电子商务对传统零售业的影响及对策研究 - 图文

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重庆邮电大学 毕业设计(论文)

设计(论文)题目: 电子商务对传统零售业的影响及对策研究

学 院 名 称 : 学 生 姓 名 : 专 业 : 班 级 : 学 号 : 指 导 教 师 : 答辩组 负责人 :


曹瑞敏 市场营销 3190901 2009214637 黄学锦

填表时间: 2013 年 5 月 重庆邮电大学教务处制


摘 要





【关键词】电子商务 传统零售业 经营模式 创新




The traditional retail sales enterprise starts from 2011 year on to face the high

cost, the high competition, the resources monopoly, the low repayment continuously, difficult to expand and so on the difficult problems. Also the traditional retail enterprises return rate more and lower, costs are getting higher and higher, so it is difficult to expand. In addition to the above difficulties and pressure, the next five to ten years, the traditional retail industry will usher in a large number of stores, property lease expires, lease cost costs rising, or even rent growth rate will reach 30%-50%. The traditional retail industry will usher in the most intense competition in ten years. The industry's future is full of variables. Of course, the challenge also has the opportunity; Chinese traditional retail industry is also faced with many development opportunities, in 2012 year.

This paper choose our traditional retail industry and electronic commerce as the study object, Starting from the basic theory, Combining data and through analysis of the status of .Then the following closely by the traditional retail trade and the electronic commerce most typical two enterprises took the example and In-depth analysis of they advantages and disadvantages. Combine speculative knowledge, analysis to the traditional retail trade and electronic commerce SWOT. Objective is to comparative analysis the influence of Electronic Commerce on the traditional retailing, in order to the development of Chinese traditional retail industry more healthy to provide theoretical basis and empirical support. The different traditional retail sales enterprise, according to own situation, chooses the different transition model, the chain-like pattern as well as the electronic commerce development pattern.

This paper in-depth analysis what influence of the Electronic Commerce on the traditional retail. Find out the development model for China traditional retail industry, providing reference basis for Chinese traditional retail enterprises. Be directed against traditional retail industry problems put forward three countermeasures. In the end, for the development mode of Chinese traditional retail industry, facing electronic commerce should take measures were summarized. Hope



that our country in the development of traditional retail e-commerce model and chain operation can use this article as part of the reference.

【Key words】The traditional retail trade E-commerce Management model problem analysis Countermeasure research



目 录

传统零售业的概述及与电子商务的现状分析................................... 2

传统零售业的概述........................................................................ 2 传统零售业的定义........................................................................ 2 传统零售业的业态模式................................................................ 2 传统零售业与电子商务的现状分析............................................ 4 对比发展概况................................................................................ 4 传统零售业现状分析.................................................................... 4 电子商务现状分析........................................................................ 6 传统零售业发展特点及存在问题................................................ 9 发展特点........................................................................................ 9 存在问题........................................................................................ 9 本章小结...................................................................................... 10 电子商务对传统零售的影响.............................................................. 11

电子商务与传统零售业对比分析............................................... 11 典型企业对比分析....................................................................... 11 电子商务与传统零售业的SWOT对比分析 ............................ 15 电子商务对传统零售业的影响.................................................. 16 市场地域限制更明显.................................................................. 16 中间商地位下降.......................................................................... 16 电子的发展对传统零售业形成直接竞争.................................. 17 电商新商业模式冲击.................................................................. 18 本章小结...................................................................................... 19 电子商务背景下传统零售业的对策与创新..................................... 20

利用自身优势创新...................................................................... 20 传统零售业再定位...................................................................... 20 运用高新技术实现知识管理...................................................... 21 发展连锁化经营.......................................................................... 21 发展电子商务.............................................................................. 22

一、 二、 三、 第二节

一、 二、 第二节

一、 二、 三、 四、 第三节

一、 二、 第二节

一、 二、 三、 第三节

一、 二、 第四节 第一节

前 言........................................................................................................................ 1 第一章






