英国背景知识拓展 英国为何没有国庆日
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a feast day: a light version, a soft version of a national day
St. George's Day. 圣乔治日(英格兰)4月23日
St. Andrew's Day圣安德鲁日(苏格兰)11月30日
St. David's Day 圣戴维日(威尔士) 3月1日
St. Patrick's Day圣帕特里克日(爱尔兰) 3月17 日
England,Scotland, Wales and Ireland 以前是四个国家
1536年, England 和 Wales 合并
1707年,Scotland加入 England 和 Wales,一起组成the Kingdom of Great Britain
1801年,Ireland投票同意加入大不列颠,组成the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
1922年,Ireland投票同意离开大不列颠,但北爱尔兰人想留,于是更新为 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Britain has no National Day
① Name something that Denmark and the United Kingdom have in common.
② For starters, both these EU countries refused the Euro as their national currency. A lesser known fact is that these are the only two countries that don't celebrate a national day.
③ All kinds of complications have impeded the idea of a national day in the United Kingdom.
④ It's a country made up of semi-autonomous nations, each of which has at least one national feast day but the only one which really embraces this idea is Northern Ireland. They actually celebrate two national days.
⑤ The Scots and the Welsh don't bother much with their national feast days St Andrew's Day or St David's Day. A glass may be raised but you still go to work or school.
⑥ The English, many embarrassed about the negative implications of nationalism, are as likely to celebrate Shakespeare's birthday on April 23rd as St George's Day.
⑦ The lingering guilt about empire may account for the lack of interest in a United Kingdom national day.
⑧ We should also remember that the United Kingdom has never had to secure independence from itself.
⑨ A staggering number of national days celebrate the relevant state's disengagement from the British Empire. That is the case with the United States, India, Pakistan and so on.
⑩ However, this unpatriotic nation may be on the turn. Following the UK's vote to leave the EU some Brexiteers have suggested adopting an "independence day" to mark the occasion.
have sth. in common:share the same interests, features, or have similar characteristics
I find it difficult to talk to him because we have nothing in common.我发现和他无话可聊,因为我们没有共同之处。
for starters: to say that something is the first thing in a list(常用于口语)
to begin with, firstly
lesser known: not well known, not popular, not famous
He acted in many lesser known movies before he became famous as James Bond.在出演詹姆斯·邦德成名之前,他演过许多不太知名的电影。
In her concert, she played many of her famous hits and some of her lesser known songs.在演唱会上,她唱了许多自己的热门歌曲,也唱了一些不太知名的歌。
She introduced me to some of the lesser known wines of Italy.她向我介绍了意大利一些不太知名的红酒。
When I travel, I don't bother much with famous tourist spots. I prefer visiting lesser known places.旅游时,我并不去热门的旅游景点。我宁愿去不太知名的地方。
impede /ɪmˈpiːd/: vt. 妨碍;阻碍 If you impede something, you make it more difficult for something to happen or more difficult for someone to do something.
These long meetings and discussions just impede progress for this project.冗长的会议和讨论阻碍了项目的进程。
The bad weather has impeded progress on the building project.糟糕的天气阻碍了建设项目的进程。
The company is trying to solve the problem, but financial problems are impeding progress.公司试着解决这个问题,但是财务问题阻碍了进程。
autonomous /ɔːˈtɒnəməs, ɒːˈtɑːnəməs/: adj. 自主的;自治的
free to rule yourself or govern yourself
bother much with: pay attention to, think about
When I'm cooking, I don't bother much with recipes. I just use my imagination.我做饭时并不在意菜谱。我用想象力就可以了。
lingering /ˈlɪŋɡərɪŋ/: adj. 持续的;长时间的
If something is lingering, it's lasting a long time.
She gave him a long lingering kiss.她给了他一个长长的吻。
The beautiful music is still lingering in my ears.美妙的音乐依然回荡在我耳旁。
account for: explain the reason for something or the cause of something
The teacher asked me to account for my bad test scores.老师让我解释为什么考得这么糟糕。
His boss called him to account for missing the deadline.他的老板叫他解释没赶上截止日期的原因。
staggering /ˈstæɡərɪŋ/: adj. 惊人的;令人震惊的 very large
Profits have risen by a staggering twenty five percent.利润上涨了25%,令人惊叹。
The cost was a staggering ten million dollars.成本需要1000万美元之多。
on the turn: starting to change
My luck is definitely on the turn.我一定开始转运了。
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