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Module 1 Changes and difference

Unit 1 You and me Period one 教学目标 1. 能听、说、读、写重点单词重,能运用重点句型描述自己及他人的身高、体重,并进行问答。 2. 能运用there be 句型描述城市与乡村的景物。 3. 培养孩子们在实际情境中运用目标语言交流的热情和能力,保持学习英语的积极态度和信心。 教学重、难点 Words: weight kilogram centimetre fan theater Sentences: How old are you ? I’m ... centimetres tall. How much do you weigh ? I weigh ... Kilograms 教学准备 Recorder 教学过程 Step One: Warming up 1. Greeting 2. Free talking ( 直接引入新知 ) T: Ma Rong is the tallest in our class ,yes ? S: Yes! T: How tall? S: 160 T:So tall ! 160 centimetres tall ( Show “centimetres tall”on the blackboard ) Step Two: New lesson T: Ma Rong is 160 centimetres tall . What about Sheng Li ? S: 120 centimetres tall. T: How much does he weigh ? ( 多高? ) S: 35 T: 35 kilograms ( Show “35 kilograms” on the blackboard ) 1. Show PPT to children T: How tall is Peter ?

S: He is 160 centimetres tall . T: How much does he weigh ? S: He weighs 50 kilograms. T: How tall is Danny ? S: He is 120 centimetres tall. T: How much does Kitty weigh ? S: He weighs 35 kilograms. Ma Rong is taller. 2. Pairwork Step Three: “Listen and say” 1. Learn by yourselves. 2. Read Step Four: Retell “Listen and say”. Step Five: 选词填空 1. -- are you ? -- I’m 164 centimetres tall . 2. --- are you ? --- I’m 14 years old. 3. --- is your pencil ? It’s 18 centimetres long. 4. --- pencils are there in your pencil-case ? There are two. 5. --- do you weigh ? I weigh 40 kilograms. Step six: Summarize Step seven: Homework 调查你父母的身高并编织成对话。 板书设计 Unit 1 You and me He is 160 centimetres tall . He weighs 50 kilograms.

Unit 1 You and me Period two 教学目标 能用there be 句型描述乡村和城市的景物,并可以描述他们之间的区别。 教学重、难点 Words: countryside city enjoy cinema theatre hill lake crop fresh Phrases: enjoy themselves, at the weekend , a lot of tall buildings, Plant crops , get the crops in Sentences: There is\\are ... 教学准备 Recorder 教学过程 Step One: Review Step Two: Look and read 1. Learn “Look and read” by yourselves. 2. Guessing the meaning of the main sentences.( 出示课件PPT) ⑴ There are a lot of tall buildings in the city. ⑵ Some people enjoy themselves at the cinema or theatre . ⑶ Farmers plant crops in spring. ⑷ In autumn, they Step Three: Find the difference between the city and the countryside. Step Four: Retell the short passages. Step Five: Summarize City: a lot of shops and restaurants Go to work by car,bus or underground At the weekend, enjoy themselves at the cinema or theatres Countryside: a lot of houses , rivers ,hills and lakes Walk or ride bicycles Plant crops in spring, in autumn, get the crops in Step six: Homework Read the short passages.

6.板书设计 Unit 1 You and me City: a lot of shops and restaurants Go to work by car,bus or underground At the weekend, enjoy themselves at the cinema or theatres Countryside: a lot of houses , rivers ,hills and lakes Walk or ride bicycles Plant crops in spring, in autumn, nbsp;crops in

Unit 2 Changes in our lives Period one 教学目标 1. 能听说读写重点单词writer drive life photographer和短语street cleaner, in the past, in a short time , a digital camera, right away, street sweeper 2. 能够运用“In the past, he/she ... Now he /she ...”正确描述他人的职业及其过去和现在的生活变化。 教学重、难点 Words: writer drive life machine photographer broom Phrases: street cleaner, in the past, in a short time , a digital camera, right away, street sweeper 教学准备 Recorder 教学过程 Step One: Warming up Step Two: New lesson T: 大家都知道,近一年来我们学校发生了许多变化,比如:Our desks and chairs were old , now they are new. 我们也发生了变化,比如: Wang Jianing was short,now he is tall. 那么能说说在你们自己的身边或者家里都发生什么变化了吗? S: I was thin, now I am heavy. S: My TV was old, now it is new. T: Greet! ... In the past , our school was old. Now it is new. In the past, Miss Jia was a teacher. Now she is a head teacher. ... ( Show the sentences above on the blackboard. ) Step Three: “Listen and say” 1. Reading and guessing. 2. Pick up main sentences ( 出示课件 ) In the past, she got her crops in by hand. Now she uses a machine. In the past, Mr Zhang used film to take photos.Now he uses a digital camera.

