Module 10 Unit 1 Building the future单元测试题

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Module 10 Unit 1 Building the future


第一节(共5 小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。

1. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a classroom. B. In a ticket office. C. In a concert hall. 2. What does the man mean? A. He is not worried at all. B. He wants the woman to relax. C. He?s too nervous to calm down.

3. How many students are there at the college now? A. 1,090. B. 1,060. C. 530.

4. What does the woman think of their first summer? A. Mild.

B. Wet. C. Hot.

5. Why didn?t the man get the drinks? A. He forgot about it altogether. B. The drinks will be sent by the store. C. There were no drinks at the store.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。 请听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。

6. What does the man think of the designer line items? A. Popular. B. Elegant. C. Expensive.

7. What is the price range of Best-buys items? A. From $30 to $100. B. From $50 to $500. C. From $400 to $1,500.

请听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. What can people do at the ski club?

A. Plan skiing trips. B. Buy skiing equipment. C. Present skiing lectures.

9. What?s the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Guide and tourist. B. Coach and trainee. C. Friends.

请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What is the first advertisement about? A. Finding a roommate. B. Selling some furniture. C. Renting a house.

11. When is the woman available? A. Between 8 am and 12 noon. B. Between 8 am and 4 pm. C. Between 4 pm and 9 pm.

12. What do we know about the woman? A. She works for a newspaper. B. She hopes to see the sofa for $350.

C. She lives three blocks away from the university. 请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。

13. How many hours does the man?s daughter spend on the Internet at a time? A. One or two. B. Two or three. C. Three or four.

14. Which of the following does the man?s daughter like to do on the Internet? A. Check her e-mail. B. Write her blog. C. Read e-books.

15. What kind of sports does the woman?s son prefer? A. Water sports. B. Ball games. C. Field sports.

16. What do we know about the man?s daughter? A. She doesn?t like handwriting. B. She is very busy with her lessons. C. She spends most time in the library. 请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. Which of the following situation does Heifer International help to improve? A. Clothing. B. Shelter. C. Hunger.

18. When did Mr. West develop the idea of Heifer animals? A. In the 1930s. B. In the 1940s. C. In the 1950s.

19. Where were the first cows sent? A. The USA. B. Spain. C. India.

20. What are families required to do after they receive support from Heifer International? A. Share their animals with their neighbors. B. Submit a report of their needs and goals.

C. Help other families the way they have been helped.




21. —What did you think of the meal in the new restaurant, Jason?

—_____. Actually, I?m considering asking my family members to have a try next time. A. It couldn?t have been better B. It couldn?t be worse

C. I went with a friend D. A friend of mine recommended it to me 22. —The clock is really _____ work of art.

—Definitely. I got it for only $200 last month. What _____ bargain! A. a; the B. the; a C. a; a D. the; the

23. David is forced to turn to his parents for financial aid, because house repairs, holidays and other _____ reduced his bank balance to almost nothing. A. expenses B. value C. deposits D. wealth

24. Ben was employed for a three-month trial period before being provided with a _____ position as an editor on a local newspaper.

A. fortunate B. difficult C. permanent D. systematic

25. It is beyond doubt _____ everything is going on well with the project, but I do doubt _____ the scientists will eventually succeed.

A. that; that B. that; whether C. whether; that D. whether; whether

26. _____ your salary, you will get about 1,000 dollars each month as a bonus if you do a good job. A. In spite of B. In exchange for C. In terms of D. On top of

27. Nancy has taught herself French recently and if she has something difficult to understand, she usually _____ a dictionary.

A. refers to B. sticks to C. relates to D. leads to

28. My brother got bored with his life abroad. _____, he gave up his well-paid job and came back to China in 2010.

A. Moreover B. Otherwise C. Anyway D. Therefore

29. I have just moved to a new community and people there offer me a lot of help. I?d like to buy them something to _____ all their kindness. A. repay B. squeeze C. affect D. challenge

30. Huge posters were put up across the city _____ that many pop stars would perform at the concert.

A. say B. said

C. saying D. having said

31. Lily went to the US for further education in 1999, _____, three years later, she received her doctor?s degree.

A. when B. where C. of which D. for which

32. The doctor claimed to _____ over a hundred patients with similar diseases, which I personally doubt very much.

A. have been curing B. be curing C. cure D. have cured

33. —Must I go over what the teacher said in class right now, Mom? —Sure. _____, dear.

A. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush B. Rome was not built in a day C. Strike while the iron is hot

D. Don?t count your chickens before they are hatched

34. The boss entered the office and was pleased to learn that over two thirds of the problems _____. A. solved B. had been solved C. have been solved D. have solved 35. —We _____ put pressure on the boy.

—True. He knows the importance of knowledge and always works hard at his lessons. A. can?t B. needn?t C. mightn?t D. mustn?t


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 My father-in-law John was a family doctor. He regularly read several 36 magazines. “Investing made my future secure,” he 37 in his later years. “As a(n) 38 doctor making house calls in the mountains of Tennessee and delivering babies charging a low price, I was not in the same league as 39 today.”

But in his forties, 40 he was burning out, he left his 41 in Elizabethton, Tennessee, and returned to medical school. He was older than other students and even many of his 42 . Three years later he graduated and 43 his medical career until his eventual retirement.

My children loved seeing their grandfather 44 . Not limited to one or two weeks a year, there was 45 time for their long walks and evenings of playing games. His cautiousness 46 with age, but if he had definite opinions, he wouldn?t hesitate to express them. He 47 his grandchildren in many ways, writing each one long letters, always including encouragement and 48 their paths.

Near the end of our final summer together in Pennsylvania, John announced “I?d like to 49 your time. I want the whole family to come over for an evening. Let me ?just talk? without 50 .” It seemed a strange request, 51 he was a proud man, and we didn?t argue.

When we arrived, he was sitting in his big chair as usual. 52 the television, he began to speak. John and I had never seen our children so quiet and focused. At the evening?s 53 he presented each person with a small 54 , saying, “Thank you for giving me your time.”

Although he lived another three years, John?s 55 health prevented him returning to the cottage he loved. His funeral was a celebration of his life. Many mourners (吊唁者) spoke of his influence on them.

John may have bought his grandchildren?s time one evening, but it?s an experience they remember and still talk about. In the many summers they shared, he gave them something money cannot buy: memories of time well spent together. 36. A. financial B. literary C. travel D. motoring 37. A. appealed B. showed C. observed D. responded 38. A. experienced B. poor C. popular D. private 39. A. doctors B. patients C. children D. villagers 40. A. determining B. forecasting C. admitting D. fearing 41. A. association B. practice C. homeland D. address 42. A. patients B. colleagues C. professors D. superiors

43. A. achieved B. sacrificed C. launched D. continued 44. A. eventually B. surprisingly C. deliberately D. frequently 45. A. ample C. social 46. A. calmed C. sank 47. A. saved C. influenced 48. A. cleaning C. directing 49. A. set C. spend 50. A. interruption C. question 51. A. but C. unless 52. A. Standing by B. reasonable D. precious B. settled D. ripened

B. spoiled D. entertained B. tracing D. choosing B. buy D. gain B. hesitation D. trouble B. or D. so

B. Moving to

C. Sitting around D. Turning off 53. A. preparation B. appointment C. conclusion D. arrangement 54. A. questionnaire B. check C. catalogue D. draft 55. A. mental B. fragile C. general D. public



A ★★★★☆

People are better at answering difficult, unexpected or creative questions on their own rather than in group discussions, new research has suggested.

A study by scientists found that individuals could be better at problem solving on their own, as long as they were confident in their own answers.

When they attempted to answer in groups, those who offered the right answer tended to be drowned out by more confident members who confused them or led them astray (入歧途地), the research found.

The findings suggest the old saying “too many cooks spoil the broth” could indeed be more accurate than “two heads are better than one”, as people are better off thinking for themselves.

The study, led by Professor Asher Koriat of Haifa University, Israel, asked participants a series of questions to determine how often an individual answered correctly compared with pairs or groups.

It found group decision-making was only better when the correct answer was the most logical (合乎逻辑的), allowing people to reason out the most likely outcome together.

But when given trick questions, such as “which object was bigger in a drawing” designed to mislead them, they tended to get the answer wrong. Those participants working in pairs actually arrived at more wrong answers than those working alone.

The pattern was repeated when asked relatively simple questions which many people fail in, such as “what is the capital of Australia?”

Professor Koriat said the results suggested people who were most confident of their own answers tended to be right when working alone. If people were always honest about how confident they were, he said, the results should be repeated within pairs and groups.

Instead, he said, “In such cases it is the low confidence individuals who are more likely to be correct, and reliance on the more confident members could lead the group astray.”

He added previous studies which found “two heads are better than one” were not incorrect, but were true only if the answer was the most popular, logical or obvious one.

The study, which tested 38 people individually and in pairs, has now been published in the journal Science.

56. The old saying “too many cooks spoil the broth” in the fourth paragraph probably means _____. A. there is no need to use many cooks to make a big meal B. too many people help get things done easily C. too many opinions cause confusion

D. it?s unnecessary for too many people to work on a difficult project

57. From the finding, group decision-making is better than that of individuals in a situation where _____.

A. the wrong answer is easy to see through B. the correct answer is the most logical C. people are sure of their success D. the question is simple

58. Individuals working alone, in groups and pairs all tend to work out the right answer when they _____.

A. answer trick questions B. rely on confident members C. treat their confidence correctly D. answer relatively difficult questions

59. Which of the following may serve as the best title for the passage? A. Two heads are not necessarily better than one

B. Confident members play a great role in making the final decisions C. The development of companies relies on individuals? creativity D. The efficiency of teamwork is higher than that of individuals

B ★★★★☆

CHICAGO (Reuters) — In the last few years of his life, Dr. Ralph Steinman made himself into an extraordinary human lab experiment, testing a series of unproven treatments — including some he helped to create — as he carried on a very personal battle with pancreatic cancer (胰腺癌). The winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in medicine, who died only three days before the award was announced on Monday, October 3, finally tried as many as eight unproven treatments. Steinman was devoted to research that would make a difference in the lives of people. That became more apparent after he suffered from cancer. He didn?t want to be thought of as an example of failed concepts. He wanted to see effective treatments made available to people so that they could be helped.

Steinman spent his entire career on immunology (免疫学) research for which he won the Nobel Prize, an honor he shares with American Bruce Beutler and French biologist Jules Hoffmann for their contributions to explaining the immune system. And Steinman discovered dendritic (树状的) cells in 1973.

Steinman lived four and a half years after getting pancreatic cancer that typically kills people within a year or less. He worked up to the very end. Steinman?s health declined quickly. Dr. Sarah Schlesinger, Steinman?s lab director, was told by the family of his death on Saturday. The plan had been for Dr. Michel Nussenzweig, head of molecular (分子的) immunology at Rockefeller who had worked with Steinman for over three decades, to tell the university of his passing on Monday morning. But that was abandoned when the family got an e-mail around 5:30 a.m. from the Nobel Committee at Sweden?s Karolinska Institute, saying he had won the medicine prize. Nobel prizes aren?t awarded to people after their death. But Schlesinger said entering the hospital secretly had nothing to do with the Nobel Prize. At the end he just wanted to be with his family. At last, the Nobel Committee decided to award the prize to Steinman after his death. 60. When did Ralph Steinman pass away according to the passage? A. On October 3. B. On September 30.

C. On October 2. D. On October 1.

61. Ralph Steinman tried unproven treatments himself to _____. A. show his great determination B. show his devotion to immunology

C. find some effective treatments D. prove some failed concepts

62. We can learn from the passage that _____. A. Steinman knew quite a few famous biologists well B. dendritic cells were first discovered by a Frenchman C. Steinman worked for four years in spite of pancreatic cancer D. Steinman was the first to be given the Nobel Prize after death

63. Few people knew about Ralph Steinman?s last stay in hospital because he _____. A. wanted to get the Nobel Prize B. didn?t want others to worry C. needed a quiet place to recover D. didn?t want to be bothered

C ★★★★☆

A destination with abundant natural beauty is an excellent candidate for tourist activity. Mexico fits the bill perfectly. Its beautiful beaches, green forest, marine (海洋的) wildlife, desert landscape

and tropical wildlife have made it the number one tourist country in the Caribbean region. Many times, tourist destinations fall victim to endless human greed, over-consumption and

commercialization. This kind of unsustainable growth puts both the nature and people living there at risk. Not only are lives endangered but also people?s livelihood and economic survival.

Fortunately, Mexico authorities have recognized that sustainable growth is the only way possible for tourism. Tourism directly affects many other industries such as real estate (房地产). Because of Mexico?s tourism boom, Mexico?s real estate industry has flourished even when recession (衰退) was at its peak (最高点) all over the US.

One of the ways to preserve nature is to make use of renewable sources of energy which are not only clean but also do the least damage to the environment. The government encourages usages of renewable sources of energy. Recently, Mexican President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa attended the opening ceremony of the Oaxaca II, III and IV wind parks, owned by Acciona. The three energy parks, with a combined power generation capacity of 306 megawatts, can light up more than 700,000 homes without using harmful carbon fuel sources. The plants will help avoid the emission of 670 million tonnes of CO2 to the atmosphere a year which is equal to the cleaning effect of 33.5 million trees through the process of photosynthesis (光合作用).

With measures like these, Mexico?s natural resources will not suffer even while Mexico continues to make good economic progress. Tourism being its main economic activity cannot afford Mexico to lose its beauty and culture because of development.

Such measures prove that Mexico?s authorities are aware of global and local environment issues and know that long-term development need not be harmful to the environment. Tourism in all parts of Mexico has been directly affected because of such positive moves. In fact, real estate has also seen the benefits from the increased environmental awareness. Many property laws have been worked out which attempt to minimize the danger to coastlines. Tourist destinations like Los Cabos real estate region have been able to hold back commercialization and keep their natural beauty. 64. What does the author mean by saying “Mexico fits the bill perfectly”?

A. Mexico is a place suitable for everyone to live in. B. Mexico is entirely appropriate for traveling. C. Mexico is a wonderful place with rich natural beauty. D. Mexico has to pay a high price for its endangered environment. 65. We can learn from the passage that Mexico?s real estate industry _____. A. is influenced by the recession in the US B. holds back the development of tourism C. benefits a lot from tourism D. is on the decline now

66. What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?

A. The difference renewable energy sources have made to nature. B. The efforts from governments to protect nature. C. The consequences commercialization has brought.

D. The role wind parks play in Mexico?s economic development.

67. The author?s attitude towards the measures taken by Mexico?s authorities is _____. A. objective B. indifferent C. supportive D. worried

D ★★★★☆

Pauline Koner, born in New York in 1913, was the daughter of Russian immigrants. As a child, she would dance whenever she heard music. After a performance by the great Russian ballerina (芭蕾舞女演员) Anna Pavlova left a lasting impression on her, the child?s destiny (命运) seemed to be decided. Shortly afterwards, a family friend recommended that she study under Michel Fokine, the Russian-born ballet teacher. However, Pauline?s parents were disappointed to find he charged $5 a lesson, an unheard-of (前所未闻的) sum in the 1920s. Pauline?s father, a well-known lawyer, came to an agreement with Fokine: he would offer his legal services in exchange for the ballet lessons. Pauline loved Fokine, but classical ballet was not quite for her. “I couldn?t express what I wanted in toe shoes,” she recalled, “my feet hurt too much.”

Pauline went on to study Spanish dance and several types of Asian dance, and she performed with Japanese dancers who combined Asian dance with their own particular modern movements. In 1930, Pauline was offered her first solo concert. This delighted John Martin, an influential critic on The New York Times so much that he declared that the programme exhibited her unquestionable fight to stand alone. Pauline continued to dance solos around the world, touring Egypt and Palestine in 1932. She also taught and performed in the Soviet Union from 1934 to 1936, one of the first American dancers to appear there.

Pauline Koner was always curious about the customs, costumes and dances of other nations. As a child, she would paste National Geographic photos into scrapbooks. She thought that she was able to absorb various styles and influences because, as she put it: “Dance was so much in my life that when I studied a dance form, I was really living that way of dancing and not just keeping in shape.” She was convinced that students could also absorb other dance forms provided that “they do not allow themselves to be overwhelmed by a single technique.”

Working as a soloist, sometimes offering programmes of twelve to fourteen items, taught her much about performing. She said: “I soon realize that before the curtain rises, you must go into a state of inner focus so that nothing exists for you except that one moment. Then, when the curtain opens, you and the audience must seem linked together.” She valued this feeling of union,

Although usually considered a modern dancer, Pauline enjoyed pointing out that she had never had a modern dance lesson in her life. Rather, she had developed her own modern style after studying a remarkable variety of other styles. But why did she never study modern dance? Pauline answered that question with a bit of history. In the late 1920s, modern dance was so new that there were few modern dance schools in America. By 1930 there were some, but Pauline had already established herself as an artist: she had, in fact, become a modern dancer entirely on her own. 68. What did Pauline Koner think of Fokine?s lessons? A. She thought his lessons didn?t suit her. B. They made a lasting impression on her. C. She complained about the long training hours. D. She thought his fee for a lesson was reasonable.

69. From the second paragraph, we can learn that Pauline Koner _____. A. was praised for her effort to be unique

B. went to Spain to learn several types of Asian dance

C. combined her own dance with Asian dance in her first solo concert D. was the first American dancer to perform in the Soviet Union

70. What does Pauline Koner think is the most important thing while performing? A. The previous experience and fame. B. The technique of performing and passion. C. The patience and desire for performing.

D. The deep concentration and appeal for the audience.


请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填1个单词。

When we are faced with a crisis, or if we have an important decision to make, many of us fall into the trap of over-thinking. If we keep thinking about something too long and constantly, we?ll end up destroying our day. How can we stop ourselves from over-thinking?

Doing something to distract (使分心) yourself is a good idea. So you can find an activity, like knitting or working with your hands that requires so much attention that your brain is forced to be distracted from over-thinking. Working with your hands is especially good, because it engages your motor skills as well as your thinking process. Your brain simply doesn?t have the resources to split itself into a third activity, for example over-thinking.

Other activities are the ones that arouse your curiosity, amuse you and challenge you. When you are feeling good and you?re forced to stretch beyond what you did in the past, you are really getting your brain working for you. Or try watching a suspenseful (悬疑的) movie. Studies have shown that when someone views something suspenseful, the brain is forced to become stuck in the present because all of your senses are completely engaged. You literally do not have time to worry about the future because your mind is focused on what is stimulating (刺激) you right now.

You can also use some STOP techniques. For example, you can say the word “STOP” out loud, or if you are out in public and don?t want to cause a scene, form a mental picture where a big red STOP sign is right in front of you. Anything that immediately brings your attention to what you are doing at the moment will stop the over-thinking wheels from turning.

Constant wishing, hoping and praying do not give you any relief. They just keep you stuck in one place. But taking the smallest step gets you off the treadmill (繁重的工作) that is going nowhere and whether or not the first step is a misstep really doesn?t matter. It will still set things in

motion so that you will move yourself out of the feeling caused by your over-thinking. You will start to feel like a snowball, gathering quantity of motion as you go.

The traps are things that cause your subconscious (潜意识) to react without you even realizing that there is a connection between the two. Thus, avoiding over-thinking traps is also a good idea to stop over-thinking. For example, if you are the type of person who is too crazy about money, prevent yourself from constantly checking your bank account every day. If one of your coworkers is so negative that she always drags you down, start taking lunch at a nearby restaurant to avoid hanging out with her so much.


随着经济的快速发展,建设生态城市(eco-city)已成为一种趋势。就这一话题,你班组织了一次班级讨论。请结合以下讨论要点,以How to develop an eco-city为题给某英文杂志写一篇150词左右的英语短文,并提出你的个人建议。 要点提示:

1. 将重工业、重污染企业搬离城市,在市郊发展重污染工业并妥当处理污染物; 2. 改变城市发展方向,发展旅游业为主的服务业;

3. 促进城市的绿色建筑和绿色交通建设,建议选择自行车,公共汽车等交通方式以改善城市环境;

4. 你的观点和建议。


How to develop an eco-city

Recently our class has raised a hot topic about how to develop an eco-city. Our suggestions are as follows. ... 答案

Module 10 Unit 1听力材料及参考答案


(Text 1)

M: Do you still have any seats available for the concert tomorrow?

W: I?m afraid there are no seats now, but we will sell standing-room tickets two hours before the performance. (Text 2)

W: You still have an hour to wait; so relax.

M. Relax! How can I when I?m so anxious about the examination? (Text 3)

W: How many students are there at your college?

M: We had 530 three years ago. Since then our student body has doubled. (Text 4)

M: I guess we?re going to have a hot summer again.

W: Yeah. Last summer was so mild. Do you remember our first summer here? The temperature stayed about 100 degrees Fahrenheit for ten straight days. There wasn?t a breeze anywhere. (Text 5)

W: William, did you get the drinks for the celebration? M: Not yet. I thought I would just have the store deliver them. (Text 6)

W: How can I help you, sir? M: I need a business suit.

W: We have business suits in three different price ranges: the sales items, our designer line, and Best-buys.

M: What is the price range for each?

W: Sales items start at 30 dollars and can go as high as 100 dollars. The designer line items go for between 400 and 1,500 dollars.

M: Too much for me. How about Best-buys? W: Best-buys are between 50 and 500 dollars. M: OK. I think I?ll take a look at them first.

W: Then go straight down to the first floor, and turn right. M: Thank you so much. (Text 7)

M: Hi, Wanda. Where are you rushing off to?

W: I?m heading out for a meeting of the ski club. It?s starting in a few minutes. M: The ski club?

W: Yes. Do you want to come along? M: What do you do at the ski club?

W: Well, you can get to know other people who enjoy skiing, listen to lectures and programs on skiing techniques and equipment, and — best of all — plan skiing trips. M: It sounds great, but I don?t exactly know how to ski very well. W: It doesn?t matter. You just have to want to learn how to ski.

M: That sounds like my kind of club then. I guess I?ll come along with you and try it. W: We?d better hurry. It?s almost three o?clock. (Text 8)

M: Hello, Campus Daily, Advertising Department. This is Mark speaking.

W: Hi, I?m calling to place a couple of ads. M: Sure. Under what classification?

W: Well, I want to put one in the “Roommate Wanted” section. M: All right. And how would you like that to read?

W: OK. It should read “Female roommate wanted for pleasant, sunny two-bedroom apartment on Elliewood Avenue. Three blocks from the university. Share rent and gas and electricity bills. Available September 1. Call between 4 and 9 pm and ask for Cecilia.” M: Fine. And what about the other one?

W: That one I?d like under “Furniture for Sale”, and I?d like it to read “Matching blue and white sofa and easy chair, excellent condition, $350 or best offer. Call between 4 and 9 pm and ask for Cecilia.”

M: Anything more?

W: No, that?s enough. Thank you. (Text 9)

W: Tell me, Jack. Does your daughter surf on the Web much?

M: Well, to tell the truth, she is so busy with her studies that she doesn?t really have time to surf the Web. Let me think ... I suppose she surfs the Internet a couple of times a week, maybe about two or three hours at a time.

W: So, what does she like to do when she?s surfing online?

M: Well, she checks her e-mail. She only gets about two or three e-mails a week. She actually prefers writing real letters, with pen and paper.

W: Yeah, my son is the same way. Does she do anything else online?

M: Well, sometimes she looks up information she needs for her studies, which saves her a lot of time. It?s much faster than looking through books in libraries. W: Yes, it sure is.

M: Is your son interested in sports? W: Yes, somewhat interested.

M: How about football? This season?s football matches have been very exciting. Has he been watching them?

W: I?m afraid he is not very keen on ball games. He tends to prefer field sports. M: I see. (Text 10)

One of the biggest problems in developing countries is hunger. An organization called Heifer International is working to improve the situation. The organization sends farm animals to families and communities around the world. An American farmer, Dan West, developed the idea for Heifer International in the 1930s. Mr. West was working in Spain where he discovered a need for cows. Many families were starving because of the civil war in that country. So Mr. West asked his friends in the United States to send some cows. The first Heifer animals were sent in 1944. Since that time, more than 4,000,000 people in 115 countries have had better lives because of Heifer animals. To receive a Heifer animal, families must first explain their needs and goals. They must also make a plan which will allow them to become self-supporting. Local experts usually provide training. The organization says that animals must have food, water, shelter, health care and the ability to reproduce. Without them, the animals will not remain healthy and productive. Heifer International also believes that families must pass on some of their success to others in need. This belief guarantees that each person who takes part in the program also becomes a giver. Every family that

receives a Heifer animal must agree to give that animal?s first female baby to other people in need. Families must also agree to pass on the skills and training they receive from Heifer International. This concept helps communities become self-supporting.


1-5 BCBCB 6-10 CBACA 11-15 CCBAC 16-20 BCABC 21-25 ACACB 26-30 DADAC 31-35 BDCBB 36-40 ACBAD 41-45 BCDDA 46-50 DCCBA 51-55 ADCBB 56-60 CBCAB 61-65 CDDBC 66-70 BCAAD 71. attention 72. busy

73. curious 74. focus / concentrate 75. advantage 76. voice

77. imagine 78. wrong / incorrect 79. preventing / stopping 80. socializing One possible version:

How to develop an eco-city

Recently our class has raised a hot topic about how to develop an eco-city. Our suggestions are as follows.

Firstly, we need to move some heavy industries out of our cities, especially some

heavily-polluted ones. We may also develop those industries in the suburbs and try our best to deal with the waste properly. Secondly, we think it beneficial to change the direction of urban

development. Boosting the city?s tourism industry will be a main task of our urban development in the long run. Thirdly, we should promote green buildings and traffic in the city. Citizens are advised to choose low-carbon means of transportation such as bikes and buses so that we can improve the environment in the city.

From my point of view, it is every citizen?s responsibility to involve ourselves in developing an eco-city. We can take an active part in the construction of an eco-city by increasing people?s awareness of green civilization and reminding all the citizens to protect our living environment. Only in this way can we develop an eco-city efficiently.



21. A。本题考查交际用语。由I?m considering asking my family members to have a try next time可知,说话人认为这个新餐馆的饭味道不错,故选A项,意思是“再好不过了”。

22. C。本题考查冠词。句意:“这座钟真是一件艺术品呀。” “当然啦。上个月我花200美金买的。真便宜!”a work of art一件艺术品;a bargain一件便宜货。

23. A。本题考查名词辨析。句意:修房子,度假还有其他方面的开销已使戴维银行账户上的钱所剩无几,所以他不得不向他的父母寻求经济资助 。expense费用,开销;value价值;deposit存款;wealth财富。

24. C。本题考查形容词辨析。句意:三个月的试用期过后,本在当地一家报社找到了一份当编辑的长期工作。permanent永久的;fortunate幸运的;difficult困难的;systematic系统的。 25. B。本题考查名词性从句。句意:毫无疑问该项目现在进展顺利,但我对这些科学家能否最终成功表示怀疑。在否定句和疑问句中,doubt后面接that引导的宾语从句;在肯定句中,doubt后接whether或if引导的宾语从句。

26. D。本题考查介词短语辨析。句意:除了工资外,如果表现好,你每月还能得到差不多1000美元的奖金。on top of除……外还有;in spite of尽管;in exchange for作为交换;in terms of就……而言。

27. A。本题考查短语动词辨析。句意:南希最近在自学法语。当她遇到一些疑难问题时,就通常会通过查阅词典解决它们。refer to查阅;stick to坚持;relate to关于,涉及;lead to导致。

28. D。本题考查副词辨析。句意:我弟弟厌倦了国外生活,因此,2010年他放弃了待遇优厚的工作,回到了中国。therefore因此,所以,符合句意。moreover而且;otherwise否则;anyway无论如何。

29. A。本题考查动词辨析。句意: 我刚搬到一个新社区,那里的人们为我提供了很多帮助,我想买些东西来对他们的友好表示感谢。repay回报,报答;squeeze挤压;affect影响;challenge挑战。

30. C。本题考查非谓语动词。poster与say之间是逻辑上的主动关系,故用V-ing形式。在此saying that ...是V-ing形式短语作定语,修饰posters,相当于定语从句that / which said that ...。 31. B。本题考查定语从句。句意:1999年莉莉去美国深造,并在三年后获得博士学位。where引导定语从句,修饰先行词the US, 并在从句中作地点状语。

32. D。本题考查非谓语动词。句意:这位大夫声称已经治愈上百个类似的病人,对此我个人深表怀疑。由于不定式动作cure发生在谓语动词动作claimed之前,故用其完成时。 33. C。本题考查谚语。由Sure可知,妈妈要孩子马上复习功课,也就是说要“趁热打铁”,故选C项。A项意为“双鸟在林,不如一鸟在手”;B项意为“罗马并非一日建成”;D项意为“蛋未孵出莫数小鸡 / 不要过早乐观”。

34. B。本题考查时态及语态。问题得到解决发生在was pleased之前,故用过去完成时表示“过去的过去”;problems与solve之间是逻辑上的被动关系,故用被动语态。

35. B。本题考查情态动词。由He knows the importance of knowledge and always works hard at his lessons可知,这个男孩很自觉,不需要给他压力,故选B项。 完形填空:


孩子们喜欢和他们的祖父约翰在一起。约翰通过“购买时间”给孩子们留下了难忘的回忆。 36. A。根据下文的Investing made my future secure可知,约翰经常阅读财经(financial)杂志。 37. C。根据Investing made ... as 39 today可知,这里是约翰发表的看法(observed)。 38. B。根据本句中的charging a low price可知,约翰的收入并不高,因此过得并不宽裕。poor 贫穷的,符合语境。

39. A。根据上文可知约翰作为一名医生生活贫穷,又根据not in the same league可推知,约翰与现在的医生的境遇完全不同。

40. D。41. B。由于担心(fearing)自己过度劳累,约翰离开了自己从事的行业,回到了医学院。practice在这里表示“(医生或律师的)工作”。

42. C。约翰比其他的学生年长,甚至比他的教授(professors)的年纪还大。 43. D。三年后,约翰从学校毕业,继续(continued)从事医学工作,直到退休。 44. D。根据文章下一句中的Not limited to one or two weeks a year可知,孩子们喜欢经常(frequently)去探望他们的祖父。

45. A。由于孩子们经常去探望约翰,他和孩子们有足够的(ample)时间在一起散步、做游戏。

46. D。根据句中的but可知,本空所在分句与but之后的分句是转折关系。由此可推出,随着年龄的增长,约翰变得越来越严谨,但是如果他有明确的观点,他会毫不犹豫地说出来。ripen 成熟,符合语境。

47. C。根据本段中的writing each one long letters, always including encouragement and 48 their paths及文章最后一段可推出,约翰对孩子们影响(influenced)很大。

48. C。约翰经常给孩子们写信,给予他们鼓励,为他们指明(directing)人生的道路。 49. B。根据文章最后一段中的John may have bought his grandchildren?s time one evening可知,本空应填buy。

50. A。根据下文的John and I had never seen our children so quiet and focused可知,约翰希望能够不被打扰地跟家人谈话。interruption 中断,符合语境。 51. A。上下文之间是转折关系。故选A项。

52. D。前文提到约翰希望和家人谈话时不被打扰,下文又说孩子们非常安静,全神贯注。由此可知,约翰关了(Turning off)电视。

53. C。54. B。根据下文提到的John may have bought his grandchildren?s time one evening可知,在晚上谈话结束(conclusion)的时候,约翰递给我们每人一张小额支票(check),此处呼应第49空。

55. B。根据下文可知,三年后约翰去世了,说明在这三年中,约翰虚弱的(fragile)体质已经不允许他回到那个小屋了。 阅读理解:

A (社会)


56. C。推理判断题。从下文的could indeed be more accurate than “two heads are better than one”, as people are better off thinking for themselves可知这句谚语的意思是“如果人太多,意见也多,反而不易作出决定。”

57. B。细节理解题。从文章第六段的内容可知B项正确。

58. C。推理判断题。从倒数第四段的内容可知,在工作时,只有当人们正确看待自己的自信心时,无论是个人、小组或双人组都趋向于得到正确的答案。

59. A。标题归纳题。研究人员通过调查发现,只要一个人对自己有信心,在解决难题方面个人要比小组或两个人要好得多。A项最好地表达了文意,符合标题特点。

B (社会)

本文主要报道了去世三天后获得诺贝尔奖的加拿大医学家——Ralph Steinman。 60. B。推理判断题。根据文章第一段中的who died only three days before the award was announced on Monday, October 3可推断出,Dr. Ralph Steinman是9月30号去世的。 61. C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的He wanted to see effective treatments made available to people so that they could be helped可知,他想通过自己的试验,找到对他人有帮助的有效治疗方法,故选C项。

62. D。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,诺贝尔奖是不颁给死后的人的,但是诺贝尔委员会最终还是决定把2011诺贝尔医学奖颁给了Steinman。

63. D。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的entering the hospital secretly had nothing to do with the Nobel Prize. At the end he just wanted to be with his family可知,最后他希望与家人呆在一起,所以很少有人知道他住院的原因是他不想被别人打扰。

C (热点话题)


64. B。句意理解题。根据下文Its beautiful beaches, green forest, marine wildlife, desert landscape and tropical wildlife have made it the number one tourist country in the Caribbean region可知迷人的沙滩,茂密的森林,海洋动物,沙漠地貌等使墨西哥成为首屈一指的旅游目的地,故选B项。

65. C。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句Because of Mexico?s tourism boom, Mexico?s real estate industry has flourished even when recession was at its peak all over the US可知C项正确。 66. B。段落大意题。第三段主要告诉我们墨西哥政府提倡能源循环再利用及墨西哥的三个风力发电站,这一系列措施都是为了保护环境,B项最佳概括了本段大意,其余三项描述均不准确。

67. C。作者态度题。根据最后一段中Such measures prove that Mexico?s authorities are aware of ... has also seen the benefits ...可推断作者对于政府的举措是很赞同的。其中的positive moves,benefits等词是关键词。

D (个人情况)

1913年出生于纽约的俄裔Pauline Koner, 自小就显露出舞蹈天赋,经过努力,率先成为了一名独具特色的现代舞舞蹈家。

68. A。细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的... but classical ballet was not quite for her. “I couldn?t express what I wanted in toe shoes,”...可知,她认为古典的芭蕾舞并不适合她,故选A项。 69. A。细节理解题。根据第二段中《纽约时报》资深评论家评价中的“unquestionable fight”可知对于她举办自己的音乐会的努力人们有目共睹。故选A项

70. D。推理判断题。根据第四段中的... you must go into a state of inner focus ...可知,她认为表演时舞蹈演员要全神贯注,又根据 ... you and the audience must seem linked together ... 可知,演员要对观众有感染力。故选D项。

