大学英语 第5单元讲解

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Paragraph 1

At the outset=at the beginning

Stand for=mean=represent


/ ?d??mbl; ˋd??mbl/ v [usu passive 通常用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) mix (things) in a confusedway 将(东西)胡乱混在一起: Toys, books, shoes and clothes were jumbled (up) on the floor. 玩具﹑书﹑鞋﹑衣服都杂乱地堆在地上. * (fig 比喻) Details of the accident were all jumbled up in his mind. 该事故的详情在他头脑中已混在一起.

> jumble n

[sing] ~ (of sth) confused or untidy group of things; muddle 杂乱的一堆东西; 一团糟: a jumble of books and papers on the table桌子上凌乱的一堆书和报纸.

[U] (Brit) mixed collection of old unwanted goods for a jumble sale 待义卖的旧杂物. Impression-impressive- impress


/ k?m?pa?l; k?mˋpa?l/ v

[Tn, Tn.pr] (a) ~ sth (for/from sth) collect (information) and arrange it in a book, list, report, etc 收集(资料)并编辑(成书﹑表﹑报告等): compiling statistics for a report on traffic accidents为交通事故报告汇集统计数字. (b) ~ sth (from sth) produce (a book, list, report, etc) in this way 编纂, 编辑, 编制, 编写(书﹑表﹑报告等): The police have compiled a list of suspects. 警方已编制了涉嫌者名单. * a guidebook compiled from a variety of sources汇集多方资料编辑的旅行指南.

Part 2


/ ?m?b??n; ?mˋb???n/ n ~ (to be/do sth) 1 (a) [U, C] strong desire to achieve sth 雄心;

野心; 志气; 抱负; 志向: filled with ambition to become famous, rich, powerful, etc立志要成名﹑发财﹑有权势等. (b) [C] particular desire of this kind 雄心; 野心; 志气; 抱负; 志向: have great ambitions有远大的志向.

[C] object of this desire 目标; 夙愿: achieve/realize/fulfil one's ambitions达到目标[实现抱负/得偿夙愿].

catch on

— 1. become fashionable or popular 流行起来

2. get the idea; understand or learn 懂得, 理解

Will helicopter ever catch on as a common mode of transport?

That new song caught on quickly.

The second time the teacher explained the problem, the boy caught on. The best thing about this new worker is that he catches on very fast.

On the ground that =because



Be in charge of

Arrange a program


