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Unit 1 Lifestyles

(对应学生用书第5页) [单词 拼写应用]

Ⅰ.考纲单词——会拼写、要识记 1.matter 2.suppose 3.switch 4.remote 5.stand 6.design 7.nearby

8.otherwise 9.portable 10.document 11.presentation 12.forecast 13.questionnaire Ⅱ.派生单词——能辨别

vi. vt. vt. adj. vt. n.& vt. adj. adv. adv. adj. n. n. n. n.

要紧,有重大关系 认为,猜想 转换,转变 遥远的 忍耐,忍受 设计 附近的 在附近 否则;另外 轻便的,手提(式)的 公文,文件 表演;展示 预报;预测 问卷;调查表 1.peace →peaceful →peacefully 2.relax →relaxed →relaxing 3.stress →stressful 4.urge →urgent →urgency 5.bored →boring 6.suffer →suffering →sufferer 7.social →society →socialism 8.reduce →reduction 9.organ →organise →organiser →organisation 10.prefer →preference 11.volunteer


n. adj. adv. vt.& vi. adj. adj. n. adj. vt. adj. n. adj. adj. vi. n. n. adj. n. n. vt. n. n. vt. n. n. vt. n. n. vt.& vi. adj.


平静的;和平的 和平地;平静地 放松

松懈的,放松的 令人轻松的,放松的 压力

充满压力的,紧张的 催促;极力主张 急迫的,紧急的 紧急;催促 厌烦的,不感兴趣的 令人厌烦的;无聊的 遭受(痛苦),感到疼痛 痛苦,苦难

受苦者,受难者;患者社交的;社会的 社会 社会主义 减少;降低 减少 器官;机构 组织 组织者 组织 更喜欢;宁愿 喜好;偏爱 志愿者 自愿去做 自愿的;志愿的

12.graduate →graduation 13.challenge

→challenging 14.support →supporter 15.advertise →advertiser →advertisement 16.formal →informal 17.distant →distance

vi. n. n. vt. adj. vt.& n. n. v. n. n. adj. adj. adj. n.

毕业 毕业 挑战 向??挑战 有挑战性的 支持;支撑 支持者;拥护者 做广告

登广告的人;广告商 广告

正式的,合礼仪的 非正式的 遥远的 距离


1.It's an amazing accomplishment and one we cannot achieve without generous support from individuals,corporations,and other social organizations (organize).(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)

2.Many Chinese brands,having developed their reputations over centuries, are facing new challenges(challenge) from the modern market.(2017·江苏高考) 3.A satisfied customer is the best advertisement(advertise) that we hope to have. 4.The president invited him into his private study for an informal(formal) chat. 5.Not only will I earn much money but I will also gain some social(society) experience through it.

6.Soon I found children got bored(bore) with staying indoors. 7.Generally speaking,we feel relaxed while listening to some relaxing music.(relax) 8.The peaceful people hoped that the dispute was to be solved peacefully and a peace agreement could be signed as soon as possible.(peace)

9.I don't want to work under stress and I am eager for a job that isn't stressful.(stress) 10.Nowadays with the development of society,many volunteers volunteer to do

voluntary work without any pay.(volunteer) [拓展联想]

“支持,拥护”家族 ①advocate ②back ③support ④stand by/for ⑤in favour of ⑥vote for vt. 提倡;拥护 vt. 支持 vt. 支持;帮助 支持 支持,赞同 投票支持 “增加”“减少”对对碰 ①增加:rise,increase,accumulate,go up ②减少:fall,decrease,decline,go down “容忍,忍受”表达种种 ①bear ③stand ②tolerate ④put up with [短语 多维应用] Ⅰ.短语回顾——会默写 1.go off 2.take up 3.be filled with 4.suffer from 5.at the moment 6.over the years 7.make sure 8.as a result 9.get changed 10.take turns to do sth. 11.play a role/part in 12.come up with 13.look forward to (铃、爆竹等)响 占据;开始从事;拿起 充满着 忍受,遭受 此刻,目前 数年间 弄清,查明 结果 换衣服,更衣 轮流做某事 在??中起作用 追上,赶上;想出,找到 盼望,期望

14.as well as 15.make a difference 除??之外还;和 有影响;起作用


1.Though the movie is 30 years old,most of the 250 seats were filled with teary-eyed audience wanting to say goodbye to the old building.(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)

2.In Houston Rockets, my super stars who perform extremely well are Zhou Qi as well as James Harden. 3.While most people were still asleep,the alarm went off.

4.The economists are trying to come up with a solution to the global financial crisis. 5.On Singles Day of 2017, the value of sales through Taobao reached up to 120.7 billion yuan, of which sales on education took up about 0.3%. 6.—Why didn't you buy the car?

—I didn't have enough money at the moment.

7.Most of the important cities of the world suffer from traffic jams. 8.He drank too much last night.As a result,he overslept this morning.

9.Small changes in your daily life will play a part/role in leading a low-carbon life. 10.It is often the little details that make a difference. [拓展联想]

“盼望,期待”短语集汇 ①hope for/to do ②long for/to do ③look forward to ④be eager for ⑤be dying for/to do ⑥desire to do 希望/期待(做) 渴望/盼望(做) 盼望,期望 渴望,期待 渴望/盼望(做) 渴望做 [句式 结构仿写] 教材原句——会背诵 1.do you think用于特殊疑问句 句式仿写——能应用 1.你认为谁应该为这次事故负责? What kind of lifestyles do you think Who do you think is to blame for the the men in the pictures have? accident?

2.while表对比 I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall while the dog walks round in a circle. 2.儿子在家吃美食而父母却在田里辛勤劳作。 The son was having a good meal at home while the parents were working hard in the fields. 3.众所周知,北京已成为第一个既举办3.the first...+n.+to do I am always the first person to get to the office. 过夏季奥运会,又将举办冬奥会的城市。 As we all know,Beijing has become the first city to host both the summer and the winter Olympics. 4.find+宾语+宾语补足语 I find painting or drawing very relaxing. 4.有时你会发现生活单调、枯燥并且你渴望有些改变。 Sometimes you may find life boring and dull and you are eager to change a bit. 5.歌曲《小苹果》如此优美,以至于我百听不厌。 The song Small Apples sounds so sweet that I want to listen to it again and again. 6.我们英语老师穿着昨天的那件衣服。 Our English teacher is wearing the same clothes that he wore yesterday. 5.so...that...引导结果状语从句 Usually,it's so crowded that I can't find anywhere to sit. 6.the same...that...“和??一样” We don't have the same work hours that office workers in the city have.

(对应学生用书第7页) 精讲7个考纲单词

matter vi.要紧,重要;有重大关系 n.问题;毛病

[高考佳句] If someone knocks and it's not an important matter,excuse yourself and let the person know you're busy.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)如果有人敲门却又没有什么重要的事儿,找个借口并让这个人知道你很忙。

(1)It doesn't matter. 没关系。 It matters/doesn't matter(to sb.)+主语从句 (2)a matter of... to make matters worse=what's worse 更糟糕的是 (对某人来说)??有关系,重要/没关系, 不重要 (是)一个??的问题 ①It doesn't matter whether you will come or not. 你来不来关系不太大。

②Of course we should reduce the effect of pollution,which is a matter of life and death.当然我们应该减少污染的影响,这可是生死攸关的事情。

③I lost my way in complete darkness and,to make matters(matter)worse,it began to rain.




更为糟糕的是,由于我的脚伤,我无法和你一起去书店了。(2016·全国卷Ⅲ) ①To make matters worse,because of the serious foot injury,I can't go to the bookstore as planned with you.(matters)

②What's worse/Even worse/Worse still,because of the serious foot injury,I can't go to the bookstore as planned with you.(worse) suppose v.理解;认为,猜想;假想;设想

[经典例句] Getting a visa isn't as simple as you might suppose.办签证不像你想的那么容易。

(1)suppose sb./sth.(to be)... be supposed to do be supposed to have done (2)suppose/supposing(that)... 认为某人/某事?? 应该做 本该做(而未做) 假使??;假定?? ①What time are you supposed to be there? 你应该几点到那儿?

②The meeting was supposed to take place on Tuesday,but we've had to postpone it.会议本应该在周二召开的,但我们不得不将它推迟了。

[名师点津] suppose/supposing(that)以及assuming(that),providing/provided (that),given(that)可以作连词,引导条件状语从句,意为“如果,假如”表示一种假设条件。 ③Suppose/Supposing(that) your car should break down on the road,what would you do then?



如果你能提前了解一下唐朝的历史,你就会更好地理解唐诗。(2017·全国卷Ⅰ) ①(普通表达)If you can learn something about the history of Tang Dynasty in advance,you will understand the Tang Poems better.

②(高级表达)Suppose/Supposing(that) you can learn something about the history of Tang Dynasty in advance,you will understand the Tang Poems better. switch vt.切换,转换 vi.转换 n.开关,电闸,转换

[教材原句] Then I get up,go downstairs and switch on the TV in the living room. 接着我起床,下楼,打开起居室的电视。

?off 切断;关掉,关上(1)switch? over 转换频道;转变?(...)to... (把??)变换/转移到??(2)make a switch 进行改变 ①Switch off when you've finished using the electric typewriter.电动打字机用完后,要关掉开关。

②The switch to a free market economy will not be easy.向自由市场经济转变并不容易。




①Please switch off the lights as/when you leave.

on 把开关打开,接通②Please turn off the lights as/when you leave. suffer vi.感到疼痛,遭受(痛苦)

[高考佳句] Those who refuse to take that risk selfishly make others suffer.(2017·北京高考)自私地拒绝冒险的那些人使其他人遭受痛苦。 (1)suffer vt. suffer vi. (2)suffering n. sufferer n. 遭受;蒙受,后常接pain,loss,defeat, poverty,hunger等名词作宾语 后常接from,表示“受??折磨; 受??之苦;患某种疾病” [U]痛苦;苦难[pl.]痛苦;苦恼 患者,受害者 ①His leg was broken and he suffered great pain. 他的腿断了,遭受了巨大的痛苦。

②This act hurt the people of all countries that once suffered from Japanese aggression and colonial rule.


③Laws of banning drink-driving have reduced the pain and suffering(suffer) caused by road accidents.

禁止酒驾的法律已经减少了交通事故造成的痛苦。 stand vt.忍耐,忍受;经得起,经受,承受


[一词多义] 写出下列句中stand的含义

①I can't stand people complaining around me when I'm working.忍受 ②Modern plastics can stand very high and very low temperatures.承受

③Hundreds of people were squeezed up against each other in one corner of the stand.看台

④His stand toward the matter has not changed.立场

⑤Is there any way to utilize(使用)this old bus as a hotdog stand?货摊 can't stand doing stand for 定句) 不能容忍做?? 代表;象征;支持;主张;容忍(用于否stand by stand out stand up 站在旁边;袖手旁观;支持 突出 站立;站起来 ⑥He stands out as the best young soccer player in the game.他是比赛中最突出的年轻足球运动员。

[名师点津] stand作“容忍,忍受”讲时,后接动词-ing形式作宾语,常用于否定句和疑问句中,无进行时态,也不用于被动语态。 prefer vt.更喜欢,宁愿

[教材原句] I prefer meeting people in small groups.我比较喜欢和少部分人会面。

(1)prefer doing/to do sth. prefer sth.to sth. prefer sb.to do sth. (2)prefer doing...to doing... =prefer to do...rather than do... =would do...rather than do... =would rather do...than do... (3)preference n. have a preference for... 相比于??更喜欢做?? 喜爱,偏爱 偏爱?? 更喜欢做某事 喜欢某物胜过某物 宁愿某人做某事 ①Most students prefer to get up late in the morning. 大多数学生更喜欢早晨晚起床。

②Nowadays many children prefer surfing(surf)the Internet at home to taking exercise outdoors.


③I'm quite satisfied,and I prefer to rent(rent)such an apartment rather than buy one.我非常满意,与其买房子我更愿意去租一套这样的房子。 [名师点津] (1)prefer不用于进行时态。 (2)prefer相当于like better,所以prefer不可与比较级连用。



知道你喜欢中国文化,我邀请你参观中国剪纸艺术展。(2017·全国卷Ⅱ) ①(普通表达)Knowing that you love Chinese culture,I invite you to see the Chinese paper-cutting exhibition.(love)

②(高级表达)Knowing that you have a preference for Chinese culture,I invite you to see the Chinese paper-cutting exhibition.(preference) design n.& vt.设计;安排;图案;意图;计划

[高考佳句] They pump out perfumes designed to attract different insects who are natural enemies to the attackers.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)它们散发出气味意在吸引不同的昆虫,这些昆虫是袭击者的天敌。 (1)be designed for... be designed to do.../as... (2)by design=on purpose (3)designer n. 为??设计 为某目的或用途而制造或设计 故意 设计者 ①Do you think the building was burnt down by accident or by design? 你认为大楼被烧是意外事故,还是有意为之?

②The method is specifically designed for use in small groups.这方法是专为小组活动设计的。



①(普通表达)This building is designed for weddings and other celebrations and it's beautiful.

(高级表达)This building designed for weddings and other celebrations is beautiful.(过去分词短语作定语)

②Most of these rabbits change their fur color from white in winter to brown in summer and each is designed to give them better cover from predators.

(高级表达)Most of these rabbits change their fur color from white in winter to brown in summer,each designed to give them better cover from predators.(黑体部分改为独立主格结构)


go off (铃、爆竹等)响;爆炸;离开;(食物等)变质;变差 [一词多义] 写出下列句中go off的含义 ①Fireworks are going off all over the city.响

②But footsteps can be muddied and they can go off in different directions.(2016·天津高考·阅读理解)离开

③Meat goes off quickly in hot weather.变质 go against go ahead go over go through 反对,违背;不利于 开始;进行 复习;检查 浏览;经历;仔细检查 ④If you go against nature,it will punish you. 如果你违背了大自然,它就会惩罚你。

⑤John went through his pockets looking for the keys.约翰翻遍了他的衣袋找钥匙。

take up 拿起;接受;学着做/开始做;继续;占用(时间);占据(空间)

[一词多义] 写出下列句中take up的含义

①You should take up my suggestion and start saving money.接受 ②She took up the receiver and began to dial the number.拿起 ③They have taken up golf.学着做

④She took up the story where Tim had left off.继续 take on take off take down take back ⑤His voice took on a more serious tone. 他说话的语气变得严肃起来。

⑥Reporters took down every word of his speech. 记者把他演讲中讲的每一句话都记录了下来。

呈现;具有 起飞 记下 收回(说过的话) ⑦OK,I take it all back.

好吧,我把我说过的话统统收回。 come up with 提出;想出

[高考佳句] So how can you come up with brilliant daydreams and avoid falling over tree roots or otherwise looking like a fool?(2015·北京高考·阅读七选五)那么你如何想出精彩的白日梦,避免被树根绊倒或看起来像个傻瓜? come about come across come out come up come on come to when it comes to... 发生;产生 遇见;(偶然)发现;被理解 出版;出来 走近;发生;被提出;被提及 来吧;赶快;进行 (指看法)被想出;共计为 当涉及??;当谈到?? ①How did it come about that you were late for half an hour in such a short trip? 这么短的路程你迟到半小时,怎么回事? ②I'll let you know if anything comes up. 如果发生什么事,我会告诉你的。

③The answer came to her in a flash of inspiration. 她突然灵感闪现,想出答案来了。 at the moment 此刻,目前;那时

[教材原句] At the moment I'm studying medicine at a university.现在我正在一所大学学习医学。 at this/that moment at any moment for the moment for a moment in a moment the moment(that) 这时/那时 随时,马上 目前,暂时 一会儿 马上,过一会儿(常用于将来时) 一??就?? ①In order to make our dream come true our teacher calls on us to meet new challenges at any moment.

