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9B U4 Life on Mars


1.考虑 think about

2. 到太空旅行 travel into space 2.我也是 me neither

neither +be动词/助动词/情态动词+与前句不相同的主语,用于后一句的否定情况与前一句所述的否定情况相同的场合。 4. 在火星上的生活 life on Mars 5.吃到我的食物 get to my food

6.给某人弄来/搞来/取来某物 get sb sth 7.氧气罐 air tank 8.干粮 dried food 9.能源包 power pack 10.睡袋 sleeping bag 11.太空头盔 space helmet 12.专用靴子 special boots

13.听起来太无聊了 sound quite boring 14.迁往火星 move to Mars

15. 到2100年 by the year 2100 16.我们自己的行星our own planet 17.变得越来越拥挤

become more and more crowded 18.由于人口的迅速增长

because of the rapid increase in population 19.重新开始 start all over again

20.建设更美好的世界 build a better world 21.大批的乘客 large numbers of passengers 22.太慢无法运送..到.. too slow to carry….to 23.要花几个月 take months 24.随着技术的发展

with the development of technology 25.以光速 at the speed of light

26.到火星的旅途 the journey to mars 27.感觉不适 feel ill

28.相当的不舒服 be quite uncomfortable 29.以药片的形式 in the form pills 30.那么可口 be so tasty

31.有一个问题 another problem 32.八分之三three-eighths 33.被设计做 be designed to 34.与…相比 compare with

35.在某些方面 in some ways 36.阻止他们飘入太空

prevent themselves (from) floating off into space 37.与….连接 connect to

38.有更多的空间 have more space

39.又大又舒服的房间 huge comfortable rooms 40.做他们的大部分工作 do most of their work 41.有更多的时间放松 have more time to relax 42.第二次从头开始

a second time from the beginning 43.有一个好的味道 have a nice taste 44.挤满了人 full of people

45.在很短的时间内 in a short period of time 46.与某人交朋友 make friends with. 47.迷路 get lost

48.几乎没有时间放松 have little time to relax 49.因为低重力 because of the low gravity 50.在16岁的时候 at the age of 16 51.第一个进入太空的人

the first man to go into outer space 52.新鲜的食物 fresh food

53.药片的味道 the smell of the pills 53.使他们想起了地球上的美味食物

remind them of the tasty food on the earth 54.远离 be far away from

55. 对…有可能 be possible for 56.种植植物 grow plants 57.与…相似 be similar to

58.在火星待几个小时 stay on Mars for hours 59.背后携带氧气罐 carry air tank on their back 60.叫…的节目 the program called…… 61.错过….第一部分 miss the first part of…. 62.以讨论一个调查开始

start with a discussion about a survey 63.搬离地球 more away from the earth 64.更多的空间 much more space 65.太拥挤 be too crowed

66.其他一些学生 some other students 67.担心 be worried about

68.害怕外星人 be afraid of aliens 69.值得冒险 be worth the risk 70.毕竟 after all

71.一种不同的生活 a different kind of life 72.住在另一个行星 live on another planet 73.犯拼写错误 make spelling mistakes 74.正确的回答出听力问题

answer listening questions correctly

75.得到好的分数 get good results 84许多网上剧院 many online theatres 76.更多练习 practice more 85.火星银行 Planet Mars Bank 77.抄写新的生词 copy the new words 86.A相当于B A be worth B 78.写英语日记 keep an English diary

87.火星上的生活指南 a guide to living on Mars


88.用火星币 use Mars dollars try to use the new grammar rule

89.从未见过这些钱 never see any of money 80.提高我的听力技能

improve my listening skills 90.被存储 be stored 81汽车漂浮在空中 cars float in the air 91.使我们感觉 make us feel like 82.低重力篮球比赛 92.在游戏中 inside the games low-gravity basketball games 93.更喜欢看 prefer to watch 83没有空气污染的交通 94. 公共交通系统 the public transport system traffic with no air pollution 95.一种非常流行的娱乐形式 a very popular form of entertainment 二.句型:

1.我从未想过到太空去旅行。 I’ve never thought about travelling into space.

2.你觉得火星上的生活怎么样? How do you like life on Mars? 4.我不能吃到我的食物。 I can’t get to my food.

5.生活在火星上将是什么样子的呢? what would it be like to live on Mars? 6.火星上重力小。 There’s less gravity on Mars.

7.火星上将没有污染。 There would be no pollution on Mars. 1.一些人相信到2100年时,人类能住在火星上。

Some people believe that humans could live on the planet Mars by the year 2100. 2.因为人口的迅速增长地球正在变得越来越拥挤而且受到了更多的污染。

The earth is becoming more and more crowded and polluted because of the rapid increase in population.


It is hoped that people could start all over again and build a better world on Mars. 4.我们的宇宙飞船太慢了,无法运送大批的乘客去火星。

Our spacecraft are too slow to carry large numbers of passengers to Mars. 5.乘坐以光速飞行的宇宙飞船,行程或许只要大约20分钟。

The journey might only take about 20 minutes in spacecraft that travel at the speed of light. 6.飞船太快以至于到火星的旅途可能会相当的不舒服。

The spacecraft would travel so fast that the journey to Mars might be quite uncomfortable.

7.人类没有水,氧气或食物不能生存。 Humans can’t survive without water, oxygen or food. 8.到目前为止,没有人知道火星上是否有足够的水或氧气给那里的人。

So far, nobody knows whether there would be enough water or oxygen on Mars for people there.

9.科学家不能确定植物能否在火星上生长。Scientists are not sure whether plants could grow on Mars. 10.食物很大可能是以药片的形式存在,而且味道没那么可口。

Food would most probably be in the form of pills and would not be so tasty. 11.火星的重力大约只有地球上的八分之三。

The gravity on Mars is only about three-eighths of that on the earth.

12.人们将不得不穿上特制的靴子以阻止他们自己飘入太空。 People would have to wear boots that are specially designed to prevent themselves from floating off into space. 13.他们可能住在拥有又大又舒服的房间的房子里。 They might live in houses with huge comfortable rooms. 14.每个学生家里都会有一台电脑与星际网络连接。

Every student would have a computer at home connected to an interplanetary network.


Life on Mars would be interesting as well as challenging. 16.目前飞到火星要花多长时间?

How long does it take to fly to Mars at present? 1.在27岁时,他成了第一个进入太空的人。

He became the first man to go into outer space at the age of 27.

2.将来人们可能搬到另一个行星上去,因为地球上的人口在迅速增长。 People might move to another planet in the future because the population on the earth is increasing rapidly. 3.如果没有新鲜的食物,饭菜就不会和今天的一样美味。

If there is no fresh food, meals will not be as tasty as they are today. 4.他们确信太空旅行将非常快吗?

Are they sure that space travel will be very fast? 5.你知道火星离太阳多远吗?

Are you aware how far Mars is away from the Sun? 6.环绕太阳一次要花费火星大约两个地球年。

It takes Mars about two Earth years to circle around the Sun once. 7.科学家对于人类将来有可能生活在火星上意见一致吗?

Are scientists in agreement that living on Mars would be possible for humans in the future. 8.比起地球上的交通可能要好多了。

It could be much better than the transport on the earth.


I think people should know that life on Mars would be different from that on the Earth. 10.火星是一个行星,与地球有着相似的环境。

Mars is a planet that has an environment similar to that of the Earth. 11.在一个比地球上大气稀薄的行星上呼吸是困难的。

It is difficult to breathe on a planet that has much thinner air than that on the Earth. 1.上周五晚上你看了在黄金电视台播放的《火星之战》节目吗?

Did you watch the programme called Mars Wars on Golden TV last Friday evening? 2.调查显示50%的学生想搬离地球到火星上生活。

The survey showed that 50% of the students would like to move away from the Earth and live on Mars. 3.在火星上,可能每个人会有更多的空间。

There might also be much more space for everyone on Mars. 4.他们说他们不知道住在火星是否真的安全。 They said they didn’t know if it would be really safe. 5.我不能确定是否值得冒险。 I’m not sure if it’s worth the risk. 7.毕竟,人类已经去过月球。

After all, humans have already been to the Moon. 8.如果你去火星,你在地球上的所有朋友怎么办?

What about all your friends here on the Earth if you go to Mars? .火星币是电子的并被存储在火星银行。

Mars dollars are electronics and are stored in the planet Mars Bank. 3.他们使我们感觉真的置身于游戏中。

They make us feel like we are really inside the games. 4.大多数人喜欢看令人惊叹的低重力篮球比赛。

Most people may prefer to watch the amazing Low-gravity basketball games.


