
更新时间:2023-04-21 07:43:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


Let’s see :a red hat an old man an exciting film a new American car

形容词一般修饰名词, 并放在其前面。

The photo is beautiful. The meeting is very important. The news sounds exciting. I feel tired. 形容词放在be动词/系动词后面

副词修饰动词、形容词、副词-- He writes carefully. She gets up early. He is very tall.

Compare the following He works hard. adv It is hard work. . adj He runs fast. adv It’s a fast train. . adj He gets up late. adv It is late now. . adj

形容词作宾语补足语 The news made us sad. We found the boy clever. You should keep your eyes closed. 形容词放在不定代词后面 I have something delicious to eat. Do you have anything interesting to tell us?

总结:形容词 1. 连系动词 + ____________.

形容词 前面 2. 修饰名词用____________, 放在名词________.形容词 放在复合不定代词______. 后面 3.修饰复合不定代词用________, 形容词 4. keep sth + ____________. 形容词 5. make sth + ___________. 副词 6.修饰行为动词用________. 常放在行为动词的后面,有时 也可放在行为动词前。 副词 放在形容词或副词前。 7.修饰形容词或副词要用________. 8. enough修饰形容词或副词, enough放在形容词或副词 后面 ________. 副词 9.放在句首,修饰整个句子要用_________.

记住常见连系动词be (am/is/are/was/were),look (看上去), sound (听上去),

smell(闻上去),taste(尝起来)feel(感觉) , become(变得)

get (变得) , turn (变) , seem(好像)

Choose the best answerbeautiful (beautiful / beautifully) 1.The music sounds___________. careful girl. 2.She is a___________ (careful / carefully) something important to tell you. (important something / something 3. I have____________________ important) quiet 4. We must keep our classroom__________. (quiet / quietly) beautiful 5. We must try our best to make our city______________. (beautiful / beautifully) well 6. She speaks English____________. (good / well) widely 7. English is___________ used in the world. (wide / widely) really 8. I __________ don’t know who he is. (real / really) terribly sorry I’m late. 9. I’m __________ (terrible / terribly)

10. The boy is______________ old enough to go to school. (enough old / old enough) Luckily she still got the first prize. (Lucky / Luckily) 11. __________, can also play the games on the computer. (also can / can also 12. I __________

易错题:angry 1. The girl looked ___________. (angry) angrily at me. (angry) 2. The girl looked ___________ good 3. She speaks a __________ English. (good) well (good) 4. She speaks English __________. C 5. The fish tasted_______. Throw it away at once. B. nicely C. bad D. badly D to go to school. 6. Mary felt _______ A. enough good B. good enough C. enough well D. well enough A little boy! It’s_______ enough for y

ou to do that. 7. Take it _______, A. easy, easy B. easily, easily C. easy, easily 8. Mr. Li is a good teacher. (改为感叹句) well How D. easily, easy A. nice

_________ ________ Mr. Li teaches!

总结:形容词转化为副词1. 形容词和副词同形

如:early---early high---high

late-----late much---much

fast---fast straight---straight

2. 不规则变化: good --- well 3. 形容词 + ly 构成副词: A.直接 + ly : 如 quick---quickly, wonderful---wonderfully B.以y结尾,去y 变i, 加 ly: 如 easy---easily, happy---happily C.以le结尾,去e, 加y: 如 terrible---terribly, gentle---gently possible---possibly 注意: (1) true--truly (2) 其它以e结尾的,直接+ly:

如:polite---politely, complete---completely

写出下列形容词的副词形式 fast 1. fast___________ early 5. early__________ well 7. good__________ luckily 9. lucky__________ really 11. real__________ hard 2. hard___________ much 6. much__________ carefully 8. careful__________ straight 10. straight_________ late 12. late ________

quickly easily 3. quick__________ 4. easy___________

terribly 14. possible_________ possibly 13. terrible________

truly 15. true________

16. complete____________ completely

总结:形容词、副词的比较级和最高级构成1. 单音节结尾的,通常加 er/est:

如:fast--- faster---fastest注意:A. 以e 结尾的,加



如:nice--- nicer---nicest safe---


B. 以重读闭音节且最后一个辅音结尾的,双写 最后一 个辅音字母,然后加er/est: 如: big- bigger-biggest hothotter-hottest


fatter-fattestsadder- saddest


thinner-thinnestredder- reddest

2. 双音节结尾的通常加


如:often--- more often---most oftenactive--- more active---most active

形容词的比较级和最高级的构成1. 直加 er / est 2. 以字母 e 结尾只加 r / st 3. 以辅音字母 y 结尾, 把 y 改为 i 再加 er /est easy early dry dirty heavy hungry angry empty healthy lucky noisy 4. 重读闭音节结尾,要双写最后的辅音。 big hot red sad wet thin

副词的比较级和最高级1. 直加 er / est fast high hard early late

1. 多音节—ly ,加 more / most 在前面

如: slowly carefully quickly strongly

不规则变化good / well bad / badly better worse best worst most oldest / eldest

many / much more older /elder old


farther / further

farthest / furthest

写出下列形容词或副词比较级和最高级-er -est -er _________ -est 1. fast__________ _________ 2. thick_________-er -est -st 3. strong________ ________ 4. safe________ __________ -r 5. big_________ 6. fat_________ -ter ___________ -ger __________ -gest -test -ner -nest -dest 7. thin__________ _________ 8. red________ -der ___________ more - ________ most - 10. active________ more most 9. often__________ _________ 11. clever_________ _______ _________ -er -est 12. happy________ -ier -iest -ier -ie

st 14. easy_________ -ier -iest 13. funny_________ _______ _________ more most 15. early_________ ________ _________ -ier -iest 16. easily_________ 17. quickly________ ________ more - _______ most - 18. difficult_________ more most better______ best 20. many/much______ more most 19. good/well_______ _______ less least farther/further farthest/furthest 21. little_________ ________ 22. far______________ ________________ worse worst worse worst 23. ill/bad________ ________ 24. badly_________ _________

as+形容词原形+as Tom is as tall as Mike. Tom is three times as old as Mike. There are as many students in our school as yours.

否定 not as+形容词原形+as “和… 不一样” 或 not so+形容词原形+as “不及/不如…Tom is not as tall as Mike. Tom is not so tall as Mike.

