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( 1 )

Weddings ceremonies in the United States vary as much as the people do. But many weddings, no matter where or how they are performed, include certain traditional customs. For instance, the bride and groom often exchange rings at the ceremony. The rings are usually worn on the fourth finger of the left hand, and are exchanged in the middle of the ceremony. Today, the ring shows the couple’s love for one another.

After the ceremony, the couple is often showered with handfuls of uncooked rice by friends and family. Rice, as we know, shows productivity and harvest. And then, there is often a party, where the food is so plentiful that it almost takes the attention away from the people. Soon the bride stands in the center of the room, often on a chair, and throws her flowers to the unmarried women at the party. Tradition says that whoever catches the flowers will be the next bride. Some women eagerly try to catch the flower; others shy away.

And then it is time for the bride and groom to set off the tradition of a honeymoon, a trip after the wedding. The trip nowadays varies greatly by wealth, time and preference. Sometimes the couple will spend a single night at a nearby hotel; or they may spend two weeks at a faraway foreign city as well.

1. According to the passage, _____________.

A. American wedding ceremonies are somewhat traditional

B. American wedding ceremonies provide a lot of flowers

C. American wedding ceremonies are preferable

D. American wedding ceremonies are magnificent

2. According to the passage, what does the sentence “no matter where or how they are performed” (Para. 1) really mean?

A. The wedding ceremonies may be held everywhere.

B. The wedding ceremonies may be held at any time.

C. The wedding ceremonies may be held in different ways and places.

D. The wedding ceremonies may be held in any way.

3. The word “showered” (in Para. 2) probably means _______.

A. dressed

B. scattered

C. provided

D. touched

4. From the passage, we can safely conclude that ______.

A. American couples hold traditional wedding ceremonies.

B. American couples hold fashionable wedding ceremonies.

C. American couples go on expensive honeymoon trips.

D. American couples exchange rings after the honeymoon.


5. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A. Weddings in North America

B. Weddings in America

C. Wedding Ceremonies

D. Wedding Traditions


The fridge is considered a necessity. It has been so since the 1960s when packaged food first appeared with the label: "store in the refrigerator".

In my fridgeless Fifties childhood, I was fed well and healthily. The milkman came daily, the grocer, the butcher, the baker, and the ice-cream man delivered two or three times a week. The Sunday meat would last until Wednesday and surplus(剩余的) bread and milk became all kinds of cakes. Nothing was wasted, and we were never troubled by rotten food. Thirty years on, food deliveries have ceased; fresh vegetables are almost unobtainable in the country.

The invention of the fridge contributed comparatively little to the art of food preservation.

A vast way of well-tried techniques already existed — natural cooling, drying, smoking, salting, sugaring, bottling ...

What refrigeration did promote was marketing — marketing hardware and electricity, marketing

soft drinks, marketing dead bodies of animals around the globe in search of a good price.

Consequently, most of the world's fridges are to be found, not in the tropics where they might prove useful, but in the wealthy countries with mild temperatures where they are climatically almost unnecessary. Every winter, millions of fridges hum away(不断地嗡嗡作响) continuously, and at vast expense, busily maintain an artificially-cooled space inside and artificially-heated house —while outside, nature provides the desired temperature free of charge.

The fridge's effect upon the environment has been evident, while its contribution to human happiness has been insignificant. If you don't believe me, try it yourself, invest in a food cabinet

(橱柜)and turn off your fridge next winter. You may miss the hamburgers, but at least you’ll

get rid of that terrible hum.

6. The statement “In my fridgeless Fifties childhood, I was fed well and healthily.” (Para. 2) suggest that____________ .

A. the author was well-fed and healthy even without a fridge in his fifties

B. the author was not accustomed to using fridges even in his fifties

C. there was no fridge in the author's home in the 1950s

D. the fridge was in its early stage of development in the 1950s

7. Why does the author say that nothing was wasted before the invention of fridges?

A. People would not buy more food than was necessary.

B. Food was delivered to people two or three times a week.

C. Food was sold fresh and did not get rotten easily.

D. People had effective ways to preserve their food.

8. Who benefited the least from fridges according to the author?

A. Inventors.

B. Consumers.

C. Manufacturers.

D. Traveling salesmen(巡回推销员).

9. Which of the following phrases in Para.5 indicates the fridge's negative effect on the environment?

A. "Hum away continuously".

B. "Climatically almost unnecessary".


C. "Artificially-cooled space".

D. "With mild temperatures".

10. What is the author's overall attitude toward fridges?

A. Neutral.

B. Critical.

C. Objective.

D. Compromising.


Not so long ago almost any student who successfully completes a university degree or diploma course could find a good career quite easily. However, those days are gone, even in Hong Kong, and nowadays graduates often face strong competition in the search for jobs.

Job seekers first have to make a careful assessment of their own abilities. One area of assessment should be of their academic qualifications, which would include special skills within their subject area. Graduates should also consider their own personal values and attitudes, or the relative importance to themselves of such matters as money, security, leadership and caring for others.

The second stage is to study the opportunities available for employment and to think about how

the general employment situation is likely to develop in the future. After studying all the various options, they should be in a position to make informed comparisons between various careers.

Job application forms and letters should, of course, be filled in carefully and correctly, without grammar or spelling errors.

When graduates are asked to attend for interview, they should prepare properly by finding out

all they can about the prospective employer. Dressing suitably and arriving for the interview on time are also obviously important. Interviewees should try to give positive and helpful answers and should not be afraid to ask questions about anything they are unsure about. This is much better than pretending to understand a question and giving an unsuitable answer.

There will always be good career opportunities for people with ability, skills and determination;

the secret to securing a good job is to be one of them.

11. In Para.1, the sentence "... those days are gone, even in Hong Kong ..." suggest that____________.

A. in the past, finding a good career was easier in Hong Kong than elsewhere

B. nowadays, everyone in Hong Kong has an equal chance of finding a good career

C. it used to be harder to find a good job in Hong Kong than in other countries

D. Hong Kong is no longer the good place for finding jobs

12. The word "relative" in Para. 2 could best be replaced by "____________".

A. family

B. comparative

C. considerable

D. slight

13. The advice given in the first sentence of Para.3 is to____________.

A. find out what jobs are available and the opportunities for future promotion

B. examine the careers available and how these will be affected in the future

C. look at the information on, and probable future location of, various careers

D. study the opportunities and the kinds of training that will be available

14. The word "prospective" in Para. 5 is closest in meaning to "____________".

A. generous

B. reasonable


C. future

D. ambitious

15. In Para.5, the writer seems to suggest that____________.

A. interviewees should ask a question if they can't think of an answer

B. pretending to understand a question is better than giving an unsuitable answer

C. it is better for interviewees to be honest than to pretend to understand

D. it is not a good idea for interviewees to be completely honest in their answers


1. He told me how he had given me shelter and food without which I_____ of hunger.

A. would have died

B. would die

C. would be died

D. will die

2. If only the committee___ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.

A. approve

B. would approve

C. can approve

D. sill approve

3. It is vital that enough money_____ to fund the subject.

A. be collected

B. must be collected

C. is collected

D. can be collected

4. The more he tried to help her, _______ she seemed to appreciate it.

A. less

B. the less

C. the least

D. the lesser

5. Frank plays ________ Alex.

A. a lot more better than

B. a lot better than

C. much more better than

D. much more well than

6. It makes no difference to me ______ he will come or not.

A. how

B. why

C. when

D. whether

7. ______is unknown to me.

A. Where he is

B. Where is he

C. He is where

D. Is he where

8. The question________ finally,we went home.

A. to be settled

B. settling

C. having settled

D. settled

9. ________,they made their way through the street.

A. He guided With his guiding C. He is guiding D. He had guided

10. I can’t do my homework with all this noise________.

A. is going on

B. to go on

C. gone on

D. going on

11. Hans has a new car. I wonder when____________it.

A. he bought

B. did he buy

C. buys

D. he is buying

12.I have not found my book yet. In fact, I'm not sure ____________ I could have done with it.

A. if

B. whether

C. how

D. what


13.The reason I plan to go is ____________if I don't.

A. because she will be unhappy

B. that she will be unhappy

C. what she will be unhappy

D. for she will be unhappy

14.The music was so loud. That's ____________he left the party so early.

A. how

B. why

C. what

D. when

15.Do you know ____________?

A. when does the party start

B. whether the party starts

C. what time the party starts

D. if the party starts

16.I didn't remember his name____________after I had greeted him.

A. when

B. as

C. until

D. while

17.The instruments of the older factory____________.

A. is as good or better than the new one

B. are as good or better than the new one

C. is as good as or better than those of the new one

D. are as good as or better than those of the new one

18. ____________he works hard, I don't mind when he finishes the experiment.

A. As soon as

B. As well as

C. So far as

D. So long as

19.We'll visit Europe next year ____________we have enough money.

A. provided

B. unless

C. until

D. lest

20.Most of the stones are____________ a man and weigh about two and a half tons each.

A. more high

B. much more high

C. higher more

D. higher than

三、交际用语(此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请你从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。) 10%

1. — You’d better take the umbrella with you. It looks like it’s going to rain.

— ____________________________.

A. It’s hard to believe.


B. You may be right. Thank you for reminding me.

C. It’s quite unusual.

D. I think you are too sensitive.

2. — There’s a big party at the students’ center tonight. Are you going with us?

— _____________________________.

A. It’s none of my business.

B. I’d love to,but I have to catch up with my maths assignment.

C. I’ve never had the chance to go there.

D. It’s beyond my expectation.

3. — So, what do you think of the dress? It’s in your price range.

— ___________________.

A. Well, I’m afraid I can’t afford it.

B. Sorry, I don’t want to buy any dress.

C. Sorry. Can you buy it yourself?

D. Well, it’s a bit off but it certainly looks nice.

4. — Are you looking forward to going home for the summer?


A. Yes, I do.

B. No, I don't.

C. I'm counting the days.

D. I'm so worried about the final.

5. — How do you like the country life here so far?


A. There is nothing special.

B. It looks like boring.

C. It's too far from the city.

D. It's quite different from what I expected.


The soft handwriting reflected a thoughtful soul and insightful mind. In the front of the book,he discovered the previous owner’s name,Miss Hollis Maynell(霍利斯·梅纳尔小姐). With time and effort he located her address. She lived in New York City. He wrote her a letter introducing himself and inviting her to correspond. The next day he was shipped overseas for service in World War II.










( 1 )

Dream is a story that a person “watches” or even takes part in during sleep. Dream events are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamer’s life. They seem re al while they are taking place. Some dreams are pleasant, others are annoying, and still others are frightening.

Everyone dreams, but some persons never recall dreaming. Others remember only a little about a dream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams. No one recalls all his dreams.

Dreams involve little logical thought. In most dreams, the dreamer cannot control what happens to him. The story may be confusing, and things happen that would not happen in real life. People see in most dreams, but they may also hear, smell, touch, and taste in their dreams. Most dreams occur in color, but persons who have been blind since birth do not see at all in dreams.

Dreams are a product of the sleeper’s mind. They include events and feelings tha t he has experienced. Most dreams are related to events of the day before the dream and strong wishes of the dreamer. Many minor incidents of the hours before sleep appear in dreams. Few events more than two days old turn up. Deep wishes or fears——especially those held since childhood——often appear in dreams, and many dreams fulfill such wishes. Events in the sleeper’s surrounding——a loud noise, for example, may become part of a dream, but they do not cause dreams.

Some dreams involve deep feelings that a person may not realize he has. Psychiatrists(精神病医生) often use material from a patient’s dreams to help the person understand himself better.

Dreaming may help maintain good learning ability, memory, and emotional adjustment. People who get plenty of sleep——but are awakened each time they begin to dream——become anxious and restless.

1. This passage is mainly about _________.

A. why we dream during sleep

B. how we dream during sleep

C. what dreams are

D. what benefits dreams bring to people

2. According to the passage, dreams result from ______.

A. the sleeper’s wishes

B. the sleeper’s imagination

C. the sleeper’s feeling

D. the sleeper’s own mind

3. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Dream is a confusing story which involves little logic thought

B. Dream is related to the dream er’s real life.

C. Dream is an imaginary store which seems real while taking place.

D. Dream involves events that always happen in real life.

4. This passage suggests that psychiatrists are _________.

A. trying to help the dreamer recall his earlier dreams


B. trying to make the sleeper dream logically

C. studying the benefits of dreams

D. helping the sleeper fulfill his dream

5. We may infer from the passage that dreaming _______.

A. is beneficial to people

B. disturbs people’s life

C. makes people always restless

D. deprives people of good sleep


For any Englishman, there can never be any discussion as to who is the world's greatest dramatist (剧作家). Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him: that of William Shakespeare. Every Englishman has some knowledge, however slight, of the work of our greatest writer. All of us use words, phrases and quotations from Shakespeare's writings that have become part of the common property of the English-speaking people. Most of the time we are probably unaware of the source of the words we used, rather like the old lady who was taken to see a performance of Hamlet and complained that it was full of well-known proverbs and quotations.

Shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, makes full use of the great resources of the English language. Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal use of English; Shakespeare in his works used about twenty-five thousand.

There is probably no better way for a foreigner to appreciate the richness, and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare used it. Such a study is well worth the effort (it is not, of course, recommended to beginners) even though some aspects of English usage, and the meaning of many words, have changed since Shakespeare's day.

6. English people _______.

A. have never discussed who is the world's greatest dramatist

B. never discuss any issue concerning the world's greatest dramatist

C. are sure who is the world's greatest dramatist

D. do not care who is the world's greatest poet and dramatist

7. Every Englishman knows _______.

A. mote or less about Shakespeare

B. Shakespeare, but only slightly

C. all Shakespeare's writings

D. only the name of the greatest English writer

8. Which of the following is true?

A. We use all the words, phrases and quotations from Shakespeare's writings.

B. Shakespeare's writings have become the property of those who are learning to speak English.

C. It is likely to be true that people often do not know the origins of the words they use.

D. All the words people use are taken from the writings of Shakespeare.

9. What does the word "proverb" mean?

A. Familiar sayings.

B. Shakespeare's plays.

C. Complaints.

D. Actors and actresses.

10. Why is it worthwhile to study the various ways in which Shakespeare used English?

A. English words have changed a lot since Shakespeare's time.

B. By doing so one can be fully aware of the richness of the English language.

C. English words are now being used in the same way as in Shakespeare's time.

D. Beginners may have difficulty learning some aspects of English usage.



Although America is such a huge country, traveling is really very quick and easy. There are three ways to get across the country without a car:planes, trains and buses. Air travel is the most expensive of the three but in many ways the easiest and most comfortable. There are hundreds of flights a day crossing the country, and it is easy to make a reservation(预订). Traveling by train is cheaper than by airplane. But it costs more than by bus and there are few passenger(旅客)trains. On the trains there are dining cars and bars where meals are served quickly. If you are spending the night on the train you can pay for a "roomette" which is a small room with a bed and a toilet. The most inexpensive way to travel is by bus. There are fast bus services between cities, for example, the Greyhound Bus Service. You can buy special tickets that allow you unlimited travel for a certain period of time. In this way you can stop along the way to visit the places that interest you most.

If you need to travel long distances frequently, however, you'll have to decide which way is the most suitable for you. Hardly anyone can positively enjoy sitting in a train for more than a few hours. It is almost impossible to take your mind off the journey. Reading is only a partial solution. During the day, sleep comes in snatches(瞬间). At night, when you really wish to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so. Inevitably you arrive at you destination almost exhausted. Long car journeys are even less pleasant, for it is quite impossible even to read. On motorways you can, at least, travel safely at high speeds, but the greater part of the journey is spent on narrow, bumpy roads that are crowded with traffic.

By comparison, trip by sea offers a great variety of civilized comforts. You can stretch your legs on the spacious decks(甲板),play games, swim, meet interesting people and enjoy good food. However, if the sea is rough, you are likely to get seasick. Even if you travel in ideal weather, sea journeys take a long time.

11. If you want to travel easily and comfortably, you should choose to go____________.

A. by sea

B. by plane

C. by train

D. by bus

12. Compared with air travel, traveling by train____________.

A. is cheap but comfortable

B. is not so easily available

C. offer better and quicker meals

D. requires you to pay for a "roomette"

13.Which of the following is the advantage of bus service?

A. It's the cheapest and least comfortable way of traveling.

B. It allows passengers to travel between different cities.

C. It sells special tickets that make it convenient for passengers to take.

D. It travels safely at high speeds.

14.The second paragraph mainly talks about____________.

A. the way of traveling you had better choose

B. what you can do on your journey to kill the time

C. reading and sleep on your journey when you travel by train and by bus

D. the disadvantages of traveling by train and by bus

15.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about trip by sea?

A. You can find more space to stretch yourself.


B. You have different choices to enjoy yourself.

C. You should have enough time and prepare for seasickness.

D. You should never travel in bad weather.


1. All things________,the planned trip will have to be called off.

A. considering

B. be considered

C. considered

D. having considered

2. The speech________,a lively discussion started.

A. to be delivered

B. was delivered

C. be delivered

D. having been delivered

3. The temperature________,the chemical reaction is being speeded up.

A. raised

B. being risen

C. rising

D. raising

4. The country is faced with great problems,starvation________ the top of them.

A. has been

B. is

C. being

D. is being

5. That tree looked as if it______ for a long time.

A. hasn’t watered

B. hadn’t been watered

C. didn’t water

D. wasn’t watered

6. The young driver looked over the engine carefully lest it______ on the way.

A. goes wrong

B. should go wrong

C. went wrong

D. would go wrong

7. I’d rather you______ make any comment on the issue for the time being.

A. don’t

B. wouldn’t

C. shouldn’t

D. didn’t

8. I wish I______ longer this morning,but I had to get up and come to class.

A. could have slept

B. slept

C. might have slept

D. have slept

9. ______we need more practice is quite clear.

A. What

B. That

C. Which

D. When

10. ______you don’t like him is none of my business.

A. What

B. Who

C. That

D. Whether

11.The country is faced with great problems, starvation____________the top of them.

A. has been

B. is

C. Being

D. is being

12.The soldiers jumped into the river____________past their ears.

A. with bullets whistling

B. with bullets whistled

C. with bullets to whistle

D. with bullets being whistling

13.He told me the news____________our team had won the game.

A. about


B. of

C. As

D. that

14.No one was aware____________Jane had gone.

A. where that

B. of the place

C. of where

D. the place

15.I wonder how many years ago____________.

A. did your father retire

B. your father retired

C. has your father retired

D. your father has retired

16. Mrs. Lee will move into her new house next Monday, ____________it will be completely furnished.

A. by that time

B. by the time

C. by which time

D. by some time

17.The village____________my mother grew up in is not far from the city.

A. what

B. where

C. which

D. wherever

18.The company official ____________ I thought would be fired received a raise.

A. whom

B. whoever

C. who

D. which

19.The machine is such ____________I have never seen before.

A. what

B. as

C. when

D. where

20.The International Studies University, ____________in 1951, is a military academy.

A. founded

B. has been founded

C. to have been founded

D. was founded


四个选项中,选出最佳选项。) 10%

1. — The movie last night was really interesting.

— ____________________________.

A. But it was difficult to understand.

B. I went to the movie,too.

C. I couldn’t agree with you more.

D. It sounds good.


2. — Do you know John’s new address? Here’s his mail and I want to send it to him.

— ___________________.

A. Sorry, I don’t think I will do this.

B. Well, we used to be roommates.

C. Well, we will never meet again.

D. Sorry, we didn’t get along before he moved.

3. —I’d like to talk to Professor Li, please.

— ____________

A. Oh, you have bad luck.

B. He's stepped out of the office for a little while.

C. I'm sorry that it's too late.

D. Who are you, please?

4.— Why are you interested in working for our company?


A. Because I need to support my family.

B. Because your company has a good reputation.

C. Because I just graduated from university.

D. Because you can give me a high salary.

5. — Are you looking forward to going home for the summer?


A. Yes, I do.

B. No, I don't.

C. I'm counting the days.

D. I'm so worried about the final.


Life in many other areas of the world tends to move at a different pace and value different ideals than in your own culture. Savor the chance to get away from the familiar and learn from people that have an entirely different background and preconceptions. Keep in mind that everyone has preconceptions. We just usually do not think about them since they inform and guide us all the time without us consciously referencing them.










Ask three people to look out the same window at a busy street corner and tell you what they see. Chances are that you will receive three different answers. Each person sees the same scene, but each perceives something different about it.

Perceiving goes on in our minds. Of the three people who look out the window, one may say that he sees a policeman giving a motorist a ticket. Another may say that he sees a rush-hour traffic jam at the intersection. The third may say that he sees a woman trying to cross the street with four children in tow. For perception is the mind’s interpretation of what the senses — in this case our eyes — tell us.

Many psychologists today are working to try to determine just how a person experiences or perceives the world around him. Using a scientific approach, these psychologists set up experiments in which they can control all of the factors. By measuring and charting the results of many experiments, they are trying to find out what makes different people perceive totally different things about the same scene.

1.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. Perceiving has nothing to do with seeing.

B. Perceiving differs from seeing.

C. Seeing is closely connected to perceiving.

D. Seeing has much to do with perceiving.

2.The phrase "with four children in tow" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to "____________".

A. with four children following closely behind her

B. with four children tied to each other with a rope

C. with four children dragging a rope held by her

D. with four children dragged in a small cart

3.According to the passage, perceiving is an action ____________.

A. that tells us information through our eyes

B. that gives us senses in the mind

C. that explains what our senses tell us

D. that makes our mind different

4.The psychologists are trying to draw their conclusion____________.

A. by asking different people to tell how they perceive the same scene

B. by using a scientific approach in setting up their experiments

C. by determining how a person experiences the world around him

D. by measuring and charting the results of many experiments

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Different people may perceive the same scene in a different way.

B. That a policeman gives a motorist a ticket means the motorist is fined.

C. No people share the same perception when they are asked to see the same scene.

D. The psychologists can control all of the factors in their experiments.


The average family spends about one-sixth of its income on food. Because food is expensive, it is important to spend money wisely when you shop. Here are some hints to help you shop better.

Buy only the food that you need. There are several ways to avoid buying extra food. First, make a shopping list before you go to the store. Then when you are at the store, follow your list carefully. Furthermore, do not go shopping if you are hungry. When you are hungry, food looks very delicious


and you want to buy more than you need. Finally, go shopping alone if you can. If you shop with young children, they often ask you to buy unnecessary food like candy.

When you have a selection, choose the least expensive brand of a product. There are three points

to remember when you buy a can of tomatoes, for example. First, look at the advertisements in the newspaper to see if your supermarket is having a special on canned tomatoes. In addition, when you

are in the store you should check the price per pound of tomatoes. Sometimes you save money if you

buy the larger size can; sometimes, however, you do not. Remember that a grade A product or a more expensive product is not necessarily more healthful than a grade B or less expensive product. Grade

A tomatoes may look better, but all canned tomatoes have the same nutrients.

Shoppers seem to have special difficulties when they buy fresh fruits and vegetables. There are several things to consider when buying fresh foods. Because fresh foods spoil if not used, you have

to buy the correct amount for the number of people you are serving. Remember that a pound of peas

in their pod is only two to three servings, but a pound of string beans is enough for six servings.

In addition, plan to use fresh foods that are in season because fresh foods are generally less expensive when they are in season. Finally, choose fruits and vegetables that have a bright, fresh color. A good color is often a sign that the food has a lot of vitamins. Careful shoppers try to get as many nutrients as they can for each dollar.

6. The passage mainly tells us____________.

A. how to be a good housekeeper

B. how to get more nutrients with less money

C. how the average family should spend its money

D. how to spend money wisely on food

7.The disadvantage of going shopping when one is hungry is that____________.

A. one will have a better appetite

B. one will like delicious food more

C. one will buy more food than one can eat

D. one will buy unnecessary food like candy

8.If you are not sure which to choose because there are different brands of the same food, remember____________.

A. to look for a discount on canned tomatoes

B. to check the price per pound of tomatoes

C. to buy the larger size to save money

D. that the more expensive does not necessarily do more good to health

9.When one buys fresh fruits and vegetables, all the following should be avoided EXCEPT____________.

A. paying more attention to nutrition than to price

B. buying a larger amount of fruits and vegetables than necessary

C. preferring fresh fruits and vegetables that are out of season

D. choosing fruits and vegetables that do not look bright

10.According to the author, vegetables and fruits that are in season____________.

A. are easy to spoil

B. are cheap and easily available

C. have a bright, fresh color

D. have enough vitamins and nutrients



Like many of my generation, I have a weakness for hero worship. At some point, however, we all begin to question our heroes and our need for them. This leads us to ask: What is a hero?

Despite huge differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics that instruct and inspire people.

A hero does something worth talking about. A hero has a story of adventure to tell and a community who will listen. But a hero goes beyond mere fame.

Heroes serve powers or principles larger than themselves. Like high-voltage transformers (变压器), heroes take the energy of higher powers and step it down so that it can be used by ordinary people.

The hero lives a life worthy of imitation. Those who imitate a genuine hero experience life with new depth, enthusiasm, and meaning. A sure test for would-be heroes is what or whom do they serve? What are they willing to live and die for? If the answer or evidence suggests they serve only their own fame, they may be famous persons but not heroes. Madonna and Michael Jackson are famous, but who would claim that their fans find life more meaningful?

Heroes are catalysts (催化剂) for change. They have a vision from the mountaintop. They have the skill and the charm to move the masses. They create new possibilities. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of the British Empire. Without Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr., we might still have segregated (隔离的) buses, restaurants, and parks. It may be possible for large-scale change to take place without leaders with attractive personalities, but the pace of change would be slow, the vision uncertain, and the committee meetings endless.

11.What does the first sentence "Like many of my generation, I have a weakness for hero worship." in the first paragraph mean?

A. Many of my generation and I are not strong enough to be heroes.

B. Many of my generation and I are too weak to worship heroes.

C. Many of my generation and I do not worship heroes.

D. Many of my generation and I worship heroes.

12. Which of the following is NOT one of heroes' characteristics?

A. Doing something worth talking about.

B. Having a story of adventure to tell.

C. Listening to the opinions of his community.

D. Serving powers or principles larger than themselves.

13.According to the fourth paragraph, in what sense are heroes like high-voltage transformers?

A. They instruct and inspire different cultures with their deeds.

B. They set very good examples for ordinary people to follow.

C. Their characteristics give ordinary people strength and confidence.

D. They receive high energy and transform it into heroic action.

14.In which of the following aspects famous people are different from heroes?

A. Heroes go beyond mere fame.

B. Famous people serve only their own fame.

C. They are willing to live different lives.

D. Both A and B.

15. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that____________.

A. heroes quicken the speed of historical changes

B. heroes change possibilities into reality


C. historical changes are impossible without heroes

D. heroes with attractive personalities will certainly bring about large-scale change


1.Can you find out ____________her pen?

A. where Alice had put

B. where had Alice put

C. where Alice has put

D. where has Alice put

2.You can't imagine____________when they received these gifts.

A. how they were excited

B. how excited they were

C. how excited they have

D. they were how excited

3.I will give this book to____________wants to have it.

A. whomever

B. whoever

C. whatever

D. wherever

4.I doubt____________he will lend you the book.

A. whether

B. when

C. that

D. which

5.We must do well____________the boss assigns us to do.

A. that

B. whatever

C. whichever

D. those

6.Word has come____________some guests from Canada will visit our school.

A. what

B. that

C. whether

D. when

7.____________the old man's sons wanted to know was ____________the gold had been hidden.

A. That ... what

B. What ... where

C. What ... thatD

. That ... where

8.The crime was discovered till 48 hours later,____________gave the criminal plenty of time to get away.

A. which

B. that

C. so

D. what


9.A good many proposals were raised by the delegates,____________was to be expected.

A. that

B. what

C. so

D. as

10. A student, ____________ name I don't know, came to see me.

A. that

B. who

C. whose

D. whom

11.The time will come ____________ man can fly____________ he likes in the universe.

A. how ... where

B. when ... wherever

C. where ... where

D. what ... which

12.Is this museum ____________you visited a few days ago?

A. where

B. that

C. on which

D. the one

13. The conductor and composer ____________by a crowd of people.

A. are greeted

B. is greeted

C. greets

D. have been greeted

14. ____________he is absent, what shall we do?

A. Now that

B. Seeing that

C. Whether

D. Supposing that

15.____________the door than somebody started knocking on it.

A. I had closed no sooner

B. No sooner had I closed

C. I had no sooner closed

D. No sooner I close

16.Either of these young ladies____________perfectly qualified to teach Greek, Latin and French.

A. were

B. are

C. is

D. have been

17. Large quantities of water ____________cooling purposes.

A. are needed for

B. is needed to

C. are need to

D. is need for


18. Copper as well as most metals ____________.

A. is a good conductor

B. is a good insulator

C. are good conductors

D. are good insulators

19.There used to be some trees by the lake, ____________?

A. was there

B. were there

C. weren't there

D. wasn't there

20. War and peace ____________a constant theme in the history of the world.

A. is

B. are

C. have been

D. has been

三、交际用语(此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请你从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。) 10%

1. — Are you from Italy?


A. Yes, we are.

B. No, we don't.

C. No, I don't.

D. No, we won't.

2. — What do you do?


A. What do you do?

B. Fine, thank you.

C. I'm a college student.

D. I do well in my studies.

3.—Do you think this is a nice place?


A. That's right.

B. You're right.

C. No, it's not here.

D. Yes, I think so.

4.—How's your mother doing?


A. She is very kind.

B. She is very well.

C. She is not very old.

D. She is doing shopping now.

5.—How did Mr. Jones get to the cinema?


A. At 10 o'clock.

B. With Mrs. Jones.


C. By car.

D. To the Grand Theater.


Like other "aholics", the workaholic has an unhealthy addiction. In this case, the addiction is for work, career, or a belief that they are "the only one who can do the job right". Without this consuming focus, the workaholic may believe he's a failure or has little worth. Often, this is a sign of insecurity or having priorities out of order.

Workaholics will spend most of their lives at work or taking work home with them. They will often have little time for personal lives — family, hobbies, or relaxation. Having a balance is not just a preferable desire; it is needed for overall mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health.








