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在一般情况下,邀请有正式与非正式之分。非正式的邀请,通常是以口头形式来表现的。相对而言,它显得要随便一些。正式的邀请,既讲究礼仪,又要设法使被邀请者备忘,故此它多采用书面的形式,即洛阳礼仪活动邀请函的形式。 那么,什么是礼仪活动邀请函?我们要怎样来写作礼仪活动邀请函?






加对象;礼仪活动的时间和地点、联络方式以及其他需要说明的事项。内容根据实际情况填写。 三、礼仪活动邀请函的特点

洛阳礼仪活动邀请函的特点体现在以下四个方面: 礼貌性强。邀请事务使用邀请函表示礼貌。礼貌性是礼仪活动邀请函的最显著的特征和基本原则。这体现在内容的完全的赞美肯定和固定的礼貌用语的使用上,强调双方和谐友好的交往。

感情诚挚。礼仪活动邀请函是为社交服务的专门文书,这使得它能够单纯地、充分地发散友好的感情信息,适宜于在特定的礼仪时机、场合,向礼仪对象表达专门诚挚的感情。 语言简洁明了。礼仪活动邀请函是现实生活中常用的一种日常应用写作文种,要注意语言的简洁明了,看懂就行,文字不要太多太深奥。



在应用写作中礼仪活动邀请函是非常重要的,尤其是社会交际空前广泛和重要的当代社会,写好它可以说至关重要。对礼仪活动邀请函的写法要注意格式和形式两个方面。 首先是结构上写法类似公函。一般格式如下:


尊敬的________________ 您好!

___________单位将于____年____月____日在_________地,举办_____________活动,特邀您参加,谢谢。 请看例文一: 邀请函


我们学会决定于××年×月×日在省城××宾馆举办民间文学理论报告会。恭请您就有关民间文学的现状与发展发表高见。务请拨冗出席。 顺祝 健康!

××省文学研究会 联系人:××× ××年×月×日

这是最常见的、标题只以文种“邀请函”字样出现的范例。 再看例文二: 新春晚会邀请函 ________小姐/先生



话友情、展望将来。如蒙应允,不胜欣喜。 地点:××× 时间:××年×月×日


这里标题除了文种“邀请函”字样外,还出现了事由“新春晚会”。 在一个商业社会里,商务礼仪活动邀请函也出现得越来越普遍。


洛阳XXXXXX公司年终客户答谢会邀请函 尊敬的×××先生/女士:




让我们同叙友谊。共话未来, 迎接来年更多的财富,更多的快乐!

洛阳XXXXXX公司 ×X年×月×日



回执要随邀请函同时发出,并要求按时回复。 由以上各例,我们可以看出礼仪活动邀请函的结构通常由标题、称谓、正文、敬语和落款五部分组成。


略大一些。有时也可以加“事由” ,如“关于参加研讨会的邀请函”。有时还可包括个性化的活动主题标语,如“沟通无限中部六省城市信息化高级论坛邀请函”。

称谓。是对邀请对象的称呼。要顶格写受邀单位名称或个人姓名,后加冒号。要写明对方姓名、职务、职称、学衔。也可以用“ 同志”、“经理”、“教授” 、“先生”、“女士”、“小姐”称呼。通常还要加上“尊敬的”之类定语。





五、写礼仪活动邀请函 要注意的事项





4.邀请事项务必周详,使邀请对象可以有准备而来,也会使活动举办的个人或单位减少一些意想不到的麻烦。 5.邀请函须提前发送,使受邀方有足够的时问对各种事务进行统筹安排。 总之,礼仪活动邀请函属于社会生活使用文书,具有社会公关及礼仪功能。它不仅表示礼貌庄重,也有凭证作用,要写得简明得体,准确文雅。 邀请函大全 邀请函样本


我公司主要生产____ ____ ____等产品,现特邀请您到我公司生产车间及总部参观洽谈业务,望您在百忙之中抽空给予指导,我公司全体员工竭诚欢迎您的到来! 此致 敬礼!

_______公司 呈上 参观邀请函





1. _______________________________________。 2._______________________________________。 3._______________________________________。 4._______________________________________。

5._______________________________________。 亮点纷呈:

●_______________________________________。 ●_______________________________________。 ●_______________________________________。 ·婚礼邀请函 ·宴会邀请函 ·讲座邀请函 ·投标邀请函 ·校庆邀请函 ·生日邀请函 ·活动邀请函 ·英文邀请函


相信20xx年中国最大汽车后市场及零部件展览会一定会让您满载而归,切勿错过世界汽车后市场工行业人士20xx年在广州的这一盛大聚会! 客服专员:________________ 工作手机:________________ E-mail:________________ ________________公司 网址:________________ 商务客户邀请函(中英文) 尊敬的_____ Dear______



Thanks for you and your company supports our hotel as always. We are going to arrange a cocktail party just for you at our newly decorated Sky Lounge on 25th floor, we are looking forward your coming. 时间Time: 地点Location: 联系人Contact person: 联系电话Telephone: 传真Fax: 市场销售部

Sales & Marketing Depart ***酒店 ****8 Hotel 年 月 日 合作邀请函











_________________________________________________; 我们真诚欢迎你积极参与,共谋发展。 垂询电话: 晚会邀请函


精心準备的晚会节目,唱歌、游戏…等,尽情玩乐。 现场备有蛋糕、点心,欢迎各位踊跃参加。 ★日 期_______________________

★时 间_______________________ ★地 点_______________________ 宴会邀请函 ____女士/先生:


时间:__________________________; 地点:__________________________; 活动内容:






; ,,,

__________________________; 晚餐标准888元(不含酒水) 每人交费100元。

第二篇:最新 国家公派留学 邀请函模板大全 邀请函模板 16800字

国家公派留学计划邀请函模板大全 目录:一、由wulishi8整理的模板 二、参考模板 三、CSC规定


Letter of Acceptance for Mr. Lei Shi for the Application of a CSC Grant Applicant: Date of Birth:

Institution of Applicant: Acceptant Institution:

Supervisor: Research field: Proposed starting date: Proposed ending date:

Student’s status: Full time PhD student at XX University Dear Mr. XX,

I am pleased to inform you that you are highly welcome in our Faculty of XX, XX University, as a full time PhD student. The usual duration of the PhD studies is in average XX years. Therefore, the expected period of PhD will be from XX, 2011 to XX, 201X. There are no tuition fees for the PhD program. (If need any other fees, please add them here). And it is my pleasure to write this letter to support your application for the CSC scholarship which would cover the cost of living, travel, medical/dental insurance, etc. for the duration of your stay in the Vienna, and hope it will be approved. You will focus the research on (the research field) and prepare a doctoral thesis with the title “XXX”. I am prepared to supervise you during your PhD studies, and we will provide you all necessary infrastructure and facilities to carry out your research at our department. In addition, based on our contact with you, we believe your English is fluent enough to undertake research

studies in our research environment, and your English level has enough to study in the doctor course in XX University.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any problems.

Yours sincerely, (Title) Address: E-mail: Tel: Fax: Date

二、参考模板(感谢各位虫友,以下为虫友求助鉴定版,恕不一一致谢,点链接可进入相应问题,并附有关键评论) Letter of invitation

This is to certify that Mr XX, born XXXX, a Master of YYYY student at the School of **, ** University, China, is intended to be admitted for advanced research training for the degree of PhD at the Department of **, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, under the provision of obtaining adequate funding from the China Scholarship Council and fulfilling the requirements of Karolinska Institutet. He is anticipated to engage into research activities, which may lead to a degree, within the area of

molecular modeling and simulation of biological systems, with Professor XXX as supervisor. Starting time is expected to be in September 2011 and the PhD should be finished by September 2015

The length of the program at Karolinska Institutet is 4 years, and no tuition fees are charged. Finally, English is the official language used in all Departmental activities, and incoming students should have adequate verbal and writing skills, but there is no formal test or other formal requirement regarding proficiency in the English languager. Yours sincerely,

本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http:///bbs/?tid=2845524 Ms. P***(Born on July 7, 1984) 本人单位 本人地址 Dear Ms. P***,

I like to inform you that you are highly welcome in our Department of *** at the University of *** as a joint training student to do part of your PhD. The appointment will be from October1, 2011 to September 30, 2012.

I am also very willing to co-supervise you in your planed research *** during you stay in ***. As a joint training student,

you will not be charged tuition fees, and a working place, laboratories, microscope, computer and other things, which might be necessary are available.

Furthermore, based on our contact with you, I believe your English is fluent enough to undertake research studies in our research environment.

The stay of you in our department will be of considerable mutual benefit, both through the experience gained while working in a different environment and through working with other scientists on related questions. We had and have ongoing research activities in Asia and your

planed research activities fits very well to our department activities.

I hope that your application to CSC is successful and that we may look forward to welcoming you to *** Yours sincerely, 导师签名 导师头衔

本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http:///bbs/?tid=2812563 还得说明你的生活费是CSC出吧,办签证可能会看 本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http:///bbs/?tid=2812563

Prof. ***

Department of physics Phone: E-mail: February 8, 2010 *** (Born on ***) My adress Dear Ms.**,

I am currently a distinguished professor in the department of physics and the college of

Optics at the University of**. I am a Fellow of ** and the Chair of **of America. My group has been working on **.

I will be happy to host you as a joint-cultivated doctoral student at the

University of** from September 15, 2011 to September 14, 2013. We will provide assistance for your application of the J-1 visa. I will be your supervisor

during your stay. The topic of your study is **. Since you will be a joint student, no tuition

will be charged. Your English should be good enough to communicate both in oral and in writing

with other students in my group and staff at the university. Based on my evaluation, your English satisfies these requirements. To my understanding the China

Scholarship Council will provide you one round-trip international airfare, health insurance and a stipend. We will provide the necessary funds for the supplies required for

you to undertake research in my group.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Yours sincerely, *** 学校地址

joint-cultivated doctoral student 这种表达方式行不行啊?

本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http:///bbs/?tid=2844462 信息基本完整。建议添加你的国内所在院校信息。 joint-cultivated doctoral student表述没问题。 本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http:///bbs/?tid=2844462 外语水平最好不用should be,应该给予肯定,用is 本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http:///bbs/?tid=2844462

Dear xxx,

It is my pleasure to invite you to visit the Department of Engineering, University of Leicester,

as a Visiting Fellow from September 2011-August2 012. We understand that you are presently enrolled in a doctoral programme at visit

at Leicester will be funded by the scholarship

Program from China Scholarship Council, which covers the cost of living, travel and

medical/dental insurance for the duration of your stay in the UK.

Your research at Leicester will be aligned with your current research topic” xxx”.Your host will be and his contact details are: …

Department of Engineering University of Leicester …

We will provide the relevant laboratory facilities, workspace etc. to support your research at

,the University of Leicester will require a reduced bench

the provision of facilities; this fee will be covered by the China Scholarship Council.

We understand that you have passed an English test organised at xxxUniversity at the level

normally required for students pursuing doctoral degrees. I look forward to meeting you at Leicester. Yours sincerely

PROFESSOJRO HNC FOTHERGILL Head,Department of Engineering


上,主要想让大家帮忙看看内容符合要求不,谢谢 本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http:///bbs/?tid=2789686 本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http:///bbs/?tid=2789686 Invitation Letter 4. January 2011 Dear Mis. XX

College of XX , XX University

On behalf of Institute of XX, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, I have the honor to invite you as a research student and a student in a doctor course to our University. The expected period

of visit: 1st October, 2011 – 31st March, 2015.

Purpose of the visit is study on the field of XXX. The title of the research: XXX.

About the tuition, Kyushu University has agreed to support CSC program and intends to meet the Chinese counterpart’s request to waive the entrance and tuition fees. Therefore, the entrance and tuition fees are exempted.

The applicant’s English level has enough to study in the doctor course in Kyushu University. Applicant Information:

Name:XXX Birth date: XX Birth place: China Gender: Female Martial status: Unmarried Current position: student

College of XX , XX University(我现在读大学) 学校地址 Sincerely Yours,

Host supervisor:






本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http:///bbs/?tid=2788936 This is to certify that Mr. Lei Shi can join the doctoral

(PhD) studies at the University of Vienna as from (month year). Mr. Lei Shi will focus his studies on () and prepare a doctoral thesis with the title “XXX”. I am prepared to supervise Mr. Lei Shi during his PhD studies at the faculty of physics, and we will provide Mr. Wen all necessary infrastructure and equipments to carry out his research at our department. There are no tuition fees for the PhD program. (If need any other fees, please add them here). The usual duration of the PhD studies is in average (number) years. The candidate’s English skills have satisfied our requirements. The study time is from October 1st 2011 to April 30th 2015.

In order to prevent omission, the essential information is again listed below. XXXX

后面是信息又一次罗列 然后就是教授签名 地址,联系方法等 谢谢

本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http:///bbs/?tid=2785714 德国教授发过来了,我看了下,漏了点东西,这是修改版,望前辈赐教:

I do agree to accept @@@, born on September 9, 1985, from !!! University as a doctoral candidate in my group. All necessary instrumentations and materials will be available for him. However, our institute is unfortunately not able to give financial support for his personal expenses. Concerning his degrees, there will be no problem to be accepted as a doctoral student by our faculty, which already was confirmed by our bureau of international affairs. When @@@ is in Germany, he only has to pass a routine procedure, to get the formal acceptance from our dean. Thereafter, he additionally can be immatriculated as student, while there are no tuition fees for doctoral students. The registration fees will be about 100 Euros per semester including a ticket for public transport.

Research in my lab focuses on .................. The title of the research project is “%$$#@@#$%*&&”. The duration of the project will start from September 1, 2011 and end August 31, 2014.

本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http:///bbs/?tid=2830072 Furthermore, based on your previous communication with Professor Thomas Pichler, I believe that your English is fluent enough to undertake research studies in our research environment.

Dear xx

I know that you were born on xxx, and now are a Ph. D. Candidate in xxx University from our former communications. I have reviewed your credentials and have determined that both your scientific skills and your English level meet the requirements to complete work at Auburn University. Therefore, I am pleased to invite you to spend 12 months as a joint Candidate under my supervision in School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences at xxx University from September 1, 2011 to August 29, 2012 subject to the success of your CSC scholarship application. As a joint Candidate, you will not be charged tuition fees because you will not take any classes here. During this 12 months period, you will be working on “xxx” as proposed by Dr. xxx and is in alignment with your research plan.

xxx University is a preeminent land-grant and

comprehensive research institution with more than 24,000 students and 6,500 faculty and staff. It is ranked among the top 50 public universities nationally. Auburn offers more than 230 undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degree programs. Please be aware that there are regulations and visa requirements for visiting students and scholars. Additional

information is available on the International Education Office Website: http:///academic/international/oie/ , the United States government website, or

through direct contact with the United States Embassy in China.

It my pleasure to write this letter to support your application for the CSC scholarship. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any problem Yours sincerely, Dr. xxx


本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http:///bbs/?tid=2843137 邀请函中 第4点要求,国外指导老师信息,怎么体现啊??谢谢 了先 Andrew White Professor in Physics Institute for Applied Physics, National University of Sinapore, Tel: XXX Fax:XXX E-mail:XXX Homepage:XXX

本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http:///bbs/?tid=2843045 × × (born: × × × )

College of Materials Science and Engineering, × × University

To whom it may concern:

I herewith invite Mr. × × , born on × × , majoring in Materials Processing Engineering at College of Materials Science and Engineering of × × University, China, to complete his Ph. D course under my supervision in my laboratory at × × University, Japan.

It is expected to take approximately three and a half years from October, 2011 to February, 2015 for him to finish his Ph. D course about the FSW of magnesium alloy. I will provide office and laboratory spaces for him. Our research work focuses on × × × .

The Ph. D course at × × University can be completed in Japanese or in English. I believe his academic ability as well as Japanese and English ability has reached the requirement of admission in × × University.

The scholarship from China Scholarship Council under the program of “National Scholarship for Building High-Level Universities” is essential for his study in × × University. My

lab will provide him tuition fee of 535,800 Japanese Yen per academic year for his PhD course.

I am happy to write this letter to support his application for the CSC scholarship and hope it will be approved. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more information and assistance. 本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http:///bbs/?tid=2842807 It is expected to take approximately three and a half years from October, 2011 to February, 2015 for him to finish his Ph. D course about the FSW of magnesium alloy.

这句表明了留学身份和专业 留学身份PhD course 专业 The FSW of magnesium alloys 本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http:///bbs/?tid=2842807 January 31, 2011 Dear***,

We would like to invite you to come to the Center for ** at the ** School at the University of Pennsylvania as a visiting scholar from August 15, 2011 to June 30, 2012.

We look forward to working with you on your research on ****. We will gladly assist you in facilitating your needs as a Visiting Scholar while at Penn. During your stay at the University of Pennsylvania, we will arrange for you to have access to the Annenberg School library and other research

libraries on the Penn campus. We will also facilitate your sitting in on classes as part of the visiting scholarship. During your visit we expect you to consult with me and other Penn faculty members and interact with Annenberg PhD students. We would also like you to take advantage of your visit to meet and collaborate with other professors and students at the Annenberg School.

Per the arrangements our center provides to visiting scholars, there are no fees or tuition costs that pertain to your time as a visiting scholar at the Annenberg School and you are responsible for covering all expenses incurred during your visit. Please feel free to contact my assistant with any questions via email at *** or by phone at ***. Thanks. Sincerely, ````` Director Center for ****

本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http:///bbs/?tid=2839218 1.日期可以和导师商量后调整; 2.英语水平和出生年月日要注明;


4.官方说法是visiting student 或visiting researcher 或类似表达,文件说visiting scholar 不行,

但是又有这样说通过了的,我的上面用的是visiting research student;


本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http:///bbs/?tid=2839218 三、CSC规定:



攻读博士学位研究生申请人,如因拟留学院校(单位)行政审批手续规定限制,在申请截止时间前无法出具正式入学通知,则须出具使用拟留学院校(单位)专用信纸打印并由对方主管部门负责人/导师签字的明确意向入学通知。 (2)攻读博士学位研究生申请人提交的入学通知,应为无条件入学通知(unconditional offer),但不包括如下条件: a.入学通知在申请人取得国家留学基金资助后方可生效;



课程后可继续攻读博士学位(申请硕博连读申请人)。 (3)邀请信/入学通知中应包含以下内容:


b.留学身份:攻读博士学位研究生或联合培养博士生。 c.留学时间:应明确起止年月。 d.国外指导教师信息。

e.留学专业或受邀人拟在国外从事主要学习/研究工作。 f.所需费用及数额:例如,须交纳的学费、注册费等有关费用名称和数额。




(5)如申请的留学基金委与国外高校/机构合作项目对邀请信/入学通知有特殊要求,则根据具体项目规定执行。 8、收取学费明细表、免学费或获得学费资助证明复印件或有关学习费用证明复印件(申请学费资助人员需提交) 如在提交的邀请信复印件/入学通知复印件中未注明留




c.国外拟留学院校(单位)出具的需要收取学费/其他费用明细表复印件和同意提供Research Assistant或Teaching Assistant职位,且工资总计足以支付学费/其他费用(如注册费等)的证明。





c.国外拟留学院校(单位)出具的需要收取学费/其他费用明细表复印件和同意提供Research Assistant或Teaching Assistant职位,且工资总计足以支付学费/其他费用(如注册费等)的证明。


