已优化PMP模拟试题-200题目(中英文对照 - 答案)

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3. When a seller breaches a contract, the buyer cannot receive-当承包商违反合同,购买者不能得到 a. Compensatory damages

b. Punitive damages惩罚性的赔偿金 4. The contracting function in an organization is considered to be decentralized when- a. Each project manager has control over the contracting process for his or her project b. The project manager controls contract award

c. The contracting person appointed to the project is available and under the project manager's direct control d. Contracting is tailored to a single project e. All above 在什么时候,组织内合同的功能可以被分散考虑- a. 每个项目经理都他的/她的项目的合同程序 b. 项目经理控制着合同的奖励

c. 在项目经理的直接领导下,可用指定的项目合同人 d. 合同针对单个项目 e. 上述所有

5. Which of the following terms represents a contract type category? a. Fixed-price b. Cost-reimbursem ent c. Unit-price d. a & b e. a, b, & c 下列那一个描述了合同的类型?

a. 固定价 b. 成本补偿 c. 单元价 d. a 和 b e. a, b, 和 c 6. Which item is not a basic element of a contract? d. Pricing structure价格结构


7. Three techniques used for procurement planning are-

a. Make-or -buy analysis, expert judgment, and contract type selection 制造或购买的分析,专家判断和合同类型的选择


8. A buyer has negotiated a fixed-price incentive contract with the seller. The contract has a target cost of $200,000, a target profit of $30,000,and a target price of $230,000. The buyer has also negotiated a ceiling price of $270,000 and a share ratio of 70/30. If the seller completes the contract with actual costs of $170,000, how much profit will the buyer pay the seller? d.$39,000 e.$51,000

买主正同承包商谈一个固定价加奖励的合同。合同的目标成本是$200,000,目标利润是$30,000,目标价是$230,000。买主也规定了最高价是$270,000共享比例是70/30。如果承包商完成合同时实际成本是$170,000,买主要付承包商多少利润? 9. Contracts may be written in any form that is understandable and enforceable, so project personnel often attempt to be \available, the best course of action to meet the requirements of the project is to- c. Use standard clauses whenever possible

合同可能用可以理解的和强制的形式书写,所以项目人员常常试图使用“创造性”完善合同的条款和条件。如果下列所有的选择可用,满足项目的最好的行动方针是- c. 只要有可能就使用标准条款

10. When costs increase because of changes in the scope of work, the project is experiencing- b. Cost growth成本增加


11.Cost estimating can be best described by which of the following: 以下描述中哪一个最贴切的描述了费用估算 a.The process of assembling and predicting costs of a project over its life cycle.


12.What is the purpose of the work breakdown structure (WBS)? 工作分解结构(WBS)的目的是 a. The WBS describes the total program as a summation of subdivided elements. WBS将整个程序描述为细分要素的汇总

13.Which type of project cost estimate is the most accurate?



14。Which of the following type of contracts is most preferable to the contractor doing the project work?

Cost plus fixed fee成本加固定费用合同

以下那种合同更有利于承包商进行项目工作? 成本加固定费用合同

15。To assist in budget control, it is suggested that the estimate occur at the _______ level of the WBS.

a. Lowest

为便于预算控制,建议在WBS的______阶段进行估算. a. 最低

16。Cost Variance (CV) is which of the following equations?

a. CV=BCWP-BCWS b. CV=BCWP-ACWP 费用偏差的公式为

a. 成本偏差(CV)=已完成工作预算成本(BCWP)-计划工作预算成本(BCWS) b. 成本偏差(CV)=已完成工作预算成本(BCWP)-完成工作实际成本(ACWP) 17。Cost controls can be best described by which of the following?

The process of gathering, accumulating, analyzing, monitoring, reporting, and managing the costs on an on-going



d. 是在不断进行的基础上搜集,积累,分析,检测,报告并管理成本的一种方法

21。In fixed price contract which of the following holds true?

a. The seller agrees to perform a service or furnish supplies at the established contract price. 固定价格合同中以下哪一条是正确的?

a. 卖方同意在确定的合同价格上提供服务或供应

22.If the project was supposed to have $1.000worth of work accomplished, but only completed $850 worth of

work, what is the Scheduled Variance? a. $150 b. $1.500

c. Cannot calculate from the information provided d. .-$150

若项目完成预计价值$1.000,但仅完成$850的工作, 则进度偏差为: a. $150 b. $1.500

c. 以上资料无法计算 d. -$150 26. Your company has established a reward and recognition system for its project management professionals. Project cost performance is used as a criterion to determine rewards. What should you do to ensure that rewards reflect actual performance?

a. Estimate and budget controllable and monitor performance对可控和不可控成本分别做出评估和预算 你们公司为项目管理的专业人士建立了一套奖励与考评系统。项目成本业绩即是决定奖励的标准之一。为了确保所给出的奖励能真正反映实际的业绩,你应该采取什么措施?

a. 对可控和不可控成本分别做出评估和预算

27. On a small project, one of the vendors informs the PM that he will substitute a better quality pipe for the

pipe included in the initial plan since the pipe originally quoted is unavailable. Due to circumstances, the vendor indicated there would be no additional cost to the project. He also informs the PM that, due to a slight delay in delivery of the pipe, he will work on another task ahead of schedule. Where will the PM record these modifications? a. Project schedule项目进度


为管道的原先的报价没有。鉴于这种情况,供应商提出他们不增加项目成本。他同时告诉项目经理因为管道有一点延迟,他将做其他超出进度的工作。项目经理将把此变更记在那里? 28. To integrate approved scope changes, the PM should begin with:

a. WBS工作分解结构


29. Change requests are an integral part of a project, and one of the ways a PM controls scope changes. Change

requests are a result of:

a. Changes in quality of a vendor-provided component.

b. A beneficial change, which occurred after the scope was approved.

c. An error or omission is the product description. d. A “make or buy” decision which was modified. e. All of the above


a. 变更卖主提供的成分的质量

b. 一个有益的变更,它发生在范围被批准之后 c. 产品描述的一个错误或遗漏 d. 一个修改的“做或买”的决定 e. 上述所有

30. In a project environment, functional managers are responsible for:

a. Identifying and developing mitigation strategies for areas of risk.Establishing administrative policies确定和完善风险范围内的减轻策略


31. In order to approve a project, management using simple, as well as complex, sophisticated tools to determine

how the project fits into it’s strategic plan. When the project selection includes an in-depth analysis, using complex, sophisticated tools, is os considered to be part of what project phase? a. Implementation执行 b. Termination 终止 c. Conceptual概念上 d. Operational 运做

e. None of the above以上都不是

为了批准项目,管理层使用简单的,但同复杂技术的一样好的,久经考验的工具测量项目如何满足它的策略计划。当项目选择一个包含有深层次分析的,复杂的,久经考验的工具时,它发生在项目的那一个阶段? 32. What is the most accurate method of obtaining project information that can reduce the amount of risk?

a. The use of historical data from previous projects that were similar in nature使用以前类似项目的历史数据 那一个是获得项目信息以降低项目风险总量的最精确的方法?

33. Contained within the first step of a five step process to determine the risk analysis of the project’s risk events, a process of ________ is performed to see if the risk should be included or excluded as part of the project scope.

a. Screening放映


34. A project of 2 million has an adverse event that has the probability of 50% of occurrence and a potential loss of $20,000. This represents an expected negative value of: a. $10,000

一个2百万的项目隐含有一个不利的影响,它发生的可能性是50%,潜在损失是2万。它的预期负值是多少: 35. The assigned values of risk for a project is best accomplished through a structured methodology that ensures all project elements are evaluated. The project tool that is best suited for the structured analysis of the project risk is the:

a. Work breakdown structure工作分解结构


36. The total amount of risk that is calculated for a project is found by:

a. Multiplying the sum of each the risks times the amount at stake

b. Calculating the cumulative sum of the probability for each risk and multiplying this value times the consequence

of occurrence of the risk events计算每个风险的可能性累计总和同时转换成价值乘以风险事件发生的频率 通过那一种手段来计算项目风险的总量:

37. Bo calls his project team to quantify and assess the risks of their project. The benefits the team will gain from

this exercise include all but which of the following?

a. Thoroughly understand the project, the associated risks and the impact of risk on all parts of the project

b. Develop risk mitigation strategies for dealing with issues identified进一步发展缓解风险策略以处理已经确认的问题


38. Sensitivity analysis and brainstorming are two of many different methods to identify risk. What are the

advantages of using sensitivity analysis?

a. The affects of variables within the project are well understood b. It allows for independent answers

c. Management understands that there is a range of possible outcomes d. It provides insight into the project that the PM may be lacking e. A& c


a. 项目内变量的影响能很好的被理解 b. 它允许中立的答案

c. 管理层知道结果有一个可能性范围

d. 它提供了项目经理可能缺乏的深入项目的洞察力 e. A 和 c

39. During the risk analysis process, it is determined that one identified risk event cannot be avoided, mitigated, or insured. This risk event is a critical item that could cause the project to fail if it occurs. The best option for the project manager is to:

a. Play down the risk and the team will find a means of overcoming any failure

b. Place special emphasis on the risk event to intensely manage that item and all interfacing items特别地关注风险事件并积极地管理它们及它们的影响


40. The concept of standard deviation is important in risk analysis since standard deviation measures an estimate’s variability. Therefore, the _______ the standard deviation of an estimate, the _______ its variability and risk.

a. Larger, greater大, 大,

在风险分析中标准偏差的概念很重要,因为它测量估计值的可变性,因此一个估计值的标准偏差越_______ ,其可变性和风险越_______ 。

41. The Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is a method of scheduling projects. In the context of risk, PERT is better than the Critical Path Method because it deals with the _______ associated with ________.

a. Uncertainty, schedule estimates不确定性,进度估计


42. The project manager establishes a risk models that will be used on the Boston project. The risk model shows

the risk events and provides the probabilities of occurrence. What is missing from this risk design? a. b.

c. d.

e. The impact of the risk on the project’s objectives has not been assessed and assigned 风险对项目目标的影响没有被评估和假定


43. Performance of a contract can bring liabilities other than the stated and implied warranty and guarantee that have implications of risk, but are perhaps not as visible. Two of these liabilities are ________ and ________ infringements.

a. gy b. y

c. Patent, copyright专利权,版权 d. t e. n


44. The term deflection has a number of meanings, but in terms of pure risk mitigation strategies, deflection is

accomplished by: a.

b. Contracting to a sub-contractor同分分包商签订合同 c. t d. k


45. It is possible to transfer risk through the use of insurance. If the estimated probability of damage occurring to an asset is 2 percent, the insurance cost is $5,000, and the total worth of the asset is $300,000, is it worth insuring the asset? a.

b. The insurance costs less than the expected value of the loss, so therefore it is best to purchase the insurance保费低于期望的损失值,因此最好执行 c. d.


47. Uncertainty is often used in conjunction with the term risk, implying that uncertainty is risk. Uncertainty is

an unknown situation, which may result from a lack of information to sufficiently quantify the probability of occurrence of an event and to determine the most likely outcome. Therefore, and uncertainty that has a potential for a major impact on a project should be: a. b. e

c. d

d. Resolved before project implementation, but must be resolved before starting that area of work在项目执行前决定,但是必须在开始这部分工作前解决 e. n


48. A situation in which one of two or more risk events will follow an act, but the precise nature of these events

may not be known and the probabilities of their occurring cannot be objectively assigned, is the definition of: a. y

b. Uncertainty c. k d. y e. e 52. In general, disagreements among stakeholders should be resolvedin

a. r

b. Customer顾客 c. n d. ent

e. ve


53. When the project team is not collocated, establishing a way to help team members communicate quickly

and frequently is essential. One practical approach is to--- a. s

b. Conduct informal audioconference meetings regularly有规律的举办非正式的听证会

当项目组尚未组建时,建立一条有助于团队成员及时迅速沟通的途径至关重要。一条可行的途径是: 54. A project manager who wants to create a receptive atmosphere for communicating should以他或她自己喜

欢的方式与别人交谈或纸上交流 a. d

b. Speak or write as he or she would like to be spoken or written to 一个期望营造易于接受的沟通气氛的项目经理应该 55. The tool technique used for communication planning is— a. Stakeholder analysis利益相关者分析 用于沟通计划的工具技术是

57. Empathic Listening entails understanding another person’s frame of reference.To exhibit empathic Listening

skills, a project manager should— a. b. e c. e

d. Rephrase the content and reflect the feeling改述内容并反映自己的观点 投入的倾听需要理解对方的观点.为展示投入的倾听技巧项目经理应该:

58. The presence of communication barriers is most likely to lead to—

a. ity b. ity c. Lle

d. Increased conflict冲突增加 沟通障碍的存在最可能导致 a. 生产力下降 b. 敌对升级 c. 士气低落 d. 冲突增加 e. 压力上升

59. As a project communication management process, administrative closeout consists of verifying and

documenting project results to formalize acceptance of the project product by the customer. The output generated from administrative closeout activities consists of—

a. Project archives, formal acceptance, and lessons learned项目档案,正式验收,取得的经验 在项目沟通管理程序中,行政收尾包括验证并将项目结果形成文件实现客户正式接收项目产品。行政收尾工序产生的输出包括:

60. When communicating with an action-oriented person, a project manager should—

a. Be as brief as possible and emphasize the practicality of his or her ideas 尽可能简略并强调他或她观点的实用性


61. The project manager can enhance project communication and team building by doing all the following


a. Having a war room b. Using a tight matrix

c. Being a good communication blocker做一个好的沟通阻断


62. Of the following factors, which one has the greatest effect on the project’s communication requirements?

a. ps b. ds

c. y

d. The project’s organizational structure项目组织结构 以下因素中,哪一个对项目沟通需求有最大的影响?

64. The most common communication problem that occurs during negotiation is that— a. Each side may misinterpret what the other side has said双方可能对对方有曲解 谈判过程中最普遍发生的沟通问题是:

65. Which or the following is true regarding communication within a project environment?

a. The project manager must assume the primary burden or responsibility to ensure that messages sent have been


b. Effective meetings, a war room, and a tight matrix promote effective communication. 有效的会议,作战室及紧密矩阵结构可以促进有效的沟通


66. Performance reports are used to provide information to stakeholders on Project scope, schedule, cost, and

quality. Which statement most accurately describes this process?

a. The configuration control board receives performance reports and generates change reports to modify aspects of the project.

b. Performance reporting includes status reports, which detail where the Project is now; progress reports, which describe accomplishments; and forecasts, which predict future status and progress. 执行情况报告包括状态报告(详细描述工程状况),进展报告(描述完成情况),和预算(预测未来状况和进度)


67. The project manager who adopts the shareholder manager leadership style---

a. Solicitssions alone b. Solns alone

c. Inations

d. Delegates decision making to the team without much information exchange无太多的信息交流将决策权委派



68. All the following are examples of informal written communication except—以下那一个不是非正式书面沟通的例子__

a. Engineers’ notes b. E-mail messages

c. The management plan管理计划

69. Communication planning is a process for determining the information and communication needs of the---

a. Stakeholders利益相关者


71. In person-to-person communication, messages are sent on verbal levels and nonverbal levels simultaneously. Lf nonverbal cues and the spoken message are incongruous, the flow of communication is hindered. Nonverbal communication can involve the use of--- a. Physical attributes 形体特征 b. Aesthetic attributes 美学特征 c. Signs 标记 d. Symbols标号

e. All the above以上全部


72. Which of the following tools or techniques are used in the information distribution process?

a. Cotion system b. Informe reports

c. Communication skills, information retrieval system, and information distribution system

a) 沟通技巧,信息挽救系统和信息发送系统 以下哪种工具或技术被运用于信息发布过程?

73. In dealing with the customer, the project manager should----

a. Disclcy

b. Strive to develop a friendly, honest, and open relationship努力营造友善的,诚实的,开放的关系 对待客户项目经理应该___

74. When communicating with a people-oriented person, a project manager should---

a. Str hand

b. Stress the relationships between his or her proposals and the people concerned强调他或她的建议和人们关注点之间的关系


75. The communication process consists of the following components except---

a. Communicator交流者 b. Message信息 c. Function功能 d. Recipient接受者 e. Medium媒体


76. The process of conferring with others to come to terms or reach an agreement is called—

a. Win-win双赢

b. Getting to yes 获得同意 c. Negotiation谈判 d. Arbitration仲裁

e. Confrontation面对面,对质 与他人协商达成条款或协议称为___

78. Sally, the project manager, was working with two of her team members to resolve a conflict. Although one

party. Bill, had withdrawn. And the other, Kathleen, was attempting to compromise, the resolution was slow in coming. Due to the negative impact a non-resolution would have on a critical milestone which was quickly approaching. Sally brought the two together to confront the issue. Neither would work with Sally to resolve the issue. Sally finally listened to both sides and made a decision. Which favored Bill’s position more than Kathleen’s position. What forms of conflict resolution did Sally finally use to resolve the problem? a. Compromising折衷 b. Confronting冲突 c. Forcing强迫 d. Smoothing缓和

lly是项目经理和两个组员解决一个冲突。 其中一方, Bill已经退出。 另一个,Kathleen试图采取折衷的办法,

问题解决得很慢。由于问题得不到解决, 为快要达到的一个里程碑造成了很大的负面影响。Sally召集两人正视问题, 但是, 两个人都不配合他解决问题。 Sally最终听取了两方面的意见后作出决定。 Bill的形势优于Kathleen。 Sally最终采取那种方式解决问题?

79. Roger was working as a project manager in a strong functional organization. In order to operate most effectively with upper management and the functional managers. Roger will have to rely on the following types of power: a. Expert专家 b. Referent指示 c. Penalty处罚 d. Reward奖励

Roger 在一个强大的功能性组织中担任项目经理。 为与上层管理和职能经理有效的合作, 他不得不依赖于下列那一类权利:

80. To successfully manager a project manager must play both a manager and leadership role. In the manager role the PM will do all but which of the following.

a. Develop procedures制订程序 b. Align people组织人员

c. Produce results for stakeholders为股东负责

d. Focus on the organization and its structure注重组织和结构 e. Both b and d

为实现成功的管理, 项目经理必须充当经理和领导的角色。 在经理的角色中, 项目经理不做以下哪个? 81. To be successful in a functional organization, the project manager must rely on:

a. Referent power

b. Formal authority正式的权利

为在职能组织中取得成功, 项目经理必须依赖于:

82.(PDM)The precedence Diagram Method (PDM): 逻顺序图法(PDM)

a. Has only finish to start task relationships. b. Has the activity on the node在节点上有工序

c. Provides the flexibility of lead and lag time to the activities.提供工序领先和滞后的灵活性 d. Uses standard deviation to assist in the probability of a duration of an activity. e. B & c

83. The program evaluation review technique (PERT): 计划评审技术(PERT)

a. Typically has 3 time estimates to assist in the prediction of the expected value of activity duration. 典型的工


84. Resource leveling:资源平衡

a. Deals with the effective use of resources through the project to minimize the resource time: 通过把项目资源

时间降到最小来提高资源的有效使用 b. Tes.

c. Tends to increase the original project completion date. 趋向于增加原项目的完成日期 d. A & c 85. The terms “planning” and “scheduling” are sometimes used interchangeably within a project; however, they are very different activities in a project. Which of following are scheduling activities? a. Theernet.

b. The vendor (s), for the widget component, must be selected by end of first quarter. 对装饰公司,卖主必须是最

后的第一季度被挑选的 “计划” 和“进度”两个术语在项目中有时交替使用,然而它们在项目中是不同的行为。下列那一个是进度活动?

86. Upon completing a project schedule, Roberta finds the critical path indicates the project will complete on April 15. as she works through the schedule, she finds there are several tasks with float. Task b has 10 days of free float, while task F has 5 days of total float. If the start of task B is delayed 15 days, what is the completion date of the project? a. April 25

b. Not enough information provided to Calculate没有足够的信息计算

在完成的项目进度上,Roberta 发现关键路径显示项目将在4月15日完成。当她研究进度时,她发现有好多任务有工序移动。任务B有10天的工序移动,而任务F有总共5天的工序移动。如果B任务开始推迟15天,项目完成的日期是什么时候?

87. Working with the project team, the project manager found a way to fast track the project by starting Task D

five days after task B has started, and working both tasks in parallel for 10 days. How will this affect the project?

a. The proj sooner.

b. The critical path will change关键路径将改变

c. The project will complete five days sooner项目将早5天完成 d. The dned. e. B & c


88. Using a backward pass, if the duration of Task F is reduced to 12 days, what are the LS (late start) and LF

(late finish) for Task E? a. LS=15, LF=20 b. LS=16, LF=21


89. The ES date for task “h” in the above project is 9/5 and the EF date for the task 9/10.the PM finds that task “g” will start on time but will take eight days longer than anticipated. If nothing else has changed, how will this affect the project?

a. The project will finish eight days late.

b. The finish date will remain the same 项目准时完成 c. The critical path will change.

d. Task “g” becomes part of the critical path.


91. To ensure the project team provides the functionality the customer expects in a new piece of software, the PM asks the customer for sign-off on the design criteria. These documents are: a. Technical specifications技术规格

为保证项目组提供的客户期望的新软件的功能性,项目经理要求客户在设计标准上签名以结束。这些文件是: 92. The individual employee performing a task:个人员工执行任务

a. Has the ultimate responsibility for the conformance of results to the requirements or specifications.对执行结


93. Statistical process control consists of the application for:统计过程控制的一致性应用在

a. Formal statistical sampling and control procedures that allow for the very accurate monitoring of a process by

which a task is performed, thereby ensuring that the product will be in conformance with specifications.

a. 正式的统计样本和控制程序中,他允许非常精确地测量执行任务的过程,因此保证产品同规格的一致


95. The development of a comprehensive program that includes the processes of identifying objectives and

strategies of client interfacing; of organizing and coordinating planned and systematic controls for maintaining established standards; measuring and evaluating performance against these standards; reporting results; and taking appropriate action is known as the: a. Quality management function全面质量管理功能 b. Overall quality philosophy全面质量思想 c. Quality evaluation methods质量评估方法

d. Managerial quality assurance可管理的质量保证


96. The project Quality Management function does not include:项目质量管理的功能不包括

a. Quality policies, procedures, plans, specifications and requirements. And management reporting.质量方针,程


b. The technical process of establishing, the plan for monitoring and controlling project quality .建立技术的过


c. Technical quality control.技术质量控制

d. Managing the quality of the product.管理产品质量 98. The four absolutes of quality are:4个质量事件是:

a. Definition, system, performance standard, and measurement.

b. Specs, target goal, uniformity of compliance and definition.规格,目标,顺序一致和定义 100.The art of quality planning is:质量计划的艺术是:

a. Identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and determine how to satisfy them.确认哪一个


101. A door panel for a new car is inspected prior to installation on the automobile. This is an example of:新汽车

的仪表盘在安装前已经被检验。这是下列那一种的例子 a. Prevention

b. Variable Sampling c. Quality Assurance

d. Quality Control质量控制

102. A thunderstorm caused intermittent power outages during a 24-hour period. When the day’s production

run was sampled it was found that over 50% of the products produced were defective. These defects are an example of :

a. Variable sampling

b. Special causes特殊原因 c. Prevention

一场雷暴造成24小时的停电。白天生产的产品被发现有50%的不合格。此种不合格是下列那一个的例子: 103. A:PM wanted to show management ,visually, how quality controls were affecting processes. the best tool to

accomplish this is : a. diagrams b. Histograms c. Flowcharts

d. Control charts控制图 e. Statistical samples


104. A PM is developing the projects budget and wants to have adequate resources to implement a solid quality control program. His project will cost approximately $110.00.What is the minimum amount he should include in the project budget for the quality program?

a. $10,000 b. $7,500 c. $6,135 d. $3,300 e. $5,500



105. Repeating the initiating processes at the beginning of each phase to keep the project focused on: 在每一阶

段初期重复立项过程以保证项目着重于 a. Interaction between phases.

b. The details of the project using rolling wave planning c. Process group overlapping within each phase. d. Business needs.商业需要

106. In the integration management process, the project development uses the outputs of the other planning

processes to create a consistent, coherent document that can be used to guide both project______ a. Execution, control b. Control, termination

c. Scope management, integration范围管理,综合


107. Of the PMBOKTM’s five project management process groups, which group is a common thread that spans the majority of these processes from the start to finish? a. Executing实施 b. Planning计划 c. Controlling控制

PMBOKTM’s的五个项目管理过程组中,哪一个过程组由始至终作为共同的线索跨越了绝大多数的过程? 108. Of the PMBOKTM’s five project management process groups, which group has the highest level of activity throughout the life of the project? a. Executing实施

PMBOKTM’s的五个项目管理过程组中,哪一个过程组在项目整个寿命周期内拥有工序 109. The integrated project plan provides the baseline of:

a. The risk identification process b. Any corrective action to be taken

c. Which changes will be controlled将被控制的变化 d. Any work performance system. 综合项目计划提供了___基线?

110. Which of the following functions does NOT pertain to the roles and responsibilities of the project manager? 以下功能中哪一项不属于项目经理的角色和职责 a. Planning

b. Staffing人员招募

111. The project plan is a document designed to tell__________ exactly what should be happening in a given

period of time.

a. Anyone associated with the project任何与项目 有关的人员


112. In which process group do we identify human and non-human resources required for a project? 在哪一个

过程组中我们可确定项目所需的人力和非人力资源 a. Initiating立项

113. Feasibility studies are performed in the ______ process group of the project.

a. Initiating立项


114. In which process group do we examine alternative ways of accomplishing project objecties?

a. Initiating


115. In which process group do we transfer resources to other systems?

a. Initiating


116. Your bowling alley business has exploded ever since you introduced a “dating service league. Accordingly,

you need to build another facility and have assembled an invitation for bid (IFB) package with all the necessary descriptions of the required supplies, equipment, and services. You are convinced that the IFB. Will result in equal and fair competition among all sellers. You want to avoid any confusion regarding the work to be performed because you probably will not conduct negotiations with the sellers; however, you may or may not award the contract to the lowest-bidding seller, and you have made this clear in the IFB. In this situation, you should be prepared to

b. Document your award decision as completely as possible to all sellers向有限的供应商发放IFB以冲突 自从你引入“年代测定服务”联盟以来,你的保龄球道业务有了很大的发展。因此,你需要再建造一套设施,并已经准备好了一套包括你所需的全部必要补给、设备和服务描述在内的投标邀请(IFB)会为所有供应商提供公平的竞争机会。你接下来的工作中你想要避免任何的混乱,因为你可能不能控制和供应商的谈判。然而你既可以把这份合同交给报价最低的投标供应商来做,也可以不交给他们做,这些也都在投票邀请IFB中交待清楚了。在这种情况下,你应该在下列哪个方面做好准备。

117. Your team is working on an international project to build a regional cellular network in a small,

mountainous country. After 10 days of work, a major political activist is killed in an unfortunate hang gliding accident. His death leads to mass riots throughout the country. Work cannot continue, and your team returns home. A risk such as civil unrest typically requires a.

Upfront risk management planning with continual review of the plan throughout the project life cycle b. Disaster recovery actions instead of risk management周期性性的分险审计和分险评估


118. Results of quality control testing and measurement are used质量控制测试与衡量的结果主要用于 a. b. c. d.

As nning Toinition To prhart

As an input to quality assurance作为质量保证的一个输入项

119. You are the controller on your project. Your project manager has requested that you provide him with a forecast of project costs for the next 12months. He needs this information to determine if the budget should be increased or decreased on this major construction project. In addition to the usual information sources, which of the following should you also consider?

a. b. c. d.

Cost estimates from similar project WBS

Project schedule

Existing change requests现有的变更要求

你是你们项目的管理员。你的项目经理要求上报给一个未来12个月的 项目成本的预测报告。他需要这个信息来判断这个主建设项目的预算应该增加还是减少。除了通常的信息资源以外,在下列各项中你还应该考虑哪一项?

120. To use statistical quality control effectively, the project team should know the differences between


Prevention and quality control

b. Special causes and random causes特殊原因与随即原因


121. You are employed by a federal agency and are managing a 3-year project with a $3 million budget. If project requirements change, you expect additional funds to become available toward the end of each fiscal year. You may use these funds for your project. You decide to establish a cost change control system to a. b.

Define when to add contingency funds to the project

Define the procedures by which the cost baseline may by changed明确定义变更成本基线的程序


122. You are managing the construction of a highly sophisticated, technologically complex, intruder-impenetrable data center in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. The center will house more than 500 servers for one of the world’s largest retailers who has decided to launch an e-business program in Asia. Although this location offers significant economic advantages, the threat of typhoons has caused you to create a backup plan to operate out of Manila in case the center is flooded. What type of risk response is this?

a. Passive avoidance b. Mitigation

c. Active acceptance积极面对


123. You are preparing a project plan. You have identified a key subject matter expert. Her experience will be invaluable to project success. But you do not know when she will be available to support the project. Therefore, you have assumed a start date. This shows that assumptions generally involve some risk because they a.

Involve factors that are considered true, or certain 包括了一些经过深思熟虑的正确的、实际的或者确定的因素


124. You recently completed a major environmental remediation project involving the disposal of hazardous waste from a local power plant. Your client accepted the work, and your company has been paid. The project has been closed officially for more than 6 weeks. Now you are working on a new project that happens to be located at the same local power plant. While working on the new project, you discovered a possible flaw in the disposal system that was delivered for the earlier project. You reviewed drawings for that project and discovered that they are incomplete. No one else has confirmed your concerns. You do not believe and problems will be apparent for about 5 year5年内也不回出现明显问题, if ever. In this situation, you should a. b.

Do nothing because the project is complete and the customer accepted the work based on its own Alert your management to the situation, both orally and in writing, and request that someone else confirm independent inspection

your findings同时以口头和书面两种形式向你的主管通告这种情况,并找别人来的发现


125. Because you were a finance major in college, you have been asked to be an active participant in your company’s project selection process. The project selection committee chair has asked you to describe ground rules and possible approaches for project selection. You know that organizations usually will not approve a project if its costs exceed its benefits, so you recommend using a discounted cash-flow approach. This approach is based in part on the economic theory that a dollar today generally is worth more that a dollar a year from now. Using this approach, the project is acceptable if the

a. Sum of the net present value of all estimated cash flow during the life of the project equals the profit

b. Net present value of the inflow is greater than the net present value of the outflow by a specified amount or percentage现金流入的净现值出现金流出的净现值一定数量或比例


126. Your company is establishing a cost of quality approach to determine the relative importance of its quality problems and to identify major opportunities for cost reduction. Your company believes this approach can help is evaluate its success in achieving quality objectives. When setting up this approach, you were asked to categorize four types of costs: prevention, appraisal, internal failure, and external failure. As you examine the cost of quality, however, you realize that training and its associated costs have become a major factor. Training costs培训费用 are include in which one of the following areas?

a. Prevention costs预防成本


127. Your organization is characterized by hierarchical organizational structures with rigid rules政策严格 and policies and strict supervisory controls. Individual team members are not expected to engage in problem solving or use creative approaches to plan and execute work. But because a lot of company work involves crisis situations, this authoritarian management style has some benefits. Your organization is characterized by which one of the following theories? a. b.

Oucchi’s Theory

McGregor’s Theory X麦克格雷格X理论

你们公司是一家规则政策严格、监督控制严密而又等级森严的公司。公司要求单独的团队成员不能独自解决问题或者采取什么创新性的方法来计划或执行工作。但是,由于许多公司的工作都要涉及到很紧急的时刻,这种独裁的管理风格也还有些好处。你们公司的特征符合下列哪种理论的说法? a. b. c. d.


麦克格雷格X理论 马列洛的自重水平 沃鲁姆的期望理论

128. You have prepared the scope statement and the WBS for your project plan. Your project is now under way, but you recognize that, given the nature of project work, scope change is inevitable. You also are aware of the danger of scope creep范围蔓延, having suffered the consequences of it recently. To avoid a similar experience类似事件发生, you meet with your team and decide to establish a project scope change control system. This is- a. b. c.

A colicial project documents may be changed A docunformance to requirements

A set of procedures by which project scope may be changed, including the paperwork, tracking systems, and

approval levels necessary for authorizing change可以使项目范围得到变更的一系统程序,主要包括文书工作、跟踪系统和批准变更 必须的审批级别

你已经准备好了项目的范围说明和WBS, 你的项目计也已经被准备了。目前你的项目开始实施了,但你认识到,基于项目工作的天性,项目范围的变动是在所难免的。由于不久前你就经历过范围不断扩大的折磨,所以这次你对范围蔓延的危险特别留意。为了避免类似事件的发生,你召集了团队会议要建立一套项目范围变更控制系统。这是指

129. When managing current projects, it is important to use lessons learned from previous projects to improve the organization’s project management process. Therefore, in project closing procedures, it is important to review the- a. b.

Secondary risks that occurred

Checklists for risk identification风险鉴别对照单


130. You are working to close out your project. During these hectic final days of the project, most conflict arises

from最容易引发冲突:- a.

Schedule problems进度


131. One organizational option for improving communications and teamwork is using a tight matrix. This approach also to facilitate- a. b.


Concurrent engineering协作工作


132. In the weak and strong matrix organizational structures, the primary condition leading to conflict is-在松散

和紧密型的矩阵组织结构中, 可能引发冲突的基本条件是什么 a.

Communication barriers沟通障碍

133. You are the project manager for a new product新产品 your company is launching. Yu realize that for

success with this project your team must have-

a. Access to an appropriate set of skills and knowledge about the product一条适当的获取该产品相关技巧和知识


你是你们公司正在实施的一个新产品项目的项目经理。你认识到要使这个项目取得成功,你的团队必须具备 134. You work for one of the leading manufacturers of country and western apparel. You are managing a project

to improve customer throughput and efficiency. Much of the project wok must be done on site and will require the active participation of store employees. Many of these employees are lifelong members of a powerful union that has a reputation for labor unres劳动闹事t. One important component of your schedule must be-

a. A resource capabilities matrix b. Buffers and reserves

c. A resource calendar一个资源筹集日程


135. You are part of a team that is preparing a project plan for your company’s new wireless VCR product line. The team is reviewing a number of items as it prepares the plan. Which one of the following is an example of a project plan development constraint that you should consider as you develop multiple elements制约因素 of the plan? a. b. c.

Records of past performance Financial reports from similar projects Predefined budget预先确定的预算


136。Which of the following would you least consider最不考虑 when making a buy decision?

a. Cost/price成本/价格

当作外购决策时, 最不可能考虑下列哪一项?

137。Which of the following is not part of the purchasing cycle采购阶段?

a. Obtain vendor capabilities

b. Prepare and issue purchase order准备和签发采购定单

138。The relationship of specific procurement actions to a firm’s corporate strategy is called the:

a. Corporate risk strategy公司风险站略 特定采购行动与公司战略的关系被称为:

139。To set money aside for a particular project purpose is to:

a. Appropriate b. Allocate

c. Authorize授权


140. The future value of an annual income flow of $1,000 for 2 years at 10% is:

a. $2.200 b. $2.280 c. $2.300 d. $2.310

利率10%, 2 年期每年收入流$1,000,其未来价值是:

142. Upon completion of 75% of the project, the original schedule and cost estimate that were submitted at the

inception of the project are referred to as the: a. Baseline基准计划书


143. A project manager is trying to better manage the cost of the projects taking place within the Information

Technology business unit. Which of the following generic life cycle phases would allow the project manager to have the most impact on managing cost? a. Closeout b. Execution c. Installation

d. Concept and Design构思和设计


144. The methods and techniques for determining the economic costs, the environmental impact, the economic returns,

and the probability for success are called:

a. Feasibility studies可行性研究

用于决定经济成本, 环境影响, 经济回报和成功概率的方法和技术,被称为:

145. “Rolling wave” or “moving window” planning provides the project team with

a. An immediate detailed description of the work in each project life cycle phase b. A highly developed WBS

c. A preliminary description of work to be done in later phases对项目后期要做的工作的初步描述 \滚动波 \或 \移动窗\规划提供给项目团队

146. The project manager and project team utilize to provide additional control and measurement of

contract performance and to describe the work performed by a group or work center. a. Work packages工作包

项目经理和团队利用 来对合同绩效提供额外的控制和衡量, 并且描述要由工作团队或工作中心来做的工作。

147. The roles of the Sponsor or senior management in the planning process include all of the following, except在规划过程中, 业主或高层管理的角色作用包括所有下列事项,除了: a. Priority setting优先权的设定

b. Policies and procedures政策和方式程序 c. Key staffing decisions关键的人员配置决策 d. Scope baseline development范围基准计划的

在规划过程中, 业主或高层管理的角色作用包括所有下列事项,除了:

148. A project manager believes that modifying the scope of the project调整项目范围 may provide added value

for the customer. The project manager should: a. Change the scope baseline b. Prepare a variance report

c. Call a meeting of the change control board召集变更控制委员会的开会

某项目经理相信: 调整项目的范围可能为客户提供附加价值。该项目经理应该:

149. Using the figure below, what is the probability that project1 will be selected and completed successfully? a. 50% b. 30%

用下面数字计算, 项目1将会被选择并且成功完成的概率是多少?

150. The requirements and functional specifications have been completed and the acceptance test strategy is now in development. At what point in the project should the project manager plan for events not happening in accordance with the project plan?

a. When the unanticipated events occur, because this approach saves you valuable time

b. Contingency planning should occur throughout the project life cycle意外事件规划应贯穿与整个生命周期 已经完成了需求和功能规格的制定,正在制定验收测试策略。在项目的什么阶段时刻, 项目经理应该安排处理哪些与项目计划预计发生偏差的事件?

151. If a risk event has a chance of occurring 15 times out of 45 times, based on experiences with like events,

what is the probability that the event will occur on the next project? a. 90% b. 45% c. 15% d. 33%

如果一个风险事件的发生机会是45次中出现15次, 基于类似事件的经验, 在下个项目上,这个风险事件发

生的概率是多少? a. 90% b. 45% c. 15% d. 33%

152. During which phase of a project is the level of uncertainty the greatest不确定性最大?

a. Design

b. Development/Execution c. Conceptual构思立项

153. The expected value of a risk event is calculated by multiplying the .

a. Likelihood可能性 of the event by the consequence of its occurrence结果 计算风险事件的期望值是通过什么乘上什么 a. 事件发生的可能性乘以事件发生的结果

154. Which of the following is not an external, unpredictable risk不是一个外部的不可预测?

a. Changes in government regulations政府管制的变化 b. Natural disasters自然灾祸 c. Vandalism有意的破坏 d. Inflation通货膨胀

155. The techniques and methods used to reduce or control risk are part of which of the following mechanisms: a. Risk assessment

b. Risk response planning风险应对规划


156. A project manager sends the electrical engineer an e-mail message asking her to prepare a detailed technical report per some instructions given in the e-mail. A week later, the electrical engineer’s department manager visits the project manager to complain that his engineer had spent 45 hours preparing the 80-page report. The project manager indicates that he thought the report would be only 4 pages long仅需要页. The problem here is one of:

a. Lack of feedback缺乏反馈

项目经理发送给电子工程师一个电子邮件信息, 要求她准备一份详细的技术报告, 并在电子邮件中附注了某些说明。一周后,电子工程师所在部门的经理拜访项目经理以抱怨道: 该电子工程师已经花费了45 小时做出80页的报告。项目经理指出:他认为报告只需要有 4 页长。这里的问题是:

157. A line manager possesses information, which the project team needs, but withholds隐瞒 the information.

This is a type of: a. Confrontation

b. Information filtering信息过滤

产品经理有项目团队所需要的信息, 但是隐瞒住该信息。这是一种:

158. For communication to occur, there must be all but one of the following:

a. Two or more people involved b. A trusting climate信任的气氛

要进行沟通, 必定会出现所有下列事项,除了:

159. In order for the project manager to fully and effectively respond to a stakeholder’s personal concerns or

grievances项目干系人的担忧或委屈, it may be necessary to:

a. Ask for a written description of the problem and submit it through the project office b. Schedule a discussion with that stakeholder’s manager

c. Establish clearer lines of communication with that stakeholder与项目干系人建立更清楚的沟通联系 为了使项目经理完全而且有效地回应项目利害相关者的个人担忧或委屈,可能有必要: 160. Administrative closure管理收尾 includes all of the following except:

a. Project acceptance项目验收 b. Contract closeout合同清算 c. Project archives项目文件档案 d. Lessons learned 经验教训学习

161. The highest attainable point in Maslow’s hierarchical diagram最高实现 of needs is: a. Basic, or physiological b. Esteem

c. Team acceptance

d. Self actualization自我的实现

162. Which of the following personality attributes is not desired in a project manager?

a. Aversion to problem situations厌恶出现问题

b. Reliance on the team to resolve many of their own conflicts 依赖团队来解决冲突 c. Understanding of the project technology理解项目技术 d. Understanding of personnel problems理解人事问题 下列哪一项个人特质不期望在一个项目经理身上看到?

163. Once Mike had completed the organizational planning组织规划 for his project, he could successfully

present which of the following to his sponsor?

a. Work breakdown structure, project plan, resource plan b. Roles and responsibilities, risk plan, quality plan

c. Role and responsibility assignments, staffing management plan, project organization

chart角色和责任安排, 员工配置管理计划, 项目组织图

164. Consider a project where core personnel核心员工 from the functional areas are assigned to the project on

a full-time basis, and the functional managers职能经理 have no formal involvement. This situation describes an example of a:

a. Project matrix b. Unbalance matrix

c. Non-functional organization d. Project team项目 团队团队

如果在一个项目中,来自职能领域的核心员工被安排专职做项目,但是职能经理并没有正式参与。 这种情形描述着一个什么例子:

165. You and your project team decide to use three time estimates三次估计 per task to estimate durations. Your

team is probably utilizing:

a. The PDM method

b. The PERT method计划评审技术PERT法


166. Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) differs from Arrow Diagramming Method (ADM) primarily by

allowing to represent . a. Arrows, activity time durations b. Nodes/boxes, events

c. Nodes/boxes, activities or work节点/方框,活动/工作

优先图示法 (PDM) 与箭线图示法 (ADM) 的主要区别在于通过用 节点 来表示 工作 。 167. The starting point in the development of a top-down CPM自上而下 chart is the . a. Project specification tree b. Customer’s deliverable list c. Customer’s milestone dates

d. Work Breakdown Structure工作分解结构

在制定自上而下的关键路线法CPM图的起点是 。

168. Using the figure below, activity L has an early start time of weeks and an early finish time of

weeks. a. 11, 13 b. 12, 14 c. 13, 15 d. 15, 17 B G 3 2 A C E H L 7 6 5 4 2 D I N 8 7 3 F J M 6 K 3 8 7

169. Core核心 planning processes have clear dependencies that require them to be performed in essentially the

same order on most projects. Which of the following is the correct order as a portion of core planning processes?

a. Scope planning, scope definition, activity sequencing, activity duration estimation 核心计划过程有明确的依赖关系,在大多数项目中要以同样的顺序必须完成。下列哪一项符合核心计划过程的正确顺序:.

a. 范围规划--范围定义--活动排序--活动工期估计

170.In which project life cycle phase is uncertainty associated with project integration usually the greatest?

a. Project executing

b. Project planning项目规划


171。In making key changes重要变化 to a project, it is important to have a formal change process and a

____________ responsible for approving or rejecting requests. a. Stakeholder

b. Change control board变更控制委员会

在项目做出重要变更时,重要的是要有一个正式的变更过程和一个负责批准或拒绝变更要求的 : 172.In which project life cycle phase are the risks associated with project integration usually the smallest?

a. Project initiation and approval项目立项和审定


173.The most encompassing完整 document to help the project team with project integration activities is the


a. Project charter

b. Project plan项目计划

能帮助项目团队进行项目整体管理活动的最完整的文件是: 174. Prevention costs include all of the following, except 预防成本包括所有下列事项,除了:

a. Training培训

b. Supplier certification供应商合格证书 c. Design reviews设计评审 d. Defect evaluation缺陷评估

175. For the following group of numbers: 80, 10, 10, 50, 70 and 90, what is the standard deviation?

a. 10 b. 80 c. 35

176. If a company wants to measure up to the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award国家质量奖, which of

the following criteria will they be evaluated to? a. ISO 9000 b. Quality policy

c. Strategic plannin战略规划 d. ANSI standards

如果一家公司想要达到获得Malcolm Baldrige国家质量奖, 下列哪一标准将会是他们要进行评估的? 177. When a process control chart is set up optimally, the upper and lower specification limits typically are:

a. Set equal to the upper and lower control limits b. Set outside the upper and lower control limits c. Set inside the upper and lower control limits

当一个过程控制图表被很理想建立完成时, 其规格要求的上限和下限通常是: a. 设定等于控制范围的上限和下限 b. 设在控制范围的上限和下限之外 c. 设在控制范围的上限和下限之内

180. A major concern of the project sponsor during integration activities is:

a. The impact of the project on the organization’s ongoing operations项目对组织目前运做的影响 在项目整体管理活动期,项目业主重要关注的是:

181. Which of the following techniques can be used to integrate and measure a project’s schedule and cost


a. Earned value management挣值管理

要整合和衡量项目进度和成本绩效,能用下列哪项技术方法: 182. A fully integrated project plan assists the project manager by: a. Providing a complete reference for all organizational policies. b. Providing the project manager with total project authority c. Preventing input from the project sponsor.

d. Facilitating communications among project stakeholders.方便项目相关者之间的沟通 完全整合的项目计划对项目经理的帮助是通过:

183. The true status of a project项目真实状态 cannot be determined unless which of the following are jointly


a. Project schedule and cost analysis项目进度和成本分析 要知道项目真实状态,必须结合考虑下列哪一项:

184. Which of the following is not used没有被用来 for reporting performance报告绩效?

a. Bar charts柱线图 b. S-curves S曲线 c. Histograms矩形图

d. Fishbone diagrams鱼刺图

185. Communication technology factors that may affect the project include all but which one of the following?

a. A specific type of project instruction专门类型的项目 说明书 b. The immediacy of the need for information信息需要的迫切性 c. The availability of technology技术的可用性

d. The expected project staffing项目期望人员的配置


186. The project manager issued a series of status reports over the course of several months to address issues

that had emerged in project negotiations with the contractor. This represents what form of communication?

a. Formal verbal communication

b. Formal written communication正式的书面沟通


187. Project management software:项目管理软件

a. Cannot be used as a communication tool

b. Is not considered a class of computer applications

c. Can assist with both planning and controlling project costs and schedules能用来帮助规划和控制项目

成本和进度 188. Debra realizes she must determine the aspects of her project that may be at risk. Which of

following is not a useful tool for her to use in identifying these risks?

a. b. c. d. Ishikawa diagrams Ishikawa 图

System or process flowcharts系统或方式流程表 Interviews with stakeholders与项目相关者面谈 Corrective action纠正行动

Debra 认识到她必须决定项目可能在哪些方面有风险。 在识别这些风险中,下列哪一工具对她没有什么用处?

189. Using the table below, the expected profit (or loss) of using the aggressive schedule is:

a. ($ 25,000) b. $ 75,000 c. $ 78,000 d. $ 100,000

Aggressive Schedule Conservative Schedule Profit or Loss Probability Profit or Loss Probability $ 200,000 0.50 $ 100,000 0.80 $ 0 0.25 $ 0 0.10 $ (100,000) 0.25 ($ 20,000) 0.10

用下表数据计算,用积极的进度的预期的利润 ( 或损失) 是: a. ($25,000) b. $75,000 c. $78,000 d. $100,000

190. An organization is considering bidding on a project in a new technology area新技术领域 with which it has no prior experience. The organization was able to locate knowledgeable experts in that field to help understand the new aspects. Therefore, probabilities can be assigned to possible profit or loss outcomes of this project. This would be an example of decision making under: a. Certainty b. Risk风险

一个组织在考虑竞标一个新技术领域的项目,但对该技术领域没有经验,组织能识别找出该领域知识专家来帮助理解这个新的领域。 因此,能够确定该项目可能的利润或损失结果概率。这会是一个在什么条件下的决策例子:

191. During the implementation phase of a new systems project, a fire erupts during hardware installation硬件安装期间 causing damage to the facility. This is an example of: a. Unpredictable risk b. External risk c. Business risk

d. Insurable (pure) risk可保险的 (纯粹的) 风险

在一个新系统项目的实施阶段中,硬件安装期间突发火灾,造成对设备的损害 。 这是一个什么例子:

192. Which of the following is not an example of an external-predictable外部可预期 risk?

a. Cost of money货币成本 b. Borrowing rates租借费用

c. Material availability有可用材料 d. Operations issues操作问题


193. The tool that is based on the concept that the majority of quality problems主要质量问题 are caused by a

few causes is called: 大多数质量问题是由于几个主要因素所导致,基于这样一个概念的工具称为 a. Pareto analysis巴雷托Pareto分析

194. The cost of quality includes all of the following, except: 质量成本包括所有下列事项,除了

a. Appraisal cost评估成本 b. Internal failure内部成本 c. Prevention cost预防成本

d. Operation and maintenance cost操作维修成本

195. When an employee is terminated被要求离开 from a project, the project manager is enforcing

Power. 当要求一个员工离开项目时,项目经理在执行实施什么权力 a. Legitimate (Formal)合法权

b. Coercive (Penalty)强制权(处罚性的) c. Expert专家权 d. Referent象征权

196. Joan is building her project team创建自己的项目团队 and is considering the resources she will need to work on the project. Choosing the right people is essential. However, the right people are not always available. In order to ensure she can set up her project organization properly, Joan will need to look for all but除了 one of the following:

a. Will the most desirable individuals be available when she needs them? 当需要适当的人时,最想要的人是


b. Have the individuals performed this kind of project work in the past? 过去是否有人完成过这类项目工作 c. Are the candidates organizationally related to the sponsor? 候选人是否与业主有组织关联 d. Are they likely to work well together as a team? 他们能否作为团队一起工作得很好


197. Tom is a member of a matrixed project team. In this capacity, what should he typically not be concerned

about? Tom是矩阵式项目团队成员。在这种组织关系中,他通常不应该考虑什么? a. Serving two managers

b. How his performance evaluation will be handled c. Where his loyalties should be placed

d. Creating the project charter制定项目章程

198. Using the table below and based upon dollars, the percent spent is:

a. 40% b. 50% c. 60% d. 83% Current period BCWS BCWP ACWP 40 45 50

BCWS 450 Cumulative BCWP ACWP BAC 500 600 1,000 用下表数据计算(以美元为单位), 花费的百分比是:

a. 40% b. 50% c. 60% d. 83% 当前期 BCWS BCWP ACWP 40 45 50 BCWS 450 500 累积 BCWP ACWP 600 BAC 1,000

199. Which of the following answers the question “what should be done?” 下列哪一项回答了问题 \应该做什么?

a. Budgeted Cost of Work Performed以执行工作预算成本 b. Actual Cost of Work Performed已执行工作实际成本 c. Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled计划执行预算成本 d. Budget at Completion完工预算

200. In which of the following cost estimating techniques are statistical models used?

a. Non-parametric cost estimating

b. Parametric cost estimating参数成本估算 c. Life cycle cost estimating d. Bottom-up cost estimating

下列哪一成本估算技术用了统计模式? a. 非参数成本估算 b. 参数成本估算 c. 生活周期成本估算 d. 由下而上的成本估算

