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For many people in the U.S., sports are not just for fun. They're almost a religion. Thousands of sports fans buy expensive tickets to watch their favorite teams and athletes play in (1) ________. Other fans watch the games at home, glued to their TV sets. The most (2)________ sports buffs never miss a game. Many a wife becomes a \widow\during her husband's favorite season. America's devotion to athletics has created a new class of (3)________ people: professional athletes. Sports stars often receive million-dollar salaries. Some even make big money appearing in (4)________ for soft drinks, shoes and even toiletries.
Not all Americans (5)________ sports, but athletics are an important part of their culture. Throughout their school life, Americans learn to play many sports. All students take physical education classes in school. Some try out for the school teams, while others join intramural sports leagues. Athletic events at universities attract scores of fans and (6)________ the whole community. Many people also enjoy non-competitive (7)________ like hiking, biking, horseback riding, camping or hunting. To communicate with American sports nuts, it helps if you can talk sports.
Sports in America represent the international (8)________ of the people who play. Many sports were (9)________ from other countries. European immigrants brought tennis, golf, bowling and boxing to America. Football and baseball came from other Old World games. Only basketball has a truly American origin. Even today some (10)________ \In 1994 the U.S. hosted the World Cup for the first time ever.
A.wealthy B.benefit C.duration D.constant E.imported F.activities G.devoted H.necessarily I.worship J.person K.comprised L.advertisements M.heritage N.sufficient O.formerly
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