________________________________________.

(3) At times, more care goes into the composition of newspaper and magazine advertisements than

the writing of the features and editorials. ___________________________________________.

(4) The energy problem is currently of great concern to a nation, the world and human beings.

____________________________________________________________________________. (5) We thought she was charming, intelligent, and a very capable young woman.

___________________________________________________________________________. (二)错位修饰语



(1)误例 :I believe I can do it well and I will better know the world outside the campus. 更正: I believe I can do it well and I will know the world outside the campus better. (2) Wrapped in a piece of silk cloth, Mother sent her doctor a birthday present.


(3) He nearly finished reading ten books during the vacation.

____________________________________________________________________. (4) The house was in the woods that burned last night.

____________________________________________________________________. (5) People who walk normally are healthier than those who don’t.


(三) 句子缺乏一致性



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e.g (1) 误例: There are a long springboard and three rafts at varying distance from the shore. 更正:There is a long springboard and three rafts at varying distance from the shore. (2)误例: If one wants to get the most from the English class, you must work hard and ask


更正:If you want to get the most from the English class, you must work hard and ask


(3) 误例:To get promoted in the fierce competition, no efforts should be spared in your


更正:To get promoted in the fierce competition, you should spare no efforts in your


2. 词汇的运用

(一)语言简洁 A.介词的使用


e.g. (1) There are a rising number of skyscrapers that are being constructed in metropolitan cities.

There are a rising number of skyscrapers under construction in metropolitan cities. (2) Every time when I think of the first I entered the university, I still feel excited. At the very thought of the first I entered the university, I still feel excited.

(3) Students who wear traditional western costumes will draw the audience’s attention in the art


Students in traditional western costumes will draw the audience’s attention in the art


(4) People’s concern about the effect of academic pressures is reasonable and we cannot

reproach it.

People’s concern about the effect of academic pressures is above/beyond reproach.

(5)Graduates who have interpersonal skills and good command of English might well win

more popularity on the job market.

Graduates with interpersonal skills and good command of English might well win more

popularity on the job market.



e.g. (1) University teachers have realized that it is more and more necessary to care about their

students’ mental health.

University teachers have realized the growing need and necessity to care about their

students’ mental health.

(2) The number of online games players has increased dramatically in all universities of China. There is a dramatic increase in the number of online games players in all universities of


(3) If parents don’t permit, children can’t go surfing online.

Should there be no permissions from the parents, children can’t go surfing online.

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C. 形容词的功用


e.g. (1)Those who can help others in dangers should be respected in my eye. Those who can help others in dangers are most respectable in my eye.

(2) The college population has increased, so competition for employment among graduates

will become fiercer.

With the increasing college population, competition for employment among graduates

will become fiercer.

(3) All students’ sweet dream is to shorten their study time but to improve their marks

at the same time.

Shorter study hours but higher scores is all students’ sweet dream. (二) 调节语气词的运用

有些词在议论文中会在语气上增强文章的表现力,而有些同义表达却可以起到缓和的作用。 (1)You should finish your paper at the end of this month. (2) He is doomed to fail.

(3) You are supposed to finish your paper at the end of this month. (4) I am inclined to further my study after graduation. (三)使语言更具逻辑性的词汇应用 重形和的英语善用非谓语动词

重形和的英语中,多个动作同时出现时,一方面通过非谓语动词来突出动作的主次,另一方面使语言更为简洁,特别是简化了句子结构。比如,下面的对照组中就是充分发挥了非谓语动词的作用,而原例句则是普通的动词结构来衔接句子,相比之下,前者效果显而易见。 e.g. (1) They were driven onto the roofs by the wave, and they had no choice but to spend the long

night in terror and despair, and their safety being threatened.

Being driven onto the roofs by the wave, they had no choice but to spend the long night in

terror and despair, with safety being threatened.

(2) When college students take a part-time job, they can earn some money for their daily

necessities, so that they can ease their families’ financial burden and become economically independent.

By taking a part-time job, college students can earn some money for their daily necessities,

so as to ease their families’ financial burden and become economically independent.

(3) If we want to combat the epidemic, we should stop putting ever more emphasis on the

academic achievements of job or promotion candidates.

To combat the epidemic, we should stop putting ever more emphasis on the academic

achievements of job or promotion candidates. 3. 亮点修辞用法 (1)比喻

--Time elapses like water through our fingers.

--Youngsters who are as slippery as eels would not be popular in public.

--Chinese children are as busy as bees in order to perform better in various kinds of examinations.

-- Children are usually metaphorized as flowers.

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--- Life is but a hard and tortuous journey. (2)类比

-- In rivers the water that you touch is the last of that has passed and the first of that which comes; so with time present.

--It’s with our judgments as with our watches; none go just alike, yet each believes his own.. -- Keeping doing exercises without proper input of nourishments is like keeping a machines running for days and nights without adding oil to it. (3) 提喻

-- The river is crowded with masts.

-- The young man had to work hard to feed five mouths at home. (4) 借喻

-- The pen is mightier than the sword.

-- What is learnt in the cradle is carried to the grave. (5) 平行结构

--Cellphones have the functions of communication, information, and entertainment. --To walk in the rain and to swim in the lake are two of my greatest pleasures. (6)矛盾修饰法

-- Being a father, he is both benign and cruel to his boy.

-- Strong passion and hot hatred are not contradictory when we fall in love with someone. (7) 转移修饰

--The indefatigable bell now sounded for the fourth time. -- His foot made a slight reproachful sound.

-- The question was met with an awkward silence.

-- The assistant kept a respectful distance from his boss when they were walking in the corridor. (8) 头韵

-- He is all fire and fight.

-- When the things happen that you do not like, you have two choices: You get bitter or better. -- Better be unborn than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. -- He never forgives and he never forgets.

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think that such dictionaries will replace printed ones. But I don’t think so. My view that electronic dictionaries will not replace printed ones lies in the following aspects. Firstly, printed dictionaries cannot be replaced by electronic ones for their much richer content. We know that in a printed dictionary, almost all aspects of a word are introduced: its usage and the situation in which it is used, its translation, its etymology, the comparison with other words, and of course a lot of examples to illustrate its usage. What’s more a printed dictionary may provide us with the denotation and connotation of a word, so that we can learn to use it properly. But an electronic dictionary cannot spare too much room for such detailed information for a word. Second, printed dictionaries cannot be replaced by electronic ones for their low cost. An electronic dictionary costs us at least 300 Yuan if we expect it has some functions to meet our daily use. Compared with it, the most expensive printed one will cots us only around 100 Yuan. For the sake of the rich content and low price of a printed dictionary, I insist that it should not be killed by an electronic dictionary. 4.环境与自然四大看点:人与动物,人与自然,污染,环境可持续发展 — 环境污染(水,噪音,空气)的根源及其解决办法 — 人与自然的关系 — 人类与动物

— 环境的可持续发展中你认为最重要的是什么? — 森林保护(如:方便筷和森林资源) — 全球变暖

经典表达 环境污染 The reasons for increasingly serious environmental pollution can be summarized into the following aspects. Firstly, people’s awareness of environmental protection is to be strengthened. People carelessly discard life wastes like used batteries, without any consciousness of the possible troubles they may bring to the present and the later generations. Secondly, though the whole society has agreed on the “sustainable development”, the rapid economic development is still made at the cost of environment. The toxic gases emitted form factories pollute the air. In some places, birds are forced to fly away, and people dare not open their windows. The use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture, though seemingly increases the output, leaves poisonous residues in the tissues of organisms and leaves the soil itself deteriorate. The environmental has endangered human beings. Are You Still Using Disposable Chopsticks? It is reported that every year large acres of forest have been destroyed for the production of the disposable chopsticks. If we take this problem into serious consideration, we will find how stupid this behavior is. Disposable chopsticks should be controlled concerning its cost and benefit. According to the economic rule, we should have the largest output from the least input. What have we got form disposable chopsticks? Some people present that a square of wood costs 200 to 300 Yuan, but if they are made into chopsticks, they can get 200 to 300 Yuan more. And they argue that producing and selling disposable - 21 -

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chopsticks can solve many people’s employment. However, what have we put in to produce such profits? It is estimated that by one deputy to the National People’s Congress that China consumes 45,000,000,000 pairs of disposable chopsticks, which means 1,660,000 square meters of wood, 25,000,000 trees, and 200 square meters of forest. At this speed, all the forest will be destroyed in 20 years. Therefore, no matter how much we have gotten form chopsticks, we have suffered a great loss. At that time, who will provide us with fresh air? Who will give man shade? And who will prevent fertile topsoil form being washed away by heavy rains? Many years later, when our later generations ask where the China’s forest is, we can answer sadly, “Sorry, we have made it into chopsticks.” Therefore it is time for us to say “no” to disposable chopsticks. 5.人体主义六大看点:衣食住行,娱乐,健康,工作,观念,婚姻 — 饮食结构的改变,平衡

— 娱乐形式中你最喜欢哪一种,为什么? — 健康的重要性和保持健康的方法

— 工作的意义?你理想工作是什么?你认为择业什么更重要,兴趣还是高薪? — 如何面对现代对传统的挑战?

— 家庭模式的变化?你如何看待“丁克”家族?

经典表达 工作 We are used to thinking that work provides the material things of life – goods and services that make possible our modern civilization. But we are much less conscious of extent to which work provides the more intangible, but more crucial, psychological well-being that we can make the difference between a full and an empty life. A good share of the benefits of job rests in the kind of pride that is stimulated by the job. The human longs for a sense of being accomplished, of being able to do things, which his hand, his mind and his will. All these longings can be realized in work. It is easiest to see this in the craftsman who lovingly shapes some cheap material into an object that may be either useful or beautiful or both. You can see the carpenter or bricklayer stand aside and admire the product of his personal skill. 失败 When failure knocks you down, will you have the guts to get up and get going? Or will you give up? Achieving success can be difficult. At times, distractions, delays and defeats discourage everyone. Giving up seems better than going on. But the principle for rising after each fall to try again applies to all struggles. History informs us that stories of success are the stories of great failure. Take young Winston Churchill?When you fail, don’t quit. A second effort or a third or a fourth pays off. On Foreign Snacks Fastfood shops like KFC and McDonald’s can be seen in almost all big cities in China. Most of their customers are children and young people, who take eating fastfoods as a fashion. But recently these foods are criticized as “junk foods”. Such a hostile attitude toward fastfood is quite reasonable. - 22 -

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The first harm fastfoods may bring us is that frequent consumption will lead to unbalanced nutrition. Some experts investigate that most fastfoods are rich in calorie, fat and salt, but insufficient in food fiber, minerals and vitamins, which are necessary for the development of children’s brain. That’s why children who enjoy fastfoods are fatter than others, and that is why they are more likely to slower in intelligent activities, less concentrated on their study and easier to get anxious. What’s more serious is that such a nutrition unbalance will decrease children’s immunity. Secondly, fastfoods may lead to BPA pollution. BPA is a poisonous chemical contained in the packet paper of fastfoods like sandwich and fired chicken. It not only disturbs people’s endocrine, but also pollutes the environment. Due to the serious harms foreign snacks may do to our health, we strongly suggest rediscovering our traditional dieting, mainly in the form of crop, vegetable and less fat, which is more beneficial to our health.

6. 其他话题

-- 论友谊的重要性,友谊保鲜的办法 -- 如何培养自信? -- 如何理解幸福?

-- 什么是克服紧张的最佳方法? -- 准时的重要性

-- 如何评价“人造美女”?

七.掌握TEM-4 写作开头段的写作方法 1.开头段的构成

英语专业四级的开头段一般由两个部分构成: Introduction + Thesis

根据写作要求中的“情景”,Introduction部分可单纯介绍社会生活现状,也可引出人们对同一社会现象的不同看法,注意不要照搬“情景”中的语言,这样会影响评阅教师对作文的印象。Thesis论点部分在陈述自己观点时要注意两点:①要根据“情景”,“标题”和“三段式写作要求”确定中心论点;②陈述中心论点时,立场要明确,不要模棱两可。以1996年真题为例: (1) Every college student would agree that life is not the same as it was in the middle school. I

think there are many differences as well as similarities.

(2) It is generally accepted by undergraduates that college life is quite different from that of

middle school. In my eye, the main difference lies in the degree of independence. 2. 开头段写法

(1) 经典引语法:引用名人名言,有哲理性的习语(包括谚语),或是大众普遍接受的言论


例1. As Edison once said, “Genius was 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent of perspiration”.

To achieve more in the future, we college students should value tedious and hard work and do our utmost to grasp more practical knowledge no matter how intelligent we are or are supposed to be.

例2. Nowadays, mobile phones have become an indispensable part in person’s daily life.

However, as the proverb goes, “There is no garden without weed”, cell phones also exercise negative influences upon our life and work.

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(2) 正反对比法:用反面观点引出中心论点,从反面强调事物的重要性。例如1998年试题: 例3.Teaching is a great profession. It is like a ship, ferrying the students from one side to the other

side in the ocean of knowledge. It is like an angel, bringing all the love to the world. Without the teaching profession, there would be no scientists, no educators, no technician, no engineers, etc. Without the teaching profession, science and technology would not develop so rapidly as it does now, and human civilization would not have developed so splendidly.

(3) 欲擒故纵法:在引出作者个人观点之前,先用普通人的观点或解决方法作为铺垫,然后笔


例4. It is now generally accepted that vehicles (cars, trucks, etc.) are a major source of air

pollution in cities. Some solutions to the problem have been proposed, such as reducing the number of vehicles and using lead-free petrol. However, I would suggest replacing petrol with electricity as the source of power.

(4) 提出问题法:在开头段中提出问题,吸引读者的注意力,另外在首段中运用修辞问句(包


例 5. Why do college graduates find it increasingly difficult to get a rewarding job? Are they not

prepared enough? Maybe, they need more tips for job hunting.



例 6. Scientists find that hard-working prestigious people live longer than average men and

women, and that career women are healthier than housewives. Evidence shows that the jobless are in poorer health than job-holders. An investigation shows that whenever the unemployment rate increases by 1%, the death rate increases correspondingly by the 2%. All this comes down to one point: work is helpful to health. (6)综合法:运用上述首段开头法,例如:

例 7. Men sometimes say, “We men are better and clever than women, for women seldom

make inventions, but we men constantly create new things.” Is this true? No, it is not, though it seems to be true in some men’s eyes. 3. 首段常用句型


(1)It is generally accepted/universally acknowledged that…

It is generally accepted that vehicles are a major source of urban air pollution. (2) There is an assumption that…

There is assumption that modern life exerts a lot of pressure upon people,

such as the pressure from education, career or family. (3) Everybody agrees that…

Everybody agrees that telephones have become a necessity for most people, with the

development of information technology and reduced price of communication products. (4) Nowadays it has become fashionable for sb. to do…

Nowadays it has become fashionable for university students to mimic their idols’ hairdos

and dressing styles.

(5) As every college student/everybody would agree…

As every college student would agree, employment pressure has become their biggest


(6) There arises a pressing problem confronting…

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There arises a pressing problem confronting the formal English education in universities. (7) Nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of … (8) The issue of… is becoming a matter of concern.

The issue of the fever of western festival in China is becoming a matter of concern. (9) It is not an uncommon phenomenon that…

It is not an uncommon phenomenon that many superstars are enjoying striking popularity

on campus.

(10) It is uncommon that…

(11) In recent years, a growing number of … This phenomenon has aroused wide concern. In recent years, a growing number of university students are going after fashion at any cost.

The phenomenon has aroused wide concern.

(12) …, which provoked nationwide heated debates on…

(13) There is a growing tendency these days for… to…, and this has aroused a heated

debate among people as to…

There is a growing tendency these days for university students to be hired to take care of

babies at weekends or during holidays, and this has aroused a heated debate among people as to whether it is proper for undergraduates to be baby-sitters.

(二) 引出争议/个人观点

(1) Some (of) …maintain that … I did not side with this view for two reasons. (2) I am a strong believer in the claim that …

I am a strong believer in the claim that rich social experience is of vital importance to one’s


(3) Personally, I support such a view that…

Personally, I support such a view that keeping a good mood is of crucial importance. (4) Views on the issue in question vary from person to person. (5) I am convinced that…

(6) Modern people are supposed to … However, not all can manage to…

Modern people are supposed to tackle personal problems more efficiently. However, not

all people can manage to relieve their mental stress.

(7) The issue of whether or not … has been widely debated currently. (8) There arises a fierce debate concerning/regarding…

(9) There are both sides of people who have very strong feelings.

(10) Quite a few people, who advocate…, maintain that… On the other hand/However,

Those who think differently argue that…

(11) While most people are aware of …, quite a proportion of people fail to recognize the

significance of…

While most people are aware of the impact of water pollution, quite a proportion of

people fail to recognize the significance of the ecosystem balance.

(12) Admittedly, people rarely reach an absolute consensus on such a controversial issue. (13) There is no denying that, but…

There is no doubt that nobody can fulfill whatever he/she promises, nut habitually keeping

empty promises is by no means acceptable.

(14) There is no doubt that…, However, we could not lose sight of the fact that…

There is no doubt that youngsters are curious for novel things. However, we could not lose

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sight of the fact that blind fashion following is detrimental to a great extent.

(15) It goes without saying that…, However, …

It goes without saying that trimming down the number of private cars is acceptable.

However, it will not be the most efficient measure.

(16) On the surface of it, their argument sounds persuasive, but on second thoughts, it

cannot hold water.

(17) At first thought, it seems to be reasonable. But on second thoughts, it cannot bear

close analysis.

(18) There is some truth in their argument. However, …

There is some truth in their argument. However, we cannot neglect the disadvantages of

cell phones.

(19) It cannot be denied that…, however, I can hardly share the viewpoint.

(20) Personally, I think the advantages/merits/benefits of … outweigh its




(一) 关于是非感

(1) put the cart before horse

(2) Call black white and white black/reversal of black and white. (3) Attends to the trifles and neglect the essentials. (4) stand facts on their heads (二) 关于习惯或根深蒂固的现象 (1) Rome is not built in one day.

(2) The fox may grow grey, but never gold. / The leopards cannot change his spots. (3) Habit is second nature. (三) 关于励志

(1) No pains, no gains.

(2) No sweet without sweat.

(3) What is earned with hard labor is eaten with pleasure.

(4) Genius was 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. (5) The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.

(6) Live not to eat, but to eat to live. /One should eat to live, not live to eat. (7) Goals determine what you are going to be.

(8) Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. (四) 关于失败

(1)A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. (2) Adversity is a great schoolmaster.

(3) Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people. (4) Every bean has its black.

(5) Slight negligence may lead to great disaster. (6) God help those who help themselves. (7) For man is man and master of his fate.

(8) Have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted.

(9) Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.

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(五) 关于友谊和合作

(1)Two heads are better than one.

(2) Friendship first, competition second. (3) One man, no man.

(4) A friend in need is a friend indeed. (六) 关于学习

(1)It is never too old to learn./ Live and learn.

(2) Balance between work and leisure./ Combine exertion and rest./ Alternate study with rest

and recreation.

(3) Experience is the mother of wisdom.

(4) As the tree, so the fruit./ As you sow, so you reap.

(5) Who does all may never do well./ Jack of all trades and master of none. (6) Better master one than engage with ten. (7) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (8) Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.

(9) Young people must equip themselves for life’s duties and guard against its temptations. (七) 关于教养

(1)Nurture passes nature. (2) Liberty is no license. (八) 关于利弊关系

(1)The good and the bad are intermingled. / There are weeds among seedlings. (2) Every advantage has its disadvantage.

(3) No garden without weed. / There is a good side and a bad side to every thing. / Every coin

has its two sides.

(4) The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

(5) Take the essence and discard the dregs. / To absorb the essence and weed out the obsolete and

worthless. / Discard the dross and select the essential. (九) 关于历史和传统

(1)Forgetting history means betrayal.

(2) Emphasize one thing at the expense of another. (十) 关于奉献和付出

(1) Better do more daily, trivial, ordinary and practical work that is needed by the people, than

say a thousand empty words that may be sweet to the ear. (2) Take little, but give/offer much. (3) Easy come, easy go.

(4) It is not worth the candle. (十一) 关于金钱

(1)Make money your servant, not your master. (2) Money makes the mare go.

八.掌握TEM-4 写作结尾段的写作方法 1. 结尾段的构成

英语专业四级的结尾段一般有两部分构成:Reiteration + Conclusion/Suggestion 在Reiteration部分用自己的语言再次强调中心论点,以取得首尾呼应的效果。在conclusion

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(1) It is generally accepted by college life is quite different from middle –school life. So,

everybody, let’s break away from parents’ care from now on. And let’s be totally independent.

(2) In conclusion, I am leading a life that is quite different from that in my middle school in

that I enjoy more independence in university. To the freshmen, I would suggest they devise various methods to be adjusted to such an independent lifestyle sooner.

2. 结尾段写法


例1:Now environmental protection is more pressing than ever before. As we know, massive

destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even posed a great threat to man’s existence. Indifference to these problems will mean committing suicide. Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws passed to conserve environment. Otherwise, man is certain to suffer from the serious consequences caused by this lack of care for his living surroundings.

(2) 引语法:引用典故,谚语或名言,会起到点睛的效果。例如:

例2:An English proverb says: “Lost time never returns.” Time is precious and is one of those

many things that can’t be purchased by money. We must therefore make good use of our time and study hard when we are young.

(3) 提问法:提出令人深省的问题,进一步调调文章所述主题的重要性。例如:

例3:But assuming that the contrast I have developed is valid, and that the fostering of skills and

creativity are both worthwhile goals, and important question becomes this: Can we gather, from the Chinese and American extremes a superior way to approach education, perhaps striking a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills?

(4) 综合法 例4:Nowadays, women still exert great influence upon everyday life. Once a famous man said,

“If there were no women, there wouldn’t be men’s success.” Women, with their own intelligence, do their best to make family life colorful. And there are numerous women who do well in science, arts, commerce and so on. Can you say women are not clever? We women are really a strong, indispensable force in human history.

3. 结尾段常用句型


(1)In sum,…has both merits and demerits.

(2) To sum up, …is/are of immense importance to… (3) In summary, I believe…

(4) It is an inescapable conclusion that… (5) In short/ in a word/On the whole… (6) All in all, the best way to…is …

(7) From the above discussion, we may/can safely/naturally arrive at / come to the conclusion


(8) The above-mentioned factors lead to the conclusion that…

(9) For the two reasons discussed above, I am deeply convinced that…

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(10) After weighing the advantages/merits/benefits and disadvantages/demerits/harms, we’ll

come to the conclusion that…

(11) From the comparison and contrast above, we can conclude that…

(12) When all the factors are examined, we may sagely come to the conclusion that… (二) 建议常用句型

(1)My suggestion to those who…is that..

e.g. My suggestion to those who worship superstars is that they should be more reasonable. (2) To those…, I would suggest…

e.g. To those who are interested in extracurricular activities, I would suggest mountain climbing. (3) Suggestions are put forward as to…

e.g. Suggestions are put forward as to preserving traditional Chinese festivals. (4) I strongly recommend that…

e.g. I strongly recommend that youngsters take more exercises rather than adopt that sedentary


(5) …are well advised to.

e.g. Freshmen are well advised to take-part jobs that are within their abilities. (6) I believe that some measures should be taken so as to…

e.g. I believe that some measures should be taken so as to fight against water pollution. (三) 强调常用句型

(1) Unless people are aware of the importance of… we can never expect… (2) Only in this way, could/can we… (3) Only when…, could/can we… (4) What we should keep in mind is … (5) We should give more priority to… (6) More priority should be given to… (7) The time is right for us to… (8) It is high time that…


合理的布局是8分及格作文最为重要的因素,因此我们应该掌握在第六小节中提到的TEM-4 作文常见的五种写作模式:比较选择类作文;意义,重要性危害性说明作文;提出建议,解决问题类作文;观点论证类作文;现象解释类作文。

十.掌握TEM-4写作11分良好作文的特点 1. 用过渡衔接首段体现篇章连贯

(1) 引介词—引介词在篇章中起引出话题或观点的作用,一般有以下四类: ① 引介性时间词(组) nowadays recently at present most recently currently lately ② 引介一般观点词(组) as to in general as for as regards generally regarding concerning as is known to all generally speaking as we know as is generally accepted that as is universally acknowledged it is not an uncommon phenomenon that as is not uncommon that ③ 引介并列项目词(组)

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first firstly first of all first and foremost in the first place to start with for one thing on the one hand to begin with ④ 引介个人观点词(组) as for me as far as I am concerned as I see it in my opinion from my point of view from my viewpoint from my perspective (2) 承接词—承接词在篇章中承接主题句或上一个支持句,可表递进也可表转折,一般有以下


① 纯粹承接词 last third second thirdly secondly for another on the other hand in the second place last but not least ② 递进承接词 besides furthermore in addition to in addition moreover what is more ③ 举例承接词 such as namely ranging from?to? for example for instance as an example as another example from?to? ④ 原因承接词 because since on account of in that because of owing to due to on the basis of as on the ground of as a result of for ⑤ 比较承接词 similarly likewise in common in the same way equally important at the same time comparatively speaking meanwhile ⑥ 对比承接词 whereas while instead conversely in contrast by contrast on the contrary ⑦ 强调承接词 in particular above all particularly even worse needless to say on the top of all this most important of all specially speaking what’s worth noting is that most importantly especially ⑧ 转折让步承接词 although/though granted that in spite of/despite it is true?but? admittedly nevertheless/nonetheless however/but/yet unfortunately even though it goes without denying, but(however,)? there is no denying that?, however,? it goes without saying that?, however,.. there is some truth in the argument that?,however,? (3) 总结词—总结词在篇章中推出结论和后果,根据本意的逻辑意义分类如下: ① 结果词 thus therefore as a result only by doing so consequently hence as a consequence for this reason only in such a way accordingly so ② 总结词 in a word all in all to sum up in summary on the whole in brief briefly in short by and large as has been discussed as has been noted undoubtedly

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2. 用词汇替代手段体现篇章连贯 A. 近义词和同义词替代

(1)表达观点时常用的同义词或者近义词替代 ① 表达赞同或者肯定常用替代组

be in favor of support be for be of the opinion go along with embrace favor agree with welcome accept side with approve applaud ② 表达否定意见常用替代组

disagree with object to against argue against disapprove be opposed to doubt ③ 最常用的观点动词+正/反观点皆可结构

think hold argue claim in sb.’s opinion feel tend to assume believe as sb. see it express convince suggest prefer grant maintain recognize acknowledge recommend according to sb. from sb.’s stand point from sb’s perspective from sb.’s point of view (2) 后接因果关系时常用的同义或者近义词替换 ① 前果后因

arise from because of since result from derive from on account of because come from owing to be attributed to now that lie in as a result ② 前因后果

result in so account for lead to therefore thus provoke bring out give rise to hence consequently contribute to as a result give occasion to (3) 举实例论证时常用的同义或者近义词替代

For instance firstly second for example In the second place besides in addition above all For one thing secondly what’s more furthermore For anther last above all a case in point Such as in the first place like next But not least first and foremost then (4) 表程度或范围的常用同义或近义词替代

Generally to?degree increasing widely To?extent rapid commonly widespread Dramatic general nationwide evidently Absolutely

(5) 总结时常用的同义词或近义词替换

in a word to sum up shortly by and large briefly all in all to conclude to summarize on the whole in short in summary in conclusion (总结组)

recommend suggest prefer encourage advocate promote expect hope advise (建议组)

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① As the ?+动词和 With the +名词+?的互换

As the ?develop/rise/increase/grow/improve? , ? ? With the development/rise/increase of?

② It is +副词+动词过去分词+that?和With the +形容词+名词+介词的互换 widely thought generally recognized It is commonly + acknowledged that ? increasingly accpeted growingly believed interested 11 wide thought general recognition With the common + realization increasing acknowledgement growing acceptance belief interest + in?

(2) 名词与形容词互换

① be of 名词和 be + 形容词的互换

be of importance/concern/popularity?.<==>be +important/concerned/ popular.. ② It is/becomes a +名词+that?/for sb. to do sth.和It is/becomes+形容词+that?/for sb. to do sth It is becomes a fashion/heated discussion that? = it is becomes fashinale/hotly discussed that?


As sb./sth plays a 形容词+role in 名词和with sb/sth playing a 形容词+role in +名词 As computers/women/children play a vital role in society/ family?

With computers/women/children playing a vital role in society/ family?

3. 地道英语亮点句型 A. 变化多样的观点句型 (1)基本的主谓结构

I think/presume/figure out/believe that/deem/hold?. (2) 丰富的词组结构

e.g. As for me, I can’t side with their opinion.

As far as I am concerned, prefer outdoor activities to indoor exercises. In my opinion,?

From my point of view/ From my viewpoint,?

As regards my suggestion, I would highly recommend they run business on their own.

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As for my proposals, I would like to suggest that youngsters place more emphasis upon their idols’ precious characters.

Regarding/Concerning the best way to keep healthy, I would recommend regular exercises. (3) 含蓄的间接结构 e.g. It is said that?

It is generally accepted that?

It is universally acknowledged that?

As is generally accepted, a balanced diet can provide a person with the right kind of nutrition required for the operation of our organs.

It seems to be a generally acknowledged assumption that ? We are assured that?

B. 生动的动态句型

中国学生常用be+形容词,there be, need, make和become等英语中俗称的静态结构。而在英语写作中,使用动态动词或词组来代替上述结构能够使语言鲜活起来,特别是用事物作主语,用人常用的动作作谓语来使语言更为生动,例如: 例1.I am so excited to expect an old friend of mine. It gives me a big thrill to meet an old friend.

例2. There have been great changes in the world economy in the past two decades. The world economy has witnessed/seen great changes in the past decades. Great changes of the world economy have taken place in the past two decades. 例3. Barbecue is popular in foreign countries. Barbecue finds its popularity in exotic soil. 例4. People have different views on this issue.

Views on this issue vary from person to person.

例5. The precious quality of helping others makes all his shortcomings less significant. The precious quality of helping others overshadows all his shortcomings.

例6. Those who appreciate the essence of perseverance find it easier to be successful. Success favors those who appreciate the essence of perseverance.

例7. Online games are very harmful to young people’s physical and mental health. Online games undermine/pose threat to young people’s physical and mental health.


稍微改变英语基本句型中某一成分的位置,可以起到强调,突出被倒装部分的作用。英语中的倒装句句型可分为: (1)全部倒装

Here, there, now, then, thus等副词或方位词位于句首时,谓语动词常用come, go, be, run 等。但如果主语为代词,则不用倒装。 例1. Here is your letter. 例2. Out rushed the boy.

例3. Higher and higher flew the white balloon till it vanished in the clouds. (2) 部分倒装 ①句首为否定,半否定或具有否定意义的词或词组,如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, not until?, not only?but also?, hardly/scarcely? when, no

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TEM-4 Writing


例1 Not for one minute do I think I have any hope of getting promoted. 例2. Little did I know that he is a professor.

例3. In no other place in the world can one find such enthusiasm for applying for hosting 2008

Olympic Games.

②句首以so, nor, neither, only +副词/介词词组/状语从句等。 例1. So busy is the dentist that he has no time to spare. 例2. Only in this way can you learn English well. ③虚拟语气中,倒装代表条件

例1. Were there no light, we could see nothing.

例2. Should he be here next week, he would help us with the problem. ④表示祝愿的句子

例1. May you succeed.

例2. Long live our friendships.


例1.There is hardly anyone in college who doesn’t want to achieve high marks in their

academic study.

例2. He took no little pain over it.

例3. You can’t make something out of nothing. 例4. He has never dissatisfied with his plan.

E. 长短句交替出现,松散句掉尾句交替出现 (1)长短句交替出现


例1.Energy is much needed now. Nuclear plants are clean and economical. They can produce

vast amounts of energy. But people, especially local residents are very concerned about safety. They hold a strong negative attitude toward them.

Nuclear plants are a clean and economical way of producing vast amounts of much-needed energy, though people, especially local residents, who are very concerned about safety, hole a strong attitude toward them.

例2. It is called the “Information Age” now. More and more people join it via the Internet.

People have different reactions to it. Some say the Internet has removed barriers. They think the internet has provided people with immediate success to the world.

An increasing number of people are joining the “Information Age” via the Internet. In

reaction to the phenomenon, some say the Internet has removed barriers and provided people with immediate access to the world. (2) 松散句掉尾句交替出现


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TEM-4 Writing

例1. Even today, fire causes millions of pounds’ worth of damage each year both in our cities

and in the countryside despite modern fire-fighting methods. It has been wisely said that fire is a good servant but a bad master.

例2. During their first job, many individuals would develop their important quality of

self-reliance. I gained this strength when my supervisor allowed me to set up and conduct my own survey project.

例3. Since this trend has both advantages and disadvantages, college students should be careful

when they decide whether to take a part-time job or not. I advise them to strike a balance between academic studies and part-time job so as to make the most of the 4-year study in college.

F. 比较句型

善于使用各种比较句型,在写作中会起到亮点的作用。比较级的句型通常有以下几种类别: (1)等比句句型


e.g. we have accomplished as much in the past three years as would have taken ten years. He was as experienced as his brother was green.

He is not so quick a learner as his brother.

The advantages are half as influential as the disadvantages the problem brings us. ②主语+谓语+no more/less+形容词/副词+than+对比对象 e.g. Fiction is no less instructive than textbooks is.

Personally, living in the city is no more comfortable than living I the coutry. ③not much ?as?与其说?还不如说?;更多的是?而不是?

e.g. Experience shows that success is not so much due to ability as to zeal.

It was not so much attracted by the plot of the story as by the deep feelings expressed in it. ④ (just) as X is (to) Y, so is A (to)B A对于B,犹如X对于Y e.g. As food is to the body, so is reading to the mind.

Just as honor is a prerequisite for respectability, so is unblemished character a barometer of

integrity. (2) 比较级句型

①主语+谓语+ +形容词/副词+n..+than被比对象

e.g. While achieving success is easier said than done, persistence does in fact pay off.

We must engage in thorough discussions in order to gain a better sense of the most appropriate

and effective way to proceed with the project.

The information I’ve collected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge

may be less useful than most people think.

②少数形容词和比较级不用连词than: superior to, inferior, senior, junior, prior to,而不用than

e.g. Comparatively speaking, TV is superior to film for its convenience and comfort as a way of


When it comes to love or friendship, no one is ever inferior to anyone else. ③ the +比较级+the+比较结构 越?越?

e.g. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, therefore, the harder you work, the more progress

you will make.

The more places you travel, the more knowledge of cultures and customs you will learn.

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