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Unit 1 Discovering yourself

1. Is being ambitious a positive or negative quality for a person’s career?

what you just said is reasonable .However, each coin has two sides so ambition may cause negative impacts in some circumstances if not handled properly. There is a limit to our energy,so if our ambitions are too many,it will be hard for us to achieve them all. To make matters worse,we will get nothing but tiredness,which will threaten our health.

2. How much time should students spend planning their future? And how will a university graduate choose his or her career?

what you just said is reasonable . if we don’t spend any time planning a future,

it may never happen. But if we spend too much time planning it, it won’t happen either.Form my point of view,a university graduate should choose his or her career should on the basis of the subject he or her majors in.Because we specialize in it for four years,what we master in this filed is much more than others,so there are more advantages for our gain a satisfied job in this filed.What’s,choosing that kind of job won’t lat us feel tried and bored.

3.It is generally believed that life is a stage and every person has some roles to play. How to make your life meaningful and colorful?

What you said is very important,but I would add that in order to make our life meaningful and colorful,we should also make more contribution for the society.Selfless contribution is very important in our life.Many people who are in trouble need our help.For me,I want to be a volunteer whose job deserves no price.If there were many more volunteers,our society would be better.Though being ready to help others is very difficult,but it can make our life meaningful and colorful for certain.

4.It is widely held that a brave man dies once while a coward dies a thousand times. Express your idea on this.

Form my point of view,a coward dies a thousand times means that a coward will face a lot of fears in his life,such as the fear to fail,the fear to be defeated and so on,so a coward’s death not only refer to the death in the end of his life,but also refer to each fear,fear meaning you are give up,it is equal to death. But a brave man don’t fear anything,won’t give up anything,so,he only dies once.

Unit 2 Childhood memories

1. What place was the author’s Mecca in her childhood? What place was your Mecca in your childhood and why?

The author’s Mecca in her childhood is the logan airport. My Mecca in my

childhood is the mountains in my grandpa’s village.As long as I have a vacation,I always can't wait to go there.There are many trees,animals,and many beautiful flowers.I can go fishing,catch crab by the lake,play hide and seek,climb mountains with my partners.The air is always fresh,I always feel free and happy in the mountains.So.... 2.

Why did the author worship Superman in her childhood? Did you ever worship anyone when you were young? Why?

Because He used to come roaring by in his shining blue suit with his cape whistling in the wind, looking remarkably like my Uncle Frank who was living with mother and me.?? When I was young,the person I worship is my mother.She is patient with me and always smiling while talking. My mum teaches me how to think independently and helps me to build up my confidence. When I have some difficulties in my studies, it is my mum who encourages me to work until I solve the problem. When I am feeling sad or bad, it is also my mum who looks after me with care.(例子?)

3. Please talk about the factors that influence the ways parents bring up their children.

What you said is very important,but I would add that another factor that influence the ways parents bring up their children is parent’s life experience.For example,if the parents are both successful people,haven’t experienced failure,they may teach their always be confident and keep going ahead.On the contrary,ordinary parents will teach their children to keep modest.Another example,parents who experience many countries’ culture will teach children to contact more new thing,but other parents won’t.

4. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of being a child today,in contrast with when you were a child?

what you just said is reasonable .However, each coin has two sides,from my point of view,being a child today have many disadvantages.For example,in contrast with ten years before,the pollution to environment has been much severer,this will threaten the health of children.What’s more,When I was young,there are many colorful games I can play,but now,because of the

development of technology,many children lose themselves in the computer games,which will influence their learning achievements.

Unit 3 Art for Art’s Sake

1.How does music tend to influence our body, mind and soul?

Form my point of view,music can bring our mind to a kind of brainless but

attractive state.When we are in a blue mood,some bright music can make us relation and pleasure,so music can let us keep a good mind.As a result,our body has been influenced by this,we can be healthier .What’s more,music is a good medicine to our soul.Music allows them to leave the real world, and go off to a ideal world where there is no noise.So....

2.Which do you prefer, live music or recorded music? Why?

From my personal perspective,I prefer to listen to recorded music.There are several reasons.First of all,I like the quite surroundings.I cannot tolerate the live atmosphere.Once I had a chance to see a vocal concert,I felt that my ears were going to explode.I found that I was very tired that night.Second,I think that a piece of good music should be listened in a quiet atmosphere,only by doing this can we know the deep thought in the music.

3.Describe a great painting which you like.

Sunflowers (original title, in French, Tournesols) are the subject of a series of still life paintings executed in oil on canvas by the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh. Among the Sunflowers paintings are three similar paintings with fifteen sunflowers in a vase, and two similar paintings with twelve sunflowers in a vase. Van Gogh painted the first Vase with Twelve Sunflowers, which is now in the Neue Pinakothek Museum in Munich, Germany, and the first Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers, which is now in National Gallery, London, England, in August 1888 when he was living in Arles southern France. The later similar paintings were painted in January the following year. An earlier series of four still life using sunflowers were painted in Paris in 1887.

Van Gogh began painting in late summer 1888 and continued into the following year. One went to decorate his friend Paul Gauguin's bedroom. The paintings show sunflowers in all stages of life, from fully in bloom to withering. The paintings were innovative for their use of the yellow spectrum, partly because newly invented pigments made new colours possible. In a letter to his brother Theo, van Gogh wrote: the sunflower is mine in a way.

On March 31, 1987, even those without interest in art were made aware of van Gogh's Sunflowers series when Japanese insurance magnate Yasuo Goto paid the equivalent of USD $39,921,750 for Van Gogh's Still Life: Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers at auction at Christie's London, at the time a record-setting amount for a work of art. The price was over four times the previous record of about $12 million paid for Andrea Mantegna's Adoration of the Magi in 1985. The record

was broken a few months later with the purchase of another Van Gogh, Irises by Alan Bond for $53.9 million at Sotheby's, New York on November 11, 1987. While it is uncertain whether Yaso Goto bought the painting himself or on behalf of his company, the Yasuda Fire and Marine Insurance Company of Japan, the painting currently resides at Seiji Togo Yasuda Memorial Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo. After the purchase a controversy arose whether this is a genuine van Gogh or an Emile Schuffenecker forgery.

4.Do arts improve the quality of people’s lives? Use your personal experience to explain it.

From my point of view,arts improve the quality of people’s lives.For

example,In my home,there are many beautiful painting hanging on the wall.When we got home tried and exhausted,the painting always give us a sense of pleasure and relation.What’s more,when my neighbor see them,they always say:”Oh,how beautiful the painting is!”.So,in other people’s eyes,we all elegant.This make us very proud So..............

Unit 4 Changing Times

1.New technologies have made some jobs disappear. Give examples to illustrate.

For example,the new technologies have made fortuneteller disappear.In the TV play,we always see the scenery that a person hold a big yellow flag,some even wear a black glasses.When a customer come over,they ask for their personal information,and then they will tell the customer if he will make a fortune.But now,with the development of new technologies,more and more people don’t believe it any more,what’s more it has been regarded as a illegal activity.So......

2.Do you think that our society encourages a culture in which nothing is built to last?

I agree with the

idea,With the development of our economy, science and technology, our society is changing fast.More and more things are made by machines in the modern times.The service life of products is reduced, but the repair cost is increased. Most people prefer to throw away the broken objects rather than repair them. And we actually need to update things constantly for daily use and throw away the old and broken products.

3.Do you think the times we live in today’s China are exciting or boring?

Explain your viewpoint.

From my point of view,the times we live in today’s China are exciting.First of

all,,the times we live in today’s China is peaceful,it is the most important condition to be exciting.Second,now,China is getting stronger and stronger,so there are a lot of thing we can do.Our life will be meaningful,and colorful,so we are exciting.What’s more,the new technologies are developing at a high speed,every day,there are new invention appear, our life will be better and better.So................

4.If you could choose some technology to do without, which would it be?

From my point of view,if I could choose some technology to do without,I

would choose clone technology.There is no dying that clone is proved that can bring many benefits,but it still has a lot of disadvantages.One of the biggest one is is that human cloning technology will break the gender balance,it will be bring up a great chaos.And it will break the natural laws,increase the risk of infecting disease.What’s more ,it is very experience,So.....

Unit 5 A place in society

1. What forms of social prejudice do we have in the society? Is there a

way to put an end to this undesirable social phenomenon?

What you said is very important,but I would add that another form of social prejudice is different jobs.For example,some successful CEO will always look down on other low paid jobs,such as cleaner,guard and so on.And people take up these kinds of jobs always get a much lower pay though their jobs are much harder.From my point of view,To put an end to this undesirable social phenomenon should make everyone know the importance of these jobs,if possible,let them to do the same jobs many days,they will change their attitude.....

2. How could we leave a good first impression on others?

What you said is very important,but I would add that another way to leave a

good first impression on others is smile.”Smile and the world smiles too.” A warm and confident smile will put both you and the other person at ease.But It's not necessary to show your teeth, just a meaningful grin will do. Be careful not to transition from a smile to a straight face too quickly, or people will sense you're being fake or that you don't like them. Only in this way......

3. How important is cultural awareness in an international business deal?

Can you give some examples of cultural differences in doing


Having cultural awareness can break through state and national boundaries and enhance the cooperation.It also contributes to avoiding collision.For example,Once China carry on a negotiations with the Middle East,when China representative refer to the Islam,the Middle East representative shows annoyed to us.So the different religion will lead to collision.So we must respect other contury’s religion.Only in this way....

4. Which kind of society is stronger: an “individualist” or a “collectivist”

one? Why?

what you just said is reasonable .However, each coin has two sides ,from my point of view,a “collectivist” is stronger than an “individualist” .Because as the saying goes”When everybody adds fuel , the flames rise high”.It’s an obvious fact that a person’s strength is limited. But being in a group can extend one’s power to maximum.They can achieve what an “individualist” can never achieve.Union is strength.So.......

Unit 6 Streets full of heroes

1. What’s your definition of “hero”? Please give your ideas and examples.

What you said is very important,but I would add that Heroes are ambitious, they concentrate on their goals and keep enriching their skills and knowledge in order to achieve their dream. They believe the obstacles are challenges, so they make great efforts to fight against them. Certainly they can’t succeed every time, whenever they fail, they will learn a lesson from the failure so that they can improve themselves instead of staying despair all day long. This is my definition of “hero”.

2. What do you think makes a qualified “first lady of the world”? Why?

What you said is very important,but I would add that another factor which makes a qualified “first lady of the world” is never-ending improvement,for example,Eleanor Roosevelt,the First Lady of the World,after his husband’s death,she didn’t return to a private life,but still become the US delegate to the United Nations.She never give up going,this is the reason why so many people admire her.Never-ending improvement shows is a positive attitude,so I think this also makes a qualified “first lady of the world”.

3. What personal qualities and escape skills are important in an emergency?

What you said is very important,but I would add that another important skill in an emergency is first-aid is important for us to learn some knowledge about first aid in our daily life. if we have a accident,immediate first-aid can save our lives sometimes.Such as the skill to stop bleeding when you are injured.What’s more,not only ourselves,but also can we help to rescue others’ lives,So..................

4.Which one fascinates you more, the unsung hero in life or larger-than-life hero in films? Please give your supporting evidence.

what you just said is reasonable .However, each coin has two sides ,from my point of view,the larger-than-life hero in films fascinates me more.Because differ from the unsung hero in life,this kind of hero is very famous and seem to be mixtures of all kinds of great qualities ,such as superman.So this kind of hero is more likely to be admired .With this kind of hero as target,more people will make efforts to become a hero too.

