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第二部分: 词汇知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节: 多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


例:To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their ________ and weaknesses.

A.strengths B.benefits C.techniques D.values 答案:A 21.[2014·湖北卷] Her ________ for writing was a desire for women to get the right to higher education.

A. motivation B. qualification C. talent D. technique 21. A 考查名词的含义。motivation 动机;qualification 资格;talent天分,天赋;technique技巧,技术。句意:她写作的动力是为了一个愿望,即让女性得到更高等教育的权利。

22. [2014·湖北卷] When Richard said, “You are much more agreeable and prettier now,” Joan's face turned red at the unexpected ________.

A. command B. comparison C. compliment D. contribution 22. C 考查名词的含义。command 命令,指令,掌握;comparison比较;compliment 恭维;contribution贡献。句意:当理查德说道“现在的你更讨人喜欢,更漂亮了”时,由于这个意想不到的恭维,乔安的脸变红了。

23. [2014·湖北卷] Seeing the big crowd coming towards him, he started to run down the hill, but ________ and went down on his hands and knees in the melting snow.

A. slipped B. skied C. signalled D. sank

23. A 考查动词的含义。slip 滑倒;ski 滑雪;signal 向??发信号;sink下沉。句意:看到一大群人向他冲过来,他开始向山下跑,但他滑倒了,手和膝盖都趴在融雪里面。

24. [2014·湖北卷] The old rules have to be ________ because they only applied to the circumstances that existed when they were made a hundred years ago.

A. developed B. established C. observed D. revised

24. D 考查动词的含义。develop 发展,发育;establish 建立,创办;observe 观察,遵守;revise 修订,修改。句意:这些旧的规则得修订了,因为它们只适用于100年前这些规则被制定的时候所存在的情况。

25. [2014·湖北卷] I've been trying to phone Charles all evening, but there must be something wrong with the network; I can't seem to ________.

A. get through B. get off C. get in D. get along

25. A 考查动词短语的含义。get through 接通,通过;get off 下车;get in 收割,收获;get along相处,进展。句意:我整个晚上都在打查理的电话,但一定是网络出了问题,我似乎无法打通他的电话。

26. [2014·湖北卷] Is this your necklace, Mary? I ________ it when I was cleaning the


bathroom this morning.

A. came across B. dealt with C. look after D. went for

26. A 考查动词短语的含义。come across 偶然发现,遇到;deal with 处理,应付;look after 照看;go for 喜欢,适用于。句意:玛丽,这是你的项链吗?今天早上我清理浴室的时候偶然发现了它。

27. [2014·湖北卷] What was so ________ about Jasmine Westland's victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed.

A. awful B. essential

C. impressive D. obvious

27. C 考查形容词的含义。awful 极讨厌的;essential 极其重要的;impressive 印象深刻的;obvious明显的。句意:关于Jasmine Westland的胜利给人印象最深刻的是她赤脚赢得了马拉松比赛的第一名。

28. [2014·湖北卷] Instead of blaming the child who had broken the vase, she gave him a ________ smile and let him go.

A. cautious B. grateful C. tolerant D. wild

28. C 考查形容词的含义。cautious谨慎的; grateful 感激的;tolerant 容忍的,宽容的,wild狂野的,疯狂的。句意:她并没有责备那个打破花瓶的孩子,相反,她对他宽容地笑了一下,并让他离开了。

29. [2014·湖北卷] Hardly had Sabrina finished her words when Albert said ________, “Don't be so mean,” pointing a finger of warning at her.

A. dreadfully B. guiltily C. indirectly D. sharply

29. D 考查副词的含义。sharply急剧地,严厉地; indirectly 间接地;guiltily 愧疚地;dreadfully极度地。句意:Sabrina一说完她的话,Albert就用手指着警告她,并严厉地说:“不要这么苛刻!”

30. [2014·湖北卷] Check carrots, potatoes, onions and any other vegetables ________ and immediately use or throw away any which show signs of rotting.

A. in demand B. in store C. on loan D. on sale

30. B 考查介词短语的含义。in demand 大量需求;in store 储藏的,即将发生的;on loan 暂借的;on sale出售,上市。 句意:检查一下我们存储的胡萝卜、土豆、洋葱和其他蔬菜,立刻把那些有腐烂迹象的用掉或者扔掉。

第二节: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) [2014·湖北卷]


When our restaurant business failed, we headed north in a camping truck to Texas, hoping to have a “fresh start”.

At the __31__of Palo Duro Canyon(峡谷) State Park, I __32__ a job advertisement hiring park hosts. The position offered a __33__, permanent campsite in the park, and


__34__, the hosts served as a link between the park's guests and the rangers(护林人). It was the perfect solution: a rent-free place to reorganize our lives. We entered the park and I made an

__35__ for the following day.

The park was __36__, so it took us some time to find an available site. That evening, as we finished our dinner, my wife saw two large skunks(臭鼬) walking towards our table. We __37__ climbed onto the table and, for the next four hours, waited for them to __38__ our camp.

Having survived that night, we were __39__ that everything else would be all right. The next day we met with the people who ran the park. They explained our __40__ and gave us a beautiful campsite.

That evening, __41__, we learned about the canyon __42__. They were strong and cold, rocking our little camping truck violently, and we lay __43__ in the dark until the winds died away.

__44__ the weeks that followed, we learned to survive in our truck and __45__ the little money my wife __46__ by substitute teaching. Building a successful business and then losing it had left very little time for building a successful __47__. For a time after our business __48__ I thought I might lose my family as well.

Living in the tiny __49__ with no television, we sat close together reading and talking. One evening, standing under a jewelled sky, I found myself __50__ for all the hardships. We had walked the trails and climbed the canyon walls. We had become a family!

31. A. back B. edge

C. centre D. entrance

32. A. sponsored B. published C. noticed D. answered 33. A. safe B. free

C. convenient D. beautiful 34. A. in return B. in time C. in short D. in turn

35. A. attempt B. agreement C. appeal D. appointment

36. A. crowded B. dangerous C. ideal D. quiet

37. A. repeatedly B. immediately C. eventually D. calmly 38. A. attack B. leave C. pass D. search

39. A. satisfied B. determined C. confident D. aware

40. A. responsibilities B. requirements C. circumstances D. conditions 41. A. moreover B. therefore C. meanwhile D. however 42. A. winds B. snows


C. woods D. trails

43. A. shaking B. quarrelling C. mourning D. aching 44. A. After B. Between C. During D. Beyond

45. A. give away B. hand out C. live on D. put aside

46. A. borrowed B. earned C. posted D. raised 47. A. business B. career C. family D. image 48. A. started B. failed

C. expanded D. declined 49. A. truck B. park C. house D. camp

50. A. desperate B. ready C. suitable D. thankful

【要点概述】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者经营餐厅失败以后,他和妻子坐着一辆货车去德克萨斯州重新开始生活。在一个野生公园里,他得到了一份工作,这份工作让他得到一个免费的宿营地。在经历了这一系列的苦难之后,作者认为正是苦难让他们成为一家人,使他们重新拥有了一个家。

31. D 根据下文第二段中的最后一句 “We entered the park?”可知,作者是在公园的入口处看到的广告。

32. C 根据空格后的a job advertisement可知,作者是在公园的入口处注意到了一则广告。sponsor 赞助;publish 发表;notice 注意,看到;answer回答。

33. B 根据下句中的a rent-free place to reorganize our lives 可知公园的这份工作提供免

费的宿营的地方。safe 安全的;free 免费的;convenient方便的;beautiful美丽的。

34. A 根据上文可知公园给作者一家提供了免费的营地,下文讲述了作者要充当游客和护林人之间联系的纽带,这两者之间是一个交换关系,故选A。in return 回报,报答;in time 终于,及时;in short 简而言之;in turn依次,轮流,反过来。

35. D 根据下文的“The next day we met with the people who ran the park.” 可知,他们跟公园经营者约好第二天见面。make an appointment约会。attempt 尝试;agreement 协议;appeal吸引,呼吁。

36. A 根据空格后的“?it took us some time to find an available site.”可知,公园里人很拥挤。

37. B 根据上文的“?two large skunks(臭鼬) walking towards our table.”可知作者一家很害怕,立刻都爬到桌子上去了。

38. B 根据上文的“?walking towards our table.”可知,臭鼬跟作者一家待在一起,因此他们一直等着臭鼬离开他们宿营的地方。

39. C 根据空格后的“?everything else would be all right.” 可知作者和妻子很有信心。

40. A 因为上文提到该工作要作者充当游客和护林员之间的纽带,因此作者是有一定的职责的,故用responsibility。responsibility责任;requirement 要求;circumstance 环境;



41. D 上段中的a beautiful campsite与其后的strong and cold构成逻辑上的转折关系,故用however。

42. A 根据下句中的“?the winds died away.”可知,晚上起了大风。

43. A 根据空格前的“?strong and cold, rocking our little camping truck violently.”可知,作者与妻子很害怕,因此他们在黑暗中瑟瑟发抖。

44. C 根据空格后的the weeks that followed可知是好几个星期的时间,故用during表示一段时间。

45. C 根据空格后的the little money 可知是靠妻子挣些钱生活。give away 免费赠送,泄露;hand out 交出;live on靠??谋生;put aside 储存,把??放到一边。

46. B 根据空格后的by substitute teaching 可知妻子当代课老师挣钱,故用earn。 47. C 根据下文中几次提到family一词可知,作者此时意识到了当时自己由于忙于做生意,而忽视了自己的家庭。

48. B 根据空格后的lose可知作者的生意失败了。

49. A 根据上文出现的truck可知,作者与妻子住在他们的卡车里。

50. D 根据空格后的“We had become a family!” 可知,作者感激这次苦难。 第三部分: 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 [2014·湖北卷]


Before I had my son, I spent two years working with children with disabilities. I learnt that shouting and threats of punishment would result in a disaster. Coming up against their behaviour could only make the job harder and their behaviour more extreme. I found something that worked, though.

There was a very naughty boy in the nursery and a teacher who was generally very confident with the children was asked to take charge of him. One day the boy joined a session in the room next to mine. His appearance created an atmosphere of tension. He spent the entire session running around, hitting and kicking, and destroying property.

I was in the craft room working with some other children when my co-worker told me that this boy's teacher was in tears, and could not get control of the situation. As we were talking, the boy ran in. I told my co-worker that I would take care of him.

I closed the door. He was full of energy, throwing things around and making a huge mess. But I could see that he was doing all these to annoy me. He needed connection, and this was the only way he knew how to ask for it. So I sat back down and kept quiet. Then he slowed down and began making a rocket. I talked to him about it. We continued like this for a few minutes before I slipped into the conversation:

“So what happened today?”

It was purely a question, no blame or anger in my tone. I believe that if I had criticized him, the gate that was slowly opening would have shut firmly closed. He told me that the teacher didn't let him do what he knew well due to safety but asked him to do what he disliked. He also admitted that he had enjoyed making her run around and saw it as a game. I explained that his teacher had not seen it as a game and was very upset. This again was stated simply as a fact. I suggested that next time he had a session, he talk about what he hoped to do at the start, which might be easier


for everyone. He agreed and was quiet for a moment. Then he looked at me with tears in his eyes before quietly asking if he could go to find his teacher to apologize.

51. The boy made trouble for his teacher because he ________. A. was accused of destroying property B. was told not to yell at other children C. was made to do things against his will D. was blamed for creating an air of tension

52. Why didn't the author do anything about the boy's bad behaviour at first? A. She didn't want to make it worse. B. She didn't mind the huge mess at all. C. She was tired of shouting and threats. D. She hadn't thought of a coping strategy.

53. The author managed to get the boy to talk to her by ________. A. playing games with him

B. giving him a good suggestion C. describing his teacher's feelings D. avoiding making critical remarks

54. Why did the boy have tears in his eyes in the end? A. He was sorry about his reputation. B. He was regretful about his behaviour. C. He was fearful of the author's warning.

D. He was sad for the author's misunderstanding.

【要点概述】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者在幼儿园工作时,通过教育一个小男孩,让他认识到自己的错误,告诉我们人与人之间需要的是沟通和理解。只有正确的沟通和理解才可以解决一切问题。

51. C 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的第三句 “?asked him to do what he disliked.”可知,男孩是因为老师让他做不喜欢的事情他才捣乱的。所以C项正确。

52. A 推理判断题。根据文章第四段中的“But I could see that he was doing all these to annoy me. He needed connection, and this was the only way he knew how to ask for it. So I sat back down and kept quiet. Then he slowed down and began making a rocket.”可知,作者知道他捣乱是想激怒自己。如果作者没加以了解情况就立刻采取措施,可能会让事情更糟糕,所以作者很冷静。故A项正确。

53. D 推理判断题。根据最后一段前两句“It was purely a question, no blame or anger in my tone. I believe that if I had criticized him, the gate that was slowly opening would have shut firmly closed.” 可知,如果作者批评他,那么他对作者打开的那扇门就又要关闭上了。这说明作者在和他沟通的时候,避免使用批评的语气。所以D项正确。

54. B 推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“Then he looked at me with tears in his eyes before quietly asking if he could go to find his teacher to apologize.”可知,男孩对于自己所犯的错误感到后悔和自责。所以B项正确。



London's newest skyscraper(摩天大楼) is called the Shard and it cost about 430 million pounds to build. At a height of almost 310 metres, it is the tallest building in Europe. The Shard


has completely changed the appearance of London. However, not everyone thinks that it is a change for the better.

The Shard was designed by the famous Italian architect Renzo Piano. When he began designing the Shard for London, Piano wanted a very tall building that looked like a spire (尖顶). He wanted the glass surfaces to reflect the sky and the city. The sides of the building aren't regular. So the building has an unusual shape. It looks like a very thin, sharp piece of broken glass. And that is how the building got the name: the Shard. Piano says that the spire shape of the Shard is part of a great London tradition. The shape reminds him of the spires of the churches of London or the tall masts(桅杆) of the ships that were once on the river Thames.

The Shard has 87 floors. At the top, there is an observatory. At the moment the building is empty, but eventually there will be a five-star hotel. There will also be top quality restaurants,

apartments and offices.

Before building work began, a lot of people didn't want the Shard though the plans were approved. Now they are still unhappy about the Shard. Some critics say that such a tall skyscraper might be good in a city like New York, but not in London. They say that the best thing about the Shard is its spire shape. But that is the only thing. There is no decoration, only flat surfaces. The Egyptians did that 4,500 years ago. They also think the Shard is too big for London. It destroys the beauty of the city.

Other critics don't like what the Shard seems to represent. They say that the Shard shows how London is becoming more unequal. Only very rich people can afford to buy the expensive private apartments and stay in the hotel. But the people who live near the Shard are among the poorest in London. So the Shard seems a symbol of the division in society between the very rich and the poor.

The Shard now dominates the London skyline. It is not certain, however, that ordinary London citizens will ever accept it as a valuable addition to the city.

55. London's newest skyscraper is called the Shard because of ________. A. its cost B. its size C. its shape D. its height

56. When he designed the Shard, Piano wanted it to ________. A. change London's skyline B. inherit London's tradition C. imitate the Egyptian style D. attract potential visitors

57. The critics who refer to social division think the Shard ________. A. is only preferred by the rich B. is intended for wealthy people C. is far away from the poor area D. is popular only with Londoners

58. Which would be the best title for the passage? A. The Shard: cheers and claps

B. The Shard: work of a great architect C. The Shard: new symbol of london? D. The Shard: a change for the better?


【要点概述】 本文是一篇新闻报道,报道了伦敦最新的摩天大楼the Shard,介绍了它的形状和设计理念。同时,还讲述了人们对于这栋大楼的不同的看法:很多人都反对建这栋大楼,说它并没有向一个好的方向改变。

55. C 细节理解题。根据第二段的“The sides of the building aren't regular. So the building has an unusual shape. It looks like a very thin, sharp piece of broken glass. And that is how the building got the name: the Shard.”可知,摩天大楼the Shard的得名是因为它的形状。所以C项正确。

56. B 推理判断题。根据第二段的倒数第一、二句“Piano says that the spire shape of the Shard is part of a great London tradition. The shape reminds him of the spires of the churches of London or the tall masts(桅杆) of the ships that were once on the river Thames.”可知,他把这座摩天大楼设计成这个形状是为了让它成为伦敦的传统的一部分,也就是说让它继承伦敦的传统。所以B项正确。

57. B 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“They say that the Shard shows how London is becoming more unequal. Only very rich people can afford to buy the expensive private apartments and stay in the hotel. But the people who live near the Shard are among the poorest in London.”可知,一些批评家认为这座大楼只是为那些富有的人而设计的,而居住在这栋大楼附近的人是伦敦人中最贫穷的那些人,这座大楼是社会不公平的代表。所以B项正确。

58. D 主旨大意题。本文是一篇新闻报道,报道了伦敦最新的摩天大楼the Shard,介绍了它的形状和设计理念,同时还讲述了人们对于这栋大楼的不同的看法。根据第一段最后一句“However, not everyone thinks that it is a change for the better.”可知,很多人都反对建这栋大楼,说它并没有向一个好的方向改变。所以D项正确。



Working with a group of baboons(狒狒) in the Namibian desert, Dr Alecia Carter of the Department of Zoology, Cambridge University set baboons learning tasks involving a novel food and a familiar food hidden in a box. Some baboons were given the chance to watch another baboon who already knew how to solve the task, while others had to learn for themselves. To work out how brave or anxious the baboons were, Dr Carter presented them either with a novel food or a threat in the form of a model of a poisonous snake.

She found that personality had a major impact on learning. The braver baboons learnt, but the shy ones did not learn the task although they watched the baboon perform the task of finding the novel food just as long as the brave ones did. In effect, despite being made aware of what to do, they were still too shy to do what the experienced baboon did.

The same held true for anxious baboons compared with calm ones. The anxious individuals learnt the task by observing others while those who were relaxed did not, even though they spent more time watching.

This mismatch between collecting social information and using it shows that personality plays a key role in social learning in animals, something that has previously been ignored in studies on how animals learn to do things. The findings are significant because they suggest that animals may perform poorly in cognitive(认知的) tasks not because they aren't clever enough to solve them, but because they are too shy or nervous to use the social information.

The findings may impact how we understand the formation of culture in societies through social learning. If some individuals are unable to get information from others because they don't


associate with the knowledgeable individuals, or they are too shy to use the information once they have it, information may not travel between all group members, preventing the formation of a culture based on social learning.

59. What is the first paragraph mainly about? A. The design of Dr Carter's research. B. The results of Dr Carter's research. C. The purpose of Dr Carter's research. D. The significance of Dr Carter's research.

60. According to the research, which baboons are more likely to complete a new learning task?

A. Those that have more experience. B. Those that can avoid potential risks. C. Those that like to work independently. D. Those that feel anxious about learning.

61. Which best illustrates the “mismatch” mentioned in Paragraph 4? A. Some baboons are intelligent but slow in learning. B. Some baboons are shy but active in social activities. C. Some baboons observe others but don't follow them. D. Some baboons perform new tasks but don't concentrate.

62. Dr Carter's findings indicate that our culture might be formed through ________. A. storing information

B. learning from each other

C. understanding different people D. travelling between social groups

【要点概述】 本文是一篇科普类文章。文章通过叙述Dr Alecia Carter在狒狒身上进行的一项研究显示,动物的性格在社会化的学习中起着很重要的作用。勇敢的、急躁的狒狒乐于学习,而胆小的、安静的狒狒不乐于学习。同样,人类也与此相似,我们的文化的形成正是通过交换信息等社会化的学习活动来实现的。

59. A 主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“?Dr Alecia Carter of the Department of Zoology, Cambridge University set baboons learning tasks involving a novel food and a familiar food hidden in a box. Some baboons were given the chance to watch another baboon who already knew how to solve the task, while others had to learn for themselves.”可知,本段主要描述她进行的这项研究的设计方案,也就是她在这项研究里是如何做的。所以A项正确。

60. D 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“The anxious individuals learnt the task by observing others while those who were relaxed did not, even though they spent more time watching.”可知,那些很急切想学习的狒狒学得更快、更好,而那些害羞的狒狒却没能做到。所以D项正确。

61. C 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“The anxious individuals learnt the task by observing others while those who were relaxed did not, even though they spent more time watching.”可知,一些狒狒虽然观察了很长时间,但是并没有采取行动。这说明性格在动物的社会行为中起着很重要的作用。第四段里的mismatch就是指第三段最后一句“?while those who were relaxed did not, even though they spent more time watching.”的内容。所以C项正确。

62. B 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的第一句“The findings may impact how we


understand the formation of culture in societies through social learning.”可知,人们是通过社会学习来理解我们文化的形成的,也就是说人们需要相互交换信息、相互学习。所以B项正确。



You've flown halfway around the world; you've sniffed out this place that nobody in Falongland or Thailand seems to have ever heard of; so what on earth is there to do here? You consider this question as you sink into an old wooden beach chair that holds you above the sand.

It was a long journey from Bangkok to Huaplee. By the time you found the bus station and got yourself sorted out, it took almost as long as the flight from Falongland.

Huaplee is located just south of Hua Hin, about two hundred kilometres from Bangkok, down the west side of the Gulf of Thailand. Not many tourists find this place, and the ones that do wonder if finding it has been their purpose all along.

There's an apparent laziness that surrounds you here. It's what this place offers, and it's free of charge. The small waves that tap the shoreline seem to slow everything down. You settle into your beach chair in preparation for a long rest. You sit there and watch the sea.

It's early afternoon, so the cook comes out and asks what you'd like to eat this evening. Before long he's rushed off to the market to buy the ingredients for whatever it was that you ordered—every meal fresh and to order. No menu here.

There is no poolside noise here but just that wonderfully warm, clear blue sea. There's no street noise. The only sounds are the murmurs of nature.

For now you just count your blessings(福祉), listing them in the sand with your toe(脚趾). You don't have to worry about being late for work. You don't have to do anything.

The beach to your right stretches off to the horizon(地平线), slowly narrowing to nothingness only to re-emerge again on your left, now steadily widening until it covers the chair

beneath you. Sand to your left and sand to your right; it's unbroken, endless. No start, no end, just sand, sun, and peace. Step off it, and you re-enter the world of traffic, stress, work, and hurry.

Normally you're the type who can't sit still for more than ten minutes, but you're on Huaplee Lazy Beach now and, in the right frame of mind, it stretches all the way around the world.

“How could it take me so long to find it?” you wonder. 63. When the author first went to Huaplee Beach, ________. A. he found it unworthwhile B. he failed to sort himself out C. he became sensitive to smell D. he had difficulty in finding it

64. What is special about the food service at Huaplee Beach? A. No menu. B. Free food.

C. Self service. D. Quick delivery.

65. In the author's opinion, a tourist can enjoy Huaplee Beach most when he ________. A. sits in a beach chair B. forgets his daily routine C. plans a detailed schedule D. draws pictures in the sand

66. What does the author imply by his question at the end of the passage?


A. He shouldn't have counted his blessings.

B. He should have understood the wonder of nature. C. He shouldn't have spent so much time on the trip. D. He should have come to the place earlier.

【要点概述】 本文是一则广告。文章主要叙述了泰国美丽的海滨度假胜地Huaplee Beach,描述了这里美丽的景色、可口的饭菜以及缓慢的生活节奏,目的在于吸引更多的人来到这里。

63. D 推理判断题。根据文章二段中的内容可知从曼谷去那里要花很长的时间,而且很少有游客能够找到这个地方。作者第一次去也花了很长的时间。所以D项正确。

64. A 细节理解题。根据文章第五段中的“No menu here.”可知在这里吃饭是没有菜单的,都是量身定做的。所以A项正确。

65. B 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段的内容可知,正常情况下,如果你是一个很难停下来并且很忙碌的人,那么来到这里,你就应该忘记一切,享受大自然的美丽。所以B项正确。

66. D 推理判断题。根据全文的描述可知这里风景迷人、饭菜可口、生活惬意,作者后悔很晚才发现有这样的地方。所以D项正确。



For most city people, the elevator is an unremarkable machine that inspires none of the enthusiasm or interest that Americans afford trains, jets, and even bicycles. Dr Christopher Wilk is a member of a small group of elevator experts who consider this a misunderstanding. Without the elevator, they point out, there could be no downtown skyscrapers or tall buildings, and city life as we know it would be impossible. In that sense, they argue, the elevator's role in American history has been no less significant than that of cars. In fact, according to Wilk, the car and the elevator have been locked in a “secret war” for over a century, with cars making it possible for people to spread horizontally(水平地), and elevators pushing them towards life in close groups of towering vertical(垂直的) columns.

If we tend to ignore the significance of elevators, it might be because riding in them tends to be such a brief, boring, and even awkward experience—one that can involve unexpectedly meeting people with whom we have nothing in common, and an unpleasant awareness of the fact that we're hanging from a cable in a long passage.

In a new book, Lifted, German journalist and cultural studies professor Andreas Bernard directed all his attention to this experience, studying the origins of elevator and its relationship to humankind and finding that riding in an elevator has never been a totally comfortable experience. “After 150 years, we are still not used to it,” Bernard said. “We still have not exactly learnt to cope with the mixture of closeness and displeasure.” That mixture, according to Bernard, sets the elevator ride apart from just about every other situation we find ourselves in as we go about our lives.

Today, as the world's urban population explodes, and cities become more crowded, taller, and more crowded, America's total number of elevators—900,000 at last count, according to Elevator World magazine's “2012 Vertical Transportation Industry”—are a force that's becoming more important than ever. And for the people who really, really love them, it seems like high time that we looked seriously at just what kind of force they are.


67. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 1 refer to? A. The general view of elevators. B. The particular interests of experts. C. The desire for a remarkable machine. D. The enthusiasm for transport vehicles.

68. The author's purpose in mentioning cars is ________. A. to contrast their functions with elevators' B. to emphasize the importance of elevators C. to reveal their secret war against elevators D. to explain people's preference for elevators

69. According to Prof Bernard, what has made the elevator ride different from other life experiences?

A. Vertical direction. B. Lack of excitement. C. Little physical space.

D. Uncomfortable conditions.

70. The author urges readers to consider ________. A. the exact number of elevator lovers B. the serious future situation of elevators C. the role of elevators in city development D. the relationship between cars and elevators

【要点概述】 本文是一篇议论文。文章告诉我们,电梯在美国人的生活中是非常重要的,它使人们向垂直方向发展。随着城市规模的扩大,电梯的使用越来越多,人们要更加关注电梯的作用。

67. A 推理判断题。根据第一段的第一句“For most city people, the elevator is an unremarkable machine that inspires none of the enthusiasm or interest that Americans afford trains, jets, and even bicycles.”可知,大部分人都认为电梯是不值得关注的机器,而Dr Christopher Wilk认为这是一种错误的想法,他认为电梯和汽车几乎同样重要。故this是指大众对于电梯的错误的看法,所以A项正确。

68. B 推理判断题。作者在第一段中提到汽车,提到了它的作用“?with cars making it possible for people to spread horizontally(水平地)?”,然后提到电梯的作用“?elevators pushing them towards life in close groups of towering vertical(垂直的) columns.”,其目的是用汽车的作用说明电梯的作用及它的重要性。 所以B项正确。

69. C 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“?that riding in an elevator has never been a totally comfortable experience.”以及“‘We still have not exactly learnt to cope with the mixture of closeness and displeasure.’”可知人们乘坐电梯的时候感觉是拥挤的、不愉快的,而这主要是因为电梯里的空间太小,给人压抑感。所以C项正确。

70. C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第一句“Today, as the world's urban population explodes, and cities become more crowded, taller, and more crowded, America's total number of elevators—900,000 at last count, according to Elevator World magazine's ‘2012 Vertical Transportation Industry’—are a force that's becoming more important than ever.”可知,随着城市规模的扩大,电梯的使用越来越多,它起的作用比以往更重要了,所以人们要更加关注电梯的作用。所以C项正确。


第四部分: 书面表达(共两节,满分50分)

第一节: 完成句子(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) [2014·湖北卷]


例:________ was that the young player performed extremely well in the table tennis tournament.(delight)

令球迷欣喜的是那位年轻的球员在乒乓球锦标赛中表现得极为出色。 答案:What delighted the fans/made the fans delighted

71. The community college has to cut down on staff ________________________.(save) 为了省钱,那所社区学院只好裁员。

72. So far the well-known journalist ________________ more than 4,000 interviews with famous people.(accumulate)


73. Sometimes ____________________ to use examples to explain abstract concepts.(helpful)


74. The police will reward ________________ useful information to catch the robber.(provide)


75. He's the only student in the class ________________ to take part in the Model United Nations conference.(select)


76. No other technological development has had ______________________ as the growth of electronics on so many aspects of social, economic, and cultural development.(impact)


77. You ______________________ the meeting to tell me that; you could have come to tell me afterwards.(interrupt)


78. This novel was once the ____________________ book in high schools in the United States.(read)


79. The Public Square is an eye-catching sight of the city. ________________ many stone sculptures of famous historical figures.(stand)

大众广场是这个城市引人注目的景点,许多历史名人的石雕像矗立在那儿。 80. It was several minutes ______________________ what he was saying.(take) 过了好几分钟,我才理解他说的是什么。

71. (in order) to save money/so as to save money 考查非谓语动词。表示汉语中的“为了”需用不定式作目的状语。

72. has accumulated 考查动词的时态。句中的so far暗示谓语动词用现在完成时。 73. it might/may be helpful 考查形式主语it。本句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式,构成的是“it be helpful to do?”形式。

74. whoever provides/has provided 考查名词性从句。动词reward后是宾语从句,需用



75. that has been selected 考查定语从句以及动词的被动语态。汉语中的“被选上”暗示此句中需用被动语态,再根据句中的“He's the only?”可知用现在完成时的被动语态。此句是一个定语从句,而且the only student在后面的定语从句中作主语,不能省略。先行词是人,可用that/who引导。当被the only修饰时,用that。

76. such a great impact/as great an impact 考查such/so?as结构。因impact是可数名词,故可构成“such +冠词+形容词+名词”结构或“so+形容词+冠词+名词”结构。

77. shouldn't have interrupted/oughtn't to have interrupted

考查情态动词。根据句中的could have done可知“打断”发生在过去。这里表示的是“不该打断会议,但实际上打断了”的意思,故用shouldn't have done。

78. most widely read 考查副词最高级。汉语中的“最广泛”需用副词的最高级表示,故用most widely;book与read构成逻辑上的被动关系,需用过去分词read。

79. There stand 考查倒装句。因主语位于空格的后面,故此句用倒装句。由“矗立在那儿”可知需将there位于句首,故用全部倒装,主语是复数名词many stone sculptures,因此其后接复数谓语stand。

80. before I could take in/before I took in 考查状语从句。根据固定句型“It was +一段时间+before +一般过去时”可知本句用before引导。“理解”用动词短语take in。

第二节: 短文写作(共1题;满分30分) [2014·湖北卷]


Small things make a big difference. The small things we do can make us a responsible member of the society.

注意:1.无须写标题; 2.除诗歌外,文体不限;

3.内容必须结合你生活中的具体事例; 4.文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;

5.词数不少于120,如引用提示语则不计入总词数。 【思路点拨】


1. 结构上:采用三段式,第一段根据提供的句子提出自己的观点;第二段通过事例证明自己的观点;第三段再用一两句话回归主题。第二段是本文的重点内容,需要多用一些笔墨。

2. 时态:以一般过去时为主,辅以一般将来时; 3. 人称:第一人称;

4. 注意恰当地使用一些连词,使文章自然、流畅; 5. 适当使用一些高级句型和词汇以提高作文的档次。 【参考范文】

It isn't hard to grow up into a responsible member of the society.

I can well remember an incident that happened on a rainy Sunday afternoon. I was on my way to the bookstore and was waiting for the green light at a crossing when a girl of about ten years old was knocked down by a passing car, which drove off quickly. A man immediately rushed to the girl to give her first aid and I joined in without hesitation. Luckily she was not badly injured


and we sent her to the nearest hospital. Compared with the escaped driver, I am proud of what I did.

As a member of the society, I am aware that being responsible is what it takes to make a better society.

