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道岔技术规范 CONTENT:内容:

This specification sets out the quality and production conditions of the materials to be used for the production of the 60 E1 Rail R= 300 1/12 with manganese cast and concrete sleepers together with the acceptance conditions of the said turnouts. 这份规范规定了用于制造60 E1 铁轨R= 300 1/12的原料质量和生产条件和锰钢,混凝土枕木,以及上述道岔的接受条件。 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 技术规范 Technical Specification of the Turnouts :道岔技术规范 Rail profile钢轨断面 : 60 EI 60,210 kg/meter千克/米 Blade rail尖轨 : 60 EI A1 72,97 kg/meter千克/米

Counter-rail profile导轨 : U profile 900 A quality (C1 EN 13674-3) Track gauge 轨距 : 1435 mm

Sleepers枕木 : Concrete sleeper混凝土枕木 Axle load轴重 : Maximum 22,5 ton最重2.5吨

Manganese cast medium block: 12-14% Mn according to UIC 866 中等锰钢铸块:按照UIC866标准,锰含量为12-14%。 Maximum speed on the straight line: 160 -200 km/h 直线最大速度:160-200千米/小时

Sleeper opening : 600 mm (+/- 25 mm)

枕木开点 : 600 mm (+/- 25 mm)

Sleeper opening at the place where the turnout motor is present: 650-700 mm 道岔马达位置枕木开点:650-700 mm The sleeper layouts of the turnouts shall be \岔道处的枕木布局应采用扇形布局。 All the rail gaskets should be free of holes and shall be in such a form that an isolation gasket or a weld shall be able to be done thereafter. The gaskets shall be arranged to be at the medium of both sleepers as a standard.

所有轨道垫片一律没有开口,并且垫片的形状可以随后补上一个隔离垫片或焊缝。 At the heads of the double sleeper, short sleeper and the sleeper; contact of the sleepers with each other shall not be allowed. Besides, the distance between the rail axis and the sleeper head shall be minimum 500 mm. 在双枕木、短枕木和枕木的头部,不允许发生相互接触。 BLADE ASSEMBLY:尖轨安装:

The blade shall be manufactured as a flexible blade. The blade assembly consists of a flexible blade, reclining rail and blade buffers which are assembled to it. Heating shall be provided by installing the electrical resistances on the spaces left especially for them.

尖轨应生产出来后应具有很大的弹性。尖轨的安装由弹性尖轨,倾斜轨 及安装在倾斜轨上的尖轨缓冲器组成。 The blade reclining rail shall be produced from a standard rail profile and the osculating part of the blade shall be processed suitably. 尖轨倾斜轨应按照标准的钢轨断面生产,且与尖轨接触部分要做适当处理。 Necessary precautions shall be taken in order to keep the relative skidding between the blade rails and the reclining rails within the limits. (The heel chock shall be produced in order to tolerate this skidding).

为了保持在有限的空间里尖轨与倾斜轨的相关滑动应采取必要的预防措施。(为了允许滑动应在后部垫高)。 Necessary perforation works shall be done on the reclining rail and the flexible blade in order to assemble the adjustment, safety and inspection equipments.

为了组装调节,安全和检查设备,应在倾斜轨与弹性轨上进行必要的打孔。 Blade rail profile:尖轨钢轨断面:

Main production material shall be 900 A quality 60 E1 A1 72,97 kg/meter. The area of burst of the compact rolled part shall be passed from heat treatment in order to prevent the formation of the kerfs.

主要的生产原料应该是900 A quality 60 E1 A1 72,97 kg/meter。为了防止切缝,紧密辗压零件易裂区域应进行热处理。 Simple medium block hub made from Cast Manganese Hard Steel \ 简单中型块状轮毂由锰钢铸块\制成:

All the medium block part (hub end and the rabbit foot) ends of the turnout hub shall be manufactured from manganese hard steel which shall be connected, processed and welded to the connection rails in one piece. It shall be welded to the connection rails which are formed of standard rails from its four ends by an electrical weld. 所有中等铸块零件(轮轴端和兔足)、岔道轮轴的末端必须用锰钢制造,并以单体形式连接、冲压、焊接在连接轨上。它应该从其四个末端通过电焊焊接在由标准轨构成的连接轨上。 Material Quality:材质:

Medium block Cast Manganese Steel in accordance with UIC 866 shall be 12-14% Mn 中等锰钢铸块,按照UIC866标准,锰含量应该是12-14%。 Counter-rail:护轨

The counter-rail shall be produced from R 260 (EN13674-3) U profile shall be assembled to the braces and they shall be raised 20 mm from the upper ends of the rail. Imal Maddesi Kalitesi

护轨由R 260 (EN13674-3) U profile生产出来,并被安装在支架上,比钢轨的顶端高出20mm。 Rail Connection:轨道连接:

For the connection of the rails and the construction pieces to the sleepers shall be provided by the ribbed base plate pads and SKL 12 guy tongs 应用 肋形底板和SKL12弹条来连接钢轨和枕木的构件。 In order to have the blade to move freely on the sliding screeds; two each roller bearings shall be used on counter sides so as to be on the left and right side of the sleeper with box section on which the motors in the blade section are assembled. On the motor of the blade end; opposing two roller bearings shall be used in one sleeper.

为了让尖轨在滑板上自由滑动;枕木的左右两边各放一个滚柱轴承,其箱口截面就在尖轨马达所在区域。马达处于尖轨的尾端,反作用力的两个滚柱轴承应用在同一根枕木上。 The turnout base plates shall have the diameter and hole number (4 holes) so as to be used both in the wooden sleeper and in the concrete sleeper.

道岔底板应该有直径和洞的号码(4个洞),这样既能用于木制枕木也能用于混凝土枕木。 Duplex washers, grapple bolts and ULS 6 washer shall be used on the sleeper screw.

枕木螺丝上必须使用双重垫圈、锚固螺栓和ULS 6垫圈。 Plastic mediate base plate with shoulders on each side and with 6 mm thickness in accordance with UIC 864-5 shall be installed between the rib base plate pad and the rail surface. 符合UIC 864-5,厚度为4mm,每端有承托物的塑料底板应安装在 肋形底板与钢轨表面之间。 The quality of the connection elements material:连接部件原料质量: Rib base plates : Rolled profile in accordance with S 275JR EN 10025 肋形底板: 辊轮断面 符合S 275JR EN 10025

Base plate : With 20 mm thickness, in accordance with UIC 864-7, 160 mm width.

底板: 符合UIC 864-7,厚度为20mm,宽度为160mm

Grapple bolts : M22, Material clss 5.6, in accordance with EN 20898. 锚固螺栓:M22,材料等级5.6,符合EN 20898

Sleeper screw : Material class 5.6 in accordance with EN 20898. 枕木螺丝: 符合EN 20898,原料等级为5.6 Plastic pad : ELASTOMER UIC 864-5. 塑料垫板: ELASTOMER UIC 864-5. Washer : UIC 864-3.

垫圈: UIC 864-3. LOCKING ASSEMBLY :锁闭安装 Turnout locking assembly shall be manual. Locking assembly shall not cause any danger on train traffic and shall have the security prec as per UIC standards. 道岔锁闭安装应手工完成。锁闭安装不应引起任何火车交通危险且其安全精确度符合UIC标准。 Locking assembly shall be manually controllable with skate and locking mechanism designed for easy maneuver.

锁闭安装应该可以手动控制,且设计了易于滑动的滑板和锁闭装置。 When the blades are started to osculate, it shall provide the combination of the entire surface and shall spread the formed loads to the reclining rail. At the same time, it shall provide minimum 163 +/-5 mm space at the end point of the open blade and shall protect it and the minimum measurement with the reclining rail of the blade rail shall be 58 mm.

当尖轨开始接触时,应形成整个表面的结合并将形成的重量转移到倾斜轨上。同时,打开尖轨时,其尾部最小空间为163 +/-5 mm,尖轨得到保护;且倾斜轨与尖轨的最小距离应为58 mm。 The locking equipment should give permission ± 35 mm length skidding between the blade rail and the reclining rail for the turnouts with declination radius of 300 meters.

锁闭设备应允许300米的倾斜半径道岔其尖轨与倾斜轨之间有± 35 mm的长度滑动。 The closed turnout blade should be locked with an external locking

mechanism in a safe way and when it is pressed on the reclining rail in a flexible way, the open blade should be kept in its position with the lock. The lock should be pre-assembled and the whole lock should be assembled and disassembled in a simple way without the need of any mechanical exercises. 道岔的尖轨闭合应当以一种安全的方式,由外部锁闭装置来加以锁定;当尖轨以柔性方式压在倾斜轨道上时,打开的尖轨应当用锁保持在就位状态。该锁应当为预装配型,且其整体的装拆应当简便并无需任何机械操作。 TURNOUT CONCRETE SLEEPERS:道岔混凝土枕木

The turnout sleepers should be produced from pre-stressed concrete and shall be designed according to min. 22,5 t. axle pressure. The layout on the sleepers shall be approximately 600±25 mm (except the compulsory regions and the locking regions). The connection of the base plate pads to the sleepers shall be supplied with screwed sleeper-screws. Contractor shall also give the production pictures of all the sleepers (separately for each sleeper) to TCDD.

道岔枕木应由预应力混凝土生产,并按轴压力最小22.5吨设计。枕木的布局大约相差600±25 mm(除了基本区和锁闭区)。底板衬垫与枕木的连接应提供拧紧的枕木螺丝。承包人也应提供所有枕木的生产照片(每个枕木分开)给土耳其国家铁路总局。

The sleepers for the sections where the crossing to normal track sleeper even the turnout is finished shall be supplied by the company together with the connection materials.


The crossing sleepers with suitable measurements and sections will be used from the point of the tension loads coming to the ballast in the starting and finishing crossing regions of the turnout

测量准确的辙叉区域的枕木和此区域将用于压力负载到道岔开始和结束的辙叉区域的道碴的点上。 Surface Condition 表面条件

The surface of the sleepers should be crack-free and there should be minimum numbers of

pores. Porous, perforated and defective surfaces shall not be permitted. Unevenness on the bottom edges which may affect the traffic shall not be allowed. On the surfaces, there should be no flakes and the pores should not be deeper than 1 cm.


Repair works on the surfaces of the prefabricated parts shall not be allowed. 不接受对表面进行了修补的预制构件。 Moment grading for the tests in accordance with DIN EN 13230-2 (main line sleepers) and DIN EN 13230-4 (Turnout Sleepers):

按照DIN EN 13230-2标准(主干枕木)和按照DIN EN 13230-4标准(道岔枕木)的力矩等级测试

On main line sleepers;主干枕木

Positive moment under rail support, Lr = 0,6 m(Mdr) and negative moment on the center of sleeper (Mdcn)

钢轨支撑正力矩, Lr = 0,6 m(Mdr)和枕木中心负力矩(Mdcn) Sleeper Type岔枕 B – 70 Mdr(kNm) 22 Mdcn 15

Turnout Sleepers:岔枕:

Dynamic load safety coefficient shall be 2,5动载荷安全系数为2.5 Static load safety coefficient shall be 2,5.静载荷安全系数为2.5 Positive Moment正力矩(M) , Negative Moment 负力矩( Mn) Turnout Sleepers岔枕 M ( kNm) 28 Mn (kNm) 30 Qualification Tests/Approval Criteria:合格测试/审核标准:

- On the rail bed, positive bending time static test, one rail support for each turnout, on 5 sleepers


- On the rail bed, positive bending time dynamic test, one rail support for each turnout, on 3 sleepers


- On the rail bed, positive bending time fatigue test, on one sleeper 2 million load cycle


- On the sleeper center, negative bending time static test, on 3 sleepers 枕木中心,在3根枕木上进行反弯时间静态测试

Tests required for main line sleepers in accordance with DIN EN 13230 -4 主干枕木所需测试应符合DIN EN 13230 -4 - Static test positive bending time, 1 sleeper, following this fatigue test on the same sleeper

- 在同一根枕木上先进行静态测试正弯时间,接下来进行疲劳测试 - Static test negative bending time, 1 sleeper, following this fatigue test on the same sleeper

- 在同一根枕木上先进行静态测试反弯时间,接下来进行疲劳测试

Bending tests shall be only applied on ≤ 3,5 sleepers and this will be performed with W superstructure. It shall not be performed under angle bracket.

弯度测试应仅适用于≤ 3,5的枕木,并在 W形上层结构中进行,不能在角托架中进行。 Test strengths for main line sleepers 主干枕木强度测试

Fro under rail support钢轨支架下 ( positive bending正弯 Lr = 0,6 m ) FCon on the sleeper center枕木中心 ( Negative bending反弯) Sleeper type枕木类型 Fro ( kN) *Sleeper Center F Con (kN) *

B 70


176 43 Keeping in water during 7 days for quality tests (Sleepers 7 days) 在水中浸泡7天进行质量测试(枕木 7天) *

Keeping in water during 2 days for approval tests (Sleepers 4-6 weeks) 在水中浸泡2天进行审核测试(枕木 4-6周)

Test strengths for turnout sleepers 道岔枕木强度测试 Fbo ( Positive bending正弯) Fbon ( Negative bending反弯) Turnout Sleeper 岔枕 Fbo( kN) *Fbon ( kN) 86 *Traditional superstructure 80 传统上层结构

* Keeping in water during 7 days for quality tests (Sleepers 7 days) 在水中浸泡7天进行质量测试(枕木 7天)

* Keeping in water during 2 days for approval tests (Sleepers 4-6 weeks) 在水中浸泡2天进行审核测试(枕木 4-6周)

Companies shall give detailed information to TCDD on the manufacturing system of the sleepers to be used. Concrete sleepers shall be designed elastic joints with HM SKL 12 type, prestressed, pretensioned and with 22,5 tonnes axle pressure. 公司应提交枕木生产系统的详细资料给土耳其国家铁路总局。混凝土枕木应设计为HM SKL 12型和先张发预应力弹性接缝及22.5吨的轴压力。

Electrical insulation resistance value of concrete sleepers shall be min. 5 k W. 混凝土枕木的电子绝缘电阻最小为5 k W。 Company shall deliver the Design and manufacturing approval test reports related with the concrete sleepers to be used on the turnouts to TCDD control personnel during acceptance.

在接受过程中,公司应递交用于道岔的混凝土枕木相关的设计和生产审核测试报告。 Application of the Bending Test:弯曲测试应用

Arrangement of the test shall be done as specified in DIN EN 13230-2:2002 and DIN EN 13230-4:2002. Each week at least one main line sleeper and one turnout sleeper shall be taken from each inventory by turns and shall be subjected to bending tests in accordance with DIN EN 13230.

测试安排应按照DIN EN 13230-2:2002 和 DIN EN 13230-4:2002的说明进行。每周轮流从每个库存至少取出一根主干枕木和一根道岔枕木按照DIN EN 13230接受弯曲测试。 11. Match-marking:装配标识

All the match-markings which can be necessary during the assembly of the turnouts shall be done with metal sheets (on the rails).

在安装时,所有的装配标识都成为必须,道岔的轨上也应用金属片做出装配标识。 MARKING标识 All the markings that shall be required during turnout installation shall be done with metal sheets (on the rails).

在道岔安装中所要求的所有标识都应用金属片标在钢轨上。 Tolerances:公差: If the tolerances specified in drawings and technical delivery conditions for the dimensions to be produced and processed with the machines, general tolerances in ISO 2768 shall be applicable.

如果图纸中已说明公差,机器生产加工的技术交付条件尺寸应适用ISO2768的一般公差。 Forged Materials:铸造原料: Tolerances and deviations allowed for the forged materials in castings shall be in compliance with the latest applicable text in Din 7526 /Forging Quality F.

铸件铸造原料的公差和偏差应与最新适用的Din 7526 /铸造质量F版本一致。 Bulk Materials: 散装原料 Bulk unprocessed materials shall be in compliance with DIN 1683, steel casting accuracy degree GTB 16/5

散装未加工原料应符合DIN 1683,铸钢精确度GTB 16/5 For the manganese hard steel cast hub materials DIN 1783, accuracy degree GTB 16/5

锰钢铸件轮毂原料为DIN1783,精确度为GTB16/5。 TECHNICAL DELIVERY CONDITIONS:技术交付条件:

At least 1000 times of degradation length, grinding depth shall be maximum 0,5 mm 至少1000次长度加压,打磨深度不得超过0.5mm a) Opposite edge:背面

At least 250 times of degradation length, grinding depth shall be maximum 0,5 mm 至少250次长度加压,打磨深度不得超过0.5mm Welding of the blades to the rail profile by forging and welding of the blades to standard rails:

尖轨与钢轨断面的焊接通过铸造和焊接尖轨到标准钢轨: The principles given below shall be followed for the blades to level with standard rail profile

by forging and welded blades on the rails and in addition to this turnout parts to be

manufactured from rail profile.

尖轨与标准钢轨断面通过铸造和焊接与钢轨水平一致应遵循下述规则,而且道岔部件按照钢轨断面生产也应遵循。 Making the Butt Welding Stitches: Welding leakage on the butt welding stitches should be

removed from all directions by a chisel and it shall be grinded. The sharp edges which can

occur during the welding splices or flatting rounding with a machine should be rounded with a

radius of approximately 2 mm. 制作对焊勾缝:对焊勾缝上的焊接泄露应由一个凿子从各个方向清除并进行打磨。焊接道钉和扁平圆的边缘表面会很光,用机器打圆的扁圆半径大约为2 mm。 The roughness on the crossing edge and the crossing surface: The roughness on the crossing

surface and on the crossing edge on the butt welding splice edges should not exceed 0.5 mm

with a length of 1500 mm. The measurement of the roughness shall be performed with a 1500

mm ruler and a cavity template.

辙叉边缘和辙叉表面的粗糙度:1500mm长度的辙叉表面粗糙度和焊接道钉边缘的辙叉边缘粗糙度不得超过0.5mm。粗糙应由一把1500mm的直尺和一个有洞的模板测量。 Roughness on the rail surface: The roughness of the upper surface of the rail around the

welding splice shall not exceed 0,5 mm.

钢轨表面粗糙度:焊接接口周围钢轨上表面的粗糙度不应超过0.5mm. Profile height of the blade by forging: Profile height of the blade by forging shall be measured

from the upper surface of the adjacent standard rail profile base plate. Permissible difference

from the optimum measurement may be +/- 1,5 mm. 铸造尖轨的断面高度:铸造尖轨的断面高度应从相接标准钢轨底板测量到上表面。最优测量的允许公差应为+/- 1,5 mm。 Missing material on the rail head and fishplate holes: 钢轨头部和鱼尾板孔缺失的原料

Rolling tolerances of the blade profile and the missing materials that may occur on the rounding area due to the thermal processes during pressing shall not exceed the limit values given below.


* Lateral expansion of the rail head: 钢轨头部的外部扩张 Shall not be allowed on the crossing edge 不应发生在辙叉区域 Maximum 2.0 mm on the crashing side 在压缩边缘最大为2.0 mm

* A section reduction with 1.5 mm on the splice area of the butt welding may be allowed.

可以接受道钉区域对焊的断面减少1.5 mm Torsion of the Blade尖轨扭矩

Maximum 0,5 mm torsion with 100 mm width on the blade may be possible. As a basis of the measurement blade foot shall be taken on 1000 mm. after the starting of blade, if the measurement point on the blade profile, section before the rounding with forging is on standard rail profile it shall be immediately after the welding splice.

尖轨上100mm宽最大为0.5mm扭矩是可能的。尖轨足部的测量起码为1000mm以上,尖轨启动后,如果测量点在尖轨断面上,圆形区铸件之前的截面是标准的钢轨断面,应紧靠焊接道钉之后。 Blade Bed on the Reclining Rail:倾斜轨上的尖轨床

When the blade assembly is in closed state, blade shall completely settle on the reclining rail with minimum 2/3 of the planning section. Maximum 0,5 mm tolerance shall be permitted.

当尖轨组件处于闭合状态时,尖轨应完全停靠在倾斜铁轨上,最低要求是设计断面的2/3停靠在倾斜铁轨上。允许最大公差为0.5mm。 Blade Base on the Sliding Bed:尖轨基于滑床

Blade must be settled on all along the sliding beds as much as possible. Maximum 1 mm. shall be allowed between the blade and sliding bed. This tolerance shall be applicable for the controls on the installation beam. Maximum 1 mm tolerance shall be permitted between blade and one by one sliding beds.

尖轨必须尽可能地沿着滑床停靠。尖轨和滑床之间允许的最大间隙为1mm。此公差应适用于安装杆的控制。尖轨与每条滑床之间允许的最大公差为1mm。 Propagation Expansion measurement: 扩张测量

+/- 2 mm tolerance for the propagation expansion at the end of blade assembly shall be applicable.

尖轨安装末端的扩张应适用+/- 2 mm公差。 Blade Supports Assembly:尖轨支撑安装

Blade supports should recline on the opposite side surface on the bottom and top. A part with (0,5≤X<1.5) mm on the narrowest point on the space between the blade and blade support should not be exceeded in order to provide the good reclining of the blade to reclining rail.

尖轨支撑应倾斜到对面的表面从底部到顶部。为了更好地支持尖轨向倾斜轨的倾斜,尖轨和尖轨支撑之间的空间最窄点应控制为(0,5≤X<1.5) mm的一个零件。 Right Angled Status of the Reclining Rails on the Starting Point of Blade Assembly:


Right angled status of the reclining rails to each other shall have ± 2 mm tolerance. Measurement shall be done with a jaw ruler to be reclined on the head of reclining rail. Reclining edge length shall be 600 mm.

倾斜轨相互的正确角度状态是± 2 mm公差。测量由一件量高尺完成,并倾斜到倾斜轨的头部。倾斜边缘的长度应为600mm。 Track Gauge:轨距

Track Gauge Tolerances shall be ± 2 mm. Measurement shall be done with suitable gauge measurement level on the head, middle and end of the blade assembly on both crossing arms. 轨距公差应为± 2 mm.应在2个辙叉臂上的尖轨安装头部,中间和尾部的适当距离测量水平进行测量。 Narrowest Crossing:最窄辙叉

Narrowest crossing is the maximum gap between the reclining rail and blade. Minimum measurement shall be 58 mm.

最窄的辙叉是倾斜轨与尖轨的最大距离。最窄测量为58mm。 Contact of Blade to Reclining Rail of the Locked Key: 尖轨与锁闭钥匙倾斜轨的接触。

0,5 mm space shall be allowable on the lock area. 锁区应留有0.5mm的空间。 Duct width:管道宽度

Front outlet 前出口 + 1,5 – 0,5 mm

Parallel duct 平行管道 + 1,0 – 0,5 mm Related drawing shall be

Back outlet 后出口 + 1,5 – 1,0 mm applicable for this.

Stopping gap停止距离 + 2,0 – 2,0 mm 相关图纸应适用于这些参数

Measurement of the above given points shall be done with the help of running mold or gauge.

以上点的测量应辅以剖面图和测量工具。 Uniformity on Hub End and Wing Rails: 翼轨和的统一

Rail top head of the wing rails shall be take as basis for measurement. Hub end may be maximum 1,0 mm higher or 0,5 mm lower than the upper edge of the wing rails.

翼轨钢轨顶端头部应作为测量的基础。 Clearance on Counter-rail:护轨清算:

Spacing between counter-rail and crossing edge on the opposite site shall be calculated with an arithmetical subtraction. For the expansion tolerances shall be received from the related drawings ( reference value ± 1,5 mm) 护轨与辙叉边缘相对位置的空间应该用算术减法计算。增大的公差应按照接收到的相关图纸(参考值为± 1,5 mm) Distance between the plates:板之间的距离

Tolerances of the distance between the plates theoretically are generally ± 2 mm. Crossing and real position of the plates shall be identified with a color paint on the outer crossing rails.

理论上讲,板之间的距离公差一般是± 2 mm。辙叉和板的真正位置应该在辙叉轨外面用颜色涂出 ,以此识别。 ACCEPTANCE CONDITIONS接受 条件 Drawings and Documentation:图纸和说明书 The company shall deliver all the drawings, assembly instructions and maintenance instructions which shall be necessary for the laying, assembling and maintaining of the turnouts according to the exposure plan before the production. 在生产之前,公司应根据exposure平面递交铺设,组装和维护道岔所需的所有图纸,组装指示和维护指示。 In case of order award, basic principles (for example exposure plans, parts location plans, blade equipment drawings, locking equipment drawings, hub section drawings, section drawings of the hub parts and counter-rails of the blade equipment) shall be given to TCDD before the production for approval. The drawings and documentation shall be given both in Turkish and in English.

如果中标,在正式生产前,基本原理(例如:接触平面图,零件定位平面图,尖轨设备图纸,锁闭设备图纸,中心截面图,中心零件截面图和尖轨设备的护轨)应递交土耳其国家铁路总局审批。图纸和说明书应递交土耳其语和英文二种语言。 Control of the Drawings and Documentation图纸和说明书控制 Basic drawings to be delivered for permission and approval before production;


