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Unit 1 Art

Period One Warming Up & Reading


Ⅰ 重点单词

1. gallery 2. symbol 3. focus 4. possession5. ridiculous 6. controversial 7. convince

8. predict

Ⅱ 重点短语

1. coincidence 2. the other hand 3. a greatdeal 4. away from 5. appeal to


Ⅰ. Warming Up1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C

Ⅱ. Predictionand Lead瞚n

1. Keys for reference:Leonardo Da Vinci wasborn in 1452 in the village of Vinci. Leonardo began his career

working for a master painter in Florence. His masterpieceis Mona Lisa. Leonardo was truly a “Renaissance

Man”skilled in many fields. He was ascientist and an inventor as well as an artist. He made notes and

drawings of everything he saw. Leonardoinvented clever machines,and even designed imitation wings that

he hoped would let a person fly like abird.

2. Omitted

Ⅲ. Skimmingand Scanning

1. Fast瞨eading

(1)The style of Western art has changed alot as time goes by.

(2)Four. They are:the Middle Ages,theRenaissance,Impressionism and Modern art.

2. Detailed - reading

(1)① religious ② Giotto di Bondone ③ people and nature ④ late 19th to early 20th ⑤ light and

shadow ⑥ Modern Art ⑦ Abstract

(2)① D ② B ③ C ④ B ⑤ D ⑥ D


Ⅰ. 1. 由于西方的艺术风格多种多样,在短短的一篇课文里不可能进行全面的描述?

2. 如果没有发现透视法,人们就不可能画出如此逼真的画?

3. 巧合的是这一时期油画颜料也得到了发展,它使得绘画的颜色看上去更丰富?更深沉?

4. 在印象派作品的创建初期,它们是存在着争议的,但是如今已被人们接受而成为现在我们所说的“现 23


Ⅱ. 略

Ⅲ. Retelling

1. influenced 2. aim 3. respect 4. religion5. humans 6. perspective 7. convinced 8. a great

deal 9. agricultural 10. industrial 11.impressionists 12. as detailed as those 13. impressionists?

14. abstract 15. realistic

Ⅳ. Discussion

Keys for reference:

This passage is a historical report. Thefirst paragraph introduces the topic and the theme of the text. The rest

of the report presents the information inchronological order. A feature of historical reports is the abundance of time

expressions. The last sentence of thereport functions as a conclusion. In addition,each section begins with a topic


Period Two Language Study


Ⅰ 重点短语

1. in the flesh 2. in (the)possession of 3.take the place of 4. by coincidence 5. focus on 6. (对某

人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣 7. 受影响 8. 另一方面 9. 大量

Ⅱ. 完成句子

1. If we had taken the other road

2. It’s typical of her to be late 【真题再现】D

3. He convinced me that I should study law.


Ⅰ 要点互动探究

1. 【拓展】(3)has great faith

2. 【拓展】(1)B (2)A

3. 【运用】(1)B (2)adopt his suggestion(advice)

4. 【运用】(1)D (2)C (3)C

5. 【探究】(1)convinced that (2)of (3)convinced;to (4)convincing 【运用】(1)B (2)C

6. 【拓展】(1)When I attended a meeting in Beijing,I met my old classmate neverseen for long

time by

chance. (2)He took up jogging after his retire by accident.

7. 【运用】(1)D (2)A

8. 【运用】(1)B (2)C (3)D (4)at the first attempt

9. 【运用】He decided to quit. On the one hand,he was tired of the presentjob;on the other hand,he wanted

to move to another place.

Ⅱ. 语法互动探究

2. 用法归纳 (1)① 一般过去时;were ② 过去完成时③ were to / should(3)were,should,had;

if;部分倒装 (5)解读之五一般过去时;过去完成时;would/ could + do (6)解读之六:一般过去时;


3. 课堂运用 (1)- (5)DCDDB (6)- (10)DDCDA


Ⅰ 重点单词拼写

1. abstract 2. faith;faithful;faithfully 3.aim 4. typical 5. adopt 6. possess;possession 7. coinci 24


dence;coincident 8. attempt 9.predict;prediction;predictor 10. specific 11. display 12. prefer


Ⅱ. 重点短语

1. on 2. well 3. by 4. deal 5. to 6. scores7. on

Ⅲ. 单项选择

1 -5 DCDDB 6 -10 CDBBD 11 -15 CBABB

Ⅳ. 根据汉语意思完成句子

1. If they had/ Had they spent as much timestudying as

2. what full use we should have made of

3. had no choice but to do

4. prefers to starve to death

5. without which he would have been lost

Period Three Using Language


Ⅰ 根据英语释义及词性写出单词

1. reputation 2. display 3. civilization 4.visual 5. contemporary 6. permanent

Ⅱ. 短语翻译

7. rather 8. in 9. for 10. to 11. in 12.every


Ⅰ 课文理解

Fast reading

1. The passage introduces some best artgalleries of Manhattan.

2. Possibly in a guide book.

3. Tourists and art gallery visitors.

Careful reading:Whitney Museum of American Art;945 Madison Avenue(near75th St.);Contemporary(mainly

art by living artists);53th St. (between 5th and 6thAvenues);late 19th century to the 21st century;Western

countries;Metropolitan Museum of Art;5thAvenue & 82nd Street;all over the world;5th Avenue &

88th Street;

Modern (from late 19th century onwards);5thand Madison Avenues;pre瞭wentieth century


Ⅱ. 要点探究

1. 同位语;结果状语

【运用】(1)B (2)C

3. 【探究】(1)吸引 (2)要求 (3)请求 (4)求助于,诉诸 (5)上诉 (6)吸引力 (7)恳求


【运用】(1)我们正呼吁这个小伙子说出真相 (2)那个可怜的女人请求医生给他的儿子治病 (3)

音乐家被这首歌的节奏所吸引(4)富有当地都市色彩的电影对于观众有很大的吸引力 (5)他将

对这个判决提出上诉(____________6)A (7)C (8)答案:A 解析:本题考查动词辨析?appeal to 意为“吸

引”;belong to 意为“属于”;refer to 意为“提到;涉及”;occur to 意为“突然想到”?句意为“她的演唱并


4. 表语【运用】C

5. 【运用】of much importance

【课堂达标训练】 25

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. appealed 2. district 3. prefer 4.Contemporary 5. reputation

Ⅱ. 单项填空

1. A 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. B

Ⅲ. 翻译句子

(1)Edisonis the most superb scientist in the world and we can learn a great deal fromhim.

(2)Invention became Edison?spreference and he aimed at becoming a great inventor.

(3)On the other hand,his mother had nofaith in the teacher?s words and she quickly found that he possessed

rich imagination.

(4)In his childhood,his teacher had everpredicted that he would achieve nothing.

(5)He might attempt many times for a newinvention.

(6)In the end,he invented the light bulband made great contributions for the mankind.

Suggested answers:

Edison is the most superb scientist in the world and we can learn a greatdeal from him. But in his childhood,

his teacher had ever predicted that hewould achieve nothing. On the other hand,his mother had no faith in the

teacher?s words and she quickly found thathe possessed rich imagination. Invention became Edison?spreference

and he aimed at becoming a great scientist.He might attempt many times for a new invention. In the end,he inven

ted the light bulb and made greatcontributions for the mankind.

Period Four Writing


Ⅰ. 词汇和短语

trust actually common anxiety effectiveregularly the College Entrance Examinations. full of


achieve your dream

Ⅱ. 完成句子

1. taking the College Entrance Examinations

2. a common experience 3. the followingtips

4. which may benefit you both physicallyand mentally

5. Last but not the least 6. Lookingforward to

Ⅳ. Discussion

1. (1)confused and distressed

(2)too much homework and stress from learning

(3)lack of confidence

2. (1)① Emotional response to the problem ② Propose advice ③ Best wish

(2)Use transitional words and sentences(使用过渡词和过渡句)




(1)Try to stop smoking but can?t keep doingit.

(2)Sick and irritable. (3)Lack persistence.

① E ② B ③ C ④ F ⑤ A ⑥ D

【课后拓展运用】 写作 26


Possible version:

How to Build Self睠onfidence

Have you ever lacked self瞔onfidence?Areyou afraid of failure?Here are some tips for you to build your self

- confidence.

Firstly,analyze what makes you ashamed ofyourself. Write it down,or share it with your trusted ones who

may give you a hand. Secondly,discover yourgood qualities and strong points in which you should take pride.

Show yourself off and meet your successthere. Thirdly,be grateful for what you have. In this way you can defeat

the feeling of being incomplete andunsatisfied. Fourthly,set a goal and principles for yourself. Stick to yourprin

ciples to the best of your ability.

Finally,face your failure bravely,Alwaysencourage yourself. Keep trying and your self瞔onfidence can soon

be built up.

Period Five Extensive Reading


Reading Comprehension

1. FFTFT 2. D 3. A 4. Canadian Arts,Cultureand Sports

5. a success/ a hit

6. 进行这项“美化工程”,最重要的是要尊重自然?因此我不会试图改变树洞的形状,让它们变圆或变平?

7. 略

8. 主修;雾霾;而不是;为??增添乐趣和活力

9. 略

10 -13 DBAB


Reading Comprehension

Mar 20th,2013

Ⅰ. Writing

Dear Mary,

I am sorry to hear that you have been illfor days and hope you have got better now. You have studied so hard

that you have had no time for exercise. Butit is really harmful to your health. I feel it would be more beneficial to

your studies if you could get health andstudies wellbalanced in future.

You may think that time spent in exerciseis wasted. In fact,exercise not only can improve your physical con

dition but refresh your mind. After one ortwo hours of exercise you can study better. Only when you have a strong

body can you keep on studying withoutfeeling bad or ill. Otherwise your study will be interrupted from time to time

by illness.

However,I am not advising you to devote allyour time to exercise. What I want to say is exercise is as impor

tant and useful as your study. So Irecommend that you take at least one hour?s exercise every day from now on. I

would be more than happy to see you have astronger body.

I am looking forward to your recovery.


Li Hua

Ⅱ. Read thepassage and finish the following questions.

1. (How to)Build Your Confidence/ How to BeConfident/ Tips on Confidence Building(confidence 和confident 为

中心词,所写答案有此词即可得1 分) 27

2. taking confidence/ pretendingself瞖steem/ pretending to be confident

3. So quit being negative and startrecognizing and appreciating the things you are good at.

4. one possible version:I find the “walkit”method is more helpful to me. I?ve ever tried it for some times and it

does work. (答案合理即可;此题为两个问题,一个问题1 分)

5. 当你不自信时,如果你假装自信并继续假装下去,你假装的自信很快就会变成真正的自信?


Ⅰ. 单项填空

1. D 句意为:杰克又迟到了,让别人等他是他的典型特点?typical 典型的,符合句意,而normal 普通?

正规的,ordinary 正常的,common 共同的,均不合句意?

2. C 句意为:昨天她买了许多鸡蛋,可有40 个打碎了?scores of 表“大量,许多”;two scoreeggs 表示

“40 个鸡蛋”?

3. D 句意为:所有的学生都期待着第一次参加大学入学考试?attempt 尝试?A. 测量;C. 目的;D. 欲


4. D 句意为:任何人未经允许而持有武器都被认为是违法的?in possession of 拥有?

5. B a great deal 可单独使用,后接名词时需加of?a great many,scores of,much more 后要接名词?

6. B 固定搭配an approach to the problem;adopt 采用;收养;adapt 改编;适应

7. D 考查强调句?第一个空填that引导的强调句,相当于Not until last week did she findwhat she

thought was quite mistaken. ;第二个空选what,引导名词性从句作found 的宾语?

8. B 由句子结构可知空格处应选一分词形式作状语,另由句子主语they 与动词aim 的主谓关系可知应

选aiming 表主动?

9. C by 为介词,后加v. - ing 形式?排除A?B 两项?句意为:只有把精力集中在你学的东西上,你才

能学好它?故选C 项?focus?on?把??集中在??上?而payattention 与介词to 连用?

10. B 句意为:如果当初他听了Melody 的建议,他现在会好多了?这是一个错综时间条件句,if 从句立


11. A 考查动词辨析?apply 运用,应用,常用于结构:apply sth. to sth. ,此处考查其被动结构?attempt

尝试,企图;acquire 获得,取得,学到;arrange 筹备,安排,整理?

12. C 考查虚拟语气?wish 后的宾语从句应用虚拟语气,此处表示将来的愿望,故从句的谓语用could


13. C 考查短语辨析?appeal to 对(某人)有吸引力,(使某人)感兴趣?lead to 导致;adapt to 适应;con

tribute to 有助于,促使(发生某情况)?

14. D 考查名词性从句?There is no doubt that?毫无疑问??,that 引导的同位语从句解释说明doubt


15. B 考查强调句和定语从句?强调部分为inthe lab which was taken charge of by Johnson,其中which

was taken charge of by Johnson 是定语从句,修饰lab?句意为:他们是在Johnson 负责的实验室里做的


Ⅱ. 单词拼写

1. faith 2. adopted 3. possessions 4.consequently 5. predict 6. permanent 7. coincident 8. rep

utation 9. evident 10. attempted

Ⅲ. 完成句子用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空

1. were 2. had put 3. would have 4.wouldn?t be standing 5. losing faith in 6. had known 7. in

possession of 8. hadn?t told 9. couldn?thave succeeded 10. preference for

Ⅳ. 翻译句子 28


1. It is typical of him to be late.

2. I consider it my duty to help you withyour studies.

3. The doctor convinced me to stop smoking.

4. The criminal attempted to escape fromprison,but he was caught on the spot.

5. It was clear that they hadn?t made adecision.

Unit 2Poems

Period One Warming Up & Reading


Ⅰ. 重点单词

1. convey 2. concrete 3. flexible 4. tease5. branch 6. sorrow 7. eventually 8. transform

9. appropriate 10. exchange 11. salty;salt 12. endless;end13. minimum;maximum 14. transla

tion;translate;translator15. bare;barely

Ⅱ. 重点短语

1. givethe reader a strong impression 2. convey certain emotions 3. express one?sfeelings 4. make

sense 5.take it easy 6. run out of 7. be made up of 8. test out 9. let out 10. bepopular with

11. in particular 12. be translated into13. of one?s own


Ⅰ. warming up(略)

Ⅱ. Reading

A. (1)Five. Nursery rhymes,Listpoems,Cinquain,Haiku,Tang poems

(2)A:8 B:5 C:4 D:3 E:2 F:7 G:1 H:6

B. 1. Nursery rhymes 2. rhythm 3. recite 4.List poems 5. phrases 6. five 7. strong 8. seven

teen 9. clear 10. translation

C. [i荾,[a:s],[紆],[ei]


Ⅰ. 阅读迁移应用

1. 用五行诗,学生可以用少量的词语传递一幅动人的画面?

2. 通过童谣中的文字游戏,孩子们学习了语言?

3. 它容易写,而且像五行诗一样,它可以用最少的词语呈现一幅清晰的画面,表达出一种特殊


Ⅱ. 1. why 2.poems 3. convey 4. as 5. concrete 6. flexible 7. made 8. translate 9. With

10. eventually

Ⅲ. 略

Period Two Language Study


Ⅰ 重点单词

1. convey 2. nurseries 3. flexible 4.pattern 5. tease 6. salty 7. endless 8. translation

9. sorrow

Ⅱ. 重点短语 29

1. make sense 2. rhyme 3. stay 4. take iteasy 5. run out of 6. be made up of 7. in particular

Ⅲ. 完成句子

1. (1)By practicing a lot (2)By makingjoint efforts

2. the English name of five mascots of the2008 Olympics

3. (1)With the joint efforts (2)With hisinstruction

4. (1)It is convenient to surf on theInternet (2)It is interesting to collect things


1. 【归纳】向某人表达/传递某物;把某人或某物从A 地运送到B 地;表达某人的感情/意思/难过

【运用】(1)A (2)D

2. 【归纳】使高兴;delighted;对??感到高兴;乐于做某事;以??为乐;令某人高兴的是;高兴


【运用】(1)D(2)D (3)A

3. 【归纳】take things easy


【运用】(1)B (2)A

4. 【归纳】①被用完了;②宾语;用完;【运用】(1)C (2)C(3)A

5. 【归纳】由??组成/构成;占据(比例/份额等);补偿;编造;和解;化妆




6. 【归纳】把??变成??;转变;把某人/物从??中转变【运用】B

7. 【归纳】尤其?特别;对??讲究?对??挑剔【运用】D C

8. 【归纳】和某人交换某物;交换??;用某物换某物;交流信息;互相问候,打招呼

【运用】(1)exchangemy seat with you (2)exchange your money for dollars (3)D


1. B 解析:would rather +从句表示对现在或将来虚拟时应使用一般过去时?

2. A 解析:句意为:教师们建议:为了孩子们的安全,父母不应让12 岁以下的孩子骑自行车去学校?rec

ommend 意为“建议”,其后接的宾语从句采用虚拟语气,从句谓语动词用“should + 动词原形”的形式,

should 可以省略?

3. A 解析:句意为:如果不是你穿衣服花了那么长时间的话,我们现在就到那里了?从句用了与过去相反

的虚拟语气,但主句与现在情况相反,故选A 项?

4. B 解析:从句子中if mymother hadn’t reminded me 知,此处是对过去状况的虚拟,主句应该用should/

would/ could/ might + have done 结构,从选项中看只有B 项合适(I wouldn’thave 是I wouldn’thave atten

ded the lecture 的省略)?

5. C 解析:考查虚拟语气?句意为:———你们最后成功了吗?———成功了,要不是你的帮助,我们的损失就

大了?but for?要不是???

6. D 解析:在if 引导的条件虚拟句中,与过去情况相反的条件句用had done 的形式,主句为情态动词+

have done?句意:如果我们没有做好充分的准备,会议也就不会那么顺利?

7. D 解析:由句子中的“我们在那个小村庄里迷了路”与otherwise 可想到本题考查对过去事情虚拟语气;

otherwise 等于if we hadn’t lost our way in that small village,因此其主句应用“would have done”的形式?

8. D 解析:句意:昨天,如果不是哈德罗让我们搭他的车回家,我们就叫出租车了?表示与过去事实相反的


9. B 解析:根据would havedriven 可知是与过去的事实相反,故if 条件句用过去完成时?句意:如果我的

车子再可靠一点的话,我就会开车而不是乘飞机去拉萨了? 30



Ⅰ. 1. concrete2. contradictory 3. diamond 4. flexible 5. pattern 6. teased 7. salty 8.minimum

9. branches 10. sorrow

Ⅱ. 1 -5 C B A A A 6 -10 C A A C D

Ⅲ. 1. Thereare various reasons why people don’t like the translation.

2. This train conveys both passengers andgoods while that one doesn?t.

3. With no one to talk to,John felt verylonely.

4. The nursery rhyme will certainly givechildren a deeper impression than you think.

5. If there had been no Internet,the waypeople communicate wouldn?t have been transformed such a lot.

Period Three Using Language


Ⅰ 根据英语释义及词性写出单词

1. darkness 2. warmth 3. scholarship 4.pianist 5. load

Ⅱ. 短语翻译

1. test out 2. let out 3. 坚持;抓住;(打电话)不挂断 4. 韵律

Ⅲ. 完成句子

【例句仿写】We muststick to our task till it is finished.

She didn?t sleep till her son came back.


Ⅰ. 课文理解

1. Maybe a parent speaking to a young adultchild. 2. B

Ⅱ. 要点探究

1 【运用】(1)set a pattern for others (2)was patterned with

(3)C 考查名词辨析?句意:我已经养成了一进家门就躺在沙发上看电视的习惯?这里考查的是短

语get into thehabit of 意为“养成??的习惯”?

2. 【运用】考查动词辨析?D 句意:“他说我的新车简直就是浪费钱?”“你不觉得这些话其实代表吃不

着葡萄说葡萄酸吗?”waste“浪费”,a waste of sth 指的是对某物的浪费?lack“缺乏”;load“负担”;


3. 【归纳】鼓舞,激励;鼓舞某人做某事;

4. 【归纳】坚持;抓住;(打电话)不挂断【运用】(1)A (2)A

5. 【归纳】发出/放出(声音?气体?液体等);泄漏(秘密?真相等);放大(衣服等)【运用】(1)B (2)他



Ⅰ. 1. warmth2. darkness 3. scholarship 4. pianist 5. violinist

Ⅱ. 1. take iteasy 2. ran out of 3. is made up of 4. in particular 5. try out 6. makesense;play with

7. pay attention to

Ⅲ. 1. C 2. C3. D 4. A

Ⅳ. 1. Hisencouraging remark inspired me with confidence.

2. If you hadn?t let this secret out,Iwould tell you another.

3. Hold on to my hand till we have crossedthe street.

4. Although she has a heavy studyingload,Mary doesn?t give up her hobbies.

5. He is likely to be on his way home. 31

Period Four Writing


Ⅰ. 1.outstanding 2. charming 3. respectable 4. positive 5. upset 6. attract 7.depict/ portray 8. re

flect 9. hero/ character 10. undergo/ experience11. be strongly impressed with 12. be absorbed in/ be

devoted to 13. in my view/ opinion



【要点短语】1. facea serious problem 2. solve/ settle/ deal with 3. protect the environment 4. bea little bit

different from 5. join us

【主要句型】1.Chinese people are facing a serious issue.

2. This problem is a little bit differentfrom others.

3. We need everyone to protect ourenvironment.


Of all my teachers,Mr. Moore is the one whoimpresses me most. Though he is thirty - four,he looks very

young for his age. And he?s one of the mostpopular teacher in our school.

Compared with other teachers,Mr. Moore paysmore attention to his way of teaching. He tries various ways to

make his classes lively and interesting. Inhis opinion,we should not only know “what”,but also understand

“why”. So,instead of giving us answersimmediately,he encourages us to think by ourselves whenever he puts for

ward questions. With his help,we?ve learnedhow to analyze and settle problems. What a wonderful world of

“why”he leads us to!

He is such a learned person that we alladmire him very much.

Period 5 Extensive Reading


A 篇:1 -4 DACA

B 篇:1 -5 DABAC

C 篇:

1. By giving concept of being charming.

2. they will only always get better.

3. ① Be polite ② Be sincere ③ Be humorous/ Be optimistic/ Be good瞝ooking/ (写出其中三项即可)

4. 要想学会让自己变得富有魅力,你必须铭记这些建议,并始终微笑着去履行?

5. How to Be Charming

D 篇:

1. How to get what you really want out oflife.

2. Focus on one thing at a time.

3. Where you want to go

4. create an action plan/ make an actionplan

5. 无论做什么,在你实现目标之前不要丧失信心/无论做什么,在你得到想要的东西之前不要丧失信心?


1. Heroes Still Exist

2. 当许多人为当今时代不会再有英雄而忧虑时,两个因抢救落水儿童而献身的大学生向人们证明了英雄依

然存在? 32


3. The author wrote the passage to call onpeople to learn from the brave university students.

4. They immediately went to rescue thedrowning children.

5. He took the lead in jumping into thelake.


Ⅰ. 单项填空


Ⅱ. 单词拼写

1. salty 2. aspects 3. cottage 4.translated 5. diamond 6. anger 7. sorrow 8. darkness 9.

warmth 10. convey 11. branch 12. pattern

Ⅲ. 用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空

1. go over 2. make sense 3. ran away 4.stay up 5. take his eyes off 6. is made up of 7. run out

of 8. Take it easy 9. inspired

Ⅳ. 写作

One possible version:

Dear Mr. Headmaster ,

I am Li Yue,a student from Class 1 ,SeniorII. I am writing to draw your attention to some improper behavior

among us students:littering and scribbling.It makes our school dirty and unimportant,and does

harm to the image

of our school. I always feel ashamedwhenever I see this. It is clearly not appropriate for a student to litter and

scribble about. I wonder if the schoolcould place more dustbins around and set up specific rules against such be

havior. At the same time,students should beencouraged to develop good habits and behave themselves. I believe

that,with the joint efforts of bothteachers and students,our school will become a more enjoyable place in the near

future. Thank you for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Li Yue

Unit 3 A Healthy Life

Period One Warming Up & Reading


Ⅰ. 重点单词

1. ashamed 2. desperate 3. tough 4.disappointed 5. awkward 6. mental 7. strengthen

8. abnormal 9. abuse 10. stress 11. ban 12.automatic 13. addicted 14. quit 15. effect

Ⅱ. 重点短语

1. to 2. to 3. to 4. on 5. feel 6. of 7.ashamed 8. spite 9. take 10. into


Ⅰ. 1. A:trulyhealthy person is someone who is healthy in both body and mind.

2. A:Singing and dancing.

B:Playing basketball.

C:Drinking alcohol.

D:Eating too much (overeating). 33


F:Doing shadowboxing (Doing Taiji).

Healthy activities:A B F

Unhealthy activities:C D E

Ⅱ. 1. Someadolescents start smoking because they are falsely influenced by some media.Some think it’s cool.

Maybe some want to lighten some stress.

2. Mentally and healthily. I think smokingshould be banned.

3. Let them get interested in some positivehobbies like sports,playing music,reading,playing chess and so on.

Ⅲ. 1. Agrandfather wrote the letter to his grandson James.

2. He gave James advice on giving upsmoking.

3. He started smoking and found itdifficult to give up. 4. D

Ⅳ. 1. (1)Healso smoked and he became addicted to cigarettes.

(2)He didn?t know much about the harmfuleffects of smoking.

2. (1)physically addicted to nicotine

(2)automatically addicted through habit

(3)mentally addicted

3. C

4. (1)Prepare yourself

(2)Be determined

(3)Break the habit


(5)Get help if you need it

(6)Keep trying



Ⅰ. 1. 我知道开始吸烟是多么的容易,戒烟是多么的难?

2. 我想我之所以长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生活?

3. 当我因为不健康离开足球队的时候,我知道到了戒烟的时候了?

Ⅱ. 1. Everytime you feel like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are anon瞫moker.

2. This means that after a while your bodybecomes accustomed to having nicotine in it.

Ⅲ.stressful;benefits;Throw away;Reread;relaxation;chemist;ashamed;weaken

Ⅳ. Discussion (略)

Period Two Language Study


Ⅰ 重点单词

1. risk 2. abused 3. ashamed 4. cigarettes5. mental 6. ban 7. infections 8. stressed 9. due

Ⅱ. 重点短语

1. give up 2. by the way 3. over and overagain 4. break the habit of 5. do damage to 6. 扔掉

7. 对??有影响 8. 渴望??

Ⅲ. 完成句子

1. not old enough to 2. As we know 3. asclever a boy as 4. so excited that 5. does 34


6. (1)not long before (2)before


Ⅰ. 要点互动探究

1. 【运用】(1)C (2)A

2. 【运用】

(1)are addicted to computer games (2)D

(3)① addicted ② addictive ③ addiction

3. 【运用】(1)D (2)A

4. 【运用】(1)quit writing (2)A

5. 【运用】has a positive effect on the children

6. 【运用】(1)D (2)ashamed;shameful

7. 【运用】(1)Despite (2)A

8. 【运用】(1)at risk(s) (2)A

9. 【运用】(1)D (2)A (3)B (4)B

Ⅱ. 语法互动探究


1. (1)It would be a great honor to takepart in such a big event.

(2)It is very clear that all the studentshave enjoyed it.

(3)We find it very important to learnEnglish well.

2. (1)eating (2)to help (3)to walk(4)believed (5)happened

3. (1)- (10)DCBAD DACDA


Ⅰ. 1.cigarettes 2. ashamed 3. addicted 4. accustom 5. mental 6. adolescents 7.stressed

8. automatically 9. quit 10. pregnant


Ⅲ. 1. wasashamed to tell anyone

2. am not accustomed to getting up

3. take risks/ a risk

4. due to

5. In spite of

Period Three Using Language


Ⅰ 重点单词

1. survival 2. prejudice 3. judgment 4.embarrassed 5. awkward

Ⅱ. 重点短语

1. at risk 2. come across 3. for example 4.that is 5. share…with 6. make sure

Ⅲ. 完成句子

1. that is 2. share;with


Ⅰ. 课文预读

1. Section 1:Background information aboutwhat the disease is.

Section 2:Ways to protect yourself. 35

Section 3:Some common myths dispelled.


3. (1)immune system (2)blood (3)needle(4)looking at (5)touch or kiss

Ⅱ. 要点探究

1. 【运用】我们一直在努力克服对女性参政的偏见?

2. 【运用】(1)Judging from (2)In my judgment

3. 【运用】(1)embarrassing (2)embarrassment (3)embarrassed


Ⅰ. 1. illegal2. survival 3. female 4. prejudice 5. judgment 6. embarrassed

Ⅱ.____________1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B

Ⅲ. 1. at risk2. has a prejudice against 3. That is (to say) 4. share with 5. Make sure

Period Four Writing


Ⅰ. 词汇和短语

advice on;take a…course;practice with;readbooks,newspapers and magazines in Chinese;sing Chinese

songs,make friends with,tell sb. Aboutsth;help sb. do;learn Chinese.

Ⅱ. 完成句子

1. take a Chinese course

2. practice with

3. read books,newspapers and magazines inChinese and sing Chinese songs

4. make Chinese friends

5. tell you a lot about ;help you learnChinese


Ⅰ. 典题例示




1. cover / include

2. History,education,scenic spots / touristattractions,food,famous people / celebrities

3. arouse one?s interest

4. improve one?s English

5. be popular among/ with sb.


1. It would be better to broadcast it onweekends. / It is a good idea to broadcast it on weekends.

2. It will be convenient for us students towatch it on weekends.

3. You can also invite some middle schoolstudents to get involved in / take part in the program.

4. It will surely arouse otherstudents?interest in it.

5. The students can introduce Guangzhou toforeign visitors.


Dear Flower,

I’m very glad to receive your e瞞ail,inwhich you ask me something about how to make friends. In my opin

ion,it would be wise of you to take thefollowing advice. 36


Everyone needs friends,so how to makefriends is very important. First of all,you must be friendly to others

if you want to make friends with others.What?s more,you?d better look after others more than yourself. In addi

tion,you need to try to make the strangerfeel easy. If you have different opinions,you can discuss with others. I

don?t think it?s necessary to quarrel withthem. Last but not least,I advise you not to trust those who leave you

when you are in trouble,because a friend inneed is a friend indeed.

I think it will be beneficial to you if youfollow the advice above.

I hope everything goes on well with you,andyou?ll make a lot of good friends.

Yours truly,


Period Five Extensive Reading


Reading Comprehension A

1. (1)F (2)T (3)T (4)F

2. They eat too much fat and sugar anddon?t take enough exercise.

3. 中国人吃的糖要比世界很多其他国家吃的少,这也是为什么很多中国人有健康的白牙?

Reading Comprehension B 1. C

2. (1)recover from (2)be infected with(3)seek help (4)be admitted to the hospital (5)have close

contact with

Reading Comprehension C

1. 我认为人们正在寻找的根本上来说就是一种方式,这种手段使人们过一种快乐和富有成效的生活,并尽

可能少的被侵犯? 2. A.


Ⅰ. DearPresident,

It?s come to my attention that our school is going to build a newleisure center. I?m writing to ask you to con

sider the following suggestions.

Firstly,I’d like to suggest that thereshould be a table瞭ennis room as well as a badminton court. I think it

would do great good if you could build thecenter with an eye to those students who are interested in playing table -

tennis or badminton.

Secondly,could the center open in our sparetime?If so,we will have enough time to make full use of it.

Thirdly,we will be more than happy if thecenter is free. As we all know,not every student can afford the ex

tra expense.

Thank you for reading my letter. I hope youwill consider my suggestions. If the center is built,it will greatly

enhance student life here on campus.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

Ⅱ. 1. Progressin scientific research

2. people enjoy better conditions of livingand they can live longer

3. different understandings of the term“health”

4. Translation

医学上的进步使得今天人们活得更长更健康成为可能? 37

5. (1)be related to (2)shift from (3)onaverage (4)in contrast


Ⅰ. 单项填空

1 -5 ABACB 6 -10 CAADD 11 -15 DBABD

Ⅱ. 单词拼写

16. quit/ quitted 17. automatically 18.adolescents 19. judgment 20. prejudice 21. ashamed

22. stress 23. managed 24. illegal 25.mentally

Ⅲ. 完成句子

26. was ashamed of 27. was due to 28.decided on 29. been accustomed to 30. addicted to

Ⅳ. 翻译句子

31. He had to accustom himself to cold weather.

32. In spit of the cold,he jumped into thewater and managed to save the drowning boy.

33. Fresh air and warm sunshine will have apositive effect on your father?s health.

34. Every day after supper,I feel likehaving a walk outside.

35. Much to his mother?s disappointment,hefailed the exam again.

Unit 4Global warming

Period One Warming Up & Reading


Ⅰ 重点单词

1. random 2. fuel 3. trend 4. catastrophe5. mild 6. graph 7. consequence 8. state 9. con

sume 10. phenomenon 11. subscribe 12.oppose

Ⅱ. 重点短语

1. come about 2. go up 3. compare?with 4.lead to / result in 5. quantities of 6. 反对 7. 继续;

持续 8. 同意;赞成;订购 9. 结果 10. 倾向于做某事


Ⅰ. Warming Up

renewable:windmills;a hydro瞖lectricdam;geothermal energy non瞨enewable:an oil refinery

1. an oil refinery

Ⅱ. Pre瞨eadingand Lead in

1. A greenhouse is one made of glass forgrowing plants,especially in cold weather.

2. The grass traps the heat and keeps itfrom escaping,making the greenhouse heat up and plants can grow.

Ⅲ. Reading andcomprehending

1. 1)Human activities causes the globalwarming.

2)One is that it is serious,the other isthat it is a positive thing.

2. Para. 1 introduction;Para. 2 cause;Para.3 consequence/ result/ effect;Para. 4 increase;Para. 5 global

warming;Para. 6 puzzles/ arguments;Para. 7attitudes

Ⅲ. 1.different,global,graphs

2. TTTF 38


3. (1)go up (2)catastrophe (3)serious(4)positive (5)more (6)greater

Ⅳ. (1)D (2)A(3)B (4)D


Ⅰ. 1. 所有科学家都赞同这样的观点:人们为了生产能量而燃烧化石燃料(如煤?天然气?石油等),从而引


2. 他们也认为正是越来越多的燃料的燃烧导致了二氧化碳量的增加?

3. 这意味着更多的热量被困在大气层中,从而引起全球温度上升?

4. 他们预测变暖的情况不会很严重,对环境的影响也不会太坏?

Ⅱ. 1. Even ifwe start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases,theclimate is going to

keep on warming for decades or centuries.

2. The problem begins when we add hugequantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Ⅲ. It showsthe temperature increase of one degree Fahrenheit between 1860 to 2000.

Ⅳ. 1. rose 2.come about 3. subscribe to 4. fuels 5. resulted in 6. quantities of 7. goes up8. tends

9.On the one hand 10. trend

Ⅴ On theother hand,some are opposed to the above idea. They predict that any warmingwill be mild with few

bad environmental consequences. On thecontrary,they think it will be beneficial to plants,crops and a grea

ter range of animals,which will makepeoples life better.

Period Two Language Study


Ⅰ 重点单词

1. consumed 2. random 3. graph 4.phenomenon 5. subscribed 6. tendency 7. resulted 8. op


Ⅱ. 用方框中所给短语填空

1. Compared to 2. resulted in 3. buildingup 4. keep on 5. On the whole 6. come about

Ⅲ. 完成句子

1. Although (he was)criticized

2. wouldn?t have made

3. (1)are building up (2)built up his body

4. you saw him pick up the money


Ⅰ. 要点互动探究

1. 【运用】(1)come about (2)came out (3)came up (4)come across

2. 【运用】1)subscribed to 2)subscribe?to

3. 【运用】D

4. 【运用】(1)tend to believe in strangers (2)tend to think (3)A

5. 【运用】B 6. 【运用】D 7. 【运用】B

8. 【运用】(1)state your address (2)was in a terrible state

9. 【运用】(1)within/ in this range (2)ranging from children to

10. 【运用】(1)an average of (2)above average (3)on average

Ⅱ. 语法互动探究

3. 课堂运用

(1)① What is it that ② that my train arrived in Nanjing 39

(2)A B A D B


Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. consumes 2. consequence 3. phenomenon 4.subscribe 5. range 6. widespread 7. compared

8. per 9. data 10. glance

Ⅱ. 单项选择

1. A 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. B 9.C 10. D

Ⅲ. 根据提示翻译句子

1. Without your encouragement,I would havegiven up my dream.

2. How did it come about that you missedsuch an important appointment?

3. Even if we opposed the plan,he stillcarried it out.

4. The price of the house is going up,whichis beyond the range of us.

5. On average,earthquakes occurred heretwice a year.

Ⅳ. 用强调句型改写下列句子

1. It was Tom that met your sister in thezoo yesterday.

2. It was in the park that I came across myfriend yesterday.

3. It was when the teacher came in that wewere doing our homework.

4. It was because he was ill that he didn?tgo to school.

Period Three Using Language


Ⅰ 重点单词

1. advocate 3. electrical 4. steady 5. pollution6. circumstance 7. outer

Ⅱ. 重点短语翻译

1. on behalf of 2. put up with 3. as longas 4. and so on

Ⅲ. 完成句子

1. don?t force him to

2. on behalf of my company

3. clothes,shoes,hats and so on


Ⅰ. 课文理解

1. (1)A (2)B

2. ① His opinion that,as an individual,he can have no effect onenvironmental problems.

② Getting somesuggestions for what he can do about global warming

3. (1)C (2)B

Ⅱ. 要点探究

1. 【运用】(1)advocate solving (2)What I advocate (3)(should)be protected

2. 【运用】C 3. 【运用】C 4. 【运用】A


Ⅰ. 1. advocate2. Pollution 3. growth 4. disagreement 5. casual 6. circumstance 7. refresh 8.elec

trical 9. contribution 10. microwave

Ⅱ. 1. D 2. C3. C 4. A 5. B

Ⅲ. 1. So/ Aslong as;make no difference 2. putting up with 3. make/ do contributions to 4.Under no cir 40


cumstances 5. study and so on

Period Four Writing


Ⅰ. globalwarming;catastrophe ;quantities of;come about;greenhouse gases;result in;takeeffective measures;

form ____________the habit of;turn…into…;goup ;save our planet;if possible

Ⅱ.(1)quantities of greenhouse gases (2)make up about 70% of the greenhouse gases(3)resulting in the

sea level to go up many catastrophes tocome about (4)instead of driving a car if possible (5)because

plants can turn CO2 into oxygen (6)form thehabit of saving energy


Ⅰ. 典题例示


1. 一般现在时 2. 第一人称

【要点词汇】1.strike 2. enormous 3. priority 4. deforest 5. recycle 6. hesitate

【主要句型】1. amwriting this letter to call on everyone to pay attention to 2. it is high timethat ?spare no ef

forts to 3. stop deforesting in largeamount 4. don?t hesitate to


Dear friends,

As we can see,the environment around us isgetting worse and worse. Our life and health have been affected

greatly. The earth is our home and we havethe duty to take care of it,not only for ourselves but also for our future

generations. Fortunately,more and morepeople have become aware of this problem. Many effective measures have

been taken to deal with it by thegovernment.

I think we should follow the followingadvice. First,go to school on foot or by bike as often as possible. Sec

ond,turn off the light and other electricalappliances before leaving the room. Third,never throw rubbish here and

there. Fourth,save water.

It?s time that we should do something toprotect our environment. Only by taking good care of our earth today

will it be more beautiful tomorrow.

Thank you!

The students?Union

Period Five Extensive Reading

【课堂互动探究】 A

1. (1)T (2)F (3)F (4)F (5)T 2. C

3. The way to produce electricity.

4. 由于不使用核能,澳大利亚主要依靠煤发电,是全球人均污染最严重的国家之一? B

1. B 2. C 3. B 4. 科学家们说,全球气候变暖,对世界各地数以百计的植物和动物物种的影响很大,改变


5. (1)in reaction to (2)have an effect on(3)changeable (4)result from (5)lead to C

1. D 2. A 41

3. (1)It requires less transport costs

(2)It does less harm to the environment

(3)It saves millions of tons of water

4. The Vertical Farm

5. the shorter the distance


