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4-1已完成成绩: 100.0分 1

One thing that attracts me about this online course is that all the teachers will reveal a little about the contents of the next _____ by raising a question. A、date B、section C、attempt D、security

正确答案: B 我的答案:B 得分: 10.0分 2

Most girls in our class agree that Patrick is charming, and his main _____ lies in his thoughtfulness, warmth and sincerity. A、behavior B、appearance C、performance D、attraction

正确答案: D 我的答案:D 得分: 10.0分 3

I can’t believe John would have committed _____, because in my mind, he was always so optimistic and kind to others. A、criminal B、motivation C、suicide D、injury

正确答案: C 我的答案:C 得分: 10.0分 4

I hope my boyfriend writes lengthy letters to show his love for me, but his letters are always so _____ . A、concise B、decisive C、sensitive D、available

正确答案: A 我的答案:A 得分: 10.0分 5

The CEO of our company will meet with his _____ of that famous company, i.e., the CEO of that company, this afternoon. A、counterpart B、emergency C、counter D、employee

正确答案: A 我的答案:A 得分: 10.0分 6

He was so lucky to be given a five-year _____ with an annual salary of RMB150,000 to work in that big company .

A、contract B、data C、journey D、eadership

正确答案: A 我的答案:A 得分: 10.0分 7

Her husband is very realistic, but her head is full of _____ ideas about beauty and romance. A、automatic B、academic C、abstract D、absolute

正确答案: C 我的答案:C 得分: 10.0分 8

I almost fell in love with her at first sight, because I thought she was very _____ and obviously very intelligent. A、abused B、motive C、attractive D、adjective

正确答案: C 我的答案:C 得分: 10.0分 9

Almost all college teachers will emphasize the importance of students’ _____ in the course at the very beginning of a new semester. A、participation B、conservation C、consumption D、construction

正确答案: A 我的答案:A 得分: 10.0分 10

The train to Qingdao will _____ from platform 2 in half an hour. Passengers please get ready. A、deposit B、depart C、deliver D、delete

正确答案: B 我的答案:B

4-2已完成成绩: 100.0分 1

The teachers then added more _____ (精确的) instructions until the students got the assignment done.

A、objective B、precise C、passive D、proper

正确答案: B 我的答案:B 得分: 10.0分 2

When people are _____ (分离的), they rely so heavily on the phone to keep in touch. A、apart

B、abandoned C、isolated D、counterpart

正确答案: A 我的答案:A 得分: 10.0分 3

Nowadays, more and more people, including children as well as adults, have been _____ (转移注意力) by their mobile phones and cannot concentrate on their work. A、disciplined B、distracted C、disagreed D、discovered

正确答案: B 我的答案:B 得分: 10.0分 4

My son is a pupil now. He can add and _____ (做减法) , but hasn’t learned to divide. A、count B、subtract C、calculate D、multiply

正确答案: B 我的答案:B 得分: 10.0分 5

Don’t you think there’s something wrong with this cat’s legs? They seem short in _____ (比例)to its height. A、rate

B、relativity C、percentage D、proportion

正确答案: D 我的答案:D 得分: 10.0分 6

When we were little kids, we always thought it was interesting to see Mr. White help others _____ (拔掉) their teeth. A、examine B、shrink C、extract D、slip

正确答案: C 我的答案:C 得分: 10.0分 7

I hope that in 5 years after my graduation, I will purchase my own _____ (公寓) and my own car. A、apartment B、department C、monument


正确答案: A 我的答案:A 得分: 10.0分 8

In addition to the _____ (拖拉机), last year we also bought a new reaper. A、anchor B、tractor C、calculator D、elevator

正确答案: B 我的答案:B 得分: 10.0分 9

Alana confesses she is rather _____ (偏爱) to pink, and almost all of her clothes are pink. A、likely B、lovely C、natural D、partial

正确答案: D 我的答案:D 得分: 10.0分 10

I don’t like the idea of camping in the wild, because I’m always worried to be attacked by a(n) _____ (昆虫) or animal. A、crab B、eagle C、feather D、insect

正确答案: D 我的答案:D 得分: 10.0分

4-3已完成成绩: 90.0分 1

Those two strangers were standing several meters _____ from us, watching us closely. 正确答案: B

我的答案: 得分: 10.0分 B 2

Tom earns such a huge salary, and I personally think it is out of _____ to his ability. 正确答案: D

我的答案: 得分: 10.0分 D 3

Our teacher of psychology only described several concepts _____, without any illustrative examples. 正确答案:


我的答案: 得分: 10.0分 I 4

How can you guarantee the _____ of your translation if we decide to employ you to translate the book?

正确答案: G

我的答案: 得分: 10.0分 G 5

Her mom will turn the television off if she finds it a big _____ for her child. 正确答案: A

我的答案: 得分: 10.0分 A 6

In _____ with America, both China and America will have the potential to become the solution rather than the problem. 正确答案: J

我的答案: 得分: 0.0分 D 7

Peter had always been _____ by the idea of studying in America. 正确答案: F

我的答案: 得分: 10.0分 F 8

The explanation in this thin book is _____ but to the point. 正确答案: C

我的答案: 得分: 10.0分 C 9

He has a great _____ for chocolate biscuits. 正确答案:

